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Victoria Lopez

The Social Media Revolution - 4 views

    I am one of the Diigo discussion host assigned for the week of Oct. 22 - 28, 2012. This video is not the typical article or website most of us have been sharing, but I really wanted to share with you. In addition to this video, I would also like to share with you a very resourceful website that I will provide later. Although I could not highlight text that I wanted to emphasis with the Diigo toolbar, since it is a video, I am going to include what I want to emphasis: Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine Wiki ( Hawaiian term= quick) Studies show that Wikipedia is as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica US Department of Education study revealed that online students out perform those receiving face to face instruction.... Discussion question: Do you think that social media is a revolution or a fad? Please provide explanation for your rationale. Why do you thinkg social networking a fundamental shift of how we communicate?
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    This video is a great eye opener to where our society is leaning towards if not already completely on that side. I am personally scared of such a change but highly believe in the power of this social networking shift. As educators, we need to understand why this is so important and how can we make it work for us in our profession. As a student, I have seen first hand how intense and engaging social media can be.Two things that really caught my attention were the following: * In 2009 U.S. Department of Education study revealed that, on average, online students outperformed those receiving face-to-face instruction. * One in six higher education students are enrolled in online curriculum. Regardless of the many reasons why, this is the future and we must not stay behind no matter how scary it might be.
    I tend to lean towards the idea of social media becoming (or already there) a revolution. The reason for me is that I see it in use daily with our younger generations. This is the world they are being brought up in, and it is what they will be expecting to using as they grow older. One thing that does interest me is the fact that change seems to be happening quicker then it use to. So if that stays true will social media stay around as long as something like writing letters or email? Not sure about that! Thanks for the raised some interesting points!
    I don't think social media is just a fad but it's becoming a social media revolution. It's changing the way we communicate, and the way things are being done. Many people have joined social networking sites and the communication boundaries have been broken. It's interesting to see in this video how much time it took to reach 50 million users. The radio took 38 years, T.V. 13 years, Internet 4 years, IPODs 3 years, and Facebook 200 million users in less than a year!!! That's amazing! Social networking is a fundamental shift of how we communicate because it's very effective and efficient. Thank you for sharing this awesome video Victoria!
    I also don't think that social media is a fad. We are able to communicate with so many individuals with Facebook and YouTube. The video showed that the largest increase of users on Facebook is females between the ages of 55 - 65. This might be happening because of mothers and grandmothers that are keeping in touch with their children and granchildren. I think social networking is a shift in how we communicate because I think it is easier to express yourself. I don't think one is as self-conscious about their comments when they post it on the Internet.
    Victoria, Great video . I saw it twice because it has so much information that it makes me realize that our society focus on media or technology.. Even our young generation, they are not afraid to use any technology equipment that will give them information or input information for the community. I don't think social revolution is a fad, it is here already. Enjoyed it.
    Victoria, Enjoyed video. I don't think social revolution is a fad. Now a days, everyone uses media to get or send information. It is here already but it is just improving with new techniques everyday. As we see our very young generation now, they are exposed to new technology equipment in which they explore with every media equipment thats out there in our world. Our world is changing.......
    I also think social media is a revolution and not just a passing fad. If you ask a 1st grader, "How do people communicate?," just about all of them will mention facebook, text, cell phone, email, and if you give them some hints they'll finally say writing letters or notes, or face to face. Online communication is the fastest way to communicate and it's even easier to use it when we all carry a computer in our pockets or purses. Cell phones combined with online social media has made it much easier and faster for people to communicate within virtually seconds. Technology is now and it's the future, and we need to use it to our advantage whether it's for education, business, socializing, or networking.
    Victoria I think that social media isn't a FAD with so much of importance it has gained even in many remote places of the world. But how long would you think is this trend going to continue? Something definitely will take over this trend so what will be the next big change? If you want to see a related video which talks about numbers and enough data to see social media I suggest: Read this article on how the social media kingdom came into our lives fast and hasn't stopped changing since. VERY INTERESTING!!!!
    I think social media is definitely not a FAD. Social media influences everyone in the world and even the underdeveloped countries. Everyone has a Facebook and virtually a computer with us all the time our phones. Like that the video points out that if you are a company and want to exist you have to enter the trend.
    At my campus students are using social media for educational purposes. Students are using edmodo in a couple of their classes to work on educational assignments, quizzes and current event group discussions as participation grades in classroom environments. Social media has grown since the beggining of the 20th century belive it or not. I truely believe that social media will continue to grow in time and be more useful in school environments. I really enjoy using edmodo, kind of like a facebook but for school related purposes. Great article
    Many people are still fighting the revolution of technology. Some people prefer submitting hard copies instead of online reports. Change is not easy and sometimes even scary, but we should always give it a try. I do believe that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate.
Janice Wilson Butler

- Don't judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree - The problem with assessment - 10 views

    I really enjoyed the article and I will say that I agree that testing is not making our students smarter. I have been in the teaching field for 22 years and year after year I see the students so disconnected with learning. Students have been taught how to pass a test, rather than how to think creatively. I have students that can't answer an open ended question in a complete thought, but can pass a state exam. I have always refused to teach to a test, and have gotten very good results at the end. Since I teach Science my class is very hands-on, so the students love the class, but they don't have the background ability to apply it on a test. These students have been trained not to think only to answer multiple choice questions. It takes me a whole semester to get them to make the connection from the experiment and how to apply it to the test. My first year at my school the teacher who was teaching Science before me gave me boxes full of TAKS materials that she used in her class and she told me that I wouldn't have time for hands-on activities. As soon as she left my room I threw everything in the trash and my principal was surprised that I didn't want her materials. Needless to say my students became thinkers by the end of the year and grew a new appreciation for Science. Being in the MTT program I have begun integrating technology in my Social Studies class and I have never seen students so interested in learning about the American Revolution. We are getting ready to create newsletters about different topics they learned about the American Revolution. They are even getting ready to create a voki to present a part of their newsletter. I have seen technology even motivate the most reluctant learner in my class. I have students that will come in the morning and begin working on their project that they need to complete. I even have students going to the public library to use the computers. I am a true believer in integrating technology. I
    Loved this fable!! It reminded me about a book I read a few years ago titled Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell . It was a whole bunch of stories about real-life success stories such as The Beatles and Bill Gates. The one thing that all of these people had in common was that they all spent tens of thousands of hours honing in on their craft. Some of them just got lucky and had the opportunity to practice. Others had parents that knew that they had cultivate their child's passion and not force them to do things that they were just not capable of doing or that they were not interested in. This fable reminds me of what we are doing in education today. We want all of the students to be "good" at everything and never give them enough time to become great at something. If students were allowed to follow their passion, the benefits would overflow into other subjects.
    I often use this analogy to encourage my students who feel that they are unintelligent because of their struggles to pass tests. Our school system tries to make all of our students fit a specific mold-- some fit, some adapt, and some give up. We've give up the ability to provide our students with the freedom to explore and be creative for a sense of security in "accountability." Sure, we need to hold schools and educators accountable for providing a quality education and yes, there have been schools in the past who have misused the freedoms allowed to them. However, I cannot and will not believe that an annual multiple choice test will sum up all of the knowledge that my students have gained. I strive to teach my students to think critically and be a part of the world around them. In my opinion, being able to think your way through a problem is going to be much more valuable to my students in the future than knowing the difference between rotation and revolution. (Unless they plan on being aerospace engineers that is). We need to focus on inspiring students to learn through their own drive and interest. Let's not kill their natural curiosity with our adult need for accountability.
Salina V

Technology In Your Classroom - 19 views

I think my class has become more tech savy. I think it could be much more, but with this being the first year of STAAR testing and having a really bad internet connection in the portables where I ...

Adam Hovde

RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms - YouTube - 12 views

  • This RSA Animate was adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert and recipient of the RSA's Benjamin Franklin award.
    • Adam Hovde
      What did you "get" from this video?
    • Juan Betancourt
      I think that he hits on very good points. I think that we should encourage the students to collaborate instead of copying, do engaging fun stuff rather than boring, more hands on with a purpose rather than read and tell me what you go out of it. Some students complain that the work is boring, but when i ask them: what can we do to make it fun? They don't have any ideas. Is that a product of the industrial revolution or standardized testing?
    • Dara Cepeda
      Wow awesome video..very informative and eye opener. It's so true, education needs to evolve for we are still stuck in an old age. Teachers are forced to teach to the test and forget the real valuable meaning of education. Then we ask ourselves, why are these children acting like that? The public education is teaching them only to pass a test instead of create a great citizen with morals, dreams. We need to teach them to be creative and produce new tools, to become inventors for a brighter future.
    • Edna Orozco
      Educational system definetly needs to change, and we are the key to that, altough it is going to be hard specially if we are trying to figth against what we are used to, and what we were taught.
    A discussion by Ken Robinson on what education is today and how it needs to change to meet the needs of students.
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    This video is why I decided to get my masters degree. It made me think about what kind of teacher I wanted to be. I decided that I wanted to be more technology based and want to learn how to help others be more engaging with students but others have gotten a different lesson from the video. What will you get from the video?
    Very interesting video Adam! Thanks for sharing. There are so many flaws in the public education system that I personally think that we should start changing the way we are teaching our kids. Unfortunately it seems that administration only focuses on having students pass the standardized tests instead of focusing on getting students ready to success in life.
    Great Video! He was all over the place, but made some very interesting points from the beginning of public education. I remember going to school and everyone telling us you need an education in order to have a job, which was very true. I think our educational system has changed and will continue to change. We have moved away from the textbook, which is the way we learned (paper & pencil). I remember writing definitions, memorizing speeches, and copying math problems onto our lined paper to solve equations. Now students are exposed to technology which enhances their learning in interesting ways.
    The mindset of education has to change now! We are still teaching as he said, "in batches," where we condition children to one way of thinking and stifle divergent thinking. We have talked about "thinking outside the box" and "GT students", but those are the students who were not "conditioned" as we would have them be. The real world is not as we teach, we must allow our students to work collaboratively and think independently. By the same token, I believe that our teachers are victims of the very same mindset, trained to teach strategies, and deciphering questions in order to get those scores. The parent's mindset has changed as well, they no longer tell their children that education is important, and expect for teachers to do all the teaching, not realizing that a child has to have a strong foundation. We are no longer just getting clean slates, but unstructured children who are then labeled ADHD…or are they just divergent thinkers who do not conform to our way of teaching?
    The video was very eye opening. Everyone can agree that their must be change to our current system of Education. What we can't seem to agree on is what those changes should be. I feel as if he spent most of the time talking about whats wrong with education and why than actually providing solutions.
    I agree with all of you. this video opened my eyes to the way our rducational system is running. I guess I have always known it ran this way but I did not think that it bu us in the "batches" to be processed. I am hoping to use my Educational technology degree to change teh way I teach my students and hopefully I can get other teachers to do the same.
    Good video Adam. It brings up many issues with today's education. I totally agree that it is okay to raise standards for learning, but our students were not brought up that way. We are told to teach to the rigor and wonder why the students perform so bad. It is because the higher level thinking and rigor that we are now expecting comes with time and not overnight. Our children were not taught that way and to all of a sudden raise the standards is too much at once. I am confident that it will happen, but it will take time. Another issue was ADHD. When I was in school, I never heard of such a thing. His words exactly, "it seem to be an epedemic ." There could be many factors contributing to hyper and inattentive students, but parents rarely look into alternative ways to help their children. More has to be done to provide these students with help, so they can be successful and not have to be on medicine. If we let our little ones work collaboratively, and if teachers were to have more leeway to teach in their classrooms; some great learning and discovering could take place.
    Very interesting video. There was so much information about education and the economy. I agree that our students are bored in class and with school. Why are they bored??? The reason is because teachers teach the test. There is no time for fun or learing with fun things. I feel that if we teach in a fun and exciting way we will not lose the students as soon as they walk into the room. They will come to school wanting to learn and excited and wondering what they are going to be learning for that day.
    Wow that was a great video. He had some very interesting points. I do feel that our students are bored in class. The teachers today are teaching to making sure that their students pass the test. As teachers I guess we need to find a way to make our lessons more interesting. That is why it is real important that we incorporate technology into our lessons. We all know that students take a greater interest when technology is involved. He had so many great points. It inspires me to be a better teacher.
    I agree with Georgina and Jessica. Students do get bored, because of the "tunnel vision approach" we are often forced to implement in the classroom. The focus on state testing has kept many of us from teaching our students to truly think critically and problem solve. Technology is an excellent way to engage our students and promote higher-order thinking skills and collaboration. If students are motivated, with meaningful and engaging lessons, I believe they will strive to be life-long learners.
    Yes, students are bored these days, however, I don't blame teachers necessarily -- it's the system we're all in. They are victims of circumstance here. It's all about accountability and the test. I think technology may be the light at the end of the tunnel, because it's engaging, fun, and besides being a way of bringing their outside world interests into the classroom, technology isn't going anywhere. So many excellent points to support what we all already know. Good job.
    What a powerful presentation. It really hits close to home. I have a 5th grade son who I feel this was written for! Divergent thinking - YES! They're not all little products off an assembly line. I completely agree traditional education has conditioned students not to be creative and taught them there is one answer. Some of even the best kids are just totally turned off to school. I really appreciate the presenter's view point. Very often I express my concern with the so called epidemic and wonder why there are so many students who have been diagnosed with ADHD. To see the trend follows the trend of standardized testing is amazing, scary, and really disheartening. Thank you for sharing this great video.
    This was a great video, the presenter make several good points. Times have changed and so has our students therefore we must change our way of teaching as well. However, I believe we must be trained how to teach our divers learners. How can we reach our students if we still have a traditional way of thinking. I totally agree with the video we must raise the bar in order for our students to be challenged. Remember we are competing with video games, music,texting and social networking. We must prepare ourselves in the same matter to reach them as well.
    This is truly the best video I have seen in quite a long time. I already knew a bunch of these problems but the speaker has tremendous delivery power, has his insight well organized and overall organizes very effectively all these historical, economic, cultural, and political variables.
vilma orduna

An Outsider Calls for a Teaching Revolution - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Educ... - 1 views

    In just a few short years, Salman Khan has built a free online educational institution from scratch that has nudged major universities to offer free self-guided courses and inspired many professors to change their teaching methods. His creation is called Khan Academy, and its core is a library of thousands of 10-minute educational videos, most of them created by Mr. Khan himself.
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