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Home/ EDTC6343/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Edna Orozco

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Edna Orozco

Edna Orozco

Games rewards and educational applications - 6 views

    I've read about some games that I can use in math, 1) LURE OF THE LABYRINTH: LABYRINTH is funded by the U.S. Department of Education with a primary goal of enhancing pre-algebra mathematics learning, and a secondary goal of improving literacy. 2) MOLECULAR WORKBENCH provides interactive, visual simulations to aide in teaching simple and complex science concepts, such as dynamic molecular structures. 3) SIMCITY: the objective is to design and create a thriving, sustainable city. 4) STARLOGO: The programming possibilities are seemingly endless, and numerous teachers in math and science have created an array of applications with it
    How can you apply the gaming concepts to your curriculum? Can you reinforce or make the lesson completely a game? What about grading the results of playing an educational game? What options are there out there for you that you can apply today? What have been the results in student involvement and engagement?
Edna Orozco

Replicating Success: Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 7 views

  • The more innovative a school and outstanding its results, the more impossible replicating it looks to educators elsewhere who are struggling with challenging student populations, limited resources, and unimaginative administrations.
    • Edna Orozco
      Do you agree with this statement? Is it true that we feel frustrated because we might not have the financial support, the adequate technology, or students willing to learn?
  • The original textbook-free, nonprofit, public charter school
    • Edna Orozco
      It looks difficult even for educators to think that it is possible to teach without following a book, on a public school, and yet to get an engaging environment for students. Are you ready to move on from your comfort zone, and start planning with other teachers to implement PBL on your classroom?
  • You can have high expectations for all your students. You can involve presentations and critiques and involve students in work that real adults do. There are no barriers to that, only perceived barriers."
    • Edna Orozco
      Are you willing to treat your young students as adults, and give them such responsabilities, even if you are teaching elementary or middle school?
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