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Carlos Magro

The Computer Delusion - The Atlantic - 7 views

  • IN 1922 Thomas Edison predicted that "the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and ... in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks."
  • William Levenson, the director of the Cleveland public schools' radio station, claimed that "the time may come when a portable radio receiver will be as common in the classroom as is the blackboard.
  • B. F. Skinner, referring to the first days of his "teaching machines," in the late 1950s and early 1960s, wrote, "I was soon saying that, with the help of teaching machines and programmed instruction, students could learn twice as much in the same time and with the same effort as in a standard classroom."
  • ...39 more annotations...
  • a bridge to the twenty-first century ... where computers are as much a part of the classroom as blackboards
  • We could do so much to make education available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, that people could literally have a whole different attitude toward learning
  • Larry Cuban, a professor of education at Stanford University and a former school superintendent, observed that as successive rounds of new technology failed their promoters' expectations, a pattern emerged
  • Today's technology evangels argue that we've learned our lesson from past mistakes
  • The promoters of computers in schools again offer prodigious research showing improved academic achievement after using their technology
  • killed its music program last year to hire a technology coordinator
  • The possibilities of using this thing poorly so outweigh the chance of using it well, it makes people like us, who are fundamentally optimistic about computers, very reticent
  • Perhaps the best way to separate fact from fantasy is to take supporters' claims about computerized learning one by one and compare them with the evidence in the academic literature and in the everyday experiences I have observed or heard about in a variety of classrooms.
  • Computers improve both teaching practices and student achievement.
  • Computer literacy should be taught as early as possible; otherwise students will be left behind.
  • To make tomorrow's work force competitive in an increasingly high-tech world, learning computer skills must be a priority.
  • Technology programs leverage support from the business community—badly needed today because schools are increasingly starved for funds.
  • Work with computers—particularly using the Internet—brings students valuable connections with teachers, other schools and students, and a wide network of professionals around the globe.
  • Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information Superhighway
  • begins by citing numerous studies that have apparently proved that computers enhance student achievement significantly
  • n the early 1980s Apple shrewdly realized that donating computers to schools might help not only students but also company sales, as Apple's ubiquity in classrooms turned legions of families into Apple loyalists
  • there is scant evidence of greater student achievement.
  • They're especially weak in measuring intangibles such as enthusiasm and self-motivation
  • Computers in classrooms are the filmstrips of the 1990s
  • Apple quickly learned that teachers needed to change their classroom approach to what is commonly called "project-oriented learning
  • students learn through doing and teachers act as facilitators or partners rather than as didacts.
  • the guide on the side instead of the sage on the stage
  • But what the students learned "had less to do with the computer and more to do with the teaching,
  • Even in success stories important caveats continually pop up. The best educational software is usually complex — most suited to older students and sophisticated teachers.
  • Part of the answer may lie in the makeup of the Administration's technology task force
  • Each chapter describes various strategies for getting computers into classrooms, and the introduction acknowledges that "this report does not evaluate the relative merits of competing demands on educational funding
  • Hypertext Minds
  • Today's parents, knowing firsthand how families were burned by television's false promises, may want some objective advice about the age at which their children should become computer literate
  • Opinions diverge in part because research on the brain is still so sketchy, and computers are so new, that the effect of computers on the brain remains a great mystery.
  • that the mediated world is more significant than the real one.
  • n the past decade, according to the presidential task force's report, the number of jobs requiring computer skills has increased from 25 percent of all jobs in 1983 to 47 percent in 1993
  • told me the company rarely hires people who are predominantly computer experts, favoring instead those who have a talent for teamwork and are flexible and innovative
  • Many jobs obviously will demand basic computer skills if not sophisticated knowledge. But that doesn't mean that the parents or the teachers of young students need to panic.
  • NEWSPAPER financial sections carry almost daily pronouncements from the computer industry and other businesses about their high-tech hopes for America's schoolchildren
  • High-tech proponents argue that the best education software does develop flexible business intellects
  • IT is hard to visit a high-tech school without being led by a teacher into a room where students are communicating with people hundreds or thousands of miles away — over the Internet or sometimes through video-conferencing systems (two-way TV sets that broadcast live from each room).
  • The free nature of Internet information also means that students are confronted with chaos, and real dangers
  • We need less surfing in the schools, not more
  • chooling is not about information. It's getting kids to think about information. It's about understanding and knowledge and wisdom
    The Atlantic covers consequential news and ideas in politics, business, entertainment, technology, health, education, and global affairs.

Universal Business Council | High End Technology Certification - 0 views

    Universal Business Council is an alliance of business experts from all across the globe, with a passion for sharing their expertise and facilitating individuals to get valuable insights, resulting in excellent growth opportunities.

Top 5 Digital Marketing Channels For Local Businesses - 0 views

    Digital marketing channels are the doors to step in to create your online presence. However, every digital marketing channel cannot be equally fruitful for your business.
Luciano Ferrer

Estas son las 5 cualidades que más admiro de un docente - 0 views

    "Build a brand not a business (Construye una marca, no un negocio). El docente como marca personal. Aunque el concepto de marca personal esté muy ligado al mundo empresarial, me gustaría que pensaras por un momento en ti como un referente, como un docente que deja huella en sus compañeros de profesión y en sus alumnos. En el artículo titulado ¿Qué tipo de docente eres? ya me referí a cuatro categorías de docentes. Eran estas: El docente mediocre El buen docente El docente superior El docente que inspira Si lees con detenimiento el artículo, observarás que hay una distancia enorme entre estos cuatro tipos de docente. Pues bien, el docente que inspira a los demás vendría a ser el docente que se convierte en su propia marca personal, en un referente para sus compañeros y alumnos. Pues bien, MJ DeMarco en su libro The Millionaire Fastlane te enseña que lo primero que uno debe hacer para convertirse en una marca personal es tener lo que él denomina Unique Selling Proposition o USP (Propuesta única de venta). Si trasladas este concepto a tu labor como docente, te darás cuenta de que tan sólo se trata de cambiar el concepto de venta por el de enseñanza. La propuesta única de enseñanza para un docente. ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo se consigue? Puede ser que lleves años en la docencia y nunca te hayas planteado cuál es tu verdadero propósito. Me explico. En muchas ocasiones la zona de confort en la que un docente se instala le impide ver el auténtico propósito de su profesión. Esa zona de confort es la que, precisamente, hace que un docente acabe únicamente por explicar en lugar de enseñar. Si quieres ver la diferencia entre explicar y enseñar, aquí te dejo un enlace. En mi opinión no se puede enseñar si no se tiene claro el objetivo de lo que se está enseñando. Y este es precisamente el objetivo de cualquier negocio que fundamente dicho negocio en una marca personal. Y ahora viene la pregunta: ¿Cómo me convierto en una marca
Luciano Ferrer

3 Reasons Your Students Should Be Blogging - Instructional Tech Talk - 0 views

    "1. Blogging enables reflection. This is true for both students and educators. Too often do we go through our days, class to class, with minimal opportunities for reflection on our experiences or the information that we have acquired along the way. Blogging offers the opportunity to take a step back and connect with our learning and place it in the context of the bigger picture. Make reflection an assignment or part of another assignment - it is an important component to learning. For students: This is not the easiest thing to accomplish - blogging takes time and that is a finite resource during a busy class period. There is great opportunity in academic support periods or advisory classes for students (particularly in 1:1 schools) to blog. Many advisory classes take place throughout the day, which is a great break point for students to create based on their learning from that day. For teachers: This type of reflection can and should be compiled into your lesson planning for future lessons. Take what you learned from teaching and learning that day and incorporate it into the next day's lessons. Find time to do this during a conference period during your day or right after school. Yes, it is tough to get in the habit of doing a new thing - but once you start using reflection through blogging, I think that your lesson planning will be easier and much more meaningful. 2. Develop an Authentic Audience An authentic audience is a great way to increase rigor and in all of my experiences has led to increased performance by students. Authentic audiences in blogging could mean any number of things - family members, students from other classes, students from other buildings, other teachers, individuals interested in the content from around the world, etc. A student knowing that their work may be seen by people other than what they consider their 'typical audience' (read: teacher) typically spends more time and exerts more effort to creating a quality p
Luciano Ferrer

Educación y tecnología: ¿mucho que ganar?, ¿algo que perder? | - 0 views

    "Esta tarde estaré en lo premios Xataka 2014, participando en la mesa redonda Educación y tecnología: mucho que ganar ¿algo que perder?. Interesante tema. Curiosa formulación de la pregunta. Para titular este post, me he permitido la licencia de añadir unos signos de interrogación. No porque no crea que haya mucho que ganar incorporando las tecnologías en la educación sino porque creo que ese proceso debe hacerse desde un posicionamiento crítico y después de un proceso profundo de reflexión. Las tecnologías solas no son la solución. Comparto mesa con Javier Palazón, director de la revista Educación 3.0, Francisco García, Consumer Business Manager de Lenovo, Carlos Alonso, responsable de desarrollo de negocio en Sector Educación de HP, David Alonso, Head B2B Samsung y Enrique Celma, responsable del área de educación de Intel. La mesa está organizada y estará moderada por Antonio Ortiz, Director de estrategia online y cofundador de WeblogsSL. a quien aprovecho para agradecerle su invitación. Hay streaming de los premios aquí. Diapositiva5 Dejo a continuación las notas que he preparado para el debate 1. Siempre ha habido una estrecha relación entre educación y tecnología. La tecnología ha sido vista casi siempre como el aliado perfecto para el cambio educativo (Cine, Radio, TV, Ordenador personal, CD-rom, Pizarra digital, tablets…). 2. La tecnología ha sido, sin embargo, una promesa incumplida. A pesar de las grandes inversiones realizadas y las esperanzas depositadas, ésta no ha cumplido el papel esperado como palanca del cambio educativo. (Larry Cuban, Neil Selwyn) 3. La historia de la tecnología educativa está llena de futuros que nunca fueron presentes. (Audrey Watters) 4. Desarrollar tecnologías, incluso "adoptarlas", es relativamente sencillo. Cambiar las mentes y los hábitos no lo es tanto. (Seymour Papert) 5. Ha sido común entre muchos reformadores la idea de que si introducimos la tecnología en el aula, é

Infocomm India 2015 - 1 views

    InfoComm India presents AV systems integrators, as well as business owners and IT managers an excellent opportunity to find out how you can leverage on Pro AV communications technology in your corporate or marketing strategies for your business or organizational success.
Luciano Ferrer

La crisis del Antropoceno - 0 views

    Vida ambiente ecología antropoceno capitalismo tecnología sociedad naturaleza cambioclimático biosfera coevolución colapso marx socialismo desarrollo sostenible decrecimiento igualdad sostenibilidad ecológica En menos de una generación bajo el business as usual este proceso nos arrojará por el precipicio climático. Solo hay una conclusión posible: ¡Cambio de sistema, no cambio climático!
Luciano Ferrer

Civilisation peaked in 1940 and will collapse by 2040: the data-based predictions of 1973 - 0 views

    "In 1973, near the height of the 'population bomb' panic, a computing programme called World1 offered up some predictions for the future. It anticipated a grim picture for humanity based on current trajectories. Tracing categories such as population, pollution and natural-resource usage, World1 calculated that, by 2040, human civilisation would collapse - a century after the best year to have been alive on the planet: 1940. This film was originally broadcast by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) News as part of a report on predictions for the coming decades made by cutting-edge computing technology and leading thinkers of the time. The second segment features interviews with members of the Club of Rome, an elite think tank composed of government officials, academics and business leaders focused on the future of humanity. Their view is a bit sunnier, anticipating a world where global governments are forced to cooperate to solve complex problems, people widen their cultural horizons and work fewer hours, and limited consumption - not wealth - becomes a mark of prestige. Viewed today, it makes for an engrossing artifact, raising far more questions than it answers about humanity's ability to effectively predict its future and correct its course."
Luciano Ferrer

Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth points to the need for transformative c... - 0 views

    "The time is now. For decades, scientists have been raising calls for societal changes that will reduce our impacts on nature. Though much conservation has occurred, our natural environment continues to decline under the weight of our consumption. Humanity depends directly on the output of nature; thus, this decline will affect us, just as it does the other species with which we share this world. Díaz et al. review the findings of the largest assessment of the state of nature conducted as of yet. They report that the state of nature, and the state of the equitable distribution of nature's support, is in serious decline. Only immediate transformation of global business-as-usual economies and operations will sustain nature as we know it, and us, into the future."
Luciano Ferrer

Nuestro futuro cazador-recolector: cambio climático, agricultura y desciviliz... - 0 views

    "Las estimaciones de la trayectoria business as usual indican que el clima se calentará entre 3 y 4 °C para el 2100 y hasta 8-10 °C con posterioridad. El clima estable del Holoceno hizo posible la agricultura y la civilización. Hasta entonces, el inestable clima del Pleistoceno las hacía imposibles. Las sociedades humanas después de la agricultura se caracterizaron por el exceso y el colapso. El cambio climático fue causa frecuente de estos colapsos. El futuro cambio climático devolverá al planeta Tierra a las condiciones climáticas inestables del Pleistoceno y la agricultura será imposible. La sociedad humana se caracterizará una vez más por la caza y la recolección."
Luciano Ferrer

Male Singing To Female That Will Never Come | Racing Extinction - 0 views

    "The Kaua Moho was the last species of it's entire genus and it was the last genus in it's family. This male was not just the last of his kind, he was the last being on his entire branch of the evolutionary tree, there was nothing left on the planet that was even close to being like him. That kind of loneliness is unimaginable. No other avian family has had every single species within it go completely extinct in modern times. Different species of Moho lived on each island of Hawaii and their evolutionary cousins the kioea birds lived alongside them, but starting in 1800 (about the time Europeans started arriving to the islands in significant numbers and also about the time the native human population of Hawaii also got decimated by diseases) one by one they died out due to the introduction of foreign avian diseases and parasites, habitat loss, and hunting for their plumage. 2 hurricanes within 10 years of each other finished them off. They are all gone and that song or any song like it will never be heard again save for in recordings. The hurricanes dealt the final blow, but 95% of it was humanity's fault. This has become common in Hawaii due to having so many species that only exist there. A LOT of those species are gone now because the arrival of Europeans brought disease, invasive species, and people straight up killed them or destroyed their habitats. It is a similar situation on every isolated island or area in the world as humans have expanded and explored every nook and cranny on the planet, no matter how hard it is to get to or how little business we have there we feel the need to interfere in even the most delicate and tiny ecosystem. Even the large, continent sized ecosystems are suffering. It doesn't matter if there are millions or even billions of an animal or plant, we will find some way to kill them all. It is only in the last few decades that serious steps have finally been taken to preserve the few areas on this world that we have not destroyed, but
Blanca Martinez

School technology struggles to make an impact - BBC News - 0 views

    Artículo que analiza desde una perspectiva crítica la aportatión de la tecnología al aprendizaje.
Sussan Salazar

PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint altern... - 0 views

    Herramienta para crear presentaciones animadas
Josetxo Amilibia

9 Steps For Schools To Create Their Own BYOD Policy - 0 views

    If you haven't noticed lately, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is kind of a big deal, both in business, technology, and education fields. Why? In education, BYOD (and its initialistic cousin, BYOT), 1:1, and other trends are symbolic of (at least) three things: 1. Schools, teachers, and students want technology in the classroom 2.
Iria Morgade

Are you a busy teacher? - 0 views

shared by Iria Morgade on 10 Nov 14 - Cached
    Aquí os dejo una página con muchísimos recursos para los profes de inglés.¡Muy útil!
Antonio Garrido

NEO Simple, Powerful LMS for Schools and Universities - 1 views

    MATRIX is a simple, powerful LMS for businesses that makes it easy to deliver online training.
Luciano Ferrer

Your Phone Has an FM Chip. So Why Can't You Listen to the Radio? | WIRED - 0 views

    "Every smartphone in the world has an FM tuner built in. But here in the US, just one-third of them actually works, even though the Federal Emergency Management Agency says radio can save lives in an emergency. "We know that if Internet networks or cell phone networks go down, FM still works so long as you have a battery to turn the device on," says agency spokesman Rafael Lemaitre."

The 5 Best Free Email Marketing Tools in 2019|Universal Business Council - 0 views

    There are tons of email marketing tools available in the market to help you in sending the bulk of mails in one go. But not all the tools are free, as some of these tools also come in paid versions. Free versions always contain limited features, but paid tools are capable of providing all the facilities.

Top 10 SEO Tips That'll Improve Your Ranking |Universal Business Council - 0 views

    SEO is all about improving your website ranking in the search engine results and standing ahead of the competition. A good SEO strategy is required to make every further digital marketing campaigns successful. Today in the world occupied by the internet people's first experiences comes from the internet
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