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Mike Fandey

Communities of Purpose are the business units of the 21st Century - 0 views

    Article on Communities of Purpose, web2.0 as an adaptive system, the implications for value creation, and predictions of continued evolution. This was written with a lens on marketing/brand value and monitization potential, but there's a clear link to web2.0 in learning space.
Kangdon Lee

Instructional design models | Instructional design model | Instruction models - 0 views

    Instructional design models | Instructional design model | Instruction models instructional "instructional design" design models instruction web2.0 Education learning technology resources e-learning
Kangdon Lee

The Best 20+ Online Creative Design Tools Including Awesome HTML & CSS Generators | Des... - 0 views

    ONLINE CREATIVE DESIGN TOOL CSS, HTML, tools, css3, design, web, design, web2.0, HTML5,
Kangdon Lee

popurls® | the genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz - 0 views

    popurls® | the genuine news aggregator for the latest web buzz aggregator, web2.0, news, social, rss, web, tools, popular, url, urls, popurls,
peijie cao

Social Media U: Take a Class in Social Media - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

    Examples of 10 social media that instructors are teaching to students. Interesting.
Kangdon Lee

Comment on, edit, and fill PDF files, Word documents, images and more | Crocodoc - 0 views

    It is now time for social reading. View & Comment on Any DocumentReview a Word document, fill out a PDF form, mark up an image,and more... All with Crocodoc, all online, all for free. collaboration, documents, pdf, web2.0, annotation, share, social, reading, comment, image, 
Maria Perifanou

E-language » wikis - 0 views


Voki : a fun and free animated avatar tool for educators - 0 views

    Voki is an animation website . It is “ a free service that allows you to create personalized speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profiles and in email messages”. This web2.0 tool is very important in education as It enables teachers and students to express themselves on the web in their own voice , using a talking character.
Robinson Kipling

Best Website Hosting India - 1 views

Web Hosting and Domain Name Registration are two most important steps towards success. There are many hosting servers companies around us. According to some sources, India is slowly booming on to W...

web2.0 education technology e-learning

started by Robinson Kipling on 24 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
E-Cigs Zone

Electronic Cigarettes: The Nicotine Withdrawal Aid - 0 views

Visit For anyone wishing to try electronic cigarettes, the question arises: How do they compare with other methods of nicotine replacement therapy? There are three main are...

education web2.0 learning tools technology elearning resources e-learning maths games

started by E-Cigs Zone on 28 Nov 12 no follow-up yet
Robinson Kipling

Hire Web Developer in India - 1 views

Are you searching for wordpress developer for hire? You can hire magento developer from us at minimum prices. If you are thinking to hire magento designer, don't worry, your search ends here. We ar...

web2.0 technology resources education

started by Robinson Kipling on 06 Dec 12 no follow-up yet
Nik Peachey

Mobile Learning in ELT: Survey 2013 - 7 views

    Whether you use technology and mobile learning or avoid it please find time to answer these 20 questions and share your ideas, opinions and reflections and I will once again publish the results for all to share.

Liver Transplant India - 0 views

    Liver Transplant India
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