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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Craig Campbell

Craig Campbell

For Interns, Experience Isn't Always the Best Teacher - Commentary - The Chronicle of H... - 18 views

Craig Campbell

Why Do I Teach? - - 30 views

  • The goal of the course is simply that they have had close encounters with some great writing.
     The goal of the course is simply that they have had close encounters with some great writing.
Craig Campbell

THIS IS WATER - By David Foster Wallace on Vimeo - 64 views

    Commence speech
Craig Campbell

The Siege of Academe - - Readability - 1 views

    • Craig Campbell
      Fear is a powerful motivator. Running scared.
  • Thiel fellowship.”
  • PR move
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • the whole thing is a corrupt enterprise doomed to collapse in a spectacular, real-estate-market-circa-2008 fashion. The media lapped it up, and soon enough Thiel was featured in long New York and New Yorker profiles.
  • What Happened to the Future? We Wanted Flying Cars, Instead We Got 140 Characters.”
  • Investors have chased after clever short-term innovations and looked for quick profit, which is not only bad for the world but bad for most investors—since 1999, according to the manifesto, venture capital has lost money on average. Only the top 20 percent are any good.
  • There is a great deal of money and power at stake now. We may not know who and we may not know when, but someone is going to write the software that eats higher education.
  • most of the first adopters won’t be American students forgoing the opportunity to drink beer on weekends at State U. Instead, they’ll be students like Bali, among the hundreds of millions of people around the world with the talent and desire to learn but no State U to attend.
  • Political pressure will continue to grow for credits earned in low-cost MOOCs to be transferable to traditional colleges, cutting into the profit margins that colleges have traditionally enjoyed in providing large, lecture-based college courses.
Craig Campbell

Daniel Kahneman - Two Systems of the Mind - YouTube - 23 views

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