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Kristine Goldhawk

Any plans to add tablet PC "inking" functionality to Diigo? - 77 views

I third it! Demetri Orlando wrote: > Just wondering if Diigo developers are considering the possibility of adding inking functionality to allow Tablet PC users to insert digital ink on web pages. I...

tablet ink

Glenn Hervieux

The Digital Tattoo: Think Before You Ink - 73 views

    "We all have a digital tattoo, and if we do not choose how to ink it, somebody else will. Rob McTaggart discusses how we might move the fear-based cybersafety agenda forward towards a conversation about digital empowerment and supporting our students' growth in an online world."
Kris Cody

The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens: Scientific A... - 103 views

  • prevented them from zooming out to see a neighborhood, state or country
    • Monica Williams-Mitchell
      This explains, in real terms, why I've had so much struggle with online reading! Very interesting article.
  • Because of these preferences—and because getting away from multipurpose screens improves concentration—people consistently say that when they really want to dive into a text, they read it on paper
    • Kris Cody
      This is backed up by a recent article: Faris, Michael J., and Stuart A. Selber. "E-Book Issues In Composition: A Partial Assessment And Perspective For Teachers." Composition Forum 24.(2011): ERIC. Web. 31 Mar. 2013.
  • Surveys and consumer reports also suggest that the sensory experiences typically associated with reading—especially tactile experiences—matter to people more than one might assume.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • When reading a paper book, one can feel the paper and ink and smooth or fold a page with one's fingers; the pages make a distinctive sound when turned; and underlining or highlighting a sentence with ink permanently alters the paper's chemistry.
  • discernible size, shape and weight.
  • Although many old and recent studies conclude that people understand what they read on paper more thoroughly than what they read on screens, the differences are often small. Some experiments, however, suggest that researchers should look not just at immediate reading comprehension, but also at long-term memory.
  • When taking the quiz, volunteers who had read study material on a monitor relied much more on remembering than on knowing, whereas students who read on paper depended equally on remembering and knowing.
  • E-ink is easy on the eyes because it reflects ambient light just like a paper book, but computer screens, smartphones and tablets like the iPad shine light directly into people's faces.
  • the American Optometric Association officially recognizes computer vision syndrome.
  • People who took the test on a computer scored lower and reported higher levels of stress and tiredness than people who completed it on paper.
  • Although people in both groups performed equally well on the READ test, those who had to scroll through the continuous text did not do as well on the attention and working-memory tests.
  • Subconsciously, many people may think of reading on a computer or tablet as a less serious affair than reading on paper. Based on a detailed 2005 survey of 113 people in northern California, Ziming Liu of San Jose State University concluded that people reading on screens take a lot of shortcuts—they spend more time browsing, scanning and hunting for keywords compared with people reading on paper, and are more likely to read a document once, and only once.
  • When reading on screens, people seem less inclined to engage in what psychologists call metacognitive learning regulation—strategies such as setting specific goals, rereading difficult sections and checking how much one has understood along the way
  • Perhaps she and her peers will grow up without the subtle bias against screens that seems to lurk in the minds of older generations.
  • They think of using an e-book, not owning an e-book,"
  • Participants in her studies say that when they really like an electronic book, they go out and get the paper version.
  • When it comes to intensively reading long pieces of plain text, paper and ink may still have the advantage. But text is not the only way to read.
    it is difficult to see any one passage in the context of the entire text.
    it is difficult to see any one passage in the context of the entire text.
Maggie Tsai

Beyond School: From Red Pen to Invisible Ink: Assessing Student Blogs with Diigo Groups - 6 views

  • Somehow find a way to use Diigo to assess student web-log writing without defacing the students' "intellectual property" and turning writing into "schooliness."
  • My students have joined the Group. Now when they go to their web-logs, after logging in to their Diigo account and setting "Show Annotations > Show Group Annotations" on their Diigo toolbar, they will see the highlights of specific passages from their writing that I have left (and I can start students doing this too, it occurs to me in a very attractive flash), and my annotations will pop up on their screen when they hover their mouse over the highlights.Also good, our Diigo Groups Bookmarks page records all highlights and annotations I have made on one page. Students can use that to see all feedback I have given to specific strengths and weaknesses on all students writings.And since they're using anagrams instead of first-name usernames on their blogs, there's less of a chance of any embarrassment resulting from this "public feedback"--with "invisible ink."
Ann Steckel - 40 views

shared by Ann Steckel on 07 Jan 15 - No Cached
Glenda Baker

Pontydysgu - Bridge to Learning - Educational Research - 26 views

    Ideas for using mobiles ink the classroom. Arguments both ways.
Roland Gesthuizen

The Ultimate Simplified Guide to The Use of Evernote in Education - 154 views

    "Evernote is a great web service and software application that we can use in education. A lot of ink has been shed on this topic and just one click in a search engine is enough to get hundreds of links to guides and tutorials about Evernote. I have been going through so many of these resources and have collected ideas, videos, notes and many more"
Gwen Buck

That's a Fact - 2 views

    Paleontologists dig up all kinds of fossils, mostly just small bones or sea shells. But occasionally they discover unusual fossils, like squid with ink, lizards with skin, or even a T. Rex with blood!
ron houtman

Educreations Interactive Whiteboard - 8 views

    Educreations turns your iPad into a recordable whiteboard. Creating a great video tutorial is as simple as touching, tapping and talking. Explain a math formula... Create an animated lesson... Add commentary to your photos... Diagram a sports play... With voice recording, realistic digital ink, photo imports, and simple sharing through email, Facebook or Twitter, now you can broadcast your ideas from anywhere.
Eve Datisman

Print Friendly & PDF - 81 views

    make any Webpage PrintFriendly PrintFriendly cleans and formats web pages for perfect print experience. PrintFriendly removes Ads, Navigation and web page junk, so you save paper and ink when you print. It's free and easy to use. Perfect to use at home, the office, or whenever you need to print a web page. Generates a PDF that you can save electronically or a print copy that you can designate font sizes lots of flexibility here. choose the bookmarklet to add to your bookmark toolbar get the button for your website or simply add a URL and watch it do its magic
Deborah Baillesderr

Do Ink Animation & Drawing - 7 views

    A great animation website designed for children. They can draw pictures or use some of the pre-made pictures. Note that not all of these pictures are free to use, but the basics will be fine for most classroom users.,+animation,+film+&+Webcams
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