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Roland Gesthuizen

Printable World Maps - Free World Maps to Print - 136 views

    Free Blank Outline Printable World Maps of the Countries and Continents of the World Note that some microstates consisting of a very small territory or single small island have been excluded. The following is a complete listing of the printable world maps of every country and continent available here on my site.
Jasmane Frans

Ocean Fun Facts - Continents and Oceans for Kids - 4 views

    • Jasmane Frans
      Students, memorize this to remember the oceans. 
Roland Gesthuizen

Professor Seymour Papert - 41 views

    "Today Papert is considered the world's foremost expert on how technology can provide new ways to learn. He has carried out educational projects on every continent, some of them in remote villages in developing countries. He is a participant in developing the most influential cutting-edge opportunities for children to participate in the digital world."
Gerald Carey

The True Size Of Africa - 70 views

    and other countries! Countries such as the US, Spain and France, for example, are overlaid onto the African continent to give an idea of their true size. Antarctica and Australia are included.
Davida Lindsay-Harewood

Nutley Public School District - 4 views

    In Social Studies this year your child's learning will focus on the world's continents via the "Five Themes of Geography." The five themes are Location (the specific or general positioning of something on the earth), Place (the physical and human characteristics of an area), Human-Environmental Interaction (the way the world appears a a result of how humans have interacted with the environment), Movement (the way people, ideas, and goods travel from place to place), and Region (areas of the world that have common characteristics).
Doug Brunner

Google World Wonders Project - 126 views

    Explore the world's wonders.
    Amazing set of photos and much more detailed info, videos, etc. of over 100 places on earth - sorted by continent and country. Great for SS and more.
Bochi 23

Friday Visual #34 - Global Issues of Olympic Proportions - 137 views

    In this set of visuals, graphic artist Gustavo Sousa uses the iconic Olympic rings to represent which continents have the most prisoners, HIV patients, McDonald's, and more. Naturally, the relative size of each ring correlates to the relevant data points. Would led to some great discussions with students.
    Fantastic! Thnx for sharing.
Sandy Avoa-Belinga

Usage des technologies pendant l'enseignement en Afrique - 1 views

L'Afrique est un continent à la traîne quant à l'usage des TIC. Plusieurs enseignants n'ont pas de boîte e-mail, alors comment serait-ce facile de les convaincre de se mettre aux technologies pour ...

TIC enseignement Afrique

started by Sandy Avoa-Belinga on 03 Oct 15 no follow-up yet
Beth Panitz

McREL: Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning - 46 views

    What Works in teaching and learning

Sobering Finds in Most Comprehensive Study Ever on Antarctic Ice Loss - 7 views

  • Scientists are calling it the most complete picture ever of ice loss on the southern continent.
    • piemann39
      With the heat in the last wee, it is time for business to start accepting this new reality and take the necessary steps to reduce emissions
  • Antarctica was melting at a steady rate — one-fifth of a millimeter per year — before 2012, when the rate suddenly tripled and stayed at that pace. The current melt rate is now faster than at any time over the past quarter century.
    • piemann39
      Polar Bear starved a few months ago because the the glaciers were no longer stocked with seals.
  • Their findings showed that the decisions we make over the next decade will determine whether or not Earth is locked into an additional 3 feet of sea level rise.
    • piemann39
      Watch an Inconvenient Truth (Al Gore)
Randolph Hollingsworth

Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning - School Improvement Reform Report on... - 15 views

    Stupski Fndtn staff + McREL researchers ask 2 questions: (1) How can teachers adapt the principles of effective pedagogy to differentiate instruction and meet the needs of all learners in order to help Our Kids be challened, motivated, and successful? (2) How can teachers create structured, challenging, yet nurturing classroom environments to ensure that Our Kids are engaged and successful learners? KEY FINDINGS: adaptive and differentiated instruction (theory and methodologies) in culturally relevant classroom that allows for student "role fluidity" + teacher skill in finding gaps in knowledge/skills + motivating students through engaging projects and targeted instruction (academically rigorous and nurturing) PLUS fac devt must be supported by and inclusive of school leadership. a Design Collaborative might act on 5 options: (1) Support teachers to better utilize methods and theories of culturally relevant pedagogy and differentiated instruction, (2) Implement a pedagogical program based on the notion of "role fluidity" to give students a central voice in the classroom, (3) Use technology to engage students and enhance pedagogy, (4) Guide teachers in creating academically rigorous and positive classroom learning environments, (5) Implement pedagogical programs based on developing higher order thinking and subject-specific skills. Report by Kerry Englert, Helen Apthorp, Matthew Seebaum. Dated Oct 2009
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