Rumbletalk bills itself as a "boutique" backchannel chat tool for live events, Facebook events. etc. They are marketing themselves for integration into Facebook pages and events but it can be put in other places. Lots of backchannel capabilities are emerging as many educators and event planners see the value of providing, managing and leading in the backchannel chats that WILL and DO occur whether you wish they did or not.
"We can all get a little puzzled with time. Sometimes we have no idea where it goes, whereas there are other times when it goes by so fast. Yet one this is for sure…it is going at the same pace, no matter what, and the relationship between time and the cosmos is complex.
Understanding the relationship, Cosmic Watch is a unique iPad app that provides an advanced, 3D astronomical time device for the digital age."
If you're looking for apps, here is another review site from a dad who wants to find "the best educational apps for his kids." I like that it has the ages. My biggest issue is that we need to start asking what kind of feedback can be given to parents and teachers out of these apps so we can reinforce out-of-app learning on the topic. Apps and teachers and parents should be partners in learning.
What a blast! Show your friends a YouTube video on your iPhone using moment catcher. When you are done, play back their reaction. They don't know it but as you are playing the video, it is filming! This would be great to use with one of those jump out and scare you fright videos on YouTube. What fun.
Socrative has even more cool features. Richard Byrne gives an overview on on of my favorite blogs, Free Tech for Teachers.
"Socrative's new image option could be great for asking mathematics questions that are diagram based. The image option could also be great for world languages teachers to post a picture of an object that students have to identify in the language that they're learning. And the new automatic grading option could save you a ton of time that you can then invest in something else. "
Anatomy arcade is such a great website. I love whack-a-bone for learning the bones in the body. They also have Poke a muscle, and match a brain and a new digestive jigsaw. They have apps now as well with whackabone for the ipad. Great games for learning anatomy - share with your favorite teacher.
If you want to see some sample Socrative quizzes and lessons, teachers are starting to upload their Socrative resources to the TES website that I frequent so often. Here are some nice quizzes and lessons, particularly on science: space, electrolysis, animal and plant cells.
Quora is a website where people ask questions. It seems that it is growing in popularity. Some talk about pinterest, however, with the wiki-type of answering system, this slick way to ask and answer questions is going to be a platform that becomes familiar. This information is how to get started on Quora. This is the kind of website educators seem to be getting into.
New video website creation website from Richard Byrne 's website. I wonder how many schools will create video repositories using this site. It could also be a good way to have video portfolios made from a YouTube channel for a student.