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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Melinda Waffle

Melinda Waffle

Podcasting Legal Guide - CC Wiki - 15 views

    Explains copyright & trademark in terms of podcasting. Easy to read & understand.
Melinda Waffle

MobileRead Wiki - Main Page - 7 views

    "knowledge base created by users of the MobileRead community" -great resource about all things eBooks, including where to get them
Melinda Waffle

Toporopa: Geography of Europe - 12 views

    Nice site for reviewing/learning European geography and other information
Melinda Waffle

Does Social Media Violate Student Privacy? | - 9 views

    Some great suggested guidelines for using social media with your students.
Melinda Waffle

Creative Commons: an Educational Primer | EdReach - 39 views

    Basics about Creative Commons
Melinda Waffle

5 myths about teachers that are distracting policymakers - The Answer Sheet - The Washi... - 15 views

  • we are obsessing on a small problem while we give short shrift to professional development strategies that could move large numbers of teachers from satisfactory to excellent
  • removing ineffective teachers has much more to do with ill-trained and supported administrators than tenure rules
  • scholars from Vanderbilt University and the RAND Corporation plainly conclude that “rewarding teachers with bonus pay, in the absence of any other support programs, does not raise student test scores.”
Melinda Waffle

Paper Cranes for Japan - 0 views

    If you use Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes (or know someone that does), here is a right now project to tie in. Make cranes to generate a donation to Japan, and participate in a communal art project.
Melinda Waffle

Education Week: 'Curriculum' Definition Raises Red Flags - 2 views

  • students learn
    • Melinda Waffle
      Learn? Or memorize?
  • To some, that term can mean a scripted, day-to-day lesson plan, while to others, it’s a lean set of big ideas that can be tackled in many ways
  • multiple meanings of the word “curriculum.”
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Whether “curriculum” means a high-level outline or whether it means the content of a six-week science lesson affects the conversation
  • it is entirely possible to agree on central ideas for the common standards and leave schools to teach them their own way. It’s a crucial distinction, she said, between guidelines and “operational curriculum.”
  • “What’s stirring everything up here is the word ‘common,’ ” she said. “It suggests everything is the same, when people know that curriculum has to be responsive. But we can think of ‘common’ as more like a town common, a place where we all meet.”
    • Melinda Waffle
      Does everyone know that curriculum has to be responsive?
Melinda Waffle

The American Team | Show All Your Work - 2 views

  • Have an incentive system where people are rewarded for winning a competition and what you’ll get is a game.
  • Make Race to the Top about how many other states you share with, not step on
Melinda Waffle - 16 views

    Compare US and another country side-by-side
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