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Megan N-B

Dietary Guidelines - - 9 views

  • Dietary Guidelines
    • Megan N-B
      NEW dietary guidelines! Just released. Textbook refers to the 2010 guidelines. How are they the same/different?
    • Megan N-B
      Look here for the previous guidelines for comparing!
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
  • As of June 2016, you can also download the Dietary Guidelines [PDF - 10.8 MB].
    • Megan N-B
      This website is an excellent resource for finding dietary and physical guideline information. The new Dietary Guidelines were just relesed a few months ago.
    • Megan N-B
      Did you know Texas State has a School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) you can join?
  • 2015 Advisory Committee
    New for 2015-2020
    New for 2015-2020
Donal O' Mahony

Collaborative Problem Solving: PISA 2015 | eLearning Island - 38 views

    "Collaborative problem solving is not a traditional domain, in that it is not explicitly taught as a school subject, rather embedded as a practice in the classroom" (PISA 2015 Draft Collaborative Problem Solving Framework p.27) - some thoughts from the context of education in Ireland
Wayne Holly

How to be a Rock Star Teacher in 2015 (in a World of 'CAVE' Colleagues) - 107 views

    Make 2015 the Year you Make it Happen! Have you let cynical peers and worn-down administrators get you down or hold you back? There's no doubt it's challenging being in education, having to defend your work and actions to parents, dealing with difficult students, and overcoming unsupportive administrators … but you can't let it keep you from putting your best foot forward!

South Korea Says Good-Bye To Print Textbooks, Plans To Digitize Entire Curriculum By 20... - 92 views

    Like a band of summer vacation-crazed high school students, South Korea is tossing their textbooks into the great bonfire of "No More Pencils, No More Books…!" No, they're not entering an indefinite period of state-organized hooky, they are doing away with those burdensome textbooks and digitizing their entire curriculum. In an effort to enable education through technology while bringing down costs, all materials are expected to be digitized by 2015. When the effort is complete, students will be able to learn when and where they want.
Glenn Hervieux

How to Embrace & Implement Ed Tech in 2015 | Scholar Space - 49 views

    Nick Provenzano aka The Nerdy Teacher, shares his ideas on how to embrace and implement Ed. Tech. in 2015

Christmas-2015 - 34 views

    A new online activity for kids is revealed each day... much better than chocolate!
Yozo Horiuchi

The 2015 Honor Roll: EdTech's Must-Read K-12 IT Blogs - 73 views

    The world of educational technology can be intimidating. Bloggers help make sense of this ever-changing industry with wit, insight and tactical advice. EdTech is proud to recognize this latest crop of the top K-12 IT bloggers. This year's 50 entries are a mix of veterans from years past, fresh picks by our editorial staff and nominations from readers.
Deborah Baillesderr

Weekly News Quiz | April 21-27, 2015 - - 39 views

    The Learning Network - Teaching & Learning With The New York Times This site not only provides news, but also includes lesson plans, fun challenges, quizzes and more.

UKEdChat 2015 Twitter Use Survey - 13 views

    UKEdChat exploring how educators are using Social Media to improve learning experiences within their classrooms.
Tim Cooper

The 2015 Honor Roll: EdTech's Must-Read K-12 IT Blogs | EdTech Magazine - 57 views

    good list of edtech blogs, some better than others. The list seems to have a wide scope to include all levels and subject areas rather than the best blogs.
Matt Renwick

5 Predictions For Education In 2015 - Forbes - 51 views

shared by Matt Renwick on 10 Jan 15 - No Cached
  • far too many districts are leading with technology for technology’s sake and not considering what problem they are trying to solve with technology or what goal they are trying to achieve.

Researching Children's Understandings of Poverty and Risk in Diverse Contexts Crivello... - 2 views

    "Throughout the world, children experience and manage risk as a part of their everyday lives. But growing up poor may be a particular source of vulnerability and disadvantage for children, especially where they are confronted with gross inequalities. The global challenge is huge. By 2015, it is estimated that nearly one-third of the world's population will be under the age of 14. At the same time, children are disproportionately represented among the world's poor. More than 30 per cent of children in developing countries - about 600 million - live on less than US $1 a day (UNICEF, 2008). In this special issue of Children & Society, we present eight papers focusing on children's everyday experiences of poverty and risk in developing country contexts.
Daniel Perez

How Many Teachers Will We Need By 2015 - 94 views

    Teachers needed globally.
Javier E

Obama's War on Inequality - The New York Times - 16 views

  • what can policy do to limit inequality? The answer is, it can operate on two fronts. It can engage in redistribution, taxing high incomes and aiding families with lower incomes. It can also engage in what is sometimes called “predistribution,” strengthening the bargaining power of lower-paid workers and limiting the opportunities for a handful of people to make giant sums.
  • We can see this in our own history. The middle-class society that baby boomers like me grew up in didn’t happen by accident; it was created by the New Deal, which engineered what economists call the “Great Compression,” a sharp reduction in income gaps.
  • Obamacare provides aid and subsidies mainly to lower-income working Americans, and it pays for that aid partly with higher taxes at the top. That makes it an important redistributionist policy — the biggest such policy since the 1960s.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • between those extra Obamacare taxes and the expiration of the high-end Bush tax cuts made possible by Mr. Obama’s re-election, the average federal tax rate on the top 1 percent has risen quite a lot. In fact, it’s roughly back to what it was in 1979, pre-Ronald Reagan, something nobody seems to know.
  • What about predistribution? Well, why is Mr. Trump, like everyone in the G.O.P., so eager to repeal financial reform? Because despite what you may have heard about its ineffectuality, Dodd-Frank actually has put a substantial crimp in the ability of Wall Street to make money hand over fist.
  • these medium-size steps put the lie to the pessimism and fatalism one hears all too often on this subject. No, America isn’t an oligarchy in which both parties reliably serve the interests of the economic elite.
  • Money talks on both sides of the aisle, but the influence of big donors hasn’t prevented the current president from doing a substantial amount to narrow income gaps — and he would have done much more if he’d faced less opposition in Congress.
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