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indexed (blog) - 1 views

    This site is a little project that lets me make fun of some things and sense of others. I use it to think a little more relationally without resorting to doing actual math. Fun and interesting site with ideas mapped out on index cards.

Fun With Words > The Wordplay Web Site - 20 views

    Great Word Site. Has lots of info about Anagrams, Palindromes, Spoonerisms, Oxymorons, Tongue Twisters, Pangrams , Rebus Puzzles, Malapropisms, Mnemonics, Tom Swifties, Word Records, Nym Words, Redundancies, Ambiguities,, Net Lingua, Etymology, Rhyming Slang, and games. Has a book and games store, but most info is free.
Dana Huff

Mr. Palmer Discusses His Fellow Minor Characters « Jane Austen's World - 6 views

    This blog post would be fun to turn into a writing assignment: Have minor characters in a novel your students are studying discuss the other minor characters in the manner of Mr. Palmer.
ten grrl

Jane Austen's The History of England: Introduction - 0 views

    The History of England is an early work of Jane Austen. She completed the composition in November 1791 when she was just 15 years old. Jane Austen's History is a lively parody which makes fun of the standard schoolroom books of the time. Declaring herself to be a 'partial, prejudiced and ignorant Historian' she cites works of fiction, such as Shakespeare's plays, as historial authority and includes references to her own family and friends. Jane's older sister Cassandra illustrated the text with imaginative portraits of the English monarchs
Dana Huff

TwitVid - @alyankovic I like the ones that say "SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING". RT @alyankovic ... - 0 views

    Fun video of Weird Al Yankovic changing street sign with improper grammar.
Mrs. Lenker

Survival Guides at Bionic Teaching - 10 views

    "lots of English and history applications. It'd be fun to write survival guides for self-destructive historical or literary figures- maybe Edgar Allen Poe or Custer."
    :) That's embarrassing! I guess I was hungry when I added that. General Custer not Custard.
Dana Huff

Old English Translator - 10 views

    Fun for students learning about Anglo-Saxons, Old English, or the history of English.

Fun with punctuation Boing Boing - 22 views

    Dangers of comma use or lack there of. Funny
Dana Huff

Seneca Highlands Intermediate Unit Nine | Literary Device Bag Resources - 12 views

    Fun ways to teach literary devices.
Leslie Healey - 5 views

    VOKI for teachers has just launched. free lessonplan database included. fun and engaging
Dennis OConnor - 21 views

  • simple. you’ll see one word at the top of the following screen. you have sixty seconds to write about it. click ‘go’ and the page will load with the cursor in place. don’t think. just write.
    Looks like a fun way to spark journal writing.  Fit's Natalie Goldberg's great advice about first draft writing: Just keep your hand moving!
Leslie Healey

PECHA KUCHA BOOK REVIEWS - Google Docs - 2 views

    if you have not tried Pecha Kucha, you should. I am using it this year for my junior SAT prep group.They have been reading independently, and I want to give them some credit for the numerous books they have read. It also requires organization, clear judgment and prep. Also, IT IS FUN.
Dennis OConnor

Storybird - Collaborative storytelling - 11 views

  • Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you make to share, read, and print. Read them like books, play them like games, and send them like greeting cards. They’re curiously fun.
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