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Nigel Coutts

Why banning technology is not the answer - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    There is something about human nature that draws us towards dichotomous patterns of thought; an all or nothing, us or them style of thinking in which an option is either good or it is bad. In such a model complexity and subtle nuance with multiple possible outcomes and routes towards a goal are ignored. The field of educational technology is one where such a pattern is evident and recent ban on technology by a Sydney school shows how this style of analysis can have a significant impact on student learning.
Christopher Pappas

Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning - 0 views

    Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning Advantages Of Using Both Synchronous and Asynchronous Technologies In An Online Learning Environment. Online learning environments are becoming more frequent in teaching and learning than ever before (Bonk & Zhang, 2006; Er, Özden, & Arifoglu, 2009; Skylar, 2009). Synchronous and asynchronous learning technologies are the two most common online learning types (Hrastinski, 2008; Er et al., 2009; Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2012). The purpose of this article is to discuss the advantages of using both synchronous and asynchronous technologies in an online learning environment. #elearning #Synchronous #asynchronous #learning #onlinelearning #distancelearning
Graham Atttwell

Cloudworks - Technology-enhanced learning in the context of technological, societal and... - 8 views

    "A Workshop on 'Technology-enhanced learning in the context of technological, societal and cultural transformation' is being held on November 30 to December 1 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria."
David Wetzel

Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 1 views

    "Integration of technology is an integral part of project based learning, because technology is an integral part of life outside the classroom as revealed in this part of the definition - "types of learning and work people do in the everyday world outside the classroom.""
Nigel Coutts

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.
Ihering Alcoforado

Digitisation Perspectives - Review | Subject Centre for Information and Computer Sciences - 2 views

    Book Reviews Book title: Digitisation Perspectives Type: book Author: Ruth Rikowski Year: 2010 Edition: 1st ISBN: 9460912982 Publisher: Sense Publishers Publisher's Description: This book examines various views and perspectives on digitisation. As Simon Tanner, Director Digital Consultancy, King's College London says in the Foreword: "Digitisation has become a cultural, scholastic, economic and political imperative and raises many issues for our consideration." Furthermore, that the book: "...seeks to address and answer some of the big questions of digitisation... It succeeds on many levels..." There are 22 contributors in the book, all experts in their fields. The book is divided into six parts: Part 1: 'Background and Overview to Digitisation and Digital Libraries' Part 2: 'Digitisation and Higher Education' Part 3: 'Digitisation and Inequalities' Part 4: 'Digital Libraries, Reference Services and Citation Indexing' Part 5: 'Digitisation of Rare, Valued and Scholarly Works' Part 6: 'Futuristic Developments of Digitisation' Topics covered include electronic theses, search engine technology, digitisation in Africa, citation indexing, reference services, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, new media and scholarly publishing. The final chapter explores virtual libraries, and poses some interesting questions for possible futures. The book will be of particular interest to information professionals, educators, librarians, academics and I.T. and knowledge experts. Ruth Rikowski concludes by indicating that: "...hopefully, the book will provide a source of inspiration for further research, leading to some more effective ways to proceed with the digitisation process. Also, that it will be possible to do this within a framework that can be used for good rather than ill, and for the benefit of many." Reviewer: Eric Jukes (Formerly of College of Haringey, Enfield and North East London) Book Rating: 5/5 Buy this book from Amazon  Review Summary
Ihering Alcoforado

The economics of desktop virtualization - Computerworld Blogs - 5 views

    Martin Ingram Virtually Everything More posts | Read bio December 28, 2010 - 3:09 P.M. The economics of desktop virtualization 4 Comments TAGS:desktop virtualization, enterprise, finance, government, healthcare, hosted desktop virtualization, PC IT TOPICS:Cloud Computing, Cybercrime & Hacking, Desktop Apps, Emerging Technology, Healthcare IT, Laptops & Netbooks, Virtualization, Windows With Thanksgiving and Christmas behind us and the New Year upon us, it is time to take stock and see what changed for desktop virtualization in 2010.  One thing is very clear: We have moved from desktop virtualization being 'about to take off' to 'has taken off' -- the evidence for this is pretty clear in the number of licenses sold. With volumes sold in the low millions, desktop virtualization is way beyond the tryout and pilot stage. However, desktop virtualization is not yet for every user. There are a number of areas where it's still not a good fit. For example, a user who does not always have access to the Internet from his or her laptop may not be able to use a hosted virtual desktop. This is a problem that will be addressed by client hypervisors in coming years. These provide the management benefits of desktop virtualization to the intermittently connected user. For now, they are very new but will become critical for mobile workers and may also have a major role to play in bringing down the costs of desktop virtualization for non-mobile users as well. Of perhaps more concern is the question of the economic basis for hosted virtual desktops. This has recently become more visible thanks to Microsoft's paper 'VDI TCO Analysis for Office Worker Environments,'  which compares the total cost of ownership of traditional PCs and their virtual desktop alternatives. Their conclusion is that hosted virtual desktops are more expensive to deliver than a traditional, well-managed PC. There are a number of interesting points and conclusions to draw from this document. Firstly, Micros
cristina costa

How to Integrate Technology | Edutopia - 0 views

  • Students often become engaged learners when technology is a seamless part of their curriculum
  • Technology integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging project-based learning and constructivist thought.
    • cristina costa
      It can change dynamics...if that is the purpose of us using make it a more personal and compelling environment to our students...
    Students often become engaged learners when technology is a seamless part of their curriculum
Allison Kipta

Plymouth e-Learning Conference 2010 - 2 views

    The 5th Plymouth e-Learning Conference will examine the theme of e-learning in a time of change, and will challenge notions of traditional boundaries, learning spaces and roles. We will focus on new practices, new technologies, new environments and new learning. There will be primary, secondary and tertiary education threads. We invite papers on the digital divide, e-learning methods and case studies, mobile and pervasive technologies, digital games, multi-user virtual environments, informal learning, new classroom technologies (PDAs interactive whiteboards, etc), personal learning environments, visual media (videoconference, digital photography), e-portfolios and social software (wikis, blogs, podcasting, etc).
Graham Atttwell

About - JISC Learner Experience Phase 2 - Brookes Wiki - 5 views

    "This web site synthesises outputs from the JISC Learner Experiences of e-Learning programme. The programme spanned two phases over four years from 2005-2009. It comprised nine research projects in total (two in phase 1 and seven in phase two), employed mixed method approaches, and had the sustained involvement of over 200 learners and more than 3000 survey respondents. Five national workshops were run disseminating the methods and findings. The programme focussed on the learner voice. Learners allowed us into their worlds and showed us what it is like to study in a technology-rich age. The projects produced a huge collection of rich, detailed data that sheds light on what learners expect from the use of technology in post-compulsory education and the choices they make about using technology to support their study."
Dennis OConnor

Learn It In 5 - Home - 0 views

  • What is Web 2.0? Learn it in 5 minutes or less   At Learn it in 5, you'll learn what is Web 2.0, and strategies for using Web 2.0 technology in the digital classroom - all in 5 minutes or less. Learn it in 5 is a powerful library of how-to videos, produced by technology teachers, for the purpose of helping teachers and students create classroom strategies for today's 21st century's digital classroom. These step-by-step how-to videos walk teachers through Web 2.0 technology, demonstrating how to use Web 2.0 applications like blogs, social networks, podcasts, interactive videos, wikis, slide sharing and much more.
    Video site dedicated to short instructional tutorials for the technology classroom.  
Dennis OConnor

Emerging Asynchronous Conversation Models : eLearning Technology - 0 views

  • The standard model for asynchronous conversations is discussion forum software like vBulletin.  I've talked before about the significant value that can be obtained as part of Discussion Forums for Knowledge Sharing at Capital City Bank and how that translates in a Success Formula for Discussion Forums in Financial Services.  I also looked at Making Intranet Discussion Groups Effective.
  • However, I've struggled with the problem of destinations vs. social networks and the spread of conversation (see Forums vs. Social Networks). 
  • Talkwheel  is made to handle real-time group conversations and asynchronous ones.  It can act as an instant messaging service a bit like Yammer, HipChat for companies and other groups, but the layout is designed to make these discussions easier to see, archive, and work asynchronously.
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  • Talkwheel’s design makes class conversations easier to follow, more interactive, and more effectively organized. It eliminates the problem of navigating multithreaded conversations, enables real-time group conversation, and makes referencing asynchronous conversations much easier. Talkwheel’s dashboard organization allows teachers to organize all their classes and projects in one centralized location, while Talkwheel's analytics helps teachers and administrators quantitatively monitor their students’ progress throughout the year.
  • Quora is a Q&A site nicely integrated with Facebook that has done a good job providing a means to ask questions and get answers.
  • Quora has been able to form quite an elite network of VCs, entrepreneurs, and other experts to answer questions.  They've also created topic pages such as: Learning Management System. 
  • Finally, Namesake, is a tool for real-time and asynchronous conversations.  It's a bit like Quora but more focused on conversation as compared to Q&A and it allows real-time conversation a bit like twitter.  You can see an example of a conversation around phones below.
  • All of these point to new types of conversation models that are emerging in tools.
    Threaded discussion is an old technology. It's inspiring to think of new ways we can talk together at a distance that allow integration of both synchronous and asynchronous technology. I often thing we'll look back on the course management systems we use today and think of them as something like a 300 baud modem. Eyes Front! What's over the horizon line?
Antwak Short videos

The Future of Work - 0 views

    How are current socio technological changes impacting the future of work? New technology, global trends, and the effect of Covid-19 on the job force have fundamentally altered the way firms operate and the kinds of expertise their workers require to compete in this emerging period of employment. Despite the fact that we cannot foresee what the future has in store, certain adjustments are inevitable. You must brace for such developments as a forward-thinking professional or aspirant. Gig Economy Gig Economy: The term 'gig' refers to a job model in which contractors are recruited and paid on a project-by-project basis. Gone are the days of doing a strap task from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The gig economy helps people to save multiple hours per day to make the most of the one and only scarce asset that they have time. Employee Well-Being Employee Well-Being is the topmost priority: While more people are operating remotely for extended periods of time, organisations can concentrate on ways to improve relationships and reduce mental tension. As organizations adapt, building mentally healthy workplaces will become even more relevant and complex. Also, working remotely and loneliness could have a detrimental impact on workers' mental wellbeing. Employee morale will suffer if they are not in good health. Several anal believe that employers will put a stronger emphasis on mental wellbeing and employee welfare. Intuitive and Appropriate Strategy Intuitive and Appropriate Strategy: Although meetings through online platforms like Zoom and Google Meet have been a constant throughout the pandemic but this restricted mode of communication the essence of being connected to colleagues and friends has indeed been cruelly exposed. As a result, software companies often rose to the situation, implementing innovative methods to ensure workers involved when working remotely. Nvidia, for example, has prioritized human speech over the context of video calls, resulting in substantial data s

How to Deliver Engaging Learning Programs Using Learning Technology - 0 views

    Combining learning strategies with learning technology creates interactive, engaging, and impactful learning experiences. This mix of eLearning technology and strategy delivers better knowledge acquisition, skill development, and performance outcomes.
Nik Peachey

Using action research to explore technology in ... - 1 views

    Using action research to explore technology in language teaching #edtech #ict #research…
Nigel Coutts

Tinkering with Old Technology - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    As technology evolves and its inner workings increasingly disappear from view, replaced with solid-state parts hidden by glass, aluminium and plastic, our understanding of what makes the world operate is similarly impeded. When machinery from just a few decades ago is viewed a world of moving parts, linkages, cogs and levers is revealed. These mechanical objects contain an inherent beauty and inspire curiosity in ways that modern devices with their pristine surfaces and simplified design language do not. Opportunities to explore devices from the past open our eyes and lead us to new questions of how our devices function, how machines do the jobs we need them to do and how engineers solve problems.
Valeria Pleszowski

21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning | K12 educational transformation thro... - 0 views

    K12 educational transformation through technology
David Wetzel

To Blog or Not To Blog in Science or Math Class - 1 views

    The primary purpose of blog is to facilitate interaction between a teacher and his or her students. This is possible because a blog is a dynamic tool which can be easily updated or transformed as necessary to meet the needs of a science or math class. The integration of blog technology in a class requires an investment of time. Because of this commitment, additional evidence is needed to support the integration this technology in a science or math class curriculum.
Allison Kipta

Ed tech quarantine? (Techlearning blog) - 0 views

    This MQF (gotta love those government acronyms!) got me thinking about whether we technology early adopters need a self-imposed moratorium on talking about new technology tools, at least in certain settings. One of the most common refrains heard from teachers or administrators who listen to us talk or blog about all of these new cool tools is "Why do I care about this as an educator?" In our eagerness to share our nearly-palpable glee and excitement, we often struggle to adequately answer the "So what?" question in ways that are substantive and meaningful to the average teacher or administrator.
James OReilly

ThinkBalm publishes business value study « ThinkBalm: Immersive Internet insi... - 0 views

  • Nearly 30% of survey respondents (19 of 66) said their organization recouped their investment in immersive technologies in less than nine months, once their project(s) launched.
  • The top motivations for investment in immersive technology in 2008 /1Q 2009 were enabling people in disparate locations to spend time together, increased innovation, and cost savings or avoidance.
  • Early implementers are choosing the simplest use cases first. The most common were learning and training (80%, or 53 of 66 respondents focused on this use case) and meetings (76%, or 50 of 66 respondents). Some intend to take on more complex use cases in 2010 or 2011.
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  • Immersive technology won out over a variety of alternatives primarily due to low cost and the increased engagement it delivers. The leading alternatives were Web conferencing and in-person meetings, followed by phone calls.
  • Work-related use of the Immersive Internet is in the early adopter phase. Before it can pass into the early majority phase, practitioners and the technology vendors who serve them must “cross the chasm.” The most common barriers to adoption are target users having inadequate hardware, corporate security restrictions, and getting users interested in the technology.
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