Contents contributed and discussions participated by web2write Idensen
Animoto - Your Account - 36 views
Langwitches - 70 Tools in 70 Minutes - 213 views
Social Bookmarking (Diigo) - Collaborative Learning Online - 134 views Curation Made Social | Instructional Design Fusions - 73 views
View Appendix - 21st Century Literacy - 150 views
This is a list of free applications and tools that you can find online. Students can use these to create multimedia projects, collaborate with others, conduct research, and present their findings. It is a long list, but by no means exhaustive. Please contact to suggest other tools to add to the list.
Tools for the Classroom - 21st Century Literacy - 132 views
Social Learning : eLearning Technology - 111 views
Teach | Learn - A Student Created Content Course Book - 144 views
36 print optimized lessons based on the teacher / learner friendly methodology of SCC or Student Created Content. View samples here - Preface: Lessons: Teacher's Notes: Certificate: Extra Printables: Wiki: (all Lessons editable als doc-files)
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