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100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty - Edudemic - 2 views

  • Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown
Catherine Hainstock

All Educational Productions - 44 views

    "'s educational section consists of 46 productions. Of these, 29 are interactive learning games of various sorts and degrees of difficulties. Most of them also includes a "Read more" about the subject. Enjoy learning!"
Randolph Hollingsworth

Ideas Trump Resources When it Comes to City Growth - Richard Florida - The Atlantic Cities - 0 views

    important for all us educators to remember: knowledge and extractive industries do not mix. "Across all U.S. metros, the share of workers in resource and extractive industries had no correlation whatsoever to four key measures of regional development: economic output per capita, average wages per capita, income, or median household income (the correlations range from -.08 to .09, none being statistically significant). Conversely, the share of workers employed in idea-based knowledge and creative industries was strongly associated with all four regional development measures (with correlations ranging from .53 to .74). In line with the resource curse hypothesis, the share of employment in resource and extractive industries was negatively associated with share of employment in knowledge industries and also with the share of adults with college degrees, a key measure of skill and human capital which economists uniformly find to be a key driver of short and long-run economic prosperity."
Marc Patton

The Higher Learning Commission - Home - 6 views

    The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is an independent corporation and one of two commission members of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA), which is one of six regional institutional accreditors in the United States. The Higher Learning Commission accredits degree-granting post-secondary educational institutions in the North Central region.
Marc Patton

Achieve OER Rubrics | Achieve - 3 views

    To help states, districts, teachers, and other users determine the degree of alignment of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to the Common Core State Standards, and to determine aspects of quality of OERs, Achieve has developed eight rubrics in collaboration with leaders from the OER community.
Marc Patton

Free Online Courses: Top 50 Sites to Get Educated for Free - 4 views

    Whether you are looking for a master's degree program, computer science classes, a K-12 curriculum, or GED study program, this list gives you a look at 50 websites that promise education for free.
Martin Burrett

ViewAt - 60 views

    View At is a 360 degree panoramic photo site with views from around the world. Upload your own panoramic photos and give out the link to share.
Marc Patton

About KDS - 0 views

    Founded in 2001, Knowledge Delivery Systems (KDS) is a leading provider of online strategic professional development, state certification, master's degree programs, and career advancement for teachers and administrators at every stage of their career.
Kate Pok

MIT open-sources online learning | Cutting Edge - CNET News - 142 views

    you can actually earn a degree from MIT now; is this a fundamental change in the way we think of education and access to education?
Martin Burrett

Kung Fu Angles - 123 views

    A fun maths angles game where you must find the attacking ninja at the correct degrees before he attacks you. There are three levels of difficulty.
Deborah Baillesderr

360 Degree Aerial Panorama | 3D Virtual Tours Around the World | Photos of the Most Int... - 65 views

    Beautiful photos: 360 Degree Aerial Panorama | 3D Virtual Tours Around the World | Photos of the Most Interesting Places on the Earth | Great discussion starters for students.  Has music with it so turn your speakers on.
    AirPano is a non-commercial project focused on high resolution 3D aerial panoramas.
Maureen Greenbaum

Palo Alto Online : Higher ed leaders meet edtech startups - 25 views

  • "moving from episodic to continuous learning -- getting a degree doesn't end your education any more and everyone will have to continue to learn
  • moving away from having faculty that were the conveyers of content to -- now that there's so much more information available -- becoming more curators of the content, of helping guide all the sources,
  • some thought that the emphasis on degrees may be reduced as other kinds of assessments come into play,
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • "If we recognize the need to organize ourselves differently, deliver education differently, then how do we fund it, how do we govern it?"
  • moving away from students being associated with an individual institution to students aggregating their own educations from a whole variety of sources and players
  • although there are counselors and advisers available in higher education "what a lot of people need is more of a coach, not necessarily associated with a particular institution
  • needs to reorganize itself to serve students
  • digital badges that signify various accomplishments

Traditional Education Beats Online in Key Areas, Opinion Poll Finds - Wired Campus - Th... - 25 views

    Gallup Poll on American's views of online courses: Mixed - "online instruction is at least as good as classroom-based courses in terms of providing good value, a format most students can succeed in, and instruction tailored to each individual. But they question the rigor of testing and grading, and whether employees will view such degrees positively..."

American adults see online courses as at least equivalent in most ways | Inside Higher Ed - 17 views

    Gallup Poll on American's views of online courses: Mixed - "online instruction is at least as good as classroom-based courses in terms of providing good value, a format most students can succeed in, and instruction tailored to each individual. But they question the rigor of testing and grading, and whether employees will view such degrees positively..."
Jay Swan

50 Really Cool Online Tools for Science Teachers - 153 views

    A 21st-century education revolves around the Internet for everything from collaboration, tools, lessons, and even earning degrees online. If you are looking for ways to integrate online learning into your science class, then take a look at these cool online tools that are just perfect for both teachers and students.
David Howard

Views - Google Maps - 26 views

    Google Views, searchable street views and 360 degree sphere photographs.
Julio Quintero

Buscador de carreras y Universidades en México | EL PAÍS - 4 views

    In a Spanish classroom this would be a good resource to have students compare degree offers, cost of education, etc. in the US and Mexico.
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