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The use of social networking sites for foreign language learning: An autoethnographic s... - 19 views

    Despite their spectacular growth in both daily life and mainstream education, little research to date has been conducted concerning the use of social networking sites in foreign language learning. The aim of this study, therefore, is to examine the use of such sites to learn a foreign language. Using an auto-ethnographic approach that included self-aware participation, learner diaries and peer debriefing, we investigated the social networking site Livemocha to study Korean from our perspectives as native speakers and experienced teachers of English. Specifically, we focused our questions on aspects of socio-collaborative principles and practice. Results of a grounded, thematic analysis indicate that the site had number of counter-productive pedagogical impediments to language learning that included, for example, flaws in site design. We conclude our paper with suggestions for improved foreign language learning through social networking sites.

Voki in the Languages Classroom « Voki for Education Blog - 20 views

    The ability to speak the foreign language in question can safely be described as the principal objective of learning foreign languages. However, it can often prove difficult to assess your pupils' ability to speak the foreign language in the classroom, as time and numbers often conspire against us.

Foreign Relations of the United States - 37 views

    The Foreign Relations of the United States series is the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions that have been declassified and edited for publication. The series is produced by the State Department's Office of the Historian and printed volumes are available from the Government Printing Office.
Brianna Crowley

Tanks, Jets or Scholarships? - - 24 views

    Comparison between our foreign war efforts vs. our foreign investment in public education.
Julio Quintero

American Academy Of Arts & Sciences To Conduct First National Study On... -- CAMBRIDGE,... - 12 views

    First National Study On Foreign Language Learning

Free Technology for Teachers: 11 Foreign Language Resources to Try in 2011 - 120 views

    11 good foreign language resources to try in 2011 (I've included a couple of ESL/EFL resources in this list).
jodi tompkins

Audio Files for Foreign Language Teachers/Learners - Classroom 2.0 - 67 views

    Foreign language audio samples in French, German, English, Spanish, Italian, and Russian
Virginia Meadow

eChalk: Teaching resources for interactive whiteboards and data projectors - 2 views

    Powerful interactive resources designed for whole-class teaching. Online educational games, classroom resources and lesson activities for interactive whiteboards and data projectors. Put some fun into your lessons with our exceptional science, maths, English language, literature, history, music physical education and modern foreign languages software." />/css/resourceList.css
Fred Hathaway

Food Safety and Modernization Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 1 views

    • Fred Hathaway
      That is 18,000 inspections per year of foreign facilities by 2017
    "Importer accountability For the first time, importers have an explicit responsibility to verify that their foreign suppliers have adequate preventive controls in place to ensure that the food they produce is safe. (Final regulation and guidance due 1 year following enactment)"
Michael Sheehan

Learning Never Stops: Trek Earth - Learn about our world through amazing photography. - 71 views

    Amazing photography from around the world. This site is useful for foreign language, geography, science and history teachers.
Marc Patton

Learn 8 Foreign Languages, 12 Lessons Covers All Basic Needs | - 0 views

    Flash card like game, assign meanings to foreign words.
Cindy Edwards

TypeIt - Type accent marks, diacritics and foreign letters online - 64 views

shared by Cindy Edwards on 12 Mar 10 - Cached
    Type in any language, copy and paste to any document.
    A useful site that helps with characters and symbols in European languages not usually found on an English keyboard.,+Culture+&+International+Projects
    Having trouble typing in a foreign language? Try typeit.  You can cut and paste into a word document, also.

Think Again: Education - By Ben Wildavsky | Foreign Policy - 31 views

  • But when the results from the first major international math test came out in 1967, the effort did not seem to have made much of a difference. Japan took first place out of 12 countries, while the United States finished near the bottom.
  • By the early 1970s, American students were ranking last among industrialized countries in seven of 19 tests of academic achievement and never made it to first or even second place in any of them. A decade later, "A Nation at Risk," the landmark 1983 report by the National Commission on Excellence in Education, cited these and other academic failings to buttress its stark claim that "if an unfriendly foreign power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war."
    • marcmancinelli
      US has long been mediocre or at the bottom of international comparisons, but it's not a zer-sum game
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • But don't expect any of them to bring the country back to its educational golden age -- there wasn't one.
    • marcmancinelli
      People use crises to advance their own agendas...
  • J. Michael Shaughnessy, president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, argues that the latest PISA test "underscores the need for integrating reasoning and sense making in our teaching of mathematics." Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, claims that the same results "tell us … that if you don't make smart investments in teachers, respect them, or involve them in decision-making, as the top-performing countries do, students pay a price."
  • According to the most recent statistics, the U.S. share of foreign students fell from 24 percent in 2000 to just below 19 percent in 2008. Meanwhile, countries like Australia, Canada, and Japan saw increased market shares from their 2000 levels, though they are still far below the American numbers.
  • And even with its declining share, the United States still commands 9 percentage points more of the market than its nearest competitor, Britain.
  • A 2008 Rand Corp. report found that nearly two-thirds of the most highly cited articles in science and technology come from the United States, and seven in 10 Nobel Prize winners are employed by American universities. And the United States spends about 2.9 percent of its GDP on postsecondary education, about twice the percentage spent by China, the European Union, and Japan in 2006.
  • But over the long term, exactly where countries sit in the university hierarchy will be less and less relevant, as Americans' understanding of who is "us" and who is "them" gradually changes. Already, a historically unprecedented level of student and faculty mobility has become a defining characteristic of global higher education. Cross-border scientific collaboration, as measured by the volume of publications by co-authors from different countries, has more than doubled in two decades.
    A great perspective piece on American education compared to the world.
Michael Sheehan

10 Websites for Foreign Language Learning - 127 views

    !0 excellent web based resources for learning e new language.
Cathy Yungmann

The Arab World's Youth Army - By Ellen Knickmeyer | Foreign Policy - 17 views

    Foreign Policy - Meet the chronically unemployed twenty-somethings fueling social and political upheaval across the Middle East.
Don Doehla

Language Magazine » The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit - 13 views

    Americans must learn other languages! Pick one to learn, any one! Pick one that interests you. Pick one from your community, your family history... Just pick one and enlarge your mind, your connections, your world! Support others learning as well, especially your own children if you have any. 
Lauren Rosen

eTools for Language Teachers: How to use Social Media in the Foreign Language Class: A ... - 90 views

    More of a "what is" than a "how to" but this post offers several links to more information all of which is geared towards language educators and learners. 
Julio Quintero

Auras - Aurasma - 51 views

    In a foreign language class this would be a good tool to have students describe an image, record their voices, and listen to what others have recorded.
Martin Burrett

Microsoft Language Labs - Translator Bookmarklet - 30 views

    A good, simple browser translation tool from Microsoft. The bookmarklet sits in your bookmark toolbar and translates foreign pages into your language with one click. Choose a language from the drop down menu to translate into other languages.
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