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BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Apps Taskonomy - 77 views

    The iPad (or iPod touch or iPhone) with its apps opens many new opportunities for learning. At the same time, it offers a slightly different wrapper for older learning opportunities. Both can be worthwhile, but it would be a shame if teachers missed the former for the latter. And, if past experience and research is any indication, educators are much more likely to co-opt the new technology to accomplish the status quo. This activity is designed to help teachers think through both opportunities and to categorize those apps that lend themselves to either or both. Teachers will start by exploring a variety of apps, some that lend themselves to learning content such as math facts or spelling words and others that can be used in open ended content creation such as storytelling or photography. Then, teachers will examine a set of lessons that use these apps. Finally, teachers will use a "taxonomy" such as Bloom's Taxonomy, SAMR, LoTi, ETaP, Prensky, etc. and attempt to classify/categorize where the apps fall. Most likely teachers will need to contextualize the app to a particular use/activity. Ideally, teachers will realize that in most cases it is not the app itself, but the use that detrmines where it falls and that the apps belong in multiple places.
BalancEd Tech

WIKId Wide Walls - Wiki Professional Development Workshop - 47 views

    Professional development designed to be completed by small or large groups in a day, two half days, or several before/after school sessions.
BalancEd Tech

BalancEdTech - Blogging Workshop - 48 views

    Professional development designed to be completed by small or large groups in a day, two half days, or several before/after school sessions.
BalancEd Tech

Can Web 2.0 Save Teacher Professional Development? - Education Week: Webinars - 73 views

    "Many observers now believe that, when used effectively, digital technologies could ultimately break the grip of the one-shot, drive-by workshop in schools and spur the growth of teacher-learning opportunities that are truly collaborative and job-embedded. Yet many questions remain. In this webinar, two experts address these questions and bring you up to date on the latest ideas and trends in online teacher learning and how you can take advantage of them."
Steve Ransom

Teacher-Led Professional Development: Eleven Reasons Why You Should be Using Classroom Walk Throughs - Copy / Paste by Peter Pappas - 108 views

  • "I'm done talking ... it's time to take this training into the classroom - that's where the teaching is going on. Besides, you need to build your local capacity."
  • f the large group is "the lecture," the CWT is the "lab."
    Another great post by Peter Pappas

Social Media and the Professional Learning Community - Networks, Collaboration & Communication | resourcelinkbce - 2 views

    The research has been clear and consistent for over 30 years-collaborative cultures in which teachers focus on improving their teaching practice, learn from each other, and are well led and supported by school principals result in better learning for students. Fullan, M. (n.d.). Learning is the Work. Retrieved from
BalancEd Tech

12 Mistakes Schools Make When Introducing The Next Big Thing - 5 views

Linda Lyster

Concept to Classroom: Course Menu - 80 views

    FREE, self-paced workshops covering a wide variety of hot topics in education including assessment, multiple intelligences, constructivism, inquiry-based learning, and cooperative learning.
BalancEd Tech

TPaCK WebQuest - BalancEdTech - 4 views

    At several of our previous meetings we have used a "Prensky Scale" to examine lessons/projects. It's time to kick that up a notch with the TPaCK framework which helps educators label the knowledge a teacher needs to teach. Though the three knowledge bases of Technological Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and Content Knowledge are easy for teachers to grasp, the interplay of them is often subtle and distinctions can be hard to see at first. This WebQuest is designed to first familiarize you with the TPaCK framework, then to examine and discuss examples that combine the three bases to different degrees and success, and finally to help you define the areas of interplay in your own words.
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