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Professor Scott Hull

EME 5050 mod 7 search and reflect - 0 views

Title: Innovative Tools and Processes for Mobile Communications Research and Education. URL:


started by Professor Scott Hull on 01 Mar 17 no follow-up yet

Florida Assessments for K-12 - 0 views

    One stop shop for finding out about any Florida Assessment given in K-12.
    One stop shop for finding out about any Florida Assessment given in K-12.
    One stop shop for finding out about any Florida Assessment given in K-12.

Assessment and Rubrics - 2 views

    Great website if you need help with rubrics. It also includes support materials for assessments that work with the Common Core State Standards.
    Assessment of student mastery of content takes many forms. This pages includes support materials for assessments that work with the Common Core State Standards and rubrics for many different assessment products. It also contains some information on the creation of rubrics and assessment in general.

Education World: Pearson Introduces English Language Learners Tablet Based Assessment - 0 views

    The new Pearson ELL tablet-based assessment looks to target all four areas of the English providing a thorough breakdown of the students progress at the end of their semester.
    The new Pearson ELL tablet-based assessment looks to target all four areas of the English providing a thorough breakdown of the students progress at the end of their semester.

FLDOE Assessments - 0 views

shared by krdaum on 28 Jan 16 - No Cached
    This page provides teachers and parents in the state of Florida to get their questions answered on anything related to state assessments.

How Do Rubrics Help? | Edutopia - 1 views

    How students and teachers understand the standards against which work will be measured, from's Assessment Professional Development Guide.
    How students and teachers understand the standards against which work will be measured, from's Assessment Professional Development Guide.

Integrating technology into K-12 teaching and learning: current knowledge gaps and reco... - 0 views

    Although research studies in education show that use of technology can help student learning, its use is generally affected by certain barriers. In this paper, we first identify the general barriers typically faced by K-12 schools, both in the United States as well as other countries, when integrating technology into the curriculum for instructional purposes, namely: (a) resources, (b) institution, (c) subject culture, (d) attitudes and beliefs, (e) knowledge and skills, and (f) assessment. We then describe the strategies to overcome such barriers: (a) having a shared vision and technology integration plan, (b) overcoming the scarcity of resources, (c) changing attitudes and beliefs, (d) conducting professional development, and (e) reconsidering assessments. Finally, we identify several current knowledge gaps pertaining to the barriers and strategies of technology integration, and offer pertinent recommendations for future research.
Cindy Hanks

Adopting Digital Technologies in the Classroom: 10 Assessment Questions (EDUCAUSE Quart... - 0 views

  • Home > Articles > Adopting Digital Technologies in the Classroom: 10 Assessment Questions (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) var addthis_config = { data_ga_property: 'UA-16119816-1', data_ga_social: true }; Adopting Digital Technologies in the Classroom: 10 Assessment Questions
    • Cindy Hanks
      Great questions to ask ourselves, both experienced and novice teachers, when integrating technology into the curriculum. We must have a purpose and use the proper technologies in order to ensure the most success in our students.
Tameika Fraser

LearnZillion - 0 views

    LearnZillion is a learning platform that combines video lessons, assessments, and progress reporting. Each lesson highlights a Common Core standard, starting with math in grades 3-9. FREE for Teachers to: Plan Common Core lessons; Assign lessons, practice, and quizzes; and Engage parents in your student's learning FREE for Parents to: Find out what your child needs to know, Assign lessons and quizzes, and Track your child's progress

Innovative Methodologies for 21st Century Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Convenie... - 1 views

    "Innovative Methodologies for 21st Century Learning, Teaching and Assessment: A Convenience Sampling Investigation into the Use of Social Media Technologies in Higher Education"
    Nice information I enjoyed reading the abstract and wondering how I could adapt some of the ideas for my workflow within education.
Keith White

2011 Online Learning - 0 views

    The Chronicle's "Online Learning:  How Effective Is the Virtual Classroom"  ($6.95 digital) reports on the issue of quality control and assessment. 
Diana Amend

In the Classroom | PARCC - 0 views

    Support for implementing Common Core Standards in the classroom. Links to sample PARCC assessment questions and classroom resources.

Desire2Learn LeaP - LeaP for Desire2Learn - 0 views

    Teachers can use Desire2Learn LeaP to create personalized learning paths and assessments for their students - using their existing course content, along with openly available educational materials.
    Teachers can use Desire2Learn LeaP to create personalized learning paths and assessments for their students - using their existing course content, along with openly available educational materials.
Muneer Salem

Common Core Policies and Practices: Technology and Assessment - 1 views

    "The Common Core State Standards provide clear understanding of what students are expected to learn and ensure that all students are prepared for success. Assessment is a critical aspect."

Rubrics and Rubric Makers - 0 views

    A great site of rubric maker tools, very informative one, recommended .
    Links to tools for creating rubrics in a variety of subjects, including some that can be used for undergraduate level work, such as team work assessments and writing rubrics.

Welcome to Discovery Education | Digital textbooks and standards-aligned educational re... - 2 views

    "From engaging, standards-aligned rich media to interactive digital textbooks, our world-class content takes students beyond the classroom. Extensive professional development opportunities and a passionate educator network support teachers in transforming the classroom experience. Measure results and accelerate student achievement with digital curriculum that engages today's students."
  • ...3 more comments...
    Discovery Education has great videos in content specific areas and topics. This is a great tool for enhancing and inspiring learning in the classroom. Engaging and interactive learning at the click of a buttion. For free registration, you have to register through your school.
    Subscription required, but there are a few free resources. Excellent website for integrating technololgy into the classroom. Offers lesson plans, teacher made, computer based assessments based on both Common Core and Sunshine State standards, teacher and student resources. Highly recommended for any school pre K-12.
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.
    Discovery Education has terrific resources that is linked to the current textbook that your county may be using for it's curriculum. User friendly and the United streaming is also helpful when planning lessons with the library of video segments. 
    Problems Worth Solving Discovery Education accelerates school districts' digital transition through comprehensive standards-based content, professional development, formative assessment, and community engagement proven to positively impact student achievement. A digital textbook series, built from scratch for today's learners and current standards, engages students with dynamic, multimodal content and an inquiry approach.

Technology Fed Growth in Formative Assessment - Education Week - 0 views

    Education-technology tools have made it easier for teachers to keep tabs on students' understanding.

Using wikis to develop student teachers' learning, teaching, and assessment capabilities - 0 views

    An innovative and unique practice involving two classes of information technology (IT) major student teachers, who created digital learning resources and assessment rubrics by utilizing a Web 2.0 tool.

How Interactive are YOUR Distance Courses - 0 views

  • How Can an Evaluation Rubric Promote Interactive Qualities? Malone, Malm, Loren, Nay, Oliver, Saunders, and Thompson, (1997, October) point out that both students and faculty have additional responsibilities in a distance environment. Faculty must alter both course design and teaching strategies to take advantage of technologies and assure maximum interaction. But they say that students must assume more responsibility for their learning taking the initiative for requesting clarification and feedback to make up for the immediacy offered by face-to-face formats. Malone et al., cite the need for well-researched criteria to help faculty know what they are aiming for when they evaluate the effectiveness of their distance courses.
    This article is introducing a rubric for assessing interaction in distance learning.
Muneer Salem

Univerity of Wisconsin Stout - 0 views

    Online Assessment Resources for Teachers
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