TIELab "Technology in Education Laboratory" homepage. Serves to integrate technology into learning as mentioned in Best Practice. They have a History Lab link, templates for student based inquiry activities, and a link to network with other educators and share good uses of technology in education.
Bitly is a way to save and share links that also shortens the URL links that you share. Their blog is frequently updated with information on the multiple ways that bitly can be used to you advantage - this particular post goes over some basics of "bitmarks."
The website for my middle school's media center has a few excellent links. We have links to eLibrary access, World Book Online, The Library of Congress, Teaching Books for Students, EBSCOhost, ThomsonGale database, Tumblebooks, the Lexile Framework for Reading, the ERIC online library, and the Florida Information Resource Network.
Awesome website! This site extremely vast in educational topics and links for assistance. The teacher tool kit link is priceless. You are able to generate worksheets, create word bingo activities (great for vocabulary retention) and there are lesson plans (i.e. sentence starters). My favorite link is the alternative assessment; here, you can find ideas and rubrics for alternative assessments in your classroom.
Very useful comprehensive list of links to all kinds of tech skills for teachers, from iMovie to Dropbox to designing a technology-rich inquiry activity. Links good for teachers at all levels, from preschool through graduate level.
Math Machine Archive: Math Games
The Math Machine brings you a great collection of math games that you can share with your students. Here in The Math Machine you will find links to more than 50 online games that will help you teach and reinforce important math skills. Search the list below for games you might use with your whole class in your schools computer lab, or you might schedule students to use these games on computers in your classroom computer center. These games make great reward time activities too.
Great site for improving your tech-savy ways! Lots of info. on tools, apps, and software that you can access and use with your students. Also, great opportunity for continuing education program (Google Teacher Academy).
WOW! This is a wonderful tool to use in your classroom to enhance learning. The Geo Education link is amazing. This link allows you to access googlesky, googlemaps and googlesketchup. The googlesky link is wonderful for Earth/Space Science units in the classroom.
The Office of Educational Technology is involved in a variety of projects and initiatives that leverage technology to improve teaching and learning and create opportunities for innovation.
The small business guide to search marketing: learn about analytics, blogging, link building, mobile marketing, search engine optimization and much more
The Best Practice Web site provides information to help college leaders develop innovative solutions to challenges which face their institutions. The Web site may be utilized to learn about new techniques, improve processes, create new programs, make current programs more effective and enhance outreach. This site also offers an opportunity for users to access information on successful programs/strategies and share knowledge. Information regarding exemplary programs within Florida's College system may be submitted to the Division by following the link "Submit Best Practice" below.
This link provides information about applying to Department of Defense teaching positions both in country and internationally. I am currently applying to work with dodea.