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Colin Bennett

Terminology: "Global Warming" or "Climate Change?" - 0 views

    The terms "global warming" and "climate change" are often used interchangeably. I've pretty much used "global warming" over the years, but now I'm making the switch to "climate change:" It's the term used by the United Nations, academia, and it's more inclusive, since "change" can refer to increased rain, drought, or any type of weather event other than just warming. So is there really a difference in definitions?
Colin Bennett

White House Gets Global Warming 'Endangerment' Proposal - 0 views

    An endangerment finding is essential for the US government to regulate such climate-warming emissions as carbon dioxide under the Clean Air Act. The Supreme Court ruled in 2007 that the EPA has the authority to make these regulations if human health is threatened by global warming pollution but no regulations went forward during the Bush administration.
Jeff Johnson

Palin says cause of global warming "doesn't matter" | - 0 views

    Before being selected as John McCain's running mate, Palin took a stronger stance against the notion that humans are to blame for global warming. When Newsmax asked for the Alaska governor's "take on global warming" this summer, she said, "A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location. I'm not one though who would attribute it to being manmade." According to the Associated Press, in December 2007, Palin said to the Fairbanks (Alaska) Daily News-Miner, "I'm not an Al Gore, doom-and-gloom environmentalist blaming the changes in our climate on human activity."
Arabica Robusta

Climate Change Messaging: Avoid the Truth » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Na... - 1 views

  • Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger published the op-ed “Global Warming Scare Tactics” in the New York Times on April 8. Participants in recent debates over climate change may recognize their names. They’re the guys who run the Breakthrough Institute, a pseudo-contrarian “environmental research organization.”
  • While occasionally on point in its charges against the big organizations, the essay (based on interviews with mostly white male leaders of large national groups) had nothing to say about the environmental justice movement, or other grassroots groups led by women and people of color. It neglected as well the environmental movements of the Global South, today the heart of the climate justice movement.
  • Is fear of disruption of what Habermas calls the life-world the sole inducer of civic action? Of course not: social movements also cohere around other shared, negotiated understandings, identities, diagnoses of problems, and assessments of opportunities. Might fear paralyze rather than mobilize? Yes: in cases when the perceived threat appears impervious to resistance, and when commitment to the cause flags over time. Fear-based campaigns require a tangible evil: a draft card, a nuclear plant cooling tower, a polluting facility’s smoke plume, an Operation Rescue picket line.
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  • Of the massive, coordinated, ongoing effort by Exxon-Mobil, the Koch brothers, and the Heartland Institute (et al.) to do to climate science what the Tobacco Institute did to cigarette science, Nordhaus and Shellenberger have only this to say, “Some conservatives and fossil-fuel interests questioned the link between carbon emissions and global warming.” There’s no mention of how under- and mis-educated TV weathermen have been central progenitors of climate change skepticism. There’s no acknowledgement of how Big Coal, Oil and Gas have bought off local and national legislators, stalled attempts to put forward even wimpy programs (like cap and trade), or underwritten NPR’s gushing embrace of fracking.
Sergio Ferreira

Global Warming Claims Island Community, Displaces 2,000 in Papua New Guinea - 0 views

  • The 2,000 residents of the Carteret Islands in Papua New Guinea are now some of the world's first climate change refuges, as rising sea levels driven by global warming have claimed their island homes. The residents of the low-lying South Pacific atolls have given up their 20-year losing fight against rising seas and will be resettled elsewhere in Papua New Guinea.
Hans De Keulenaer

On September 26, 2009, citizens get the chance to communicate their views on global war... - 0 views

  • On September 26, 2009, World Wide Views on Global Warming (WWViews) will give citizens all over the world a possibility to define and communicate their positions on issues and questions central to the negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen, starting two months later.
Jeff Johnson

Which U.S. Cities Contribute Most to Global Warming? - 0 views

  • If you care about reducing your emissions of greenhouse gases, then you might want to move to Honolulu, Los Angeles or Portland, Ore., according to a new study from The Brookings Institution. These three metropolises boast, respectively, the lowest three per capita levels of world warming pollution (read: carbon dioxide) in the nation's top 100 metro areas.
Sergio Ferreira

Fighting global warming from space - 0 views

  • Launch a space-based climate change initiative to combat global warming. Create a $50-billion strategic energy fund to research ways to boost energy efficiency and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Peter Fleming

James Lovelock - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 3 views

  • Climate and mass human mortality Writing in the British newspaper The Independent in January 2006, Lovelock argues that, as a result of global warming, "billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable" by the end of the 21st century.[20] He has been quoted in The Guardian that 80% of humans will perish by 2100 AD, and this climate change will last 100,000 years.
Hans De Keulenaer

Tackle Climate Change: European leaders clash over pledges on global warming - 0 views

  • Failure is not an option, they say. But Polish veto threats, Italian resistance, and German insistence that it will not jeopardise jobs to help save the planet, suggest that the action plan will be diluted. The risk is the EU will draw withering criticism from climate campaigners and signal weakness and indecision to the US, China, India and other key players in the global warming fight.
Jeff Johnson

British Film on Global Warming Draws Rebuke (NYTimes) - 0 views

    A controversial British documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle" unfairly portrays several scientists and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Britain's television watchdog agency ruled on Monday (7/21).
Hans De Keulenaer

Trees Are Not The Answer To Climate Change : Environmental Graffiti - 0 views

    What was once seen as the solution to all our CO2 problems, the ability of trees to soak up anthropogenic carbon dioxide, trees has itself been hindered by global warming.
Sergio Ferreira

What to listen for during 'Global Warming Week' | Gristmill: The environmental news blo... - 0 views

  • The Bush administration will use every opportunity to create the illusion of action without agreeing to meaningful, binding pollution reductions
  • Scientists believe that we need a 60-80 percent reduction in GHG emissions by 2050 to avoid the worst impacts of global warming, and slowing the pollution growth rate won't enable us to meet this goal.
  • Many other nations have already agreed to significant GHG reductions, such as the European Union and Japan
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  • The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation "aspirational" agreement was made toothless at the behest of the Bush administration. It demonstrates that nothing meaningful will occur at the major emitters conference.
Hans De Keulenaer

Rising Sea Levels To Endanger Nuclear Future? - 0 views

  • One of the primary reasons for the building of more nuclear power plants today is to combat global warming and climate change, as nuclear power is relatively free of carbon emissions. However if this is to be used as a reason for building more plants, then this implies that the theory of global warming and its effects, such as sea levels rising are to be believed.
Colin Bennett

Fox's company-wide program to reduce the network's impact on global warming - 0 views

  • Fox's company-wide program to reduce the network's impact on global warming
Hans De Keulenaer

Top 50 Things To Do To Stop Global Warming - 0 views

  • Here is a list of 50 simple things that everyone can do in order to fight against and reduce the Global Warming phenomenon
Hans De Keulenaer

Want To Limit Global Warming? Electrify Everything, Finds Study | CleanTechnica - 8 views

  • Researchers at the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT) in Finland and Energy Watch Group (EWG) have completed a 4½ year study that examined how to meet the goals of the Paris climate accords without such measures as carbon capture and geoengineering. Their conclusion? Run everything on electricity and generate all of that electricity using renewables, primarily solar.
Colin Bennett

Clean energy $ not enough to protect climate - 0 views

    While the global economic crisis will likely reduce carbon dioxide emissions, the impact over the long term is counterproductive to battling global warming, the Global Futures 2009 report asserts. Reduced funding for low-carbon energy technologies makes it less likely the world will reach the $500 billion-per-year investment needed by 2020 to ensure carbon emissions peak no later than that year.
Sergio Ferreira

High Speed Electric Rail? Sure. In U.S.? Come Again? at After Gutenberg - 0 views

  • Kati Thompson proposes global rail as an alternative to burning kerosene at high altitude, which has disproportionate effects on global warming.
    Reality or virtual reality:  replacing air transport by high speed electrical rail systems
Colin Bennett

Home wind turbines in UK warming the planet: study | Environment | Reuters - 0 views

  • LONDON (Reuters) - Many wind turbines mounted on homes in British cities are contributing to global warming, not fighting it, according to a new study.
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