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Luciano Ferrer

World Poverty - Our World in Data - 0 views

    "Max Roser (2016) - 'World Poverty'. Published online at Retrieved from: In the past only a small elite lived a life without poverty. Since the onset of industrialization - and as a consequence of this, economic growth1 - the share of people living in poverty started decreasing and has kept on falling ever since. But as a consequence of falling poverty, the health of the population improved dramatically over the last two centuries, and the population started to grow.2 The growth of the population caused the absolute number of poor people in the world to increase; only recently has the absolute number of people living in poverty started to fall as well. This data entry chronicles the falling poverty over the last centuries."
Luciano Ferrer

What's Wrong with MOOCs and Why Aren't They Working? - 0 views

    "there is no live teacher engagement... Currently, just 10 percent of MOOC registrants complete their courses. Where Will MOOCs Be Just Two Years From Now? Within the next two years, MOOCs will quickly evolve from lacking teacher engagement to having a lot of teacher engagement. Right now, it's essentially a model where computers are teaching students. This model is simply not sustainable in the long run without live student-teacher engagement. Teachers are the key that unlocks learning in these courses. They help students resolve issues and problems. Will the biggest change in online education moving forward be putting live teachers at the center of the MOOC (not just on video)? We will know the answer very soon."
Luciano Ferrer

Who's Asking? - Alfie Kohn - 0 views

    "It seems only fitting to explore the role of questions in education by asking questions about the process of doing so. I propose that we start with the customary way of framing this topic and then proceed to questions that are deeper and potentially more subversive of traditional schooling. 1. WHICH QUESTIONS? To begin, let's consider what we might ask our students. The least interesting questions are those with straightforward factual answers. That's why a number of writers have encouraged the use of questions described variously as "true" (Wolf, 1987), "essential" (Simon, 2002), "generative" (Perkins, 1992; Perrone, 1998), "guiding" (Traver, 1998), or "fertile" (Harpaz & Lefstein, 2000). What the best of these share is that they're open-ended. Sometimes, in fact, no definitive right answer can be found at all. And even when there is one - or at least when there is reason to prefer some responses to others - the answer isn't obvious and can't be summarized in a sentence. Why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer? Do numbers ever end? Why do people lie? Why did we invade Vietnam? Grappling with meaty questions like these (which were among those generated by a class in Plainview, NY) is a real project . . . literally. A question-based approach to teaching tends to shade into learning that is problem- (Delisle, 1997) and project-based (Kilpatrick, 1918; Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Wolk, 1998). Intellectual proficiency is strengthened as students figure out how to do justice to a rich question. As they investigate and come to understand important ideas more fully, new questions arise along with better ways of asking them, and the learning spirals upwards. Guiding students through this process is not a technique that can be stapled onto our existing pedagogy, nor is it something that teachers can be trained to master during an in-service day. What's required is a continual focus on creating a classroom that is about thinking rather
Luciano Ferrer

How Much Energy Do We Need? - 0 views

    "Because energy fuels both human development and environmental damage, policies that encourage energy demand reduction can run counter to policies for alleviating poverty, and the other way around. Achieving both objectives can only happen if energy use is spread more equally across societies. However, while it's widely acknowledged that part of the global population is living in 'energy poverty', there's little attention given to the opposite condition, namely 'energy excess' or 'energy decadence'. Researchers have calculated minimum levels of energy use needed to live a decent life, but what about maximum levels? "
Luciano Ferrer

Male Singing To Female That Will Never Come | Racing Extinction - 0 views

    "The Kaua Moho was the last species of it's entire genus and it was the last genus in it's family. This male was not just the last of his kind, he was the last being on his entire branch of the evolutionary tree, there was nothing left on the planet that was even close to being like him. That kind of loneliness is unimaginable. No other avian family has had every single species within it go completely extinct in modern times. Different species of Moho lived on each island of Hawaii and their evolutionary cousins the kioea birds lived alongside them, but starting in 1800 (about the time Europeans started arriving to the islands in significant numbers and also about the time the native human population of Hawaii also got decimated by diseases) one by one they died out due to the introduction of foreign avian diseases and parasites, habitat loss, and hunting for their plumage. 2 hurricanes within 10 years of each other finished them off. They are all gone and that song or any song like it will never be heard again save for in recordings. The hurricanes dealt the final blow, but 95% of it was humanity's fault. This has become common in Hawaii due to having so many species that only exist there. A LOT of those species are gone now because the arrival of Europeans brought disease, invasive species, and people straight up killed them or destroyed their habitats. It is a similar situation on every isolated island or area in the world as humans have expanded and explored every nook and cranny on the planet, no matter how hard it is to get to or how little business we have there we feel the need to interfere in even the most delicate and tiny ecosystem. Even the large, continent sized ecosystems are suffering. It doesn't matter if there are millions or even billions of an animal or plant, we will find some way to kill them all. It is only in the last few decades that serious steps have finally been taken to preserve the few areas on this world that we have not destroyed, but
Luciano Ferrer

How to Run a Webinar From Your WordPress Website (in 6 Steps) - 0 views

    "A webinar can take many forms, such as a meeting, presentation, or workshop. The main difference between running a webinar and simply posting a video is the interactive component the former offers. Attendees typically view webinars in real time, and there is often the option for them to participate by asking and/or answering questions. This type of seminar offers an excellent opportunity to add a personal touch to your platform and engage your customers. For example, Neil Patel uses webinars frequently to reach out to visitors of his traffic growing website. Step #1: Create a Google Account Step #2: Create a New Event in YouTube Live Step #3: Customize Your Webinar Step #4: Embed Your Webinar in Your WordPress Website Step #5: Invite Attendees Step #6: Broadcast Your Webinar"
Luciano Ferrer

An Ancient Retrovirus Has Been Found in Human DNA - and it Might Still Be Active - 0 views

    "Striking evidence has emerged that an ancient virus previously known only from fossil evidence has persistently infected some humans at very low levels for hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. This ancient retrovirus is a kind of living fossil, and the discovery of an intact copy of it within the human genome poses questions as to how it has survived, and suggests others from the distant evolutionary past may lie dormant in the DNA of many species. ..."
Carlos Magro - 2 views

    Social Media, Social Life: How teens view their digital lives
Luciano Ferrer

Using Twitter in the classroom - my firsthand experience - Mr Kemp - 0 views

    "As an educator who is addicted to Twitter I have always read about students getting introduced to Twitter and wondered how it would work. After reading and reading I have finally decided to give it a go. Here is my introduction to Twitter in my classroom. Last Tuesday, the day started like any other. Roll call, discussion, introduction to an activity and a bit of a laugh with my Year 7 and 8 Technology class. We had been discussing the importance of being an active online user and being a positive digital citizen (the students are preparing some presentations for Year 2-3 children later in the term). The conversation moved into learning environments and we discussed the small and "un-student friendly" (their words) environment that they were currently sitting in. "Take the teachable moment and run with it" my inner, energetic teacher yelled from my shoulder. So there we were talking about the "Ultimate Learning Environment", when one of my students asked me "Why is social media so big?". Good question I thought, why is it 'so big'. So we unpacked that question and broke it down. We talked about Social Media and what it was and how it worked, they gave me excellent examples and we tied it back into our discussion about digital citizenship. From this point, as a class, we decided we would use social media to help us with our learning. The students had no idea how it could work. I suggested twitter and how I use it. We pulled up my profile and saw how it worked (discussion only). The decision was then made -> Let's ask the twitterverse to help us!! On rolled Monday 5th May and in our first class (I see this group twice a week) we decided that tomorrow would be the day, we would ask twitter for their advice on "What makes a GREAT learningenvironment?". The students already have some fantastic ideas and a plan of where they want to see their environment heading but they needed some depth to their plan and some other opinions outside of
Luciano Ferrer

A World Beyond Markets - Rifkin talk RSA - 0 views

    "For more information about the event and to listen to the podcast go to the RSA event page: How will the 'collaborative commons' transform our lives? Jeremy Rifkin, one of the world's most popular public thinkers and political advisors, argues that capitalism will no longer be the dominant paradigm in the second half of the 21st century. Follow the RSA on Twitter: Like the RSA on Facebook: Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow."
Luciano Ferrer

Los 13 mejores vídeos de ciencia hechos por alumnos - 0 views

    "El proyecto "Guiones para la ciencia" de la UEX nos ofrece vídeos en los que alumnos de todos los niveles educativos realizan representaciones teatrales destinadas a divulgar conocimientos científicos. Historias de amor, fábulas escenificadas, recreaciones biográficas y hasta la propia Angela Merkel han sido utilizadas por los estudiantes para explicar aspectos como el funcionamiento del universo, la estructura del átomo o los estados de la materia. La ciencia se hace teatro gracias a profesores y alumnos. Guiones para la ciencia nos ofrece una colección de recursos y muchas ideas para desarrollar proyectos de aprendizaje y otras actividades en el aula. Una iniciativa del Servicio de Difusión de la Cultura Científica de la UEx, a través de la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología, FECYT Listado completo de vídeos "Ciencia explosiva (La Gran explosión)" El origen del Universo, la formación de la Tierra y la aparición de la vida a través de un espectáculo de luz, música y vídeo-animación. "Los Levials" Nuevos materiales como el grafeno. ¿Qué son? ¿Por qué usarlos? Tres seres muy especiales que analizan una tableta nos lo explican en una divertida conversación. "Unas ganas de reñir muy científicas" Dos enamorados mezclan música y problemas de pareja para explicarnos fenómenos como la combustión, la presión atmosférica o la dilatación. "No es magia, es ciencia" Experiencias para explicar aspectos de la ciencia a través de las aventuras de un equipo de cocineros muy especial. "CMC" La nieta de Marie Curie nos guía en un homenaje a todas las mujeres científicas basado en la vida de su propia abuela. "Cuarteto para Bohr" Los elementos de la materia cobran vida y dos sandías sirven para explicar modelos como el de Rutherford. "Hijas de la luna" La danza contemporánea nos transporta a nuestro satélite para saber más cosas de la Luna y apreciar su influencia en nuestra vida.
Luciano Ferrer

The Tree of Languages Illustrated in a Big, Beautiful Infographic | Open Culture - 0 views

    "Call it counterintuitive clickbait if you must, but Forbes' Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry made an intriguing argument when he granted the title of "Language of the Future" to French, of all tongues. "French isn't mostly spoken by French people and hasn't been for a long time now," he admits," but "the language is growing fast, and growing in the fastest-growing areas of the world, particularly sub-Saharan Africa. The latest projection is that French will be spoken by 750 million people by 2050. One study "even suggests that by that time, French could be the most-spoken language in the world, ahead of English and even Mandarin." I don't know about you, but I can never believe in any wave of the future without a traceable past. But the French language has one, of course, and a long and storied one at that. You see it visualized in the information graphic above (also available in suitable-for-framing prints!) created by Minna Sundberg, author of the webcomic Stand Still. Stay Silent. "When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor," writes Mental Floss' Arika Okrent. "An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian)." Sundberg takes this tree metaphor to a delightfully lavish extreme, tracing, say, how Indo-European linguistic roots sprouted a variety of modern-day living languages including Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Italian - and, of course, our Language of the Future. The size of the branches and bunches of leaves represent the number of speakers of each language at different times: the likes of English and Spanish have sprouted into mighty vegetative clusters, while others, like, Swedish, Dutch, and Punjabi, assert a more local dominance over their own, separately grown regional branches. Will French's now-modest leave
Luciano Ferrer

Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions - 0 views

    "In the Maasai community where Richard Turere lives with his family, cattle are all-important. But lion attacks were growing more frequent. In this short, inspiring talk, the young inventor shares the solar-powered solution he designed to safely scare the lions away."
Luciano Ferrer

Your Phone Has an FM Chip. So Why Can't You Listen to the Radio? | WIRED - 0 views

    "Every smartphone in the world has an FM tuner built in. But here in the US, just one-third of them actually works, even though the Federal Emergency Management Agency says radio can save lives in an emergency. "We know that if Internet networks or cell phone networks go down, FM still works so long as you have a battery to turn the device on," says agency spokesman Rafael Lemaitre."
Luciano Ferrer

Lynda Barry on How the Smartphone Is Endangering Three Ingredients of Creativity: Lonel... - 0 views

    "She demanded that all participating staff members surrender their phones and other such personal devices. The book you hold in your hands would not exist had high school been a pleasant experience for me… It was on those quiet weekend nights when even my parents were out having fun that I began making serious attempts to make stories in comics form. - Adrian Tomine, introduction to 32 Stories Computer Science Professor Calvin Newport's recent book, Deep Work, posits that all that shallow phone time is creating stress, anxiety, and lost creative opportunities, while also doing a number on our personal and professional lives.Author Manoush Zomorodi's recent TED Talk on how boredom can lead to brilliant ideas, below, details a weeklong experiment in battling smartphone habits, with lots of scientific evidence to back up her findings."
Luciano Ferrer

The True Cost - 0 views

    "This is a story about clothing. It's about the clothes we wear, the people who make them, and the impact the industry is having on our world. The price of clothing has been decreasing for decades, while the human and environmental costs have grown dramatically. The True Cost is a groundbreaking documentary film that pulls back the curtain on the untold story and asks us to consider, who really pays the price for our clothing? Filmed in countries all over the world, from the brightest runways to the darkest slums, and featuring interviews with the world's leading influencers including Stella McCartney, Livia Firth and Vandana Shiva, The True Cost is an unprecedented project that invites us on an eye opening journey around the world and into the lives of the many people and places behind our clothes."
Luciano Ferrer

Nanopesos by Camila Gormaz - 0 views

    "This game is a budget management simulator inspired by the low salaries and high living costs in Chile. At the time of developing this game, the minimum wage in Chile was $301,000 (approximately $400 USD) and according to the National Institute of Statistics of Chile (INE), more than a half of workers in Chile earn $400,000 or less."

Study in Canada - Find Colleges and Universities - 1 views

    Interested to Study in Canada? Know more details on Colleges & Universities, Cost of Study, Cost of Living, Student Visa Requirements in Canada and more.
Luciano Ferrer

AhaSlides Interactive presentation for your meetings and classroom - 0 views

    "AhaSlides makes it easy to add polls, live charts, fun quizzes, engaging Q&A sessions to your presentation. So you can be the real star on stage!"
Luciano Ferrer

Análisis comparativo: 5 herramientas de videoconferencia - 0 views

    "5 herramientas de videoconferencia (sabemos que hay muchas más) con el objetivo de conocer las características, ventajas y desventajas que presenta cada una de ella para ayudarnos a elegir la más adecuada para nuestro contexto, la formación en Red: Hangouts, Adobe Connect, WiZiqQ, Blue Jeans y Skype"
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