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Victoria Lopez

The Social Media Revolution - 4 views

    I am one of the Diigo discussion host assigned for the week of Oct. 22 - 28, 2012. This video is not the typical article or website most of us have been sharing, but I really wanted to share with you. In addition to this video, I would also like to share with you a very resourceful website that I will provide later. Although I could not highlight text that I wanted to emphasis with the Diigo toolbar, since it is a video, I am going to include what I want to emphasis: Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine Wiki ( Hawaiian term= quick) Studies show that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica US Department of Education study revealed that online students out perform those receiving face to face instruction.... Discussion question: Do you think that social media is a revolution or a fad? Please provide explanation for your rationale. Why do you thinkg social networking a fundamental shift of how we communicate?
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    This video is a great eye opener to where our society is leaning towards if not already completely on that side. I am personally scared of such a change but highly believe in the power of this social networking shift. As educators, we need to understand why this is so important and how can we make it work for us in our profession. As a student, I have seen first hand how intense and engaging social media can be.Two things that really caught my attention were the following: * In 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction. * One in six higher education students are enrolled in online curriculum. Regardless of the many reasons why, this is the future and we must not stay behind no matter how scary it might be.
    I tend to lean towards the idea of social media becoming (or already there) a revolution. The reason for me is that I see it in use daily with our younger generations. This is the world they are being brought up in, and it is what they will be expecting to using as they grow older. One thing that does interest me is the fact that change seems to be happening quicker then it use to. So if that stays true will social media stay around as long as something like writing letters or email? Not sure about that! Thanks for the raised some interesting points!
    I don't think social media is just a fad but it's becoming a social media revolution. It's changing the way we communicate, and the way things are being done. Many people have joined social networking sites and the communication boundaries have been broken. It's interesting to see in this video how much time it took to reach 50 million users. The radio took 38 years, T.V. 13 years, Internet 4 years, IPODs 3 years, and Facebook 200 million users in less than a year!!! That's amazing! Social networking is a fundamental shift of how we communicate because it's very effective and efficient. Thank you for sharing this awesome video Victoria!
    I also don't think that social media is a fad. We are able to communicate with so many individuals with Facebook and YouTube. The video showed that the largest increase of users on Facebook is females between the ages of 55 - 65. This might be happening because of mothers and grandmothers that are keeping in touch with their children and granchildren. I think social networking is a shift in how we communicate because I think it is easier to express yourself. I don't think one is as self-conscious about their comments when they post it on the Internet.
    Victoria, Great video . I saw it twice because it has so much information that it makes me realize that our society focus on media or technology.. Even our young generation, they are not afraid to use any technology equipment that will give them information or input information for the community. I don't think social revolution is a fad, it is here already. Enjoyed it.
    Victoria, Enjoyed video. I don't think social revolution is a fad. Now a days, everyone uses media to get or send information. It is here already but it is just improving with new techniques everyday. As we see our very young generation now, they are exposed to new technology equipment in which they explore with every media equipment thats out there in our world. Our world is changing.......
    I also think social media is a revolution and not just a passing fad. If you ask a 1st grader, "How do people communicate?," just about all of them will mention facebook, text, cell phone, email, and if you give them some hints they'll finally say writing letters or notes, or face to face. Online communication is the fastest way to communicate and it's even easier to use it when we all carry a computer in our pockets or purses. Cell phones combined with online social media has made it much easier and faster for people to communicate within virtually seconds. Technology is now and it's the future, and we need to use it to our advantage whether it's for education, business, socializing, or networking.
    Victoria I think that social media isn't a FAD with so much of importance it has gained even in many remote places of the world. But how long would you think is this trend going to continue? Something definitely will take over this trend so what will be the next big change? If you want to see a related video which talks about numbers and enough data to see social media I suggest: Read this article on how the social media kingdom came into our lives fast and hasn't stopped changing since. VERY INTERESTING!!!!
    I think social media is definitely not a FAD. Social media influences everyone in the world and even the underdeveloped countries. Everyone has a Facebook and virtually a computer with us all the time our phones. Like that the video points out that if you are a company and want to exist you have to enter the trend.
    At my campus students are using social media for educational purposes. Students are using edmodo in a couple of their classes to work on educational assignments, quizzes and current event group discussions as participation grades in classroom environments. Social media has grown since the beggining of the 20th century belive it or not. I truely believe that social media will continue to grow in time and be more useful in school environments. I really enjoy using edmodo, kind of like a facebook but for school related purposes. Great article
    Many people are still fighting the revolution of technology. Some people prefer submitting hard copies instead of online reports. Change is not easy and sometimes even scary, but we should always give it a try. I do believe that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.
Sara Aldape

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About - Edudemic - 7 views

    • Sara Aldape
      What tools have you used or would like to use to engage students in social learning, so that teachers can be able to connect together through social media?
    • Santos Alvarado
      I'm in the planning stages on creating a Edmodo account for my classroom. I see the benefits of using Edmodo, having the students work online, and communicate with one another makes it much more engaging.
    • Sara Aldape
      What educational tools have helped you or are interested in using to help you make lessons fun, interesting, and more effective?
    • vincent briseno
      I've used Edmodo and it has served me well. I haven't incorporated the website into everyday learning, but I use it over Thanksgiving, Xmas, and spring breaks. I assign everything from quizzes to extra credit assignments and I am able keep in contact with students.
    • Sara Aldape
      Excellent!!! Vincent thank you for your feedback. Students will have fun staying connected with the teacher.
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have used stixy, and glogster to help students create class presentations. Students love to be creative and this helps students teach one another
    • Sara Aldape
      What useful tools have you used or have helped you stay connected, organized, and increased the ease of building multimedia lesson and learning tools in your classroom?
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • hese tools can help
  • Useful Tools
  • you to stay connected, organized, and increase the ease of building multimedia lessons
  • nd learning tools
  •       ← The Current State Of Mobile Learning In Education Could Groopt Be Your Next Classroom Management Tool? → Tuesday, August 21, 2012 7:30 am, Posted by Guest Writer 22 | Tools 50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About Topics: best of, classroom, edmodo, edtech, grockit, How To, tools inShare232 (function() { var li = document.createElement('script'); li.type = 'text/javascript'; li.async = true; li.src = window.location.protocol + '//'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(li, s); })(); The following is a cross-post from our content partners at Online Degrees: Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools,
  • Social Learning
  • These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect.
  • Learning
  • These educational tools can help you to make lessons fun, interesting, and more effective.
    I am one of the Diigo Host assigned for the week of Nov. 5-11, 2012. This website was very interesting to me. It had different tools to be able to use as an educator. Check it out!
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    I have added 3 stickies in the site: I would like your feedback on what tools have been useful to you in your classroom? How have they worked for you? Or have not worked for you? Have fun navigating through the 50 Education Technology Tools!!!!!!
    Watch this you tube video on how the Secretary of State announces the Education Technology Plan and back in 2010 invited educators to post how technology has impacted their classroom. ENJOY!!!! Technology is evolving in this world at a fast pace, we just have to keep up with it. Have an AWESOME week!
    Sara, I liked the organization of this page! These 50 educational tools are essential. I must say that I really liked the "Social Learning tools" and the "Useful Tools" because I have used many of them before and they work very well. It's great to have a page like this as a resource when deciding on what tools use. Thank you for sharing!
    Sara, I have used several of these educational tools to present new materials to my studends and to compliment my lessons. However, since my students are kindergarteners, they are not able to fully manipulate these tools to create their own work. I feel that by exposing my students to these tools that I am doing my part to educate them and be computer literate. This composite of websites is a great list for teachers to explore. Thank you for sharing this website.
    Hi Sara, I use Prezi to engage the students in a new form of presenting information to the classroom. It's fun to use and it offers so many different elements that Powerpoint does not. I also did a prentation for the campus teachers on how to use Prezi in their classroom and the results of the training were very sucessful and eye-opening. The teacher were happy to learn a new tool they can implement into their classroom curriculum to help keep student learning fun and engaging. I think it's a great tool to use in any classroom. Blanca
    I have used several of the tools that are listed on this website and it is great to have them on one major site. I have used Prezi and Edmodo. These tools have been great to use for my students. They benefited and enjoyed the interaction that they experienced from both of these web 2.0 tools.
    This is a great way to organize all these tools, through our program I have had the opportunity to utilize most of them but I have not yet exposed my students to all of them and I am really looking forward to being able to enhance their learning. Thanks for Sharing....
    This is a great site! I've bookmarked it and already started going through my mental checklist of what I have used and what I'd like to use. It's a great way to see what's out there and how I can better use those tools in the classroom.
    I use edmodo and slide-rocket in my classrooms for web 2.0 tools also gotten into prezi but the lagging of my network campus tends to drag. but great tools I use.
    I posted something similar to this. I love learning and implementing new tools. There are SOOOOOOO many out there!
Sonia Aldape

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Victoria Lopez - EDTC6343 | Diigo ... - 2 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Victoria, the youtube video was to the point and definitely an eye opener to how much the social media is being developed to communicate with the world. It is all around us in education, business and personal usage to provide us with instant feedback. I believe that social media has evolved so much that people can't live without it. We are so use to having cell phones at our fingertips that the thought of not being connected to some type of social media is inconceivable.
Alyssa Tanguma

The Nerdy Teacher - 12 views

  • Using My iPad In The Classroom This Year
    • Joshua McDonald
      This is actually one of a series of posts he has done on his experience with iPads in the classroom. That was how I first discovered him, a google search for iPads in the classroom. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
    • R. Palomares
      IMPORTANT!!!! The Nerdy Teacher is a Diigo bookmark shared by Joshua McDonald but I don't know why it says it was shared by me when I just added a sticky and highlighted in response to this post.
  • Blog Archive
    • Joshua McDonald
      Impressive history to look through if you have some free time.
  • My Visitors
    • Joshua McDonald
      As you can see his influence is global!
    • Sara Aldape
      Wow!!! Talk about him tailoring specifically to his audience and to Global Influence teacher needs. IMPRESSED!!!!
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    • R. Palomares
      "The First Five Minutes" is a very good blog entry that will help you change the way you start class.
  • How do you start your class?
  • I found something very interesting after looking at my classes for about 6 weeks. The first five minutes set the tone for the entire class.
    • Sara Aldape
      I start my class by having student interaction....them recapping with friends and them asking me questions about myself. They start feeling comfortable and I try to make it a friendly environment. When you have kids feeling appreciated you will have learning and collaboration.
    • Joshua McDonald
      That is a great point @Sara Aldape
    • Yadira Flores
      The Blog here says something that is very true as humans we have the need to socialize, and students have those needs also. Another thing I know from my experience is that if students fell that we care enough about them they will start caring about you too and as result perform fro you.
    • Joshua McDonald
      Couldn't agree more with that statement...that is why I usually dont get into curriculum during the first couple of weeks of my class. Instead I work really hard to develop a relationship with them. One of the best things I have seen is making sure I learn their names fast. It is sad to say that there are still teachers on my campus that dont know many (if any) of their students' names.
  • I have learned so much about my students from talking with them and sharing ideas.
  • One of the new things I have brought to my class this year is Student Blogging. Now, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you are thinking that blogging is nothin new to my classroom. Well, I'm having students do something a little bit different this year.
    • Jaime Villarreal
      I agree that the first five minutes of class of very crucial in establishing the tone of the class. I have noticed that when I spend the first minutes of class interested in there dailly activities there is always smooth transition of their attention to my planned activities. Would like to share the following website:
    • Sara Aldape
      I loved the fact that we do need time to talk and socialize because we need to catch up on things. Have students share ideas and having them collaborate with their collegues the first five minutes will encourage them all to be able to feel a part of the class and not just having a teacher centered environment.
    • Sonia Aldape
      Joshua, after reading The Nerdy Teacher blog I found myself reflecting on the different technology that is being used at my campus. Although, we are try to keep up with technology it seems that much more can be intergrated to enhance student learning. Thanks for the exposure.
  • One of the things I'm doing with Evernote this year is having students use it as a way to store all of their work in class. I am slowly rolling it out this year because I'm asking my students to learn many different tools and I do not want to overwhelm them
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I really like this idea. It seems it would work for any classroom. I agree that many of the students haven't seen each other in a while. I dont know about you but when I was in school, it never failed for something to happen during the passsing period that I could not wait to share with my Peers. Great Idea.
    As someone who wants to be a leader in their district for technology implementation, I believe one of the best things I can do is keep myself plugged into a Professional Learning Network (PLN). I dont have to figure out everything on my is much simpler to steal other people's ideas :). The Nerdy Teacher has been my go to source for examining how others are using technology in the classroom, and I highly recommend making him a part of your PLN.
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    Your assignment for this week is to complete the following: 1) Check out the Nerdy Teacher's blog and post a sticky note on the website with your general impressions. (Please know that you are welcome to be as honest as you like, even if that does not agree with my thoughts on the website) 2) Via comment to this conversation, please suggest another blog, twitter account, website, etc... that would also be worth adding to a PLN. Hopefully by the end of the week there will be a good foundation for anyone looking to start forming their own PLN.
    Joshua, "The Nerdy Teacher" is an awesome blog where many ideas and things to think about are discussed. I really liked the most current blog posted titled, "The First Five Minutes". In this short blog, the educator makes a interesting discovery about allowing the first five minutes of class for students to "chat" and "catch-up", it helps with students getting ready to learn. This is so true, because we as adults do the same thing when we're getting ready to start a staff development meeting. We first "chat" for a little while and then we seem to ready to begin learning after that. As for another blog that would be great to add to the PLN, here is one I suggest: It has a more than 40 blog links of everything an educator may possibly want to know and comment about! Check it out for yourself!
    @ R. Palomares Thanks for the recommended website, it looks like a great resource.
    @ Joshua Thank you so much for sharing this blog. I think I'm addicted. Someone should recommend him turning his blog into a book. I completely fell in love with his "The First Five Minutes" blog post. I am an inclusion/co-teacher and the two English classes I'm in are very different. We usually do "Do Now's" in both classes at the beginning. One, excuse my language, is very anal about starting as soon as you walk in and the other is more laxed. Lets a couple minutes pass for the student to get mentally prepared and then goes about completing the warm up, which I find is more effective. Again, great post! Another great blog I came across is: Thinking in Mind, It goes in detail about the power of networks.
    Joshua, great link. 1. I posted my sticky note on the site and shared it with the group. 2. The blog/site I'm recommending is called, The Innovative Educator - written by Lisa Nielsen. She has great ideas on how to use technology for learning. The following link takes you to one of her blog's post named, The 5 Cs to Developing Your Personal Learning Network - Hope others enjoy her blog as much as I do.
    Great Link! Lots of information.....this article that I'm recommending is called For 'Connected Educator Month,' Tips From 33 Educators We Admire By KATHERINE SCHULTEN. These 33 educators have shared and answered two questions: 1. What is one important thing you've learned from someone in your Personal Learning Network (P.L.N.), however you define that network? 2. What one person, group or organization would you recommend every educator add to his or her P.L.N.? They share lots of recommendations....hope you enjoy.
    Enjoyed and very interesting. I start my class by showing them a image on the projector and posting a question on the board. They will collaborate among their groups for about 5 minutes and then have a discussion among the class. The images are connected to the objective of the day. I would recommend to get pictures from any website such as or
    This blog has many posts to read. It is helpful to read what technology another teacher is using in the classroom. He does mention different technology tools to use in the classroom that are new to me. This is a blog that I will continue to read for new ideas.
Sergio Perez

ALA | Great Web Sites for Kids - 13 views

  • create your own. Many games and activities are included
    • Valree Martinez
      Very cool site! I like the animations! Very engaging for children and adults, this can be used as a history lesson, or as an enrichment activity.
    • Sergio Perez
      It was quite interesting to see that the National Security Agency had a website for children. I learned the difference between a decipher and a code. The characters used on the website made it more kid friendly.
    • Yadira Flores
      I tried this website but it did not work. If anyone is able to load it let me know how.
    • Valree Martinez
      OK, thanks for the information
    • Yadira Flores
      www.Invention at - I personally liked this website because it allows students to use their critical thinking skills and their imagination. Even I had fun palying with it.
    • Valree Martinez
      I like this website too! It was very interesting.
    • Sara Aldape
      We also need to have fun. What an excellent way to have student engagement and at the same time learning.
    • Sergio Perez
      I also had fun as I played some of the games on the website. It was interesting trying to create a cloud and then seeing it in the "sky".
  • ...4 more annotations...
    • Yadira Flores
      I liked this website because it is very descriptive in the steps you need to accomplish in order to create your own website. I think any teacher could create their classroom website even if their tehnological side is not that good.
    • Valree Martinez
      Can you see yourself, sharing this site with others? So many teachers would like to use something like this, but are not sure where to start
    • Sergio Perez
      Zoom Inventors and Inventions is an interesting website for having your students discover who invented certain items. One interesting fact I learned is that the reflectors that we find on the edge of the road were originally called "cat's eye road reflector". This website states that the inventor came up with this invention because the reflection of a cat's eyes at the side of a road kept him from driving off a hill at night..
    • Valree Martinez
      Cool, we can learn from each other. Thanks for your comment.
    • Diana Cedillo
      I like the Building a School Website. I found it easy to follow for teachers and students. I'll be sure to use some of this information on my Study Guide for Competency 003:B. Thank you for sharing. This will most definitley help teachers hesistent to try new things. =-)
    • Valree Martinez
      Cool! Glad you liked it.
    • R. Palomares
      I liked this link also because it helps in building a school website.
    • Joshua McDonald
      The Carnergie Cyber Academy is a great resource for campus that are implementing Cyber Safety programs. I believe my campus is actually working it into an elective class. I will definitely use this as a resource since I am based in a computer lab.
    Valree, this website has many great resources for teachers. I specifically liked the website link titled, "Building a school website". It's basically step by step instructions on creating your own school website. I liked this link because some educators want to learn how to create their own website but don't know how. We can share this website link so that they can access it and learn how. Thank you for sharing.
  • ...5 more comments...
    I like how each link showed what grade level it was for and there were so many to choose from too. The Building a school website was good and so is the Typing one its nice to have a varity in a keyboarding class.
    I was able to explore the website it's really nice, I especially like how the learner can create a story and allow others to add or help continue the story.( invention at play ) Basically, by allowing the learner to invent and think critically it will open up the doors to life time learning. Try this website, it also has an enormous collection of Science lessons that use the method above to enhance critical thinking. It reflects on the studies done about how learning is ensured through exploration and creativity. It is a great website that follows something similar to the PBL model. The lessons pose a question and require being inventive and exploring possible solutions.
    Zoom Inventors and Inventions is an interesting website for having your students discover who invented certain items. One interesting fact I learned is that the reflectors that we find on the edge of the road were originally called "cat's eye road reflector". This website states that the inventor came up with this invention because the reflection of a cat's eyes at the side of a road kept him from driving off a hill at night..
    Yes, i just viewed this site on someone else's comment. I honestly enjoyed the one about building a school website. It appeared to be very user friendly and perfect for teachers transitioning into the use of technology.
    This is a great website. I like that it has a collection of different websites tha have learning activities for students. I really liked the Dance Mat Typing website. It introduces and shows the students the correct way to type. thanks for sharing!
    Valree, It looks like a good website, but I was not able to go to this website. I'm very interested in finding out if it has resources for 1st grade social studies. Does anyone know of a good website for social studies (1st grade)?
    It's an awesome page with a lot of interesting links. I was trying the "Dance Mat Typing" link. It's a great activity for those students that are learning how to type. And also for those who want to practice their typing skills.
Diana Cedillo

Technology Impact on Learning - 8 views

  • Children did not become social isolates. ACOT classes showed more evidence of spontaneous cooperative learning than did traditional classes.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How did technology encourage cooperative learning in this Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow project?
    • Leonila Pena
      I believe that having access to technology whenever they needed it gave the students the ability to go beyond the walls of the classroom. They didn't have to rely solely on the teacher as their learning resource. They had the tool to explore the world from their own home and the opportunity to become creators of their own learning. Through their research they most likely found other individuals that had the same interests as they did, people with whom they could share what they knew and also learn from. Many students become more confident when they see that others have interest in their work, it makes them want to show others what they know and help others enabling them to work more cooperatively with their peers.
  • The studies showed that ACOT students wrote better and were able to complete unites of study more rapidly than their peers in non-ACOT classrooms. In one case, students finished the year’s study of mathematics by the beginning of April. In short, academic productivity did not suffer and in some cases even improved.
    • Diana Cedillo
      According to this study, do you think that our students in our classrooms would have the same results if we presented them with computers as they did in their program? If so, what would we do or how would we follow this program with limited funding on technology?
  • Nineteen of the ACOT students (90%) went on to college, while only 15% of non-ACOT student sought higher education.
    • Diana Cedillo
      How has technology encouraged students to pursue higher education?
    • R. Palomares
      Technology encourages students to take more responsibility for their own learning. In addition, it creates a different attitude toward learning because they now act as active participants in their own learning. This is good information to share with other teachers. Thank you for sharing.
    • Diana Cedillo
      Yes Palomares, I agree it does encourge a student-centered learning environment. A direction we all seem to be moving towards.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Diana Cedillo
      Is technology making a positive impact on education? If so, how?
    • Joshua McDonald
      I believe technology is doing what is has always done, making things happen faster, which for the most part I would say is a great thing. Specifically in education you can find a wealth of information for research in a very short amount of time, papers are easier to type then write, learning can be more individualistic, and I will stop there. So I can see lots of positive impacts in the education setting, but I can also see concerns. For instance I have noticed that for the most part my students lack the necessary skills to stop and think through a situation or a problem. If it takes to much time to solve, most of them will give up. They are used to getting things quickly. I do think the the positives outweigh the negatives in this instance.
    • R. Palomares
      I agree with Joshua, technology is indeed making a positive impact on education. There are more students using a wide variety of programs that motivate them to do better in school. Programs such as Stixty have given the students the opportunity to do book reports in a fun and interactive way. There are numerous of other examples that demonstrate how technology is making a positive impact on education. It's making positive impacts on how we (educators) collaborate and share relevant information through programs such as this social bookmarking website(Diigo).
    • Santos Alvarado
      I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
    I think if the students get this opportunity to have a computers, they would have more access to get more resources for their studies. On the other hand, students need to be monitor when using computers to make they are using them effectively and not getting into websites that would get them in trouble.
  • ...4 more comments...
    This is a great study on the positive effects of technology. I can see how it could have been so successful, like any other type of program or project, consistency is the key aspect. Any type of technology that is going to be introduced into the learning setting will be effective if the accountability and full cooperation is clearly stated prior to making the commitment. This is something I have seen as an educator that becomes an issue because as Title 1 districts I am sure funds are available for Ipads or any other tablet that might be more affordable but the way things are implemented is a big aspect of how productive you will be. Many times we begin something and not follow through, I think that implementing any time of tablet into the learning process in our school is a great way to enhance learning as long as we set goals to meet and accomplish. Great information thank you for sharing.
    Marivel, I agree that districts and campuses have to be committed when introducing and executing the use of technology in the classroom. I believe errors in success occur when there's no consistency in using a technology in the classroom. Students are always more engaged. For example, this week, I did the story plot with my students in class and we retold the story of Prometheus using Toontastic ( I believe that's the name of the app) and my students were glued to the screen. It's a FREE app I encourage teachers to use. It provides the visual in the story students need so they can recall events in the story.
    Learned alot from this study!! It's amazing how much influence technology has on students. When I read that 90% of the students who were using technology went to college compared to only 15% of the non-tech students, I was shocked. It puzzles me how many school districts are not willing to make the necessary expenses to attain this same achievement. The school drop-out rate is sky rocketing here in the valley. I posted a link to a Texas drop out report. Check it out!
    Thank you for sharing the FREE app on recalling events in a story. I will try it tomorrow and hope to have great results just like you. Thank you.
    Technology is a great way of getting our students more engaged in our lessons. It was surprising to read in this article how the students in the ACOT program were college-bound unlike the other students in the same high school. Students are able to use technology to collaborate. I feel students might feel more comfortable sharing their ideas with one another through the use of technology.
    I have to agree with Joshua and Romel, that technology does have a positive impact in the classroom. I believe technology increases the student's motivation and self esteem to learn, because they are using tools that they are use to, not just paper and pencil. It makes the students excited about coming to school. I teach 5th grade students, and when I receive the students they lack the basic knowledge how to use Microsoft word and PowerPoint, but once they leave they learn how to use stixy, and glogster for presentation purposes. I believe technology in the classroom creates a positive environment for learning and collaborating with one another.
Sara Aldape

Free Social Teaching and Learning Network focused solely on education - 6 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      Mrs. Mata, great resource for educators as well as teachers. I especially like the different web 2.0 tools that can be incorportated in You are right this will be an awesome starting point for the next assignment we have to do for this class. I navigated the different subjects offered by sophia and I really feel that the videos along with the quiz is tremondously helpful for immediate feedback. Thanks for sharing.
    • Sara Aldape
      Awesome site for social learning that encourages exploratory and cooperative learning to make education more affordable. Thanks for sharing.
    Looking ahead in our calendar, this is a topic we will soon be covering. Found this website that covers tutorials in several subjects and helps teachers get set up for Flipped Classrooms. If you have tried it, has it worked positively or not, why or why not? If you have not tried this, what would be your biggest challenge?
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    Mrs. Mata, I liked this website that you shared with us. It looks similar to Khan academy but I liked the additional feature of the quiz. This quiz will make sure you understood the concept if you actually saw the video. I particularly liked the quiz next to the video because it provides the student immediate feedback to see if he/she understood the concept or if he/she needs to replay the video and re-learn that material covered. I think one of the biggest challenge would be to actually get the students to watch the video outside of the classroom but I think this can be solved by making it as a mandatory assignment.
    Really enjoyed this website resource guide especially using flipped classrooms in classrooms. I've heard that alot of educational workshops are incorporating flipped classroom methods. Dr. Corbeil introduced us to flipped classrooms in my instructional design course and I thought it was amazing how students can learn so much with so little lecture. But yes I totally agree with these teaching techniques and would like to use them in the near future.
    Great website. I think our future is flipped classrooms. It has already started in some school districts such as Dallas ISD.This website has alot of information that is very useful for teachers. I have not use or created a flipped classroom yet, but with tutorials and technology equipment should not be so difficult.
Salina V

Technology In Your Classroom - 19 views

I think my class has become more tech savy. I think it could be much more, but with this being the first year of STAAR testing and having a really bad internet connection in the portables where I ...

Janice Wilson Butler

Dipity - Find, Create, and Embed Interactive Timelines - 9 views

    Useful for Social Studies and it's free.
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    I can use this tool for upcoming classes related to business and technology
    This is useful and more important, it's free.
    Wow, Dipity is really awesome! I was looking at the timeline for Mr. Steve Jobs and it's very well done. Dipity can be used for doing a timeline digitally instead of doing it on a poster. There are many pros to doing it on Dipity such as been saved there for other classes to see and to be used as examples. Usually when students create a timeline on poster it get tossed away towards the end of the year or gets sent home with the students. By doing it on Dipity it stays there for many years to come.
    Totally agree for the use of Social Studies, I can use this tool for technology classes as well.
    Dipity is a great Web 2.0 technology to integrate in the classroom. It provides an excellent way to create timeline presentations.
Salina V

Reading Comprehension and Technology - 29 views

Items that I have used for this is Google Docs. A co-worker and my self would work on tutorials and used this to incorporate technology in their reading. We learned that many kids prefer having th...

reading technology classroom

Sonia Aldape

How Has The Internet Changed Education? - 3 views

    • Sonia Aldape
      This information really gives and insight by using graphics to the amount of technology that is presently being used. It focuses on higher education but it made me wonder how it could impact our school systems if more technology would be implemented in the classrooms.
    • vincent briseno
      As a math teacher I love how putting numbers and percentages adds to the depth of the article. The most shocking revelation was that 2/3 academic leaders do not consider online learning inferior to face-to-face instruction. I still expect the majority of teachers to prefer face-to-face instruction.
    It's pretty obvious that the internet has had a huge impact in education, but just how has the internet changed education? With each semester, more and more students are taking classes online, teachers are integrating social media into their courses, and everyone is turning to the web to do their research.
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    Sonia, it's amazing how the internet has truly changed education in a very positive manner. This website provides interesting and fun facts to read regarding these changes. I liked the comment that says, "...more than six million students are taking at least one online course". Can you imagine what its going to be in just a few more years? Truly, the internet has made positive impacts in education. I'm excited to see the many more positive changes that technology will have in education. Thanks for sharing.
    The internet has changed since back in the mid 1990's when I was introduced to it. The realization of dial-up but yes technology is growing exponentially and the internet has changed in many ways. There are thousands of apps to choose from and a mass amount of websites along with more web 2.0 technology tools. There are more internet resources for school districts to use. I'd say as years progress so will technology in education.
    Sonia, Internet has change so much for everyone. Now in days, you can find anything through internet. Alot of people depend on the usage of internet for researching or simply buying something through the use of internet. Thanks for sharing.
R. Palomares

James Rosenberg: Technology in the Classroom: Friend or Foe? - 4 views

  • technology provides greater access to information and new ways for students to learn, it can become a crutch hindering creative problem solving and cognitive development.
    • R. Palomares
      Do you think technology is providing greater access to information but becoming a crutch hindering creative problem solving?
    • vincent briseno
      This is a great, thought provoking, question. I believe, as with everything, moderation is the key. Should students be immersed in technology? Absolutely, but not at the expense of human interaction, written expression, or the acquisition of social skills.
  • arguments in favor of technology in the classroom include: • Exposing children to technology at an early age prepares them for college and the workforce where knowledge of technology is essential for success.
    • R. Palomares
      Do you think exposing children to technology at an early age will help prepare them for college?
  • Where do you stand on the use of technology in the classroom?
    • R. Palomares
      Where do you stand? In Favor or Against?
    I'm the "host" of the discussion question for this week 14. I wanted to share this site with comments and annotations on the significance of that site to you as an Educator! * Below is the checklist "grades" for those who respond to my post(s). 1. Do you think technology is providing greater access to information but becoming a crutch hindering creative problem solving? 2. Do you think exposing children to technology at an early age will help prepare them for college? 3. Where do you stand on the use of technology in the classroom? In Favor or Against?
    So far I really enjoyed reading the article of age for technology growth for students. Very interesting article because technology can work both ways and I truely feel that there are students who abuse the power of technology in classrooms. It's up to us as teachers to monitor them in every way possible. Technology education in classrooms has evolved so much that students are becoming more technological advanced then we are. Interesting article and I do feel that exposion of technology in an early age will prepare them for college.
    Yes Albert, technology can work both ways and it has evolved so much that it's amazing what students can do now than what was possible just a few years ago.
Adam Hovde

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube - 12 views

  • This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
    • Adam Hovde
      What did you "get" from this video?
    • Juan Betancourt
      I think that he hits on very good points. I think that we should encourage the students to collaborate instead of copying, do engaging fun stuff rather than boring, more hands on with a purpose rather than read and tell me what you go out of it. Some students complain that the work is boring, but when i ask them: what can we do to make it fun? They don't have any ideas. Is that a product of the industrial revolution or standardized testing?
    • Dara Cepeda
      Wow awesome video..very informative and eye opener. It's so true, education needs to evolve for we are still stuck in an old age. Teachers are forced to teach to the test and forget the real valuable meaning of education. Then we ask ourselves, why are these children acting like that? The public education is teaching them only to pass a test instead of create a great citizen with morals, dreams. We need to teach them to be creative and produce new tools, to become inventors for a brighter future.
    • Edna Orozco
      Educational system definetly needs to change, and we are the key to that, altough it is going to be hard specially if we are trying to figth against what we are used to, and what we were taught.
    A discussion by Ken Robinson on what education is today and how it needs to change to meet the needs of students.
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    This video is why I decided to get my masters degree. It made me think about what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I decided that I wanted to be more technology based and want to learn how to help others be more engaging with students but others have gotten a different lesson from the video. What will you get from the video?
    Very interesting video Adam! Thanks for sharing. There are so many flaws in the public education system that I personally think that we should start changing the way we are teaching our kids. Unfortunately it seems that administration only focuses on having students pass the standardized tests instead of focusing on getting students ready to success in life.
    Great Video! He was all over the place, but made some very interesting points from the beginning of public education. I remember going to school and everyone telling us you need an education in order to have a job, which was very true. I think our educational system has changed and will continue to change. We have moved away from the textbook, which is the way we learned (paper & pencil). I remember writing definitions, memorizing speeches, and copying math problems onto our lined paper to solve equations. Now students are exposed to technology which enhances their learning in interesting ways.
    The mindset of education has to change now! We are still teaching as he said, "in batches," where we condition children to one way of thinking and stifle divergent thinking. We have talked about "thinking outside the box" and "GT students", but those are the students who were not "conditioned" as we would have them be. The real world is not as we teach, we must allow our students to work collaboratively and think independently. By the same token, I believe that our teachers are victims of the very same mindset, trained to teach strategies, and deciphering questions in order to get those scores. The parent's mindset has changed as well, they no longer tell their children that education is important, and expect for teachers to do all the teaching, not realizing that a child has to have a strong foundation. We are no longer just getting clean slates, but unstructured children who are then labeled ADHD…or are they just divergent thinkers who do not conform to our way of teaching?
    The video was very eye opening. Everyone can agree that their must be change to our current system of Education. What we can't seem to agree on is what those changes should be. I feel as if he spent most of the time talking about whats wrong with education and why than actually providing solutions.
    I agree with all of you. this video opened my eyes to the way our rducational system is running. I guess I have always known it ran this way but I did not think that it bu us in the "batches" to be processed. I am hoping to use my Educational technology degree to change teh way I teach my students and hopefully I can get other teachers to do the same.
    Good video Adam. It brings up many issues with today's education. I totally agree that it is okay to raise standards for learning, but our students were not brought up that way. We are told to teach to the rigor and wonder why the students perform so bad. It is because the higher level thinking and rigor that we are now expecting comes with time and not overnight. Our children were not taught that way and to all of a sudden raise the standards is too much at once. I am confident that it will happen, but it will take time. Another issue was ADHD. When I was in school, I never heard of such a thing. His words exactly, "it seem to be an epedemic ." There could be many factors contributing to hyper and inattentive students, but parents rarely look into alternative ways to help their children. More has to be done to provide these students with help, so they can be successful and not have to be on medicine. If we let our little ones work collaboratively, and if teachers were to have more leeway to teach in their classrooms; some great learning and discovering could take place.
    Very interesting video. There was so much information about education and the economy. I agree that our students are bored in class and with school. Why are they bored??? The reason is because teachers teach the test. There is no time for fun or learing with fun things. I feel that if we teach in a fun and exciting way we will not lose the students as soon as they walk into the room. They will come to school wanting to learn and excited and wondering what they are going to be learning for that day.
    Wow that was a great video. He had some very interesting points. I do feel that our students are bored in class. The teachers today are teaching to making sure that their students pass the test. As teachers I guess we need to find a way to make our lessons more interesting. That is why it is real important that we incorporate technology into our lessons. We all know that students take a greater interest when technology is involved. He had so many great points. It inspires me to be a better teacher.
    I agree with Georgina and Jessica. Students do get bored, because of the "tunnel vision approach" we are often forced to implement in the classroom. The focus on state testing has kept many of us from teaching our students to truly think critically and problem solve. Technology is an excellent way to engage our students and promote higher-order thinking skills and collaboration. If students are motivated, with meaningful and engaging lessons, I believe they will strive to be life-long learners.
    Yes, students are bored these days, however, I don't blame teachers necessarily -- it's the system we're all in. They are victims of circumstance here. It's all about accountability and the test. I think technology may be the light at the end of the tunnel, because it's engaging, fun, and besides being a way of bringing their outside world interests into the classroom, technology isn't going anywhere. So many excellent points to support what we all already know. Good job.
    What a powerful presentation. It really hits close to home. I have a 5th grade son who I feel this was written for! Divergent thinking - YES! They're not all little products off an assembly line. I completely agree traditional education has conditioned students not to be creative and taught them there is one answer. Some of even the best kids are just totally turned off to school. I really appreciate the presenter's view point. Very often I express my concern with the so called epidemic and wonder why there are so many students who have been diagnosed with ADHD. To see the trend follows the trend of standardized testing is amazing, scary, and really disheartening. Thank you for sharing this great video.
    This was a great video, the presenter make several good points. Times have changed and so has our students therefore we must change our way of teaching as well. However, I believe we must be trained how to teach our divers learners. How can we reach our students if we still have a traditional way of thinking. I totally agree with the video we must raise the bar in order for our students to be challenged. Remember we are competing with video games, music,texting and social networking. We must prepare ourselves in the same matter to reach them as well.
    This is truly the best video I have seen in quite a long time. I already knew a bunch of these problems but the speaker has tremendous delivery power, has his insight well organized and overall organizes very effectively all these historical, economic, cultural, and political variables.
Cora Mendez

Technology and Young Children | National Association for the Education of Young Childre... - 6 views

    • Cora Mendez
      The video is at the bottom of the page. I know it is long, but you can skip ahead by clicking on the arrows. Very good information for early childhood teachers. Make sure to listen to slides 27and 28.
    • Cora Mendez
      There is a Pdf document if you wish to read instead of listening to webcast.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      I went ahead and viewed the whole web cast and it was so good to see Mr. Rogers. I remember watching him all the time as a young child and I was always so excited to see what he was going to teach us about next. He educated us about train stations, using videos. He did role playing with his puppets to engage us by asking and answering questions. He was one of the founding fathers of integrating technology for early childhood learning. The NAEYC is right about integrating technology in preschools but doing it in an effective way to educate children not just for passive entertainment purposes.
    • Cora Mendez
      Isabel you are right Mr. Rogers was one of the first to integrate technology in early childhood through his show. Children loved it. I remember watching it with my kids. Most of the programs they have in the computer labs for early childhood now a days don't challenge our prekinder and kinder students. We need to move away from that. My prek students use Twiddla in the classroom, and they will ask me to share the screen so they can collaborate with their partner on another computer. These little ones are like sponges, and they will learn just about anything especially technology.
  • When used intentionally and appropriately, technology and interactive media are effective tools to support learning and development.
  • Intentional use requires early childhood teachers and administrators to have information and resources regarding the nature of these tools and the implications of their use with children.
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    • Cora Mendez
      For years I have heard people go back and forth about whether using technology with youg children is good or bad. I was glad to finally learn the answer from NAEYC.
    • Isabel Cabrera
      Now I think technology is more kid friendly than before. I see children more often exposed and engaged to technology through the use of IPADS. The applications are easy for kids to download and play. Even with the use of these new smart phones, kids take them away from their parents and play games. I remember my son being 2 years old and learning how to work the vhs/dvd player to view his favorite Disney cartoon, "The Lion King." He learned so fast that he would turn it on so early in the morning by himself. I was so amazed.
    • Cora Mendez
      Isabel, you are right. Children learn how to use technology very quickly. Just like your son. If it is something that intrigues them, they are quick to learn it.
    • Edna Orozco
      I totally agree that technology has change tremendously and is more user friendly nowadays, specially for kids, but I agree that sometimes certain hands on activities go better without the use of technology, for example, I have seen some applications for painting where the student has to select the colors and type of brush, I rather have my kid experiencing this activity with water painting than with an ipad for example. Therefore I believe that depending on the purpose of the lesson I would think about using or not technology.
    If you have ever wondered what NAEYC stand on use of technology and early child hood education is, you must listen to this webcast. Have you wondered if using technology in early childhood was DAP(developmentally appropriate practice)? Listen to find out.
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    Lower grades are always the last ones to get new technology if they do get any at all. Why do districts or administrators think that the upper grades are priority? Is it because they are the testing grade levels? Don't you think that if we were to teach children how to use technology since they were in pre-kinder, then they could do so much more in depth projects when they were in the upper grades instead of learning how to use it in the upper grades. What is your take on this topic?
    Cora, the bottom line is that the upper levels get tested, and the results dictate our very jobs. If there is anything I have understood is that "we" are all important components of a school, but when it comes to testing and results, step aside because the upper grades are priority. It is what it is, but as a teacher, I know that every grade level lays the foundation....and a strong foundation is important.
    Cora, I think the lower grades should have access to technology, just as the upper grades. I recently read an article that concluded that children as young as two can utilize an iPad as an educational tool, much like they use blocks and play dough. Touch screen technology has eliminated the need for children to "have" to learn to manipulate a traditional keyboard and mouse. In addition, young children are "sponges" that can absorb and achieve much more than we give them credit for. I see how the focus tends to be on the upper elementary, and primarily because of testing, but I have learned that as educators, we have to learn to be more proactive as opposed to reactive.
    Heather, I agree with you, and I include our early (PK and K) childhood in all iPad activities, and they all get to handle one by themselves with help if needed. They can at least get the manipulation and navigation under their belt, by the end of the year, they are savvy. Children cultivate 85 percent of their intellect, personality and skills by age five. This is what crosses my mind when I meet a child who has never been read to or even talked to. They have so much to learn. See the article below.
    I like the point that Roberta Schomburg makes about how technology integration is everywhere today. It's not just confined to the computer labs anymore. The students should have access to technology in the classroom on a daily basis. I wish I could say that this is a reality in our campus but it is more of a rarity.
    Heather, I totally agree with you that young children are like sponges because I get to see it everyday this year in my pre-kinder classroom. Unfortunately in my classroom we only have one teacher iPad, but I let my little ones use it every chance I get. When I first got the iPad, I was surprised that they knew more about it than I did. I teach them how to use something on it, and they pick it up write away. I am always looking out for my little ones and asking for more technology whenever I can. When I moved into pre-kinder this year I asked for a document camera and projector. Last years teacher did not have one, but I was going to make sure my kids had access to the use of those tools. My children enjoying using them. I have one little boy who says, "Mrs. Mendez I want the scream." He means to say he wants me to project something onto the screen like a game, movie, book etc. They enjoy using technology. It makes things more engaging and fun to learn.
    Ana, that is so awesome that you allow PK and K to use ipads. In our school only 5th graders got one and one for every teacher. You are right if you teach them the basics when they are young, they will have that under their belt and can progress from there in another grade level. Thank you for sharing the article. It is a good reminder of how critical their first 5 years are for learning. This is why I don't understand why they make PK only available for low income people in so many places. How does this affect our middle income and high income children when in comes to them not receiving a whole one year foundation on the basics of learning. I would never have believed that Pk students are capable of so much learning if I had not seen it and experienced it for myself. They are amazing learners.
    Mr. Rogers; I loved his show, although it was right on for that era, this newer generation requires a different approach which is the use of today's technology. They seem to on board and very knowledgeable with iPads, apps, and games out there. Although I have very little experience with Pre-K and Kinder, I am aware that they are an even better target to incorporate technology with. I think as teachers, we might want to set our standards a little higher with our students, especially the little ones and be ready to be surprised on what they know and can do.
    I can understand the concern over age, but we witness the use of technology from our Pre-K and Kinder on a daily basis. I firmly believe, that technology enhances children's cognitive and social abilities, when used appropriately. Especially when we set the goals and introduce digitial citizenship early on.
    From a technology standpoint, there are more apps available for students in the lower grades than for the higher grades. From a personal stand point, even my three year old can use the ipad and iphone for seeing videos and playing games. If I were an administrator, I would start deployment of an Ipad/Ipod program in the lower grades.
    Juan I wish more administrators would think like you. I think that technology integration in the lower valley is still in its early stages, so in time I think lower grades will get more technology and more programs will be available to to cater to lower grades. I know the apps are there, but we the the hardware. My document camera and projector were borrowed because they needed it to tutor the upper grades for STAAR. I have had to manage without it. I have two desktops and my laptop and my ipad in my classroom as far as hardware goes.
    I love Mr. Rogers. I have shown my son many of the episodes when he was younger. I can definetly see how technology could be used with the young in teaching. I can also so how, like many of us, technology is not always in teh classroom to help when it is needed. I would like ot see more uses for technology with smaller children and how they learn from it. We have years of data on teh old way of teaching children maybe someone can come up with research on how technology is enhancing or hindering education in children.
    The video was long, but very informative. The word intentional kept coming up in the video and you used two quotes that included the word as well. Intentional use is so important. I've mention on other posts the use of sites the District subscribes to. The students enjoy these and they benfit from them; however, I feel there could be more intional uses that are much more benficial. The position statement clearly outlines the benefits of integrating technology not only in schools, but in every day life. The statement presents this in such a way that really shows the resposibilty (tremendous challenge) educators and care givers have to young children in order to empower them with this knowledge and skills and nuture the whole child. I agree more administrators and teachers - educators in general - don't emrabrace the importance of technology. Perhaps this position statement would help them.
Cesar Mata

Texas Considers Reversing Tough Testing and Graduation Requirements - - 3 views

  • Proponents say teachers will be able to be more creative in the classroom while students will have more flexibility to pursue vocational or technically oriented courses of study.
  • Legislators raised the number of high school exit exams to 15 from 4 in 2007, a year after they passed a law to automatically enroll all high school students in a curriculum that mandates four years of English, science, social studies and math, including an advanced algebra class.
  • Texas now requires more than double the number of end-of-course exams used in any of the eight states that currently mandate that students pass such exams, according to the Education Commission of the States.
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  • Here in Texas, the backlash has been fiercest among parents and educators who believe testing has become excessive, particularly after a period when the state cut its budget for education.
  • Test critics also argue that standardized tests stifle experimentation in the classroom. “It turns our schools into these cookie-cutter manufacturing plants,”
  • Some educators say the tests do not account for students who learn at different paces. “We expect every student to perform at certain levels with the same amount of time,”
  • Champions of more stringent graduation requirements say they also help push students — particularly those who do not come from families in which college attendance is assumed — to achieve at levels they might not have considered on their own.
  • Since the tougher recommended curriculum was signed into law, the proportion of Texas high school graduates taking at least one Advanced Placement exam who were from low income backgrounds rose to 45.3 percent in 2012, from 30.5 percent in 2007.
  • (The graduation rate in Texas actually rose from 63 percent in 2007 to 72 percent in 2011, the most recent year for which state education agency data is available.)
  • Defenders of the current curriculum come from “the elitist in our society who devalue blue-collar work and believe every student must get a four-year college degree,”
  • Even some students say, though, that standards help guide their choices. “If they are allowed the option to not take a harder math class, of course they’re not going to do that,” said Anthony Tomkins, 18, a senior at Akins who plans to attend Texas A&M. “So forcing it upon us in the long run is actually a good thing.”
    Texas lawmakers consider legislation that would reduce both graduation requirements and standardized testing. Supporters on both sides weigh in on why this may or may not be a good thing for Texas students.
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    What do you all think as Texas educators about the proposal to reduce graduation requirements and standardized testing?
    It is about time. It seems all we are doing is testing students or getting them ready to do testing. As a teacher i feel bombarded with test training and testing dates and as a parent I feel like what can I do to help my child be ready for all these testing days. Hopefully in the next few years we can backtrack and come up with other ways of assessing students (portfolios etc). My school was brought into a consortium that is opting out of some of the testing already (HB 1887). We are looking into other ways of assessing our students and hopefully this can become a standard for the state rather than just giving standardized tests.
    I hope they move in that direction as well. It seems the teachers know what is best and they never really bother to ask them. When you think about it, 15 tests to graduate? Really? After all the other work they have to do in their school careers?
    It is about time that someone is actually considering the student, meaningful learning, and long-term success. Testing and accountability have their place in education, but as it stands, testing is being used for all the wrong reasons. At the end of the day, educators are responsible for fostering and promoting life-long, successful learners. These changes may actually bring the passion back to teaching and learning!
    I agree with the superintendent in this article, that all students learn at different paces, perform at certain levels with the same amount of time. ---"That's fundamentally flawed." because it does not leave room for differentiated instruction.
    There is too much time being spent on testing. We should provide students with strong vocational programs that can provide a source or income for their future, whether they are college bound or not. Having a college education is great, but it they can't get that at lease they will have a skill that can help them earn a good living.
    The 15 tests to graduate also doesn't include the tests that the students would need to take if they wish to go to a university or college. I'm thinking ACT, SAT, THEA or TASP as it was called when I was in high school. Oh and I think they have one called the accuplacer too. That gets closer to 20 tests!
    This notion of accountability through standardized testing has back-fired on its creators. We're suppose to be producing college and career-ready products, not test ready products. And even at that we're failing.
    Oh my such a hard topic. On the one hand the need to know where we stand. On the other, the excessive, myopic, pedagogical approach inherent in testing-based curricula. Yes, we have heard all the utopian assertiveness that the test doesn't determine the curriculum and yet we all have been victims of the mixed messaging that occurs and the unofficial mandates to "teach to the test" in the end.
April Canales-Perez

If Technology Motivates Students, Let's Use It! | Edutopia - 4 views

  • I believe many students are bored and unmotivated because of the way they are being taught, with heavy reliance on reading textbooks, memorizing facts and figures, and listening to lectures, over and over.
    • April Canales-Perez
      This is true for students who have teachers teaching to the test. Students are not motivated to learn because they are not engaged in meaningful learning. What do you think?
    • Cesar Mata
      As a STAAR testing teacher this year I sometimes feel ashamed to admit that I feel like we have no other choice than to "teach the test." With so much pressure on us to get the students to pass we often resort to what we know works, and that is drill and skill. So yes, I agree that students lack motivation and how can we blame them?
    • Janice Wilson Butler
      Good insight - I think it is what most of us resort to. It is a shame that the "powers that be" don't see that this is happening.
  • Technology in its many forms is showing how teaching and learning can paint with a much broader palette of colors, from images and music to games, simulations, wikis, and many others, any time, any place, on laptops, desktops, and smartphones.
  • Today's students find this new world of digital learning to be very motivating.
    • Dara Cepeda
      Sometimes as educators we don't understand administrators when they constantly remind us to motivate students and teach them with new tools, but at the same time they contradict themselves when they expect you to teach specifically from C-scope. Luckily, there is no C-scope for my teaching subject, Art, but I see the stress of my colleagues when they want to try something new, and then the administrators getting after them for not following C-scope. Students need to be taught in their language..which is technology and multimedia tools.
    • Cora Mendez
      I like that Dara:" to teach them in their language" because this is what they know technology.
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    • April Canales-Perez
      How are you motivating your students to learn using technology?
    Teaching to the test can be BORING and un"motivating" for students. If we would teach the TEKS, using a variety of strategies and techniques, including PBL and technology, I believe students would be in even better prepared for lifelong learning. In many ways, I believe teaching to the test inhibits how far we take our students. I think the bottom line here is...planning is vital.
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    With all the new legislation in the state house and senate hopefully we can get away from so much testing. With many of the new bills the state is taking away the number of state tests the students will have to tak but they will still have to take some tests. Hopefully this will give teachers more "wiggle" room to teach more interactively and engaging. Most of our students know more about technology than we do. We should be using it to reach them.
    As a second grade teacher, we still have a little "wiggle room" to incorporate fun reading graphic organizers and fun mini projects for science and social studies. It is getting to the point that our 3rd grade teachers want us to do what they are doing (paper & pencil), but I disagree because with 7 and 8 year olds, they still need the phonics, visuals, and hands on to learn and stay engaged. They have a short attention span and are still developing.
    It seems that transitioning from no technology to technology really gets students motivated and excited, however, they also expect guidance if not they'll just play games. Incorporating technology inot what we already do does make a huge difference in student motivation and participation. I will add though that school can still be exciting even without technology, it's just a lot harder.
    As a first grade teacher, I have the opportunity to introduce and implement technology. My students are not interested in using the textbooks, but prefer the online texbook and interactive avtivities. Students at this young age are eager to use technology and hands on activities.
    All I can do is allow more opportunities in the library with the use of iPads so that the younger students are exposed to devices and apps. For older students, I made sure I covered digital citizenship, evaluating websites, and introduced credible research databases, to lay a foundation for our teachers. Our teachers are very strong, and they are always on task, but many time are limited for all the reasons we all know, lack of tools, time, etc.
    I agree students are bored and unmotivated with textbooks and lectures. I think teachers are too. I really like the comment that technology can paint with a much broader palette of colors. That's a great way to look at it. Technology definitely brightens lessons I've tried to inegrate technology into as many lessons as possible; however, not nearly as much or in the way I'd like to. Right now my students are working on Prezis. They are creating a presentation on an ecosystem and they're loving it. The lesson actually called for a diorama - the shoebox version. The Prezis have been a huge hit. Also, technology is integrated in to Health lessons by teaching Internet safety - this is an on going lesson with several sections. Our District subscribes to several sites (Aha Math, Think Through Math, Aha Science, etc.) we use in centers or all together in a computer lab.
    It is really hard to motivate certain students, but I'm doing my best to get them ready for college or a job. On a separate but related note, I make a point to tell them that not everything will be to their liking and they'd better be ready to produce.
    I agree with all of your comments. It is extremely difficult to motivate students when as teachers we are limited to our teaching strategies and overwhelm with the pressure of having to pass the STAARS test. We are limited with resources. Yet, we must learn how to use technology and learn how to motivate both our students and teachers. Give them a new resource a new way of teaching..
    I agree that we should use technology to motivate students. They look forward to a story, game, video, drawing tool etc. using technology verses pencil and paper.
    I for one love technology but also love lectures and insight from experts. To me it is not always about hands-on and group work. I guess I am a bit of an introvert in that regard.
Jessica Burnias

BYOD - 5 views

    What do you think is BYOD good or bad for the classroom?
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    Due to our lack of funds or low funds; it seems like a good concept. However, many things would have to be worked out before something like this could be implemented. Like taking into consideration that working with different devices will be a challenge because some may not be compatible with certain software. If implemented appropriately BYOD could work.
    With the appropriate Internet bandwidth, policies, web 2.0 tools and software, it can be done. But like Cora mentioned it is going to be a challenge to address all of the issues associated with so many plataforms being available to students. To get started, a definite must is bandwidth. Then moving forward in setting up a wireless access point that is locked.
    My school has had a BYOD policy for the last year and a half. Well, actually they have had the students bring their own device but we really do not have a policy to go with it...yet. Many of our students bring their laptops and tablets to school but our network is HORRIBLE. The teachers can barely access the internet let alone the students. Our district says we will be getting a new network this summer (we will see), and then hopefully we can use more content on the internet. I love using what others have come up with and posted on the internet I just want to be able to get to it easily.
    I agree with what you all are saying. In my school district they implemented the BYOD for our high school and 9th grade campus. The teachers received no type of training and were basically told when school started that we would be implementing it. We are having issues with internet access and supposedly our network is up to par. The teachers on our campus have mixed feelings because they feel alot of the students are just using their phone for texting or to get on social websites. Since students with phones can get on the internet without accessing the school's internet. The most importantly alot of teachers are having issues on how to use all these different devices. Since there are so many devices it is almost impossible to know how to use them all.
    I think BOYD can be a good thing. It's not quite a good thing just yet. The district I am in created new guidelines for BYOD policies mid year last year. The reason I say it can be good thing is it's not really being implemented like I think the district thought it would. Even though we are well into the first year of the policy, students don't take advantage of it like they could. I do have a few students who bring a device almost daily to read from, but my own daughter, for instance, doesn't want to take hers out of fear of losing it. I think other share her fear; however, the fear the district had of students abusing the new BYOD policy never matierialized. In fact, it's as if less students bring devices now that they are allowed to than when it was against the rules. Figures. :)
    I can definitely see BYOD as a possibility in the middle and high school setting, but as an elementary teacher, there would be more barriers than just network speeds and compatibility issues. Most elementary students wouldn't really have access to laptops, smartphones, or tablet computers. While they might be able to use these things at home, I doubt most parents would let their 9 year old bring the family $500 iPad to class everyday. Additionally, as others have said before, there would have to be a really solid policy put in place for the use of these devices to avoid the whole plan backfiring on educators. The internet can be a dangerous and scary place for those who don't know what they're doing as well as the obvious scenario of students just browsing facebook or something similar instead of completing an assignment.
    Like many of you have pointed out, I too believe that there are lots of kinks that must be worked off before BYOD can be truly successful, but I also believe that the open-minded, willingness of the districts to integrate technology is a step in the right direction. Our district will be implementing BYOD and I am excited to see how it unfolds. I realize that teacher monitoring is crucial and planning will be key, but I think it will benefits the children in the long run,
    I did not even know what BOYD was till I saw this video. It sounds pretty interesting. I believe that any teacher who is interested in technology will "buy" in to it. My only concern is what happens to those students who don't own any tech devices they can bring to school. At the school where I am at the students are from very low income families but then again somehow, someway they find money to own these things. Yet, there are parents who refuse to buy the expensive devises. What happens to those students?
    I think that BYOD is a good thing, because the student is familiar with his/her technology device. Sometimes when I have to use the school laptops, they have different features that I need to ask questions. If I had brought my own laptop, I would have completed more work and been more comfortable using my own technology. I do agree with Juan, we do need appropriate Internet bandwidth, policies, web 2.0 tools, hardware/software in order to incorporate BYOD in your school.
    I think BYOD is a great thing, however, it's not that easy to get all parents on board, and I think it's even more difficult to get other teachers on board. Even one technology device is difficult for teachers who are not technologically inclined to prodide assistance in, and having many different devices can be overwhelming for those teachers. The concept is right on, however, there are some issues that need to be addressed first like teacher training and getting parent "buy in."
    BYOD has been implemented at our campus with the upper grades. The students enjoyed bringing their own device and were eager to share their favorite applications. The teachers were surprised to see how many students owned their own devices.
    BYOD is great idea in implementing technology in the curriculum..I think that will motivate students to learn my district they'll be implementing BYOD this coming year and I'm very excited about it. I know the students will be taught to use their own device but the right way. They will be more involved with classroom discussions and participate more, since it'll be done with their own device.
    Bring Your Own Data! Excellent, we all know that students from nowadays are in touch with all kinds of electronic devices, and why not taking advantage of it. The good think about technology is that there are lots of applications or ways to incorporate such electronic devices in the classroom. I have used a couple of times cellphones to use them as clickers, and students are amazed they can do that, if we introduced students to such things they will naturally seek for more ways to incorporate learning with their own cellphones, ipods, ipads etc.
    I would certainly do the BYOD if i did not have enough technology in my classroom. Students are really proud when they contribute and share their "toys" or devices. The pros are that they know the devices well,and will be able to download the apps needed, and navigate. Devices are usually the latest model, so we would have compatible devices, and we can learn a thing or two from them and have the troubleshooting down as well. The cons might be that we need to make sure we have permission slips with waivers for lost items, but at the same time, be sure we have a place to lock them up and keep them safe. HCISD has form that needs to be signed by parents. I know a fifth grade teacher who has implemented BYOD, and technology has become an interwoven tool that is used seamlessly. Students are not at the novelty stage clamoring to get to the tools, but deciding for themselves when they need to use to to research, or for reviewing objectives taught in class. It was a successful implementation.
Leonila Pena

The Innovative Educator: The 5 Cs to Developing Your Personal Learning Network - 5 views

    • Leonila Pena
      A guide on how to create your Personal Learning Network.
    • vincent briseno
      The 5 Cs is a very good article. I am always amazed at how much information there is available to me with just access to a smartphone. The power of Twitter is something I still need to take advantage of and this article serves as a much needed reminder.
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I think @Joshua would really enjoy this site.
    Now I'm trying to figure out how to better organize all these links ya'll have shared that are worth filing online. Love the idea of PLN!
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    This is a great article! Consider, Consume, converse, create and celebrate are great to help teachers and students begin their own learning networks!Thank you for sharing.
    Allowing students to connect with others is empowering students with the necessary tools; is creating a more dynamic classroom. This allows students to explore all the technology resources at their fingertips.
    After reading this article/website, I found it beneficial and inspiring to create my own learning network. It would be great to educate the students that would like to do the same. Great site!
    Great planning website for teaching networking reference abilities using the learning network for our students. This resource is great for students to progress and grow into using Bloom's Taxanomy
    Very inspirational and a great website especially to use for PD. Great Info Thanks for Sharing.
    Very true, in order to become better educators we need to collaborate and share what we know. We must also learn to receive constructive criticism. Thanks for sharing!
    It's a great start to develop your own social/professional website. I like the way it breaks it down for you in order to know what's available online.
    Great article, on how to help teachers and students to create their own learning network. I love how it breaks down all the information into the 5 C's
    Great article and video explaning about networking and the 5 C's. All teachers should read this article because it breaks down in detail about networking. Thanks for sharing.
Alyssa Tanguma

Why Wikipedia Does Belong in the Classroom - 5 views

    • Santos Alvarado
      How do you feel of the use of integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom?
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      Like I posted on the article, I constantly rely on Wikipedia to give me the answers to the questions I needed when being asked certain information by the students that I do not have knowledge on. We are about to begin our research papers and I am going to include Wikipedia as one of they websites they need to use. The link above shows a little more justification as to why using wikipedia is beneficial
  • Wikipedia remains misunderstood because many educators have yet to recognize the distinction between Wikipedia as a tool for teaching and Wikipedia as a tool for research.
  • Since 2010, the Wikimedia Foundation has been working hard opening closed-minds, connecting thousands of students at more than 50 schools across the U.S., including Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley to the Wikipedia Education Program
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  • having students collaborate with the community of Wikipedia editors (“Wikipedians”) to write course-related Wikipedia articles, replacing traditional term papers.
  • Similar benefits to traditional writing assignments - as students are still researching and analyzing sources
    • Leonila Pena
      I agree with Alyssa regarding people having fear of Wikipedia because it might have invalid information, but I still think it's a great resource just like many other sites out on the World Wide Web. We should teach students that not everything posted on the internet is valid/real/true. I know a teacher that doesn't like students using Wikipedia because she doesn't think it's reliable, but I know another teacher that allows her students to use it and reminds them that they must use other sources to support their findings in Wikipedia. I think that's great because she's teaching them to verify and validate their own work.
  • Professors and assistants can provide feedback and engage in debate with students, as can the community of Wikipedians.
  • when we introduce Wikipedia into the classroom as a teaching tool, we provide students with a space to reflect and learn about the nature of knowledge and its evolution,
    • Alyssa Tanguma
      I think many people fear using wikipedia because it has been proven that anybody can post valid/invalid information. I personally love wikipedia and use it as a teaching tool when I do not know the answer to the questions our "smart kids" throw out there. I can rely on wikipedia to give me an immediate and reliable answer.
    Santos, I think its a very good idea to have Wikipedia as a resource in my classroom. It will help students to research anything they need to know or learn. Wikipedia will give my students additional resource to have in the classtroom and at home for them to find their research.
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    I think that Wikipedia should be used in the classrooms as a resource for research papers. Wikipedia provides up to date information and studies have proved that 95% of information is realiable! I remember having a professor for History that would tell us we could not use Wikipedia becuase it was not realiabe, but I disagreed. I'm glad that studies have been conducted to prove my theory.
    Wikipedia can be very beneficial. Wikipedia can be used to do research because there are many links within each search that can be used to further investigate and look at when doing your research. I do think that integrating Wikipedia as a resource in the classroom should be a priority.
    I believe this goes both ways. I know many times we fear using Wikipedia as a resources for fear of inaccurate information. HOwever, it could serve practice on how to cite resources. If we as teachers carefully screen the source of the information, then it would be possible to use in research projects or assignments. However,then that creates more work for us as a teacher. I do like the fact that it encourages teachers and students to use wiki-technology and be part of the virtual social network. Not to mention, the fact that we can post/receive multi-layered feedback. Over all, screen the sources carefully and focus on what Wikipedia has to offer.
    As a Reading teacher we utilize wikipedia a lot and the great thing is that it allows the students many options or choices to pick from. They are able to have ample examples to better understand the concept being searched.
    I think that Wikipedia is a very good tool to integrate in the classroom, if used properly. It should be one of the many tools that should be implemented in the classroom to expand our teaching.
kate Binns

Don't Pay for Technology: 25 Freebies for Students - 11 views

    In today's economic climate, paying for technology isn't prudent, and for some students, it isn't even an option. Fortunately, there are plenty of freebies on the web that can help with document creation, research, writing, storage, collaboration, studying and more. Here are 25 free web apps and software programs that may be useful to students. I've used several of these web apps with varying degrees of success with students. Have you used any or have plans to use them in your classroom? How have they worked for you?
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    These are awesome Kate! The only one I have used before is GoogledDocs. I really like it when I'm working with a group. I've used it to create staff development plans, campus improvement plans, and analyzing data with my colleagues. I just set up an account for Bibme and I added it to our library website. I had been using Citation Machine, but this is different. I have some Pre-AP Social Studies classes scheduled for next week, and I'm going to show them how to use it. I also used the Flashcard maker to create flashcards for Competency 2 Vocabulary. I created them really fast. I just copied and pasted the terms from the database on Dr. Butler's wiki. I am going to share this website with our teachers too! This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing!
    Thanks for sharing the article; I will add them to the resource page I created on my wiki. I agree it has become unnecessary to purchase any software. There are massive Web 2.0 tools and apps to use for free. I have exposed my students to concept mapping with, presentation formats (sliderocket, prezi, brainshark, slideshare), charts and graphs creation, vocabulary build up with games created on line (taxgedo, wordle) and interactive posters like glogster. Students love diverse means to present their information; they are not limited to present in a specific software.
    Wow!!! I loved them!! I am amazed at the number of Web 2.0 tools that are out there. I just was told by a friend about a Web 2.0 tool called live binder and I loved it too. You place all the web pages a student may need for a research or any project you want and you waste less time on searches and the kids will focus more on the assignment goals.
    And even more interesting - at the bottom of the page, there is an ad for getting college credit by taking a free online course. So you go through the free online course and then you can take a test and get CLEP exam and get college credit. For $77.00 you can get 3-credits. Not a bad deal. In my spare time, I would like to go through one of the courses.
    Great website. I used to do my bibliography for the technology plan. It is a lot easier than using citation machine. I can't wait to use it with my students, since they have no idea about citations. It amazes me how many free websites are out there for free. I will be going through several of the websites to see what else catches my eye.
    This is an awesome website, it will definitly be worth bookmarking for future reference. Students will definetly find this information useful.
    Thanks, Kate! Yes, I am still at awe at the number of results I get when I look up for tools, it's incredible! Thanks once again for this great resource.
    I wouldn't be surprised if some students already knew about this. I have not used any in class yet, but I will definately look into it.
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