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Professional Development Standards - 1 views

    "Florida's Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol provides the incorporated into each level: planning, learning, implementing and evaluating."
    District professional development activities in Florida are guided by Florida's Professional Development System Evaluation Protocol. This evaluation model assesses the local planning, learning, implementation, and evaluation of professional development activities according to standards modeled after the Learning Forward (formerly National Staff Development Council) standards as well as Florida statutory requirements.
John Lucyk

ASSIGNMENT - 6 views

Luckytoday Hands on Activity FDOE Educator Certification ________________________________________ Certificate Lookup * Apply and Check Status The purpose of Florida educator certification is t...

started by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 no follow-up yet
Soraya Smith

8 incredibly easy steps to a professional development makeover | eSchool News | eSchool... - 0 views

    Good focus on professional development being led by teachers, developed with teacher input, not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Professional Learning Programs - 1 views

    Florida School Leaders The Florida School Leaders website is a primary portal for professional learning by Florida educators. Leadership is a process distributed among many educators with a shared vision of enabling our students to be college and career ready and have fulfilling lives in a global economy.
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    Professional development site for Florida
    The Florida School Leaders website is a primary portal for professional learning by Florida educators.
    Professional development is an important aspect of expanding teachers' knowledge so they can effectively manage their classroom and teach their students. This website provided useful information on professional learning programs that teachers can participate in.

FDOE Professional Development Resources & Technical Assisstance - 1 views

    Helpful links for professional development and technical assistance information.

Online Teacher Book Clubs: Promoting a Culture of Professional Development | Edutopia - 0 views

    Starting an online book club for teachers at your school can promote professional development and teamwork through introducing new ideas without impacting everyone's already-busy schedule.

Professional Development in Florida - 0 views

    This page is from the FLDOE website. It includes a detailed description about professional development requirements in Florida.
    The purpose of the professional development system is to increase student achievement, enhance classroom instructional strategies that promote rigor and relevance throughout the curriculum, and prepare students for continuing education and the workforce. Professional learning is the result of the individual's commitment to improvement.

For Teachers - Google in Education - 0 views

    A Google search engine geared towards students and teachers.  The teacher tab includes lesson plan searches and a professional development section.
    I found the lesson plans tab and the professional development sections to be the most useful for teachers like myself. I would need to do a bit more investigating to decide if the student centered search engine is useful for elementary students.

Seminole County Public Schools StaffDevelopment > Professional Development - 0 views

    Seminole County Public Schools Professional Development Resources for teachers
John Lucyk

Wendy Bray Teacher at UCF - 1 views

shared by John Lucyk on 29 Jan 16 - No Cached
    How to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical Errors Author(s): Wendy S. Bray Source: Teaching Children Mathematics, Vol. 19, No. 7 (March 2013), pp. 424-431 Published by: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Stable URL: Accessed: 29-01-2016 05:23 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This content do 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 2016 05:23:09 UTC 3 on Fri, 29 Jan 201 ll use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 424 March 2013 * teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 7 Copyright © 2013 The National CounTcilhoisf TceoanchteenrstodfoMwanthleomadateicds,fIrnocm. w1w3w2..n1c7tm0..1or9g3. .A7ll3rigohntsFrreis, 2016 05:23:09 UTC This material may not be copied or distributed electronicaAllylloruisneasnuy bojtehecrt ftoormJSatTwOithRouTt ewrrmittsenapnedrmCisosniodnitfiroomnsNCTM. x to Leverage the Potential of Mathematical EIncorporrating arfocus oon students'rmistakses into your instruction can advance their understanding. By Wendy S. Bray elling children that they can learn from their mistakes is common practice. Yet research indicates that many teachers in the United States limit public attention to errors during math- ematics lessons (Bray 2011; Santagata 2005). Some believe that drawing attention to errors publicly may embarrass error m

Connected Educators - 0 views

    The Connected Educator Month (CEM) initiative networks educators and education stakeholders through connected professional learning experiences worldwide. Over the past three years, millions of educators and others around the world have participated in hundreds of professional development and other educational opportunities, offering highly distributed, diverse, and engaging activities to all stakeholders at all levels.
Cynthia Cunningham

LessonCast - 0 views

    Slideshow professional development site for sharing teaching strategies.

Seminole County Public Schools - Teaching & Learning - 1 views

    SCPS - curriculum, professional development, and staff directory
Hope Kramek

CUE | Educate. Innovate. Explore. - 0 views

    Cue is a professional development company that specifies in educational technology. Although it is a company, there is a great free app for IPads and IPhones where you can download their informational magazines for free.

Welcome to Discovery Education | Digital textbooks and standards-aligned educational re... - 2 views

    "From engaging, standards-aligned rich media to interactive digital textbooks, our world-class content takes students beyond the classroom. Extensive professional development opportunities and a passionate educator network support teachers in transforming the classroom experience. Measure results and accelerate student achievement with digital curriculum that engages today's students."
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    Discovery Education has great videos in content specific areas and topics. This is a great tool for enhancing and inspiring learning in the classroom. Engaging and interactive learning at the click of a buttion. For free registration, you have to register through your school.
    Subscription required, but there are a few free resources. Excellent website for integrating technololgy into the classroom. Offers lesson plans, teacher made, computer based assessments based on both Common Core and Sunshine State standards, teacher and student resources. Highly recommended for any school pre K-12.
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.
    Discovery Education has terrific resources that is linked to the current textbook that your county may be using for it's curriculum. User friendly and the United streaming is also helpful when planning lessons with the library of video segments. 
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.

How Do Rubrics Help? | Edutopia - 1 views

    How students and teachers understand the standards against which work will be measured, from's Assessment Professional Development Guide.
    How students and teachers understand the standards against which work will be measured, from's Assessment Professional Development Guide.

Coordinated System of Professional Development - 0 views

    To enable teachers to focus on their growth in their profession.
    ProDev in Florida
Professor Scott Hull

Reflection for online research and the quality of that research - 3 views

As someone who enjoys technology and the advantages that it allows us there are times I think it can also be a burden. Not that it is hard to manipulate or use but more so toward the overall percei...


started by Professor Scott Hull on 03 Feb 17 no follow-up yet

Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: current knowledge gaps and reco... - 0 views

    Although research studies in education show that use of technology can help student learning, its use is generally affected by certain barriers. In this paper, we first identify the general barriers typically faced by K-12 schools, both in the United States as well as other countries, when integrating technology into the curriculum for instructional purposes, namely: (a) resources, (b) institution, (c) subject culture, (d) attitudes and beliefs, (e) knowledge and skills, and (f) assessment. We then describe the strategies to overcome such barriers: (a) having a shared vision and technology integration plan, (b) overcoming the scarcity of resources, (c) changing attitudes and beliefs, (d) conducting professional development, and (e) reconsidering assessments. Finally, we identify several current knowledge gaps pertaining to the barriers and strategies of technology integration, and offer pertinent recommendations for future research.
Mark Ophaug

Atomic Learning - K12 Education: 21st Century Skills PD, Technology Integration Resourc... - 1 views

    In addition to providing professional development for hardware and software, this site also has numerous project based learning ideas using technology. I access it through my district's website so access may be limited without an account.
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