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Vicki Davis

Media Smart Body Image Lesson - Resources - TES - 2 views

    A body image lesson from Media Smart. The UK is using this as part of their "body confidence" campaign but it is a great set to look at for those working with body image and self esteem of any kind. There are a lot of great media smart resources here for guidance counselors and health teachers.
Vicki Davis

Body image - Resources - TES - 3 views

    Another lesson with an activity called "agony aunt" that lets students discuss things affecting body image. More materials on this important topic.
darkbird18 Wharry

____Star _Open Dir Project.URL - 0 views

    The Open Directory is the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans. Its editorial standards body of net-citizens provide the collective brain behind resource discovery on the Web. The Open Directory powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search engines and portals, including Netscape Search, AOL Search, Google, Lycos, HotBot, DirectHit, and hundreds of others.
    The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. The Open Directory is the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans. Its editorial standards body of net-citizens provide the collective brain behind resource discovery on the Web. The Open Directory powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search engines and portals, including Netscape Search, AOL Search, Google, Lycos, HotBot, DirectHit, and hundreds of others.
    The Open Directory Project is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. The Open Directory is the most widely distributed data base of Web content classified by humans. Its editorial standards body of net-citizens provide the collective brain behind resource discovery on the Web. The Open Directory powers the core directory services for the Web's largest and most popular search engines and portals, including Netscape Search, AOL Search, Google, Lycos, HotBot, DirectHit, and hundreds of others.
Dave Truss

Google Body - Google Labs - 17 views

    An amazing look at the human body with multiple perspectives from the inside! 
Dean Mantz

BioDigital Human: Explore the Body in 3D! - 30 views

    This virtual interactive 3D figure of the human body blows away Google's creation.  It is a must see!
John Evans

Kids find paradise by the cell phone light? - Netiquette- - 0 views

  • The best we can do is teach every sprog circling adolescence how to use both their cell phones and their bodies responsibly as you would with any other tool, such as a car or a chainsaw.
    The best we can do is teach every sprog circling adolescence how to use both their cell phones and their bodies responsibly as you would with any other tool, such as a car or a chainsaw.
Vicki Davis

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. - 0 views

  • YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Tips and stay safe on YouTube. Don't post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking and smoking, or bomb making. Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone being physically hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it. YouTube is not a shock site. Don't post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to shock or disgust.
  • Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use.
  • revealing other people’s personal information,
    Many people have not read the Youtube Community Guidelines. You should report any videos that break these rules to youtube - everyone should have a youtube account and be able to do this. Today, a student had a bad video linked to hers -- I had to go to another place to report the other video but you can do this! Guidelines: "Don't Cross the Line Here are some common-sense rules that will help you steer clear of trouble: * YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Tips and stay safe on YouTube. * Don't post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, under-age drinking and smoking, or bomb making. * Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone being physically hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it. * YouTube is not a shock site. Don't post gross-out videos of accidents, dead bodies or similar things intended to shock or disgust. * Respect copyright. Only upload videos that you made or that you are authorized to use. This means don't upload videos you didn't make, or use content in your videos that someone else owns the copyright to, such as music tracks, snippets of copyrighted programs, or videos made by other users, without necessary authorizations. Read our Copyright Tips for more information. * We encourage free speech and defend everyone's right to express unpopular points of view. But we don't permit hate speech (speech which attacks or demeans a group based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity). * Things like predatory behavior, stalking, threats, harassment, intimidation, invading privacy, revealing other people's personal information, and inciting others to commit violent act
Dave Truss

Puberty: Understanding your changing body | Class Presentations | Teaching Tools for th... - 6 views

    free pdf and Powerpoint slide presentations as a resource for teaching sexual health in the classroom. Puberty: Understanding your changing body prepares youth for the changes they may experience as they mature through adolescence.
Vicki Davis

"Exploring Body Image in Second Life" submitted by Peggy Sheehy, Ramapo Central School ... - 0 views

    The exploring body image simulation from Ramapo Central School District by Peggy Sheehy.
Vicki Davis

How To Make Your Own Educational Video Games - Edudemic - 6 views

    Many options for "making" video games (or simple animations) have emerged. In this short piece, Edudemic shares how one can use GameStar mechanic to make games along with a video. It is well worth a try although, depending on the type of game, Microsoft Kodu or Scratch may also work. There are also some very cool games with the Xbox Kinect SDK app that let you capture a person's body movements much like they do to create characters like Gollum in The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit.
Vicki Davis

Howto: Create nozbe tasks using ifttt : Feedback and Feature Requests : Getting Things ... - 1 views

    I really love Nozbe. This tip lets you create a nozbe task using ifttt and email. Make sure you use the * in the body of the email to create the task. They weren't showing up for me, it was because I didn't do that.
Vicki Davis

Anatomy Arcade - 10 views

    Anatomy arcade is such a great website. I love whack-a-bone for learning the bones in the body. They also have Poke a muscle, and match a brain and a new digestive jigsaw. They have apps now as well with whackabone for the ipad. Great games for learning anatomy - share with your favorite teacher.
Martin Burrett

Maths learned best when children move - 1 views

    "Children improve at maths when instruction engages their own bodies. This is one of the findings from a recent study coming from the University of Copenhagen's Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports. The results also document that children require individualised learning strategies."
Vicki Davis

Sowing the seeds of self-esteem - resources - TES - 1 views

    I love this conversation from Natasha Devon, body image expert and recovered bulimic. Please read to help get inside the mind of what we're dealing with here and the messages from media (particularly to girls) about how we "should" look, "should" behave, and "should" be so we can be happy and live good lives. So much of it is manufactured unattainable hogwash, but still many of us (including me) struggle with self esteem issues that come from the fact that we aren't the "type" of person we see in the media who is a "popular" person. Criticize as you will, but it is reality for many of us. From Natasha: "I have one hour to convey the message that inspired my business, Gossip School; just one hour to emphasise the importance of self-esteem, to give these young people the tools to recognise negative messages from the media and to convince them that it is OK to be themselves, however they look."
Vicki Davis

What new research on extended school day says - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post - 5 views

    Extending the school day may not have the benefits that some claim, especially since we're just giving kids more same-old same-old instruction time. This article from the Washington Post is worth a read. "But the extended day approach being implemented in many schools as a result of the department's push to increase instructional time  falls short.  It largely ignores the deep body of research on what makes effective expanded learning.   Instead, too many schools are merely adding another hour or so of regular class time onto the school day.  Not surprisingly, two very recent studies suggest we might not accomplish much with this approach to improving schools. "
Martin Burrett

Primary School Chinese - 5 views

    This is a great set of language resources and games for learning Mandarin Chinese. Topic range from greeting, family, eating, parts of the body and more.
Vicki Davis

Dickens 2012 - Celebrating the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens - Resources - TES - 3 views

    Upload your Charles Dickens lessons and resources in this competition to submit the best resources. This is a UK competition, but perhaps some others may want to enter as well. I also wanted to include this because of the great list of Charles Dickens resources here. If you teach Great Expectations or any other Dickens classic, you'll want to download these free lesson plans and resources. To be eligible for the Charles Dickens / Literary Heritage competition, all lesson plans & teaching resources shared must only cater for texts by authors found in the literary heritage section of the Secondary English National Curriculum, or from current GCSE & A Level awarding body specifications for English. Your can submit resources for poetry, prose or drama texts (or all three!) across the relevant key stage. At GCSE and A Level, resources can be submitted to support teaching and learning of controlled assessment and / or examination units. When you upload resources for entry to the competition, please take care to tag and classify your resources accurately in the relevant key stage, topic and sub topic areas. For example:
Vicki Davis

Ceri Williams (cerirwilliams) on Twitter - 1 views

    Ceri is from the UK and is going to live demo a program he's written for Kinect (that he plans to give away for free) that emulates the program Soundbeam. This program lets you move parts of your body and plays music and is going to be an incredible thing to use for special ed students with the Kinect. This is his twitter handle. Follow him to Keep up with what he's doing.
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