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Technology Impact on Learning - 8 views

  • Children did not become social isolates. ACOT classes showed more evidence of spontaneous cooperative learning than did traditional classes.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How did technology encourage cooperative learning in this Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project?
    • Leonila Pena
      I believe that having access to technology whenever they needed it gave the students the ability to go beyond the walls of the classroom. They didn't have to rely solely on the teacher as their learning resource. They had the tool to explore the world from their own home and the opportunity to become creators of their own learning. Through their research they most likely found other individuals that had the same interests as they did, people with whom they could share what they knew and also learn from. Many students become more confident when they see that others have interest in their work, it makes them want to show others what they know and help others enabling them to work more cooperatively with their peers.
  • The studies showed that ACOT students wrote better and were able to complete unites of study more rapidly than their peers in non-ACOT classrooms. In one case, students finished the year’s study of mathematics by the beginning of April. In short, academic productivity did not suffer and in some cases even improved.
    • Diana Cedillo
      According to this study, do you think that our students in our classrooms would have the same results if we presented them with computers as they did in their program? If so, what would we do or how would we follow this program with limited funding on technology?
  • Nineteen of the ACOT students (90%) went on to college, while only 15% of non-ACOT student sought higher education.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How has technology encouraged students to pursue higher education?
    • R. Palomares
      Technology encourages students to take more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, it creates a different attitude toward learning because they now act as active participants in their own learning. This is good information to share with other teachers. Thank you for sharing.
    • Diana Cedillo
      Yes Palomares, I agree it does encourge a student-centered learning environment. A direction we all seem to be moving towards.
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    • Diana Cedillo
      Is technology making a positive impact on education? If so, how?
    • Joshua McDonald
      I believe technology is doing what is has always done, making things happen faster, which for the most part I would say is a great thing. Specifically in education you can find a wealth of information for research in a very short amount of time, papers are easier to type then write, learning can be more individualistic, and I will stop there. So I can see lots of positive impacts in the education setting, but I can also see concerns. For instance I have noticed that for the most part my students lack the necessary skills to stop and think through a situation or a problem. If it takes to much time to solve, most of them will give up. They are used to getting things quickly. I do think the the positives outweigh the negatives in this instance.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with Joshua, technology is indeed making a positive impact on education. There are more students using a wide variety of programs that motivate them to do better in school. Programs such as Stixty have given the students the opportunity to do book reports in a fun and interactive way. There are numerous of other examples that demonstrate how technology is making a positive impact on education. It's making positive impacts on how we (educators) collaborate and share relevant information through programs such as this social bookmarking website(Diigo).
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
    I think if the students get this opportunity to have a computers, they would have more access to get more resources for their studies. On the other hand, students need to be monitor when using computers to make they are using them effectively and not getting into websites that would get them in trouble.
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    This is a great study on the positive effects of technology. I can see how it could have been so successful, like any other type of program or project, consistency is the key aspect. Any type of technology that is going to be introduced into the learning setting will be effective if the accountability and full cooperation is clearly stated prior to making the commitment. This is something I have seen as an educator that becomes an issue because as Title 1 districts I am sure funds are available for Ipads or any other tablet that might be more affordable but the way things are implemented is a big aspect of how productive you will be. Many times we begin something and not follow through, I think that implementing any time of tablet into the learning process in our school is a great way to enhance learning as long as we set goals to meet and accomplish. Great information thank you for sharing.
    Marivel, I agree that districts and campuses have to be committed when introducing and executing the use of technology in the classroom. I believe errors in success occur when there's no consistency in using a technology in the classroom. Students are always more engaged. For example, this week, I did the story plot with my students in class and we retold the story of Prometheus using Toontastic ( I believe that's the name of the app) and my students were glued to the screen. It's a FREE app I encourage teachers to use. It provides the visual in the story students need so they can recall events in the story.
    Learned alot from this study!! It's amazing how much influence technology has on students. When I read that 90% of the students who were using technology went to college compared to only 15% of the non-tech students, I was shocked. It puzzles me how many school districts are not willing to make the necessary expenses to attain this same achievement. The school drop-out rate is sky rocketing here in the valley. I posted a link to a Texas drop out report. Check it out!
    Thank you for sharing the FREE app on recalling events in a story. I will try it tomorrow and hope to have great results just like you. Thank you.
    Technology is a great way of getting our students more engaged in our lessons. It was surprising to read in this article how the students in the ACOT program were college-bound unlike the other students in the same high school. Students are able to use technology to collaborate. I feel students might feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with one another through the use of technology.
    I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.

Ten Tips for Engaging Underperforming Students | Edutopia - 22 views

    • vincent briseno
      These are all excellent tips for every classroom. Performing all ten of these on a daily basis would be a challenge for me. Is there a particular strategy you would or have struggled with in your classroom?
    • Maria D. Martinez
      I believe my major struggle has been time constraint. Once I begin I keep going and going and at times I forget about the time. It flies by and I see myself running short to what I had planned for that day. It would be ideal to have more time with the students but since that is not possible, I have to go with plan B which is to allocate a certain time to every section and abide by it.
    • R. Palomares
      Vincent, This article is great and the ten Interactive Learning Non-negotiables strategies are great when planning the lessons. I think #4-"limited lecture" would be challenge because finding a stop during the lecture can be difficult at time. On the other hand, I believe #1 the "Essential Question" is the most important because this will guide the students towards the end goal. In addition, I liked #10-"Student Centered" because that's where you plan the use of a technology tool to make the lesson engaging and relevant. This will be a great article to share. Thank you for sharing.
    • Jaime Villarreal
      In my experience tip #2 has been my greatest challenge in my classroom. Implementing an activating stratetgy to activate student thinking is very crucial to capture their attention and curiousity which will then trigger learning. The challenging part is making the time and carefully planning each activity and following lesson timelines at the same time.
    • vincent briseno
      Maria and Romel I know a couple of teachers who use a kitchen timer and set it for no more than 15 minutes. It is a bit crude, but it is a cheap solution and easier than setting a timer on your phone, watch, etc...
    • vincent briseno
      Jaime I have issues with finding an activating strategy as well. In math, it is difficult to connect slope with something relevant to students, but sometimes we over think things. I showed a terribly stereotypical video to a group of kids on slope and they still talk about it 3 weeks later. You'd be surprised what kids will relate to.
    • Leonila Pena
      Vincent, those ten tips are great, thank you for the link. I can see how incorporating those ten strategies into your lessons on a daily basis can seem quite daunting, but if you think about it, as educators we are required to plan out our lessons based on the objective(s) that we are teaching. What I would do is use this as a guide when I plan out my lesson, maybe create a checklist out of it and use it while planning my lessons. I'm one of those that tend to over think things, I always need to write down what it is that I need to do or achieve so that I stay focused on just that.
    I think a particular strategy i would struggle is about time. Sometimes we go "on and on" on one concept that we forget about time especially if we are team teaching and the time frame is shorten.I like the video which explains the ten tips the teacher should follow. I am going to share this video with my coworkers in school. Very informative :)
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    These are great strategies. I love how they suggest for teachers to involve kinesthetic movement, hands on activities and providing experiences as a way to make teaching the content meaningful and easier to recall. By creating student-centered learning activities, the teacher will reach a greater population of the students through the use of incorporating several learning styles. Learning modalities need to be considered for the lesson to be effective.
    In my experience tip #2 has been my greatest challenge in my classroom. Implementing an activating stratetgy to activate student thinking is very crucial to capture their attention and curiousity which will then trigger learning. The challenging part is making the time and carefully planning each activity and following lesson timelines at the same time.
    Mari I completely understand. Time gets away from even the best teachers. I am a coach and this is the issue I have most difficulty with on the field (that and yelling). I always carry my watch with me and set timers. Some teachers use simple kitchen timers to keep both the teacher and the students on task. It helps both know there is a limited amount of time to complete tasks. It keeps the class moving and students engaged.
    I really enjoyed the article Vincent, I'd agree with limiting lecture because student's haven't developed a cognition level of grasping information in one sitting. So breakout sessions work best along with collaborative group work discussions. The way I've learned to keep a class engaged is use a timer system online and students are aware of how much time is left. From experience I noticed that time flys by fast.
    Vicente, thanks for sharing! I agree that those are ten of the basic steps we as educators can take in helping or students become successful. I believe that sometimes we as teachers are pressured in keeping up with our timeline, that we're teaching more than one lesson, making it harder for students to learn and retain what was taught. If there wasn't so much pressure in standardized testing, perhaps we would be able to better reach all our students and not feel inclined to teach the "bubble" kids. Graphic organizers are a must in my classroom. Not only does it better illustrate for all students, but it also assists those students who need the visual and have modificiations. All the other key points listed make me believe that this is geared towards PBL. I think it's great! Students will still be required to use higher order thinking while still conducting a student-centered activity. Great job Vincent. I'll be sharing these tips with my fellow co-workers.
    This was a very interesting article about how to get underperforming students to improve. The one tip that would be a challenge for me would be the movement on a daily basis. I only teach math to my fourth grade students and I try to get my students to use manipulatives as often as possible. When they use the manipulatives I do tend to become stressed due to the movement of the students. I know it is good for them to move around and I will try to implement this tip more often in my classroom.
    lI like this article because it gave each step and then the author explain it futher. Making each of the step a "Non-Negotiables" is sometimes difficult. But once you practice doing them in each lesson I'm sure you can change with time making each day better and each lesson engaging.
    Vincent, great article I really appreciate all of the valuable tips for engaging students in the learning process, a way as to actively involve each student. I do incorporate a few of these tips with my students, and I agree that it will keep the students in control of their learning. Nonetheless, using these tips will make the students aware of the content that is expected to be learned on each subject area.
    I really appreciate all of the valuable tips for engaging students in the learning process, and I am aware of how each can be used. However, my huge frustration is in the fact that in a self contained classroom it is so difficult to plan for each class subject in such a way as to actively involve each student. I try my best, but it really is a challenge. I do incorporate a few of these tips with my students, but I guess more time would make all the difference.
    I think the particular strategy that would take me longer to achieve would be limited lecture. Finding a different activity to do with them and keep them focused will be very challenging after a while.
    Great article, very informative and awesome strategies to implement in my classroom. The ten interactive learning non-negotiable strategies are great when planning the lessons. I do see some resemblance to the 5-E strategies I use in my classroom, but to use all ten strategies on a daily basis might be a challenge to keep all the students engaged.
    This is what my student population consists of. Great article!
    I like the strategies, every bit of guidance and tips will defintely help us implement innovative and interactive lessons. I think we are all guilty of going on and on, because we become engaged as well. These strategies would go very well with PBL instruction.

If Technology Motivates Students, Let's Use It! | Edutopia - 4 views

  • I believe many students are bored and unmotivated because of the way they are being taught, with heavy reliance on reading textbooks, memorizing facts and figures, and listening to lectures, over and over.
    • April Canales-Perez
      This is true for students who have teachers teaching to the test. Students are not motivated to learn because they are not engaged in meaningful learning. What do you think?
    • Cesar Mata
      As a STAAR testing teacher this year I sometimes feel ashamed to admit that I feel like we have no other choice than to "teach the test." With so much pressure on us to get the students to pass we often resort to what we know works, and that is drill and skill. So yes, I agree that students lack motivation and how can we blame them?
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      Good insight - I think it is what most of us resort to. It is a shame that the "powers that be" don't see that this is happening.
  • Technology in its many forms is showing how teaching and learning can paint with a much broader palette of colors, from images and music to games, simulations, wikis, and many others, any time, any place, on laptops, desktops, and smartphones.
  • Today's students find this new world of digital learning to be very motivating.
    • Dara Cepeda
      Sometimes as educators we don't understand administrators when they constantly remind us to motivate students and teach them with new tools, but at the same time they contradict themselves when they expect you to teach specifically from C-scope. Luckily, there is no C-scope for my teaching subject, Art, but I see the stress of my colleagues when they want to try something new, and then the administrators getting after them for not following C-scope. Students need to be taught in their language..which is technology and multimedia tools.
    • Cora Mendez
      I like that Dara:" to teach them in their language" because this is what they know technology.
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    • April Canales-Perez
      How are you motivating your students to learn using technology?
    Teaching to the test can be BORING and un"motivating" for students. If we would teach the TEKS, using a variety of strategies and techniques, including PBL and technology, I believe students would be in even better prepared for lifelong learning. In many ways, I believe teaching to the test inhibits how far we take our students. I think the bottom line here is...planning is vital.
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    With all the new legislation in the state house and senate hopefully we can get away from so much testing. With many of the new bills the state is taking away the number of state tests the students will have to tak but they will still have to take some tests. Hopefully this will give teachers more "wiggle" room to teach more interactively and engaging. Most of our students know more about technology than we do. We should be using it to reach them.
    As a second grade teacher, we still have a little "wiggle room" to incorporate fun reading graphic organizers and fun mini projects for science and social studies. It is getting to the point that our 3rd grade teachers want us to do what they are doing (paper & pencil), but I disagree because with 7 and 8 year olds, they still need the phonics, visuals, and hands on to learn and stay engaged. They have a short attention span and are still developing.
    It seems that transitioning from no technology to technology really gets students motivated and excited, however, they also expect guidance if not they'll just play games. Incorporating technology inot what we already do does make a huge difference in student motivation and participation. I will add though that school can still be exciting even without technology, it's just a lot harder.
    As a first grade teacher, I have the opportunity to introduce and implement technology. My students are not interested in using the textbooks, but prefer the online texbook and interactive avtivities. Students at this young age are eager to use technology and hands on activities.
    All I can do is allow more opportunities in the library with the use of iPads so that the younger students are exposed to devices and apps. For older students, I made sure I covered digital citizenship, evaluating websites, and introduced credible research databases, to lay a foundation for our teachers. Our teachers are very strong, and they are always on task, but many time are limited for all the reasons we all know, lack of tools, time, etc.
    I agree students are bored and unmotivated with textbooks and lectures. I think teachers are too. I really like the comment that technology can paint with a much broader palette of colors. That's a great way to look at it. Technology definitely brightens lessons I've tried to inegrate technology into as many lessons as possible; however, not nearly as much or in the way I'd like to. Right now my students are working on Prezis. They are creating a presentation on an ecosystem and they're loving it. The lesson actually called for a diorama - the shoebox version. The Prezis have been a huge hit. Also, technology is integrated in to Health lessons by teaching Internet safety - this is an on going lesson with several sections. Our District subscribes to several sites (Aha Math, Think Through Math, Aha Science, etc.) we use in centers or all together in a computer lab.
    It is really hard to motivate certain students, but I'm doing my best to get them ready for college or a job. On a separate but related note, I make a point to tell them that not everything will be to their liking and they'd better be ready to produce.
    I agree with all of your comments. It is extremely difficult to motivate students when as teachers we are limited to our teaching strategies and overwhelm with the pressure of having to pass the STAARS test. We are limited with resources. Yet, we must learn how to use technology and learn how to motivate both our students and teachers. Give them a new resource a new way of teaching..
    I agree that we should use technology to motivate students. They look forward to a story, game, video, drawing tool etc. using technology verses pencil and paper.
    I for one love technology but also love lectures and insight from experts. To me it is not always about hands-on and group work. I guess I am a bit of an introvert in that regard.

EdTechTeacher | Professional Development for Creating 21st Century Student-Centered Lea... - 15 views

    This site has various resources that an educator can use in the classroom to incorporate technology in their lessons. After viewing the website, what are some of the areas that you found interesting or beneficial for your field of expertise?
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    Great website. I'm actually having to present to the math department on how they can incorporate tech. into their classroom this week. This site is great to show them!!
    This is an excellent website. I really like how it is set up to suggest web 2.0 tools according to what your learning goal is for technology implementation. It highlights key points about the website and rates its ease of use level. It organizes the Web 2.0 tools according to its purpose. For example, if I would like for my students to create books, magazines, posters, or newsletters online, this website simplifies my options by providing me with useful information on Web 2.0 tools that are available to accomplish this goal.
    Thanks for sharing this website I will definitely have it as a resource to guide me in the implementation of technology into my lessons. My favorite part of the website is the table of technology tools with a description, example and level of difficulty. The method of organizing tools in a table allows me to have tools in an accessible format that will motivate me to use them rather than spending valuable time looking for resources and information on how to use them in separate places. This website provides additional tutorials as well that can provide guiding tools in the implementation of technology. I have also found very useful the following website: ( ) from Texas Instruments that provides not only ready made lessons that implement technology but also free webinars to learn methods of implementation.
    Wow, The way is set up is very user friendly. The different tabs towards the top make navigation through this site very easy. There's something here for everyone, from teachers to school leaders who are looking for ways to incorporate more technology in their campus. I really liked and found interesting the tab that reads, "Teaching with Technology/Innovate projects & Lessons". There I was able to find numerous ideas of lessons and projects using technology. This provides a valuable resource to look into different project ideas. Great Website. Thank you for sharing! Also check this website out when you get a chance. (
    Awesome, I definitely like this site: ( there are lots of student friendly links in which students can use to integrate technology in their assignments. Teachers can also get ideas so that students can integrate technology using awesome graphic organizers. This website has on site links to go to on technology tools which are very user-friendly. Thanks for sharing! Check this website, there are awesome technology tools which teachers can use in the classroom.
    This website has so much information! I like that it invites teachers and administrators (Professional Development Services/Leadership and Change Tabs) to contact them to come to their campus or district to help incorporate technology to the curriculum. It has numerous links for teachers to use, and shows how technology is being used in innovative ways in the classrooms. I also like that it gives students' excerpts on actual projects and lessons that have been done. It gives really good explanations and justifications of the use of technology in the classroom. In checking out the various sites it gives, I came up with this one that I really liked Check it out, it gives you many resources for your classroom, and the blog section gives you many more websites that are very useful for teachers in all levels.
    This particular site is perfect. As a reading language arts teacher I am constantly looking for ways to enhance my lessons and make them hands on. I found the Digital Storytelling ideas to be extremely useful. I have personally utilized the Comiclife and Storybird in my classroom. By using Comiclife, my students were able to create their own comic strip stories for a Figurative Language lesson and they were able to bring there lesson to live. I have also used Storybird and this is a great way to make the students bring their own creative writing to live. They are able to go through the writing process and be able to share their published work with others from all over. Love this resource...
    What a great website! Thanks for sharing it with us. I loved the fact that it even breaks it down into questions and you can click on the question and it will give some suggested links. I've used storybird before and the students loved it! I also found some digital story telling websites that I have never seen before. Check this link for more additional resources
    Wow! Impressive. This is a great website for teachers learning how to use technology in the classroom. I especially like the article called, "Beyond the Classroom with iPads & Mobile Technology". Integrating what interests our students such as ipads and iphones will provide opportunities for higher participation.
    This is a great website. I like how this website provides a variety of resources that educators can incorporate in the classroom. I like how this website provides different publications and articles that teachers can access to learn how to teach using multimedia. I also like how this website offers teachers to register for free webinars on how to implement iPads and other mobile devices in the classroom. And also provides recorded links of past webinars through blackboard.
    This is a great website with a lot of information. It has many resources for us educators to integrate technology in the classrooom. thanks for sharing!
    Very first place I checked out on the website was the article on the 5 mistakes people make when using iPads in the classroom, and as someone who had this opportunity last year I can say I made most of those mistakes :) Great resource for those looking to improve technology implementation on their campus.
    This website has so many different areas to choose from. I mainly looked at the math links and I found Real World Math. Real World Math is a website where you can find helpful lessons. Some of the lessons also deal with project based learning.
    I found the area of Teaching for 21st Century interesting because it states that successful integration in schools requires on going staff development. In addition, it has information on a cohort program that teachers are invited to get enroll in order to learn more about technology.
    This site is well rounded full of very interesting links that can help in different content areas. The areas of interest are the core subjects in my 4th grade level. It will be a great asset to the many sites in my library.
    It provides a lot of resources for teachers. One of the resources that it provides and that I think it's very helpful is the webinars.

Free Online Resources Engage Elementary Kids (Tech2Learn Series) | Edutopia - 12 views

    • April Canales-Perez
      View this video to see how Nicole Dalesio motivates her students to learn through the use of technology and free online applications. 
    • Edna Orozco
      It is amazing to see these children so young and so interested in technology, and the way they talk about technology AMAZING!, I would love my daughter to be part of this new era of students. The advantage of this type of learning is that schools do not have to invest a lot of money on buying expensive software, like the teacher mentined using the cloud or Web tools for free are simply great for school districts that do not have the funding.
    Teach2Learn Series offers engaging ideas!
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    I liked the video a lot. The way the teacher planned the lesson allows students not only to choose the project they like the most, but also to choose the tools they feel are the best to complete the project. The students seemed to be on task all the time and collaborating so they all finish their project. It is truly inspiring.
    Great video, Heather. It is an eye opener to all educators to what little children are capable of doing with the technology that is offered to them and the variety of technologies they can choose from.
    That was a great video. I was really impressed how advanced the students were with the use of technology. I am a high school teacher so it is great to see how elementary teachers are getting the students engaged through the use of technology in the early years.
    Cristina, you are correct. These type of lessons require a lot of preperation, but the outcome is fantastic. The students are engaged and collaborating, furthering the depth of knowledge for all.
    Isabel, I am always amazed by how quickly young students learn to manipulate technology. Many times, I go in with only the basics and allow the students to teach me the "good stuff". They are so excited and can't wait to show off their final product.
    Jessica, I am glad you were able to see first hand what children can accomplish in their elementary years. In my opinion, elementary is the best time to integrate technology, because the students are like little sponges. They learn so quickly and more importantly, they are motivated and engaged! As a high-school teacher, what would you like to see in term of technology knowledge from your entering students - Web 2.0 tools; Word; PowerPoint; etc.?
    Thank you for sharing such an interesting video. I like how the teacher gives the students a variety of options for assignments. The students have more freedom when deciding what projects they want to do and with what resources they like. It seems like the learners would be more motivated to succeed when they have these choices. I also like how the teacher is able to integrate multiple subjects within a single project. The students aren't just learning technology, they're learning how to work with each other and develop collaboration skills that will be needed throughout their lives.
    The Roman philosopher Senneca said that "While we teach, we learn." When students are able to create presentations and even games to explain a lesson or information to others, the creator in turn learns as well. To be able to properly teach a subject, we must first fully understand it. Using technology for this purpose ensures that the students properly understand the concept being taught to them.
    Isabel, the Edutopia video was evident that teachers have to find innovative resources when resources are scarce. The students were engaged and enjoing the activity. The students were able to work and explain the steps of the projects to their teacher. They had some great ideas to use for future projects.
    Christine, This brings you and what you are doing in your classroom with your students. Although they are in first grade, you have introduced different apps and programs for them to use. I wish all this was available when I taught, but even then I made use of all the actual software we had. Kid Pix, iMovie, MacDraw.... it is much easier now, with all the free software and apps out there. Teachers need to get excited about teaching, and incorporate one program or app at a time.
    Loved the video. It shows that learning can be fun and that students are not just using the computer for games. I loved watching the students collaborating and helping each other out. They were even using technology terms to explain themselves. I would have loved to see their final product.
    Nice, I really enjoyed this gave me so many ideas to use with my students. Very dynamic and creative teacher, she's a great example in motivating students to learn by using interactive technology tools! After I watched this video I had to explore her website and visit some of her students' final products. She is very organized and uses web tools to the max! Thanks for sharing this with us
    This was a very nice video. You can tell the students were engaged, and they were familiar with what they were doing. It shows very good examples of how students can collaborate and integrate technology in learning.
    The issue at hand is finding applications that you can correlate to the TEKS you are teaching and having the computers available for your use.
    Wow! There is so much I'm not using! All year I've thought about integrating a movie projec, but haven't been able to. . This video is definitely a motivator. The students in the video were so knowledgable. Those skills will be so useful throughout their academic career. There are so many free tool and I agree with the teacher in the video - it's an answer to cut backs and actually much more motivating for students!

'Flipped classrooms' in North Texas turn traditional teaching on its head | Dallas-Fort... - 3 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Great article Maribel! Just to think that technology is only fingertips away makes it that more exciting to start exploring the approach of intergrating the flipped classroom at least with one subject. I'm sure that students will embrace the fact that they will have to be on their cell phone or computer to do homework.
    Interesting Article. Do you think your district is ready to start implementing flipped classrooms? What technology applications or equipment does your district needs to provide you to start your flipped classroom?
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    I really like how the article highlights how it is working for Allen: Casto believes this "innovative instructional strategy" is catching on because it fosters a higher level of learning that is needed for the 21st century. As students shift from a passive to active role, they acquire critical thinking skills, learn to collaborate and become independent learners. These quotes describe how the flipped classroom fits into 21st century learning. I think that for our district to start implementing this teaching method it would have to survey students to see what percentage has internet access at home. HCISD has already taken this step, but since we are not at 100%, it seems that we will not reach the entire classroom population. In addition to students not having access to internet connectivity, our school distract lacks the technology resources needed for teachers to be able to record their lessons such as a bloggie or digital video recorder.
    Maribel, this article is very interesting. It's interesting how students like the format of "listening to online lectures at home" in the evenings, and then in the classroom they want to work. It's great how when they walk in the classroom, they are ready to discuss the topics covered in the online lectures. "Flipped Classrooms" is a very interesting program that would be nice to start implementing. Probably the equipment that the district would need to provide is a computer or internet access to students who don't have the means to acquire it. This could easily be done by having a computer lab available after school like the article mentions. Great Article Maribel!
    Maribel, interesting article. I believe our district has the capability to implement this strategy of a "Flipped Classroom" and will probably very soon consider implementing it. With the new state assessment STAAR core subjects are finding that more time is needed to apply what is being taught. I feel that most of our timeline is invested in giving theory lessons and hardly anytime is used in applying theory. I believe if we can get students used to using internet tools at home and get their notes, terms and examples down at home that we could transform our classrooms into student work rooms where students can implement concepts and theories learned and therefore deepen their understanding as they work on solving problem scenarios. Students would be learning form doing instead of just learning to do and never practicing and therefore never really learning.
    Applying the lesson is the key aspect to successful learning and implementing "Flipped Classrooms" will be a great way to being this process. I can see that it will require much dedicated and consistency like any other project but I know the results will be dynamic. Personally in our district I think much needs to be done prior to committing to "Flipped Classrooms" accessibility is crucial and like I said it might take some work but it is not impossible. Great way to enhance learning and making our students long life learners.
    Maribel, it's an interesting idea, but I wonder if the kids are able to concentrate at home on new material via video when they are tired from school and more distracted by being home. It would be great if they could view the videos first thing in the morning. Also, I wonder if a combination would work. Lectures via video but maybe a review lecture that covers the entire unit done in the classroom. And maybe less homework in class so there is time for a short lecture to review the previous day's concepts. I love technology for creating new options!
    Thank you for your comments. I think flipped classroom will be our future and we just need to get enough training for our flipped classrooms to be effective for our students.
    Great article, its a great way to get students motivated and engaged in learning, but I don't see flipped classrooms being what every student needs. Online classes will not meet the needs for every student if a district wants to implement this idea. I don't see my district is ready to commit to Flipped Classrooms anytime soon. First the internet infrastructure isn't at a high speed in our district to provide the video teaching.
    I love the whole idea of a "Flipped Classroom". It makes so much sense to help engage all learners. Lets face it, homework is a drag and not very effective, I have heard from students that at times some kids are even doing homework in the restroom. How effective is that? This method of actually interacting and working together on the concept in the classroom is ideal. However, my district is not at the point where this type of technique could be enforced in due to the lack of technology knowledge within the community.
    Thanks for the responding to my questions. I have been sharing this concept with my 21st Century Teachers and they like the idea. Let's see if BISD will ever go into flipped classroom.

TechLearning: Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop: iPads in the Classroom - 14 views

    • Jaime Villarreal
      I can see how ipads in the classroom and assist teachers in differentiating instruction to meet individual student needs and allow for a more in depth understanding of skills and concepts building from each students different levels of mastery in certain skills.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with you Jaime, Ipads in the classrooms can be very beneficial.
    • Joshua McDonald
      Jaime, I was actually given the chance to use a classroom set of iPads in the classroom last year as part of the pilot program. I can say from experience that it can be used for differentiated instruction, and it increases student engagement with the material. One thing the teacher has to make sure they do is actively monitor...the students are to good at getting to websites they are not suppose to be at if they know the teacher is not paying attention.
    • Sergio Perez
      Jaime, this is a very interesting article in how the iPad can be used for the special needs student. There are so many different apps available to help our students. It is important to make sure that the student is engaged with the lesson so learning can take place.
    I am also a big supporter of tablets in the classroom, but I have yet to justify the cost of purchasing an ipad at $500 a piece. With budget cuts as wide spread as they are now, I would think a kindle, nook or even a nexus tablet for around half the price would work just as well. What students need is a dedicated e-reader and access to the internet to look up any information on the spot. Any of the above mentioned tablets could perform these skills without the premium price tag. Since most apps are now available on both the ios operating system and the android operating system, I would imagine the apps developed by speech and language experts are also available across platforms. The second issue in dealing with ipads is the familiarity with the product. Apple is the most successful and profitable tech company in the U.S. right now, but 90% of the computers in the classroom are windows based. Teachers will be more willing to utilize a tool if it integrates easily with the technology already found in the classroom. Ipad is a name. It is the most trusted and used tablet on the market. If, however, students can receive the same benefits of an ipad at half the price, I see no reason to limit the inclusion of tablets in the classroom to an ipad. Check out this article. It has some interesting comments by Bill Gates.
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    This website gives the teacher background information needed when a teacher is planning on utilizing ipads in the classroom. It also details how ipads are beneficial for students with learning disabilities. It suggests for teachers to download applications that students can refer to when in need of help for core subjects.
    Wow Jaime, this is a very interesting article about how technology is helping students with special needs learn. The IPADS has proven to be a good technology to support curriculum and instruction for all students. I liked how they are being used to enhance learning. The only state that is not using IPADS to supplement instruction in reading and math is TX but I think as more states across the U.S. are using them, we will be next in using IPADS more abundantly in our classrooms. 
    Yes IPads are wonderful for students to use. Students should have the opportunity to be exoposed to all type of technology equipment. Through my program, we purchased Kindle Fires for the students to use when researching information and for other content area such as reading.They really love it and learn to navigated very quickly.
    Great! I am certainly going to use this website if everything goes well with the grant writing. I have seen how teacher integrate their lesson and how students are totally engaged. We have to be able to keep up with all the emerging technologies and the generation of children that are in our classes. Try:
    I think iPads will be a great tool to integrate in the classroom. They will be more focused in what they are doing using these type of tools in the classroom.
    This is awesome if we had iPads to supplement instruction in reading and math as well as to facilitate communication for students with autism spectrum disorders and others who require support through the use of communication devices. Students would be more engaged and would be able to collaborate. It would be a student centered environment where the teacher would guide the learning. Read this artlicle about ipads and how they are being used in the classroom.
    This is a great article about how the iPad can be used to help the special needs student. One of the apps mentioned in the article can help the students with their reading. By having text-to-speech, the students can practice their reading skills while they read ebooks. There are also so many apps available that the students can benefit from using an iPad in almost any subject.
    Jaime, the article sums it up using an appropriate acronym (IPAD) Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop to describe the innovating trend to expose student to technology. This technique is already being used in several states to allow students with communication difficulties to express themselves in group interaction using technology to enhance their education experiences. Very informative it puts techniques we are learning into perspective.
    It is amazing how much technology is available to help students in the classroom. Integrating technology into the classroom enhances teaching and learning, yet it is now a necessity, even for students with disabilities. My question is, Are facilitators aware of how technology can be used in the classroom? It seems we are still lagging behind on the use of technology in the classrooms. Here is another article that touches points to consider when designing teaching and learning activities when integrating technology into the classroom:
    Jaime, I believe the use of iPads and other related Tablets in the classroom is great way to engaged students in the concept being taught. I like how this article detailed how the iPad can be implemented in the classroom to help students with special needs. Article: 7 Strategies for iPads and iPods in the (Math) Classroom-

Blowing up the gradebook - 4 views

    Researchers have found three consistent effects of using and emphasizing the importance of grades: 1. Grades tend to reduce students' interest in the learning itself. 2. Grades tend to reduce students' preference for challenging tasks. 3. Grades tend to reduce the quality of students' thinking
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    Will you be willing to blow up the gradebook and try this innovative way of grading student's performance in your class?
    I am willing to blow up the grade book. This will require to lay a foundation of work that students will find interesting and that covers the requirements for the course. A lot of preparation needs to be done by the teacher ahead of time. It will be up the students to select their work and what final grade they want.
    Sounds like PBL again. If the methodologies of teaching must change to teach and prepare students for our ever changing world, perhaps that is another thing that needs to change. In PBL we are using a standard based rubric, and we use a point system1-4. Teachers were quick to ask how they can convert these numbers to grades, but do we really need to? On the other hand, Juan is right, we need to be very well prepared, and have daily progress checks and be sure that a student masters the skills necessary. Either way the accountability of the teacher/guide is immense. I prefer PBL with all the 21st century skills to prepare them for real life.
    Sometimes, I can see these effects in my own classroom. As STAAR approaches, we tend to increases the number of mini-marks (practice tests) that students take. Struggling students usually have the attitude of, "I failed last week, and I will probably fail again", whereas, high achieving students think, "AGAIN...I am so bored!". By focusing on the learning, I think children will be more enthusiastic and motivated to learn. In addition, I have seen how grades promote competition between students, which is not always beneficial. I appreciate how Ana referenced PBLs. PBLs are an excellent way to refocus our attention on the heart of the manner, which is student achievement!
    I've been saying this for a long time now, and I all I've gotten thus far are weird looks. How do you like me now! I'm going to use this as a reference to support what I've been saying all along. And yes, it does look like a PBL model in the sense that we'd measure student achievement more individually. The problem is that we don't have buy in from from administration and colleagues, YET, which makes it difficult to get student buy in when not everyone is aboard. I like it very much, and yes, I would be willing to blow up my grade book.
    I would love to do this BUT if the students are being judged on scores to get into college then I will have to give them scores. I teach juniors and seniors and they are all worried about their grades so they can get into college. Until the system changes I am goingot have to give grades. What is funny is my higher level students want grades. They are always asking about their grades and how they can bring up their grades. They associate school with grades and that is what is important to them. We as educators need to be associating learning with school not just grades. I think this is a great idea but I can not get rid of the gradebook yet. Here is to wishful thinking.
    I'm with some of the others who commented - I would love this but..... I completely agree grades lead to a reduction in everything from interest (student and teacher) to quality of learning and teaching. It seems all the research in the world doesn't change the way students and teachers are assessed. Remember portfolio assessments? Portfolios assessed the learner as a whole and looked at growth over the year. Much like PBLs, as other mentioned, it measures student achievement individually. Like Albert said, there isn't buy in yet. We are a grade driven system. Students, parents. administrators, etc. associate success or failure with grades. I would love to blow up my grade book and focus on student growth!
    I would love to blow up the grade book. Every week I am picking up 15 grades per week because I am self-contained and teach all subjects. Sometimes it is so overwhelming and time consuming. Although, it does measure whether or not the students are mastering the objectives. With grades we are constantly re-teaching objectives that students did not get in conference tutorials and keep on teaching new objectives. It feels like the teachers, students, administrators are so worried and stressed over grades, numbers, benchmark scores, and percentages for data. Especially with STAAR, we are so consumed over numbers!
    I really like the idea of removing homework from class..but not grades though at least not completely. Maybe reduce the amount of grades we have to submit but not blow them up, otherwise all students would be passing. I think that instead of giving 100 questions for homework, students could get a home project; such as "record a video explaining step by step how to solve this particular problem" and then they'll have to learn it so they can teach it in the video. I agree, students learn with informal learning and video games, schools need to start providing this kind of school to modern kids. We shouldn't be teaching and grading to the test.
    Wow, I am impressed! It sounds wonderful, but scary at the same time, just imagine: No homework, no deadlines, It is difficult for me because It is totally opposite to what I learned in my life, but I have to think times are changing and so does people, I am not saying it is easy and difficult for me, but also it is not impossible to try, specially if it will help our new students generations, I will be willing to try this new system of education.

IDRA - Attrition and Dropout Rates in Texas - 6 views

    • Ruth Garza
      We are losing way too many students because 1 of every 4 students are dropping out of school.
    • R. Palomares
      Ruth, these drop out rates are alarming. I specifically found interesting but alarming the information that mentions that Texas schools are losing 13 students per hour. Wow, that means that in an average day, 91 students drop out. I think that we have a great job ahead of us in developing ways to diminish those drop out rates and create classrooms where students feel the need to want to stay in school.
    • Santos Alvarado
      Ruth great article, its very shocking to see the drop out rates in Texas alone, and to know that another 2.8 million students are going to dropout in the next 25 years. I would like to know how Texas stacks up against other states, even though we have more schools and larger population, do other states have a similar rate/avg as our state.
    • vincent briseno
      My daughter and I were just talking about this the other day. She was writing a paper arguing for year round school. Here is a similar article she used as a resource. The information is very eye opening.
    Hey Ruth I was shocked to read about the dropouts rates for Texas. I ask myself, why are so many students dropping out every hour in Texas? We need to make learning fun for these students not to drop out and graduate from high School. Alot of these students get to much pressure of the state test that it turns them off from reaching their goals and graduating.
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    At my school district. Edinburg has a campus that helps students graduate from high school because of increasing drop out rates. Majority of students drop out because of numerous reasons, examples; pregnancy, parents, jobs, peer pressure, jail ect. School districts should open up a campus that help students graduate on credit recovery. Even getting a G.E.D is better than nothing, but yes I do agree the drop out rate has increased over the years.
    It's so sad that lots of kiddos are dropping out. Many of them give up because they can't pass the state test and many of them just don't have the support at home. It's amazing how many students we are losing.
    Ruth great article, its very shocking and sad to see the drop out rates in Texas alone, and to know that another 2.8 million students are going to dropout in the next 25 years. I would like to know how Texas compares to other states, even though we have more schools and larger population, do other states have a similar rate/avg as our state.
    This article is so scary, why are we losing so many kids and why don't they see the tremendous challenge they have ahead without an education. I personally see some of my students that have fallen between the cracks and unfortunately I can make a prediction that he/she will probably choose the wrong path. It's really sad but I believe our education system doesn't allow us to teach anymore and therefore we have lost track of the purpose of learning. The majority of our students are economically disadvantage and it seems like school has become a burden because all we talk about is the importance of passing those test.
    It's hard to fathom the drop-out rate of our students. From my observations, it's around the middle school level where students lose internal motivation. Many students already know the system and what grade level they have to make it to for their parents to be okay with. I believe it may be a mixture of their hormones and the choice of poor friends that lead them down the wrong path. As an educator, it's hard to motivate these students when we're up against their family telling them, don't worry, do what you want, I don't care. I'm not saying all parents...just a few of the parents who don't care themselves. If they don't care to better their lives, why should their kids? It's hard. We're faced with the parents who are receiving assistance and their kids know that all they have to do is get through 8th grade. After that, they too can stay at home and receive assistance.
    Great article to read and digest in everyday that we send our kids to school to get an education. The drop-out rate speaks to the high volume of students that lack guidance and motivation to succeed in life. I am proud to be a part of a program at my campus that offers an alternative for students to regain their credits. The program we use is the A+Plus program where students are placed to a lab classroom environment and are given the opportunity to regain their credits. This program has helped our campus reduce the drop-out rate and increase graduation ratios. Thank you for the article. Blanca.
    I agree with the comments that other students are making regarding this alarming situation. We need to make learning fun and engaging, but how can we do this? If every time we try to incorporate technology in the classroom we are reprimanded because they think students are just playing.
    Great article...It is very alarming on all the information that was given. I have incorporated technology into my everyday lessons so I could keep my students engaged and wanting to learn more. Teaching should be fun and unfortunately due to state tests some teachers just teach to the test and put the pressure to the students to pass the state tests.

- Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree - The problem with assessment - 10 views

    I really enjoyed the article and I will say that I agree that testing is not making our students smarter. I have been in the teaching field for 22 years and year after year I see the students so disconnected with learning. Students have been taught how to pass a test, rather than how to think creatively. I have students that can't answer an open ended question in a complete thought, but can pass a state exam. I have always refused to teach to a test, and have gotten very good results at the end. Since I teach Science my class is very hands-on, so the students love the class, but they don't have the background ability to apply it on a test. These students have been trained not to think only to answer multiple choice questions. It takes me a whole semester to get them to make the connection from the experiment and how to apply it to the test. My first year at my school the teacher who was teaching Science before me gave me boxes full of TAKS materials that she used in her class and she told me that I wouldn't have time for hands-on activities. As soon as she left my room I threw everything in the trash and my principal was surprised that I didn't want her materials. Needless to say my students became thinkers by the end of the year and grew a new appreciation for Science. Being in the MTT program I have begun integrating technology in my Social Studies class and I have never seen students so interested in learning about the American Revolution. We are getting ready to create newsletters about different topics they learned about the American Revolution. They are even getting ready to create a voki to present a part of their newsletter. I have seen technology even motivate the most reluctant learner in my class. I have students that will come in the morning and begin working on their project that they need to complete. I even have students going to the public library to use the computers. I am a true believer in integrating technology. I
    Loved this fable!! It reminded me about a book I read a few years ago titled Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell . It was a whole bunch of stories about real-life success stories such as The Beatles and Bill Gates. The one thing that all of these people had in common was that they all spent tens of thousands of hours honing in on their craft. Some of them just got lucky and had the opportunity to practice. Others had parents that knew that they had cultivate their child's passion and not force them to do things that they were just not capable of doing or that they were not interested in. This fable reminds me of what we are doing in education today. We want all of the students to be "good" at everything and never give them enough time to become great at something. If students were allowed to follow their passion, the benefits would overflow into other subjects.
    I often use this analogy to encourage my students who feel that they are unintelligent because of their struggles to pass tests. Our school system tries to make all of our students fit a specific mold-- some fit, some adapt, and some give up. We've give up the ability to provide our students with the freedom to explore and be creative for a sense of security in "accountability." Sure, we need to hold schools and educators accountable for providing a quality education and yes, there have been schools in the past who have misused the freedoms allowed to them. However, I cannot and will not believe that an annual multiple choice test will sum up all of the knowledge that my students have gained. I strive to teach my students to think critically and be a part of the world around them. In my opinion, being able to think your way through a problem is going to be much more valuable to my students in the future than knowing the difference between rotation and revolution. (Unless they plan on being aerospace engineers that is). We need to focus on inspiring students to learn through their own drive and interest. Let's not kill their natural curiosity with our adult need for accountability.

My View: It's never too late to begin flipping your classroom - Schools of Thought... - 6 views

    • Sara Aldape
      The flipped classroom is quite interesting!!!! Loved the fact that you allow students to feel supported. When you have an inspiring environment students will learn and be successful.
    • Yadira Flores
      Students need more than just lecture. I think that in math like any other subject you should have the ability to see how it is done a second time. I would like to be able to record my lectures and give students the opportunity to review and ask questions.
    • Yadira Flores
      It is very possible for all educators to become better ones if we are open to changes. Change can be good.
    Article about the flipped classroom
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    I read about flipped classrooms in EDTC 6321 with Dr. Corbeil's class and I found this teaching technique very useful because students are fully engaged in learning activities than lecture.
    Great article! I was not familiar with a flipped classroom. Although, it is a new technique for me it seems to be very interesting.
    I feel that, as teachers, we must do everything in our power to provide our students with the most effective and innovative techniques avaible. This means that technology is no longer an option, but a necessary tool to which enables students to succeed in today's modern world of technology. Our district, Los Fresnos CISD, sent out an email to encourage us to "flip our classrooms". Check out this website:
    I agree with Stacey in helping others integrate technology; especially for teachers at the end of retirement. "Flipping their classroom" isn't as hard as it may seem. I believe with training teachers on how to incorporate technology and engage our students, we would have a higher success rate with our students mastering the content.
    The article is very interesting because teachers need to understand that we need to intergrate technology more often in our classroom. For example, like stacey's mom did not want to implement technology because she was used to teach the same way for many years. But when she decided to implement technology, she realized that the students enjoyed it and was more effective for her.
    This is a very interesting article. Stacey's mom helped her with her first year of teaching, then Stacey helped her mom to become a 21st century teacher. I like how they both were mentors at one point to each other. Sometimes that is what is needed a mentor to guide you and make you feel that you can integrate technology in the classroom.
    This article on flipped classrooms is very interesting because it clearly demonstrates how the use of technology in the classroom benefits students to increase learning and retention. The AP exam scores before and after were an eye opener because one year it was 58% and the next year using a flipped classroom, it increased to 78% of students scoring a "4" or "5" and none below a "3". In addition, using technology in the classroom created a sense of stress free environment where students enjoyed learning. I also liked that this Math instructor also helped another (her mother) to also have a "flipped" classroom. This was a great article that we can all share with others to demonstrate how the use of technology in the classroom is very beneficial to students.
    I really admire those math teachers especially being able to work with each other being that they were both from far ends of the spectrum when it came to the education profession. I have been hearing a lot about the "flipped classroom" and I have also been able to connect my previous course work with it. I find that being able to have all your information narrated and easily accessible for your students is a great way to reduce stress. This means that the students will be able to review the lesson at their own pace and in a comfortable environment. Even though I hear many good things, as a 5th & 6th grade Language Arts and Reading teacher I still hesitant to flip my classroom. I know it's not impossible but it will require much training and guidance for it to work effectively.. This article has really opened my eyes to where our future educational system might be or should be gearing towards.
    As teachers we should be open-minded and ready to accept new ideas that can revolutionize the way we teach. Always keeping in mind that everything we do is to improve our teaching.

Teaching 2.0: Is Tech In The Classroom Worth The Cost? : NPR - 2 views

  • This type of teaching is a novel approach, but it can be an expensive one. That has some asking whether the billions being spent on educational technology is worth the cost
  • "We teleconferenced with [author] Dave Barry, which was a lot of fun," Mascia says. Senior Jayla Briscoe was there when the comedian and author Skyped in to talk to kids. Briscoe acknowledges she didn't know who Barry was at the time. "I didn't really know much about him at all," Briscoe says, "[but] he actually got me more interested in writing."
  • The digital divide between school districts with greater access to funds, and those with less, is still a major issue. Purcell, of Pew Research, points out that low-income schools are lagging behind.
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  • Teachers who were teaching the lowest-income students were more likely to tell us that they do not receive formal training in the use of digital tools in the classroom," she says. "They also express less satisfaction with the support and resources provided by schools. "And they're three times as likely to say their school is behind the curve when it comes to using the newest digital tools."
    • Georgina Salas
      Please listen to this story on how one school uses a Web 2.0 tool in thier school. Tell me your thoughts on what you heard.
    • Georgina Salas
      Refer to the second highlighted section of the article to answer the question. Doesn't this prove that Web 2.0 tools work in the classroom.The tool used here was successful in allowing a student to become more interested in a particular subject which was writing. What are your thoughts on this statement?
    • Georgina Salas
      This refers to the third highlighted section of the article. Do you believe this about the schools that have more funds than the schools that are considered low income? Do we see this here in the valley?
    • Georgina Salas
      Please refer back to article and view the last highlighted section and answer the question. What are your thoughts about this comment? Makes you think about what types of trainings we all get.
    I believe technology integration is absolutely worth the cost. Technology enables teachers to bring real-world, meaningful learning into the classroom. In addition, technology promotes multisensory, engaging learning that is suitable for a variety of learning styles. The underlying issue is that teachers are often inadequately trained and/or unable to properly integrate the technology into the classroom due to stringent testing preparation. As a result, the overall benefit of technology integration is often not seen.
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    I think we should take advantage of using modern technology such as Skype. These students were engaged and really enjoyed listening to this History author. This 21st century learning will give students opportunities to learn from others who are from all over the world
    It is very important to incorporate technology to enhance lessons, not just for using a technology. We are begin thought with technology to enhance our learning, so why not use it with our students. Money and training are very important factors that do contribute to the lack of teacher buy in, but ultimately we need to use technology as much as we can to enhance our lessons.
    I don't think that education technology like the one at Westlake High School should have to cost tens of thousands of dollars either. I agree with the comment in the article about having a projector and smartphone could basically accomplish the same thing. I believe training and motivating teachers to incorporate technology is the biggest barrier to technology integration.
    Getting the attention of students is the first step to any successful lesson. Technology can do that. Maintaining the attention of students throughout an assignment or activity is just as important. Technology can do that. Evaluate the students' performance is the final factor of any lesson. Technology can do that. Is it worth the investment, of course. However, like it was previously mentioned, some people create walls around what they don't understand and try to keep students away from it. The benefits of technology should be worth the risk, if any there should be.
    You have to try to get their attention and sometimes that entails gadgets. But sometimes the lack of these gadgets become an excuse to not learn because the student claims that he or she is bored. When a student equates learning with entertainment with such fervor it's probably because the student wants an excuse to quit when things get tough.
    Technology is the way of the future. We need to educate our children with the new technology that is available in order for them to be prepared for the world around them. I do agree that it is worth the cost. Districts have funds. They just need to know how to allocate them and how to spend them and get the most for their money. They also need to make sure and buy things that teachers and students are going to use because if technology just sits in the closet, it does no one any good.

Why Wikipedia Does Belong in the Classroom - 5 views

    • Santos Alvarado
      How do you feel of the use of integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom?
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      Like I posted on the article, I constantly rely on Wikipedia to give me the answers to the questions I needed when being asked certain information by the students that I do not have knowledge on. We are about to begin our research papers and I am going to include Wikipedia as one of they websites they need to use. The link above shows a little more justification as to why using wikipedia is beneficial
  • Wikipedia remains misunderstood because many educators have yet to recognize the distinction between Wikipedia as a tool for teaching and Wikipedia as a tool for research.
  • Since 2010, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working hard opening closed-minds, connecting thousands of students at more than 50 schools across the U.S., including Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley to the Wikipedia Education Program
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  • having students collaborate with the community of Wikipedia editors (“Wikipedians”) to write course-related Wikipedia articles, replacing traditional term papers.
  • Similar benefits to traditional writing assignments - as students are still researching and analyzing sources
    • Leonila Pena
      I agree with Alyssa regarding people having fear of Wikipedia because it might have invalid information, but I still think it's a great resource just like many other sites out on the World Wide Web. We should teach students that not everything posted on the internet is valid/real/true. I know a teacher that doesn't like students using Wikipedia because she doesn't think it's reliable, but I know another teacher that allows her students to use it and reminds them that they must use other sources to support their findings in Wikipedia. I think that's great because she's teaching them to verify and validate their own work.
  • Professors and assistants can provide feedback and engage in debate with students, as can the community of Wikipedians.
  • when we introduce Wikipedia into the classroom as a teaching tool, we provide students with a space to reflect and learn about the nature of knowledge and its evolution,
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I think many people fear using wikipedia because it has been proven that anybody can post valid/invalid information. I personally love wikipedia and use it as a teaching tool when I do not know the answer to the questions our "smart kids" throw out there. I can rely on wikipedia to give me an immediate and reliable answer.
    Santos, I think its a very good idea to have Wikipedia as a resource in my classroom. It will help students to research anything they need to know or learn. Wikipedia will give my students additional resource to have in the classtroom and at home for them to find their research.
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    I think that Wikipedia should be used in the classrooms as a resource for research papers. Wikipedia provides up to date information and studies have proved that 95% of information is realiable! I remember having a professor for History that would tell us we could not use Wikipedia becuase it was not realiabe, but I disagreed. I'm glad that studies have been conducted to prove my theory.
    Wikipedia can be very beneficial. Wikipedia can be used to do research because there are many links within each search that can be used to further investigate and look at when doing your research. I do think that integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom should be a priority.
    I believe this goes both ways. I know many times we fear using Wikipedia as a resources for fear of inaccurate information. HOwever, it could serve practice on how to cite resources. If we as teachers carefully screen the source of the information, then it would be possible to use in research projects or assignments. However,then that creates more work for us as a teacher. I do like the fact that it encourages teachers and students to use wiki-technology and be part of the virtual social network. Not to mention, the fact that we can post/receive multi-layered feedback. Over all, screen the sources carefully and focus on what Wikipedia has to offer.
    As a Reading teacher we utilize wikipedia a lot and the great thing is that it allows the students many options or choices to pick from. They are able to have ample examples to better understand the concept being searched.
    I think that Wikipedia is a very good tool to integrate in the classroom, if used properly. It should be one of the many tools that should be implemented in the classroom to expand our teaching.

The Social Media Revolution - 4 views

    I am one of the Diigo discussion host assigned for the week of Oct. 22 - 28, 2012. This video is not the typical article or website most of us have been sharing, but I really wanted to share with you. In addition to this video, I would also like to share with you a very resourceful website that I will provide later. Although I could not highlight text that I wanted to emphasis with the Diigo toolbar, since it is a video, I am going to include what I want to emphasis: Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine Wiki ( Hawaiian term= quick) Studies show that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica US Department of Education study revealed that online students out perform those receiving face to face instruction.... Discussion question: Do you think that social media is a revolution or a fad? Please provide explanation for your rationale. Why do you thinkg social networking a fundamental shift of how we communicate?
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    This video is a great eye opener to where our society is leaning towards if not already completely on that side. I am personally scared of such a change but highly believe in the power of this social networking shift. As educators, we need to understand why this is so important and how can we make it work for us in our profession. As a student, I have seen first hand how intense and engaging social media can be.Two things that really caught my attention were the following: * In 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction. * One in six higher education students are enrolled in online curriculum. Regardless of the many reasons why, this is the future and we must not stay behind no matter how scary it might be.
    I tend to lean towards the idea of social media becoming (or already there) a revolution. The reason for me is that I see it in use daily with our younger generations. This is the world they are being brought up in, and it is what they will be expecting to using as they grow older. One thing that does interest me is the fact that change seems to be happening quicker then it use to. So if that stays true will social media stay around as long as something like writing letters or email? Not sure about that! Thanks for the raised some interesting points!
    I don't think social media is just a fad but it's becoming a social media revolution. It's changing the way we communicate, and the way things are being done. Many people have joined social networking sites and the communication boundaries have been broken. It's interesting to see in this video how much time it took to reach 50 million users. The radio took 38 years, T.V. 13 years, Internet 4 years, IPODs 3 years, and Facebook 200 million users in less than a year!!! That's amazing! Social networking is a fundamental shift of how we communicate because it's very effective and efficient. Thank you for sharing this awesome video Victoria!
    I also don't think that social media is a fad. We are able to communicate with so many individuals with Facebook and YouTube. The video showed that the largest increase of users on Facebook is females between the ages of 55 - 65. This might be happening because of mothers and grandmothers that are keeping in touch with their children and granchildren. I think social networking is a shift in how we communicate because I think it is easier to express yourself. I don't think one is as self-conscious about their comments when they post it on the Internet.
    Victoria, Great video . I saw it twice because it has so much information that it makes me realize that our society focus on media or technology.. Even our young generation, they are not afraid to use any technology equipment that will give them information or input information for the community. I don't think social revolution is a fad, it is here already. Enjoyed it.
    Victoria, Enjoyed video. I don't think social revolution is a fad. Now a days, everyone uses media to get or send information. It is here already but it is just improving with new techniques everyday. As we see our very young generation now, they are exposed to new technology equipment in which they explore with every media equipment thats out there in our world. Our world is changing.......
    I also think social media is a revolution and not just a passing fad. If you ask a 1st grader, "How do people communicate?," just about all of them will mention facebook, text, cell phone, email, and if you give them some hints they'll finally say writing letters or notes, or face to face. Online communication is the fastest way to communicate and it's even easier to use it when we all carry a computer in our pockets or purses. Cell phones combined with online social media has made it much easier and faster for people to communicate within virtually seconds. Technology is now and it's the future, and we need to use it to our advantage whether it's for education, business, socializing, or networking.
    Victoria I think that social media isn't a FAD with so much of importance it has gained even in many remote places of the world. But how long would you think is this trend going to continue? Something definitely will take over this trend so what will be the next big change? If you want to see a related video which talks about numbers and enough data to see social media I suggest: Read this article on how the social media kingdom came into our lives fast and hasn't stopped changing since. VERY INTERESTING!!!!
    I think social media is definitely not a FAD. Social media influences everyone in the world and even the underdeveloped countries. Everyone has a Facebook and virtually a computer with us all the time our phones. Like that the video points out that if you are a company and want to exist you have to enter the trend.
    At my campus students are using social media for educational purposes. Students are using edmodo in a couple of their classes to work on educational assignments, quizzes and current event group discussions as participation grades in classroom environments. Social media has grown since the beggining of the 20th century belive it or not. I truely believe that social media will continue to grow in time and be more useful in school environments. I really enjoy using edmodo, kind of like a facebook but for school related purposes. Great article
    Many people are still fighting the revolution of technology. Some people prefer submitting hard copies instead of online reports. Change is not easy and sometimes even scary, but we should always give it a try. I do believe that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.
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