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Ed Webb

Views: Why Grading Is Part of My Job - Inside Higher Ed - 3 views

  • Grades serve no pedagogical function at all. (Detailed feedback does, but that's an entirely different matter.) Grading is about nothing more than efficiently communicating to other institutions the level of learning we, the teachers, estimate (and it is only an estimation) each student gained. Unfortunately, students not only want to know about the content of that communication (understandably enough) but, for many, maximizing the grade (rather than the learning itself) has become their primary goal in taking courses. If we had no grades, then students' own personal sense of learning would be all that they got out of taking courses, and they would focus on that instead. (And it would make courses a much more interesting and productive place to be.)
Brendan Murphy

A Culture of School Discipline - Inside the School - 16 views

  • Kids were disrespectful to teachers, and teachers were impatient with kids
    • Brendan Murphy
      We can sometimes cause our own discipline problems.
  • how does a school get to the point that my school was at when I first arrived? In this particular case, there had been a series of administrative turnovers, so every couple of years the priorities changed. There was no adopted discipline code, so school discipline was something that was randomly applied to individual students rather than a part of the entire school culture. Teachers felt that they were not supported by administration, and some students realized that there were few in any consequences for poor behavior (the student who hit the opposing player earned the first suspension in years). Some teachers just gave up; others became angry. Still others were intimidated. Teacher absenteeism was high.
    • Brendan Murphy
      We first create our own problems because we don't have an district/school wide plan or if we do it isn't being followed.
  • The school turnaround didn’t occur overnight, but at the end of two years of consistent application of the discipline plan
    • Brendan Murphy
      As with all change in education it takes time and consistant application
yc c


    • yc c
      Mission 125: Use no electrical or battery-driven devices for 48 hours and someone asks: does tv count? <- This is sooo American! lol ;D))
David Warlick

Overview - 6 views

  • engaged
    • David Warlick
      So what does "engaged" look like? How do you measure engagement?
  • continuous reflection throughout the process
    • David Warlick
      I think that this is exceedingly important -- that of assessment being a building part of the learning experience.
Ben Rimes

A Call for Technology Leadership - 16 views

  • (1) modeling the use of new technologies in communicating to students, teachers and the general public; (2) ensuring that technology becomes integral to teaching 21st-century skills from critical thinking and problem solving to collaboration and information literacy in the classroom; (3) boosting Web 2.0 applications and tools as key components of student learning; (4) offering professional development in these technologies and deploying the online tools that help teachers create learning communities among themselves; and (5) requiring better balanced assessments of student work—including project-based learning enhanced by technology tools—in an age driven by NCLB-oriented testing and better use of data from the assessments to help students improve their performance.
    • Ben Rimes
      Asking any leader to model effective strategies makes sense, but shouldn't the imperative of offering professional development in newer communications tools come first? Some district leader's I can see jupming into new tools and ways to communicate, but you can't expect all veteran leaders to adopt new tools without the development and support they'll need.
    • Ben Rimes
      I'm curious to know in how many districts does the Superintendent serve as the curriculum leader capable of making the sweeping changes to move a district towards project-based learning. I have an inkling that many superintendents find niches that make them valubale, whether it's focusing on assessment, community relations, curriculum, or something else.
  • The revised edition also includes a self-assessment for superintendents to evaluate how far their districts have come along the technological curve. CoSN’s CEO Keith Krueger explains that his organization’s research shows that many district leaders are behind that curve, and the new document opens with a letter:
    • Ben Rimes
      Not surprising at all...
  • e cautions that the large-scale changes CoSN is advocating are most likely to happen for district leaders who are not engaged in dozens of other initiatives. “Everybody wants the superintendent to be in the middle of everything,” Reeves explains. “The real acid test is whether you can execute the ‘not-to-do list,’” adding that superintendents need to resist establishing too many priorities. Each of the five areas featured in “Empowering the 21st Century Superintendent” includes a set of resources and a series of action steps for superintendents and district leadership teams. For instance, in the 21st-century skills section, leaders are urged to improve their own such skills, create a vision for integrating them into K12 instruction, audit the district’s strategic plan to see which might be missing and adjust professional development accordingly.
    • Ben Rimes
      Love the pragmatism in this quote. Good acknowledgement that district superintendents are engufed in far too much at times, and thus tech-integration may not realistically happen. Good to know that the framework provided by CoSn also includes some directions for district tech teams.
Ruth Howard

Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine - 14 views

shared by Ruth Howard on 29 Jan 11 - Cached
    • Ruth Howard
      You can use Internet archive to publish remix videos that are clearly fair use ( YouTube does not recognize fair use)
    Great site for searching for public domain and historical photos, movies and document.
Melinda Waffle

Paper Cranes for Japan - 0 views

    If you use Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (or know someone that does), here is a right now project to tie in. Make cranes to generate a donation to Japan, and participate in a communal art project.
Suzie Nestico

Father: Why I didn't let my son take standardized tests - The Answer Sheet - The Washin... - 0 views

  • My wife and I had Luke “opt out” of No Child Left Behind standardized testing (here in Pennsylvania known as the Pennsylvania System of School Achievement, or PSSAs).
  • Last week I did just that. I looked at the test and determined that it violated my religion. How, you might ask? That’s an entirely different blog, but I can quickly say that my religion does not allow for or tolerate the act of torture and I determined that making Luke sit for over 10 hours filling in bubble sheets would have been a form of mental and physical torture, given that we could give him no good reason as to why he needs to take this test.
  • ch a reason for opting out of the PSSA testing will negatively affect the school’s participation rate and could POTENTIALLY have a negative impact on the school’s Adequate Yearly Progress under the rules of No Child Left Behind.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • I asked Luke what he thought about it all. He just smiled. I also asked him what some of his friends were saying. According to Luke, they did not believe that NCLB and PSSAs were going to be used to evaluate the school. They didn’t know about AYP and the sanctions that came with it. Luke’s friends just thought the tests, “were used to make sure our teachers are teaching us the right stuff.” My guess is that is what most parents believe. Why wouldn’t they believe it? They’ve been told for nine years that we are raising standards, holding teachers accountable, and leaving no children behind. Who wouldn’t support that?
  • This time, instead of having Luke sit through another meeting, he researched the Japanese earthquake and tsunami as a current events project.
  • The point was to give Luke some experience in how to conduct planned civil disobedience in a lawful manner.
  • That, of course, is the real problem. NCLB and the standards movement is a political bait and switch. Sold as one thing (positive) to the public and then in practice, something radically different (punitive). This is probably one of the biggest reasons I decided to do the boycott—to make my community aware and to try and enlighten them of the real issues.
  • My answer is that the government is not listening. Teachers, principals, teacher educators, child development specialists, and educational researchers have been trying to get this message out for years. No one will listen.
  • Civil disobedience is the only option left. It’s my scream in a dark cave for light. I want teachers to teach again. I want principals to lead again. I want my school to be a place of deep learning and a deeper love of teaching. I want children exposed to history, science, art, music, physical education, and current events—the same experience President Obama is providing his own children.
  • Maybe civil disobedience will be contagious. Maybe parents will join us in reclaiming our schools and demand that teachers and administrators hands be untied and allow them to do their jobs—engage students in a rich curriculum designed to promote deep learning and critical thinking.
    Another PA parent opts his child out of PSSA standardized testing as a measure of civil disobedience.  Word of caution:  This can very much hurt a school's Adequate Yearly Progress and ultimately the school may suffer.  But, what if this movement spread amongst parents?  What then?  Would the government take over the school?  
Melinda Waffle

Education Week: 'Curriculum' Definition Raises Red Flags - 2 views

  • students learn
    • Melinda Waffle
      Learn? Or memorize?
  • To some, that term can mean a scripted, day-to-day lesson plan, while to others, it’s a lean set of big ideas that can be tackled in many ways
  • multiple meanings of the word “curriculum.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Whether “curriculum” means a high-level outline or whether it means the content of a six-week science lesson affects the conversation
  • it is entirely possible to agree on central ideas for the common standards and leave schools to teach them their own way. It’s a crucial distinction, she said, between guidelines and “operational curriculum.”
  • “What’s stirring everything up here is the word ‘common,’ ” she said. “It suggests everything is the same, when people know that curriculum has to be responsive. But we can think of ‘common’ as more like a town common, a place where we all meet.”
    • Melinda Waffle
      Does everyone know that curriculum has to be responsive?
Melinda Waffle

5 myths about teachers that are distracting policymakers - The Answer Sheet - The Washi... - 15 views

  • we are obsessing on a small problem while we give short shrift to professional development strategies that could move large numbers of teachers from satisfactory to excellent
  • removing ineffective teachers has much more to do with ill-trained and supported administrators than tenure rules
  • scholars from Vanderbilt University and the RAND Corporation plainly conclude that “rewarding teachers with bonus pay, in the absence of any other support programs, does not raise student test scores.”
Steve J. Moore

InformIT: The Business of Understanding > Ode to Ignorance - 1 views

    • Steve J. Moore
      This is what all of public education is struggling with right now. How do we legitimize the asking of questions and the pursuit of understanding rather than the bubbling in of "answers" we don't really get?
  • I'm a success when I do something that I myself can truly understand
  • the most essential prerequisite to understanding is to be able to admit when you don't understand something
  • ...29 more annotations...
  • Giving yourself permission not to know everything will make you relax
  • preconceptions
    • Steve J. Moore
      In technical writing, we must sort out all prior knowledge and place it before us and then step away from it so we can recreate it anew.
  • binary choice: I could teach about what I already knew, or I could teach about what I would like to learn
  • My expertise has always been my ignorance, my admission and acceptance of not knowing. My work comes from questions, not from answers.
  • The focus on bravado and competition in our society has helped breed into us the idea that it is impolitic, or at least impolite, to say, "I don't understand."
  • Understanding should be thought of as a continuum from data to wisdom
  • at this end of the spectrum, understanding gets increasingly personal until it is so intimate that it cannot truly be shared with others
    • Steve J. Moore
      So, is "technical writing" about creating information out of data (a set message) or structuring data so that others can interpret their own information from it (a personalizable message)?
  • "One of the best ways of communicating knowledge is through stories, because good stories are richly textured with details, allowing the narrative to convey a stable ground on which to build the experience."
  • Without context, information cannot exist, and the context in question must relate not only to the data's environment (where it came from, why it's being communicated, how it's arranged, etc.), but also from the context and intent of the person interpreting it.
  • rganization creates, or at least, shapes meaning
    • Steve J. Moore
      How do we tell "data" from "info" in our teaching practice? What does this paragraph tell you about assessing student learning and work?
  • Technology forms a near-disastrous distraction from real information and knowledge issues.
    • Steve J. Moore
      What is it about technology or tools that distract us from teaching kids how to learn skills in a "technical" setting?
  • complexity
  • education is so notoriously difficult: because one cannot count on one person's knowledge to transfer to another
  • This is what education should be about, but too often it is only focused on information—and worse, data—simply because those are the only forms that are easy to measure.
    • Steve J. Moore
  • Knowledge
  • experience design
  • discover processes for creating these experiences
  • Without the opportunity, willingness, or openness to interact on a personal level, much of the power of these experiences are not made available to us.
  • Wisdom is as personal as understanding gets—intimate, in fact—and it is a difficult level for many people to reach
  • sharing of wisdom is next to impossible.
  • What can only be shared is the experiences that form the building blocks for wisdom, but these need to be communicated with even more understanding of the personal contexts of our audience than with information or knowledge.
  • We cannot trick ourselves into becoming wise, and we cannot allow someone else to do it.
    • Steve J. Moore
      What is one piece of wisdom you have learned about yourself in your own learning?
  • we need to expose people to the processes of introspection, pattern-matching, contemplation, retrospection, and interpretation so that they will have the beginnings of the tools to create wisdom
Ed Webb

The English Teacher's Companion: Of Our Teachings: What Do They Remember? - 0 views

  • What was clear today was that it was our relationship and their appreciation for the importance of ideas and my subject that remained one, two, eight or ten years later.
  • After all these encounters, these smiles, these chats and talks in the cafe, through emails and Twitters, what do I realize, what's the lesson? (Does there always have to be a lesson, Mr. Burke? they whine....). Relationships matter: you to your kids, you to your subject, kids to each other.
  • you can't teach kids if you don't know who they are or what they care about. The lesson is that if you don't know or care about what you teach, they will not remember it, will not value it going forward.
Maggie Verster

Using In Education - 1 views

    A very good and indepth article on the use of delicious in education
Michele Kisler

Tessellation Creator - 0 views

    sketchup does a hella job with tesselations, but is way more complex. This is great for early elementary. Great with smartboard.
Dave Truss

The Best Sites For Learning About The Holocaust | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 0 views

    Larry does it again with an amazing Best Of post on the Holocaust!
    You might also find The Best Web Resources On Darfur useful. Here are my choices for The Best Sites For Learning About The Holocaust (and are accessible to English Language Learners): Here's a very accessible short history of the Holocaust.
Dave Truss

Is the term 21st Century out of date? | U Tech Tips - 7 views

  • They all tell us what we want our kids to turn out like. They all remind us what we need to value in education. But we don’t. At least not in action. (GENERALIZATION ALERT:) Schools continue to push content-driven curricula. Teachers continue to plan lessons building expertise within the discipline. And if students get our “21st Century Skills”, it’s because of an exception-to-the-rule teacher, choices the students make outside of class, or just plain luck. We all know that what we need is buy-in. We see the success stories, celebrate the schools that do it, and ultimately wonder, what does it take to make it work everywhere? Buy-in. So back to the teacher accessibility issue. How do we ensure that teachers see teaching a 21st Century Curriculum as part of their job?
    Remind yourselves that your teachers have ALWAYS been trying to prepare their students to succeed in the world they will live in. And then collaborate with them on how that world has changed.
yc c

Ebook Search - Pdf Search Engine - 9 views

  • Search
    • yc c
      Search does not work but you can enter[KEY-WORDS]-pdf.html words must be separated by '-'
    trouvé exercices en français ici
Vicki Davis

Legal Experts on How Murdoch's Threats May Impact "Fair Use" Doctrine | BNET Media Blog... - 2 views

  • Media industry titan Rupert Murdoch’s explicit threats this week to block Google from searching his content sites, and to sue the BBC for its use of content he says is “stolen” from his sites got me to wondering whether the head of News Corp. has, in fact, any basis in the law for launching these calculated attacks at this time and in this manner.
  • Murdoch perhaps does have at least a narrow legal perch to stand on.
  • he is not trying to grow his audience any longer, he says.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • is for nonprofit educational purposes;
  • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
  • he says he is re-tuning his business model around monetizing his content.
  • four factors in determining whether the reproduction of any copyrighted work qualifies as Fair Use
  • he’s trying to shrink his audience back to the people who will pay for his content
  • Therefore Google’s caching of his content would make it free even as he’s trying to charge for it
    • Vicki Davis
      So basically, Google is taking something he wants to charge for and making it free. But my question is, if he wants to charge for it, shouldn't it be bedhind some sort of firewall or is it Google's job to see which sites it is allowed to index? Aren't there certain protocols that make the Net what it is? Certain standards? Isn't one of those the open indexing or crawling of unprotected sites? I'm not sure but hoping someone will respond.
  • Google allows Murdoch, or any publisher, to “opt out” of allowing its pages to be indexed?
  • know how to use the Robots Exclusion Protocol
  • he wants a closer relationship with Google.
    Excellent overview of Rupert Murdoch's taking on of Google and that they should not index his sites, even though he can easily opt out of indexing, that they are somehow demonetizing his work by searching since he wants to "reduce his audience to those who will pay" not "increase his audience." This is a fascinating read and case study for those following Fair Use.
Suzie Nestico

12 Rules for Writing Great Letters to Request Action - Wrightslaw - 1 views

  • 4. You negotiate with the school for special education services.
    • Suzie Nestico
      The purpose of the letter could vary.  This format can easily be used for a variety of issues.
  • 5. Never threaten. Never telegraph your punches!
  • Fear of the Unknown As a negotiator, one of the most powerful forces you have on your side is the "Fear of the Unknown." When you threaten, you are telling the other side what you plan to do. If you tell them what you plan to do, you have told them how to protect themselves. At that moment, you lose your advantage - which is the wonderful, powerful Fear of the Unknown. Never telegraph your punches – you will destroy their power and effectiveness.&nbsp;
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • 6. Make several (unpleasant but necessary) assumptions.
  • 7. Make your problem unique.
  • 8. You ARE writing letters to a Stranger who has the power to resolve the problem
  • 9. Write letters to the school as business letters.
    • Suzie Nestico
      Again, writing does not have to be simply for a school.  This can easily be adapted to any audience.
  • 10. NEVER make judgments.
  • 11. Write your letter chronologically.
  • 2. Write letters that are clear and easy to understand.
  • Before you write a letter, you need answer these questions.
  • 2. Your First Letter is Always a Draft
  • 3. Allow for "cooling off" and revision time.
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