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Alexis Krysten

ICT in my Classroom - 1 views

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      Mark Fox

      100 Great Google Docs Tips for Students & Educators | - 0 views

        For students and teachers, the Google Docs collection provides a streamlined, collaborative solution to writing papers, organizing presentations and putting together spreadsheets and reports. But besides the basic features, there are lots of little tricks and hacks you can use to make your Google Docs experience even more productive. Here are 100 great tips for using the documents, presentations and spreadsheets in Google Docs.
      Nigel Robertson

      Using Google Docs Forms to Run a Peer-Review Writing Workshop - ProfHacker - The Chroni... - 28 views

        Interesting description of using Google Docs in a writing class and then using Forms to support a peer review process.
      Nigel Coutts

      Collaborative Learning with Google Docs - The Learner's Way - 0 views

        Something is missing from my classroom lately and I am quite happy to have seen it disappear. It is the traditional line at the teacher's desk formed by students awaiting feedback on a recently completed piece of writing. What has replaced this is our use of Google Docs and Slides as a tool for the collaborative development of ideas from initial thinking and strategising through to final editing and refinement. It has introduced a new workflow to the class that both streamlines the process of providing feedback, allows for greater detail and transforms the process into one that is richly collaborative.
      David Wetzel

      20 Google Doc Templates for use in Science and Math Classrooms - 32 views

        Google Docs is an easy-to-use online word processor that enables you to create, store, share, and collaborate on documents with your science and math students. You can even import any existing document from Word and Simple Text. You can work from anywhere and with any computer platform to access your documents.
      Ihering Alcoforado

      Top 10 Free Online Tutoring Tools for 2012 | Edudemic - 40 views

        Top 10 Free Online Tutoring Tools for 2012 Topics: education, free tools, guest, technology, technology for tutoring, tutoring resources, tutoring tools inShare Share 462 The Internet provides a wealth of resources for teachers, tutors, and students to go well beyond classroom learning. Whether you're a teacher preparing for tomorrow's lecture, a professional tutor working with one or two students, or you just want to help your cousin in Alabama with some trig homework, these free tools will help you interact with your student(s) sans the confines of the classroom. Skype with Idroo Idroo is an online educational whiteboard used in combination with Skype. Use it with as many students or fellow teachers as you want for tutoring sessions or meetings, as the whiteboard's "only limitations" are Internet connection speed and how fast everyone involved absorbs the material. All writing and drawing done on the whiteboard is visible to participants in real time, making it a true virtual classroom. It also allows for remote math tutoring with its professional math typing tool. Gchat Anyone with a gmail account can access Gchat. Teachers, tutors, and students can talk to one another in real time, as well as send and receive files instantly. Save chats for referral purposes in your gmail account, or download the Google Talk application for voice conferencing with multiple parties. WizIQ Teachers, students and organizations can create free accounts on WizIQ, another online education portal. Students have the option to attend online classes, download free tutorials, use free practice tests, or find teachers with certain expertise. Online classes are not free, however. Teachers and organizations can offer recorded classes through WizIQ or those in real time, create online tests, use live audio and video chat, and distribute course work in any standard format. Teachers must pay per month for this service, though WizIQ offers easy teacher payment collection from stu
      Dennis OConnor

      Martin Dougiamas Keynote at Moodlemoot Canada | Some Random Thoughts - 0 views

      • Martin Dougiamas presented the keynote at the Canadian Moodlemoot in Edmonton.
      • Martin updated us with the current stats on Moodle 54,000 verified sites worldwide. 41 Million users 97 language packs (17 fully complete, the rest are in various states) 54 Moodle Partners who fund the project and its going very well ensuring the project will continue into the future. (such as Remote-Learner who I work for) USA still has the highest raw number of installations and Spain has half of that with much less population. Brazil is now 3rd in the world and has overtaken the UK now in total installs. 3 of the top 10 are English speaking per head of population, Portugal has the largest number of Moodle installations.
      • As many may have seen before, there are 10 steps of pedagogical usage of Moodle, which is outlined on Moodle Docs. It details the typical 10 step progression which looks like: Putting up the handouts (Resources, SCORM) Providing a passive Forum (unfacilitated) Using Quizzes and Assignments (less management) Using the Wiki, Glossary and Database tools (interactive content) Facilitate discussions in Forums, asking questions, guiding Combining activities into sequences, where results feed later activities Introduce external activities and games (internet resources) Using the Survey module to study and reflect on course activity Using peer-review modules like Workshop, giving students more control over grading and even structuring the course in some ways Conducting active research on oneself, sharing ideas in a community of peers
      • ...10 more annotations...
      •  ”a lot of people find that giving students the ability to teach is a valuable learning process” – Martin Dougiamas.
      • A lot of people want that secure private place in the LMS with big gates, with students needing to gain competencies and knowledge.  Many people really want this “Content Pump” focus, becuase it is what they need. Others use it as a community of practitioners, connected activities, content created by students and teachers alike and many methods of assessment. These are the two ends of the spectrum of usage.
      • Moodle has two roles: to be progressive and integrate with things coming up, and a drag and drop UI, with innovate workflows and improve media handling and mobile platforms to be conservative and improve  security and usability and assessment , accredition, detailed management tracking and reports and performance and stability
      • Since Moodle 1.9 came out three years ago,  March 2008 and most are still using the three year old code which has had fixes applied since then (1.9.11 is the current release.) The support for 1.9 will continue until the middle of 2012 as it is understood that it will be a big move to Moodle2.   “If you are going to Moodle2, you may as well go to Moodle 2.1 as it is better with 6 months more work” .
      • However, the ongoing support for each release will be 1 yr moving to the future. Moodle will be released every 6 months which enables the organisations to plan their upgrade times ahead of time.
      • What will be in Moodle 2.1? Performance Restore 1.9 backups Quiz/question refactor Page course format Interface polishing Official Mobile app (there now is a Mobile division)
      • HQ are working on an official app which uses Moodle 2 built-in web services. This provides a secure access to the data in Moodle 2 for people who have accounts in Moodle which greatly benefits mobile apps.
      • Moodle HQ has looked at what is Mobile really good at and identified them one by one and implemented them.  This includes messaging, list of participants in your course, marking attendence (in class roll call). This will be for the iPhone first and then someone will make it for Android so it will lag behind, but will be the same.
      • What is going to happen in 2.2 and beyond?
      • Grading and Rubrics Competency Tracking (from activity level, course level, outside courses to generate a competency profile) Assignment (planning to combine all 4 into one type and simplify it) Forum (big upgrade probably based on OU Forum) Survey (to include feedback/questionnaire – being rewritten currently) Lesson Scorm 2 Improved reporting IMS LTI IMS CC (although it is in 1.9 needs to be redone)
        An important overview for any one using Moodle, especially useful for those contemplating an upgrade to 2.0 .  (I'll make the move when we have 2.1 or 2.2.)  
      Martin Burrett

      RealtimeBoard - 0 views

        This is an amazing collaborative whiteboard where multiple users can edit a multimedia board in real time. The site allows you to signup and sign in using a Google account and you can access and add your files and media on your Google Docs/Drive area making this a fabulous companion to schools using Google Apps for education. You can write by typing or you can write in 'freehand' so you can use your interactive whiteboard to write and archive the lesson to use or refer to later.
      Martin Burrett

      Mindmup - 0 views

        A useful collaborative mindmapping online tool with integrates which Google Docs. Pool your ideas together and then share online.
      Dianne Rees

      Free Technology for Teachers: How to Create Self-Graded Quizzes in Google Docs - 40 views

        Using Google Docs to create and administer quizzes
      John Onwuegbu

      Google integrates Docs, Drive and Gmail in Classroom | Questechie - 16 views

        Classroom was designed hand-in-hand with teachers to help them save time, keep classes organized, and improve communication with students.
        Perhaps the simplest news is that these 1080p HDX formatted titles can retain a similar rating because the HD movies that vary from $4 to $6 every. Whereas the new HDX format sounds nice, the one huge downside here is that these movies would require roughly a four hour transfer time before observation. That alone may be enough to create this not worthy for the typical picture viewer. Free Cracked - HDX delivers doubly the standard obtainable from any net, or broadcast on-demand service, providing customers a real medium expertise with a vividly careful and nearly physical object free image in the middle of high-resolution, immersive sound. And therefore the new HDX format doesn't price VUDU viewers a penny further - since HDX films area unit offered at a similar worth as commonplace HD titles. HDX titles area unit obtainable to VUDU homeowners nowadays.
      Martin Burrett

      Kaizena - 0 views

        "This is an amazing Google Docs add-on which allows you to make audio and other comments and feedback on students' work. It's a wonderfully easy way to mark homework and assignments. Students can also reply to feedback with audio comments."
      Ihering Alcoforado

      50 Interesting Ways To Use Skype In Your Classroom | Edudemic - 19 views

        I'm a so-so fan of Skype. I've used it on an infrequent basis and have had more than a few dropped calls. Audio and video alike. However, it's a cheap way to make long distance calls and seems to work better over wi-fi and the video quality is improving on a regular basis. So therefore it's probably a great tool for the classroom. But how can you use Skype to do more than just make calls? Well, there's a pantload of interesting ways! Check out these fun ideas: Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment. The program's official site provides some great opportunities to meet up with like-minded teachers and students sharing the same goals. Practice a foreign language: Connect with individual learners or classrooms hailing from a different native tongue can use a Skype collaboration to sharpen grammar and pronunciation skills through conversation. Peace One Day: Far beyond classroom collaborations, the Peace One Day initiative teamed up with Skype itself and educators across the globe to teach kids about the importance of ending violence, war, and other social ills. Around the World with 80 Schools: This challenge asks participating schools to hook up with 80 worldwide and report back what all they've learned about other cultures and languages. Talk about the weather: One popular Skype project sees participants from different regions make note of the weather patterns for a specified period of time, with students comparing and contrasting the results. Collaborative poetry: In this assignment, connected classrooms pen poetic pieces together and share them via video conferencing. Practice interviews: The education system frequently receives criticism for its failure to prepare students for the real world, but using Skype to help them run through mock-up
      Ihering Alcoforado

      DE LO INFORMAL A LO FORMAL con la web 2.0 « juandon. Innovación y conocimiento - 2 views

        De lo formal a lo informal- la tradición que ya no se sostiene- y de lo informal a lo formal, la nueva forma de aprendizaje de nuestro siglo… Ser un maestro en mí mismo, y tener que manejar a la gente: marcas, programas de estudios y en adelante, en gran medida confían en las soluciones centralizadas que apenas puedo imaginar de otra manera; ser (en muchos aspectos) un estudiante en  mí mismo: no puedo ayudarme a mí mismo a partir de los límites que me atan a estructuras monolíticas, y por lo tanto, gestionar un entorno abierto donde el conocimiento personal (y el aprendizaje) viene en muchas formas; constantemente saber y conocer a otras personas como yo (profesores y / o estudiantes), es muy normal que nuestros caminos se cruzan y nuestros entornos de conocimiento se superponen y enriquecen mutuamente; todo lo que digo, es algo normal que tanto como profesional y como estudiante que es necesario evaluar y ser evaluados por todo lo que hago aquí y allá, como el aprendizaje en la sociedad de la información no conoce fronteras. Todos estos aspectos de acuerdo en el proceso educativo, aunque muchos de ellos nacen de las fuerzas opuestas, por lo que algunos certifican la muerte del entorno de aprendizaje virtual , mientras que otros consideran que sigue viva y coleando , algunos parecen estar poniendo todos los huevos en el aprendizaje personal medio ambiente y / o aprendizaje social abierto , mientras que tal vez todavía hay espacio para reconsiderar los e-portfolios . Todo esto se complica si se tiene en cuenta la evaluación o el seguimiento de la adquisición de conocimientos a lo largo de toda su vida . Yo cada vez creo que la solución a todo esto, y poner en palabras de Simon Grant , tal vez no sea una sino varias herramientas de  herramientas y una herramienta para reunir pruebas que residen en sistemas diferentes. Este es mi ir a todo el asunto y que sería de manera aproximada, naturalmente :Un Escenario de Aprendizaje Inclusivo-per
      Martin Burrett - Free ebook search engine - 0 views

        A good e-book search engine. Search for lots of formats including PDFs and Doc files. Preview books and embed some into your website.
      avivajazz  jazzaviva

      TEDTalks thru 03.30.09 | List of Talks, Speakers, Summary - 0 views

        This URL opens a Google Docs spreadsheet. It loads quickly, is very handy, and gives you a great annotated catalog of all TEDTalks thru March 30, 2009.
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