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Jeff Johnson

Which U.S. Cities Contribute Most to Global Warming? - 0 views

  • If you care about reducing your emissions of greenhouse gases, then you might want to move to Honolulu, Los Angeles or Portland, Ore., according to a new study from The Brookings Institution. These three metropolises boast, respectively, the lowest three per capita levels of world warming pollution (read: carbon dioxide) in the nation's top 100 metro areas.
Hans De Keulenaer

Kyoto's Great Carbon Offset Swindle - 0 views

  • According to David Victor, a leading carbon trading analyst at Stanford University, as many as two-thirds of the supposed "emission reduction" credits being produced by the CDM from projects in developing countries are not backed by real reductions in pollution. Those pollution cuts that have been generated by the CDM, have often been achieved at a stunningly high cost: billions of dollars (or pounds) could have been saved by cutting the emissions through international funds, rather than through the CDM's supposedly efficient market mechanism.
Sergio Ferreira

What to listen for during 'Global Warming Week' | Gristmill: The environmental news blo... - 0 views

  • The Bush administration will use every opportunity to create the illusion of action without agreeing to meaningful, binding pollution reductions
  • Scientists believe that we need a 60-80 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 to avoid the worst impacts of global warming, and slowing the pollution growth rate won't enable us to meet this goal.
  • Many other nations have already agreed to significant GHG reductions, such as the European Union and Japan
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  • The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation "aspirational" agreement was made toothless at the behest of the Bush administration. It demonstrates that nothing meaningful will occur at the major emitters conference.
Hans De Keulenaer

Reaping the Rewards: How State Renewable Electricity Standards Are Cutting Pollution, S... - 0 views

  • Renewable energy in the United States is on the rise. America now generates twice as much electricity from the wind and the sun as we did just four years ago, and 2007 promises to be another year of record growth.
Hans De Keulenaer

Obama Sets Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target « Row 2, Seat 4 - 0 views

  • President Barack Obama today announced that the Federal Government will reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 28 percent by 2020. Reducing and reporting GHG pollution, as called for in Executive Order 13514 on Federal Sustainability, will ensure that the Federal Government leads by example in building the clean energy economy. Actions taken under this Executive Order will spur clean energy investments that create new private-sector jobs, drive long-term savings, build local market capacity, and foster innovation and entrepreneurship in clean energy industries.
    Is it ironic? Or is it a case of preferring real action over grand declarations?
Colin Bennett

White House Gets Global Warming 'Endangerment' Proposal - 0 views

    An endangerment finding is essential for the US government to regulate such climate-warming emissions as carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the EPA has the authority to make these regulations if human health is threatened by global warming pollution but no regulations went forward during the Bush administration.
Ako Z°om

les panneaux solaire - Le 20 heures - Les journaux télévisés de France 2 - FO... - 0 views

  • Je ne sais pas si tu te rends compte mais un lingot permet de faire 4 panneaux solaires de 1m² qui produisent 4x130w et qui ont une durée de vie de 20ans. si tu n'utilises que les chutes de lingots, il faut 6 lingots pour faire 1 panneaux qui produira 130w avec une durée de vie de 20ans (pour faire un panneaux en poly silicium donc avec les chutes des lingots, il faut encore faire fondre les chutes 1400°C pendant quelques heures). Imagine maintenant l'énergie qu'il faut pour faire 4 panneaux solaire (9x24heures à 1200°C), l'énergie qu'il faut est beaucoup plus importante que ce que 4 panneaux de 130w pendant 20ans peuvent produire (et là je parle que de l'énergie). En gros un panneau solaire de 130w ne rembourse pas l'énergie qu'il a eu besoin pour être fabriqué  c'est bien le problème des média qui ne parlent que des bonnes choses de ces panneaux et qui arrive à faire croire à des personnes comme toi que c'est écologique.  
  • la plupart des panneaux solaires en silicium proviennent des déchets de l'industrie microélectronique
  • fabrique les panneaux solaires, les lampes à DEL, les processeurs,.... je vais parler du monde du silicium. La base de ces panneaux solaire est donc le cristal silicium pur, pour obtenir ce silicium on met du sable (SiO2) dans un creusé et on le fait fondre à 1400°C. Une fois le silicium  fondu et les molécules d'oxygène évacué, on plonge un germe de cristal de silicium dans le creusé que l'on tire tout doucement (1mm/15min) afin d'obtenir un cristal du silicium.   Il faut environs 24 heures pour obtenir un lingot de silicium et pendant ce temps le creusé doit resté à 1400°C. S’en suit une purification du lingot, on recuit le lingot 5 à 6 fois à 1000°C pendant à chaque fois 24 heures cela fait beaucoup beaucoup d'énergie et donc beaucoup beaucoup de CO2.   Une fois le lingot pur obtenu, il faut le découper et le polir (là on utilise beaucoup d'eau il ne faut pas que le silicium chauffe). S’en suit alors la réalisation du système, là il s’agit d'une répétition de dépôt de résine toxique, cuisson, attaque chimique (acide fluoridrique), dépôt chimique (silane SiH4 et Tétrafluorosilane SiF4 qui produit des gaz fluoré très toxique avec une duré de vie de 150ans) généralement l'opération est répété 40 fois environ. Après les systèmes obtenu il faut les découpés, mettre dans des boitiers,...  Bien sur, je ne parle pas du transport car la plupart des systèmes sont fabriqué en Asie, il y a aussi des à côté comme les salles blanches,.... les ordinateur qui tourne 24 heures sur 24 7jours /7.  Il faut 1 lingot pour fait 4 panneaux de 1 m²
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  • produire 1m² de panneaux solaire engendre plus de CO2 que se qu’il permet d’évité de rejeter et donc il n’a pas d’intérêt dans la lute contre le changement climatique. Par contre c’est une bonne alternative pour la fin du pétrole (si on n’a pas peur de la pollution)
  • la fabrication d'un panneau produit plus de CO2 que se qu'il évite de rejeter le temps de sa durée de vie
    in fr ... but perhaps you know that photovoltaïc panels are polluting massively .. just to build them !!! and have not enough power to reimburse their fabrication back !!! and if there is no more oil to build them .. what's up ?
    une vérité sur les panneaux solaires ... à suivre de près à moins que les panneaux photovoltaïques soient condamnés et obsolètes dès ce jour ...
Arabica Robusta

Water, Capitalism and Catastrophism » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names th... - 0 views

  • Taking the holistic view, one can understand how some of the most basic conditions of life are threatened by a basic contradiction. Civilization, the quintessential expression of Enlightenment values that relies on ever-expanding energy, threatens to reduce humanity to barbarism if not extinction through exactly such energy production.
  • or every farmer or rancher who has leased his land for drilling, there are many homeowners living nearby who get nothing but the shitty end of the stick: pollution, noise and a loss of property value.
  • What gives the film its power is the attention paid to people like Stevens who organized petition drives and showed up at town council meetings to voice their opposition to fracking. They look like Tea Party activists or Walmart shoppers, mostly white and plain as a barn door, but they know that they do not want drilling in their townships and are willing to fight tooth and nail to prevent it. For all of the left’s dismay about its lack of power, the film’s closing credits reveal that there are 312 local anti-fracking groups in Pennsylvania made up of exactly such people who will likely be our allies as the environmental crisis deepens.
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  • In the collection “Catastrophism: The Apocalyptic Politics of Collapse and Rebirth”, Eddie Yuen takes issue with an “apocalyptic” streak in exactly such articles since they lead to fear and paralysis. A good deal of his article appears to take issue with the sort of analysis developed by Naomi Klein, a bugbear to many convinced of the need to defend “classical” Marxism against fearmongering. Klein is a convenient target but the criticisms could easily apply as well to Mike Davis whose reputation is unimpeachable. Klein’s latest book has served to focus the debate even more sharply as her critics accuse her of letting capitalism off the hook.
  • While I am inclined to agree with Malm that it is the drive for profit that explains fracking and all the rest, and that the benefits of energy production are not shared equally among nations and social classes, there is still a need to examine “civilization”. If we can easily enough discard the notion of the “Anthropocene” as the cause of global warming, the task remains: how can the planet survive when the benefits of bestowing the benefits of “civilization” across the planet so that everyone can enjoy the lifestyle of a middle-class American (or German more recently) remains the goal of socialism?
  • Ironically, this was the same argument made in the NY Times on April 14th by Eduardo Porter in an article titled “A Call to Look Past Sustainable Development”. He refers to the West’s environmental priorities blocking the access to energy in countries such as Nepal, Bangladesh and Cambodia now flocking to China’s new infrastructure investment bank that will most certainly not be bothered by deforestation, river blockage by megadams, air pollution and other impediments to progress.
  • Yuen’s article is filled with allusions to Malthusianism, a tendency I have seen over the years from those who simply deny the existence of ecological limits. While there is every reason to reject Malthus’s theories, there was always the false hope offered by the Green Revolution that supposedly rendered them obsolete. In 1960 SWP leader Joseph Hansen wrote a short book titled “Too Many Babies” that looked to the Green Revolution as a solution to Malthus’s theory but it failed to account for its destructive tendencies, a necessary consequence of using chemicals and monoculture.
  • To think of a way in which homo sapiens and the rest of the animal and vegetable world can co-exist, however, will become more and more urgent as people begin to discover that the old way of doing things is impossible.
Jack Travis

Benefits Of Using Renewable Energy Sources - 1 views

    Since the fuel costs are increasing a lot so there comes the different forms of energy to avoid pollution and increase the green house gas effect.
Hans De Keulenaer

Resource Insights: Fossil Fuels vs. Renewables: The Key Argument that Environmentalists... - 0 views

  • It turns out, however, that what most environmentalists know about the future supply of natural gas and other fossil fuels is based more on industry hype than on actual data. And, that means that they are missing a key argument in their discussions about renewable energy, one that could be used to persuade those less concerned about pollution and climate change and more concerned about energy security: There is increasing evidence that no fossil fuel will continue to see its rate of production climb significantly in the decades ahead and so none of them is a viable "bridge fuel," not natural gas, not oil, not coal. This means that global society must leap over fossil fuels and move directly to renewables as quickly as possible. In advanced economies this leap must be combined with a program of radical reductions in energy use, reductions which are achievable using known technologies and practices.
Energy Net

Cotter corp. starts water cleanup in old uranium mine - The Denver Post - 0 views

    "The owner of a defunct uranium mine leaking pollution along a creek that flows into a Denver Water reservoir has launched a cleanup as ordered, state officials confirmed Thursday. Cotter Corp. installed a system that can pump and treat up to 50 gallons per minute of contaminated water from inside its Schwartzenwalder Mine, west of Denver in Jefferson County. Water tests in 2007 recorded uranium levels in mine water exceeding the human health standard by 1,000 times. Elevated levels in Ralston Creek also were recorded. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment ordered the action. State natural-resources officials also are monitoring the mine, which produced uranium for weapons and nuclear power plants."
Glycon Garcia

ENN: Harnessing Energy from the Oceans - 0 views

  • Forever moving - our restless oceans have enough energy to power the world. As long as the Earth turns and the moon keeps its appointed cycle, the oceans will absorb and dissipate vast amounts of kinetic energy - a renewable energy resource of enormous potential.
Energy Net

ENN: LCD Chemical Found to Have 17,000 Times the Climate Impact of CO2. - 0 views

    Dubbed the "missing greenhouse gas," nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) was found by a recent study to have a global climate impact 17,000 times greater than carbon dioxide. The chemical is found in the LCD panels of cell phones, televisions, and computer monitors, as well as in semiconductors and synthetic diamonds. The chemical is not one of the greenhouse gases monitored by the Kyoto Protocol, due to the fact that LCDs were not produced in significant quantities when it was drafted.
Energy Net

China's Wind Power Set to Hit 100 Gigawatts | EcoGeek - 0 views

shared by Energy Net on 21 Jul 08 - Cached
    China needs a lot of energy to power its economy and the country's reliance on coal has led to major problems with unsafe work conditions and pollution. By 2006, China's energy requirements had become the second highest in the world, doubling its needs from the past decade.
Hans De Keulenaer

Six Benefits of Taking Public Tranportation That Aren't Environmental : Sustainablog - 0 views

  • By the time I actually got to the festival, however, I realized that my whole attitude had changed. The environmental benefits of taking public transportation are well known. Less cars on the road mean less pollution. Less fuel used by individual motorists means less of our natural resources consumed. But I realized by the time I hit Headhouse Square where the festival was being held that there are other benefits to taking public transportation.
Jeff Johnson

Obama stalls Bush drilling plans | - 0 views

    The new administration has moved quickly to reverse or delay Bush policy on drilling and pollution.
Hans De Keulenaer

Tackling Climate Change Achievable And Affordable · Environmental Leader · Gr... - 0 views

  • The Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has released its 2008 Environmental Outlook. Without new policies, the world risks irreversibly damaging the environment and the natural resource base needed to support economic growth and well-being, according to the report. But the Outlook finds that tackling climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and the health impacts of pollution is both achievable and affordable.
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