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Tracy Watanabe

ThingLink Interactive Image Contest | For K-12 - 2 views

  • The ThingLink Interactive Image Contest invites students to connect audio, video, images, and text in one cohesive presentation.  Students will dig deeper into content through research to present knowledge and ideas as they learn, practice and demonstrate digital literacy skills in image creation, selection, content curation, creativity, tagging and sharing.
    Submit your best images to the ThingLink Interactive Image Contest to win an iPad Mini and a Rosen Database subscription for a year. Images must be submitted by May 1, 2013. Enter your images at!
Tawnya Woronec

Online Free Flash Pageflipper - 1 views

    Transform your documents into an interactive flip book.
Tracy Watanabe

ASSET - Eight AZ PBS Educational Outreach - 0 views

    Just a quick heads up that ASSET is still here for you and ready to help in filling the Discovery Streaming void. PBS is launching Learning Media, a digital repository of over 14,000 resources, including video, audio, images, interactives and lesson plans. By the end of the year, there will be 30,000 assets. This basic service is totally free to teachers. You can see more at and then click on Learning Media.
    This is ASSET's answer to helping with Discovery Streaming deciding to charge for their services. If you think it's worth investigating, would you let Jon know? Thanks!

ScienceHood | Home - 0 views

    This website demonstrates how one Canadian high school science teacher has organized her website (thanks to her IT husband...) as a functioning platform for her students to complete DI assignments and interact with one another.
    While this particular teacher's website makes my head spin, it does provide an idea of how I can make my own School World site more interactive as well as design my own site as a platform for students to refer to throughout a unit.
Tracy Watanabe

MentorMob - Learn What You Want, Teach What You Love - MentorMob - 1 views

    "MentorMob uses the "playlist" concept to collect and share information. I can see great potential in this application as place to gather multiple sources for creating a flexible architecture for learning." I'm not sure if this is better than Symbaloo, Squorl, or a Livebinder, but it's along the same idea with the exception of you place the sites you want in a play list, almost like an interactive presentation.
Erik Nesheim

ePals for AJHS - 0 views

shared by Erik Nesheim on 03 May 12 - No Cached
    191 countries of teachers and students to interact with.
Sheryl Anderson

DocsTeach - 2 views

    Primary sources from national archives. Interactive activities or make-your-own activity with their primary source documents
    That is amazing! I could spend hours looking through it just for me.
Shauna Hamman

Code Year-Learn to Code - 1 views

    This free resource teaches the basics of computer programming in weekly lessons. Easy, interactive and self-paced. For students who want to learn how to create websites, apps, etc.
Tracy Watanabe

Out My Window | Smore - 1 views

    global collab The Project Launched at the 2013 Global Education conference, "Out My Window" was born from a quest to have students gain global perspective. "Out My Window" classrooms share their world. Inspired by the five themes of geography, students reveal cultural awareness and understanding through original poetry and photography. The Process 1. Take a photo "out your window". 2. Write a poem incorporating the 5 themes of geography - place, location, human environment interaction, region, and movement. Look below for poetry and 5 themes resources 3. Edit your photo to your liking. Look below for editing tips. -We suggest overlaying the text onto the image like the example shown, but you can also add it separately if you'd like. 4. Share! Sharing 1. Create a Flickr account if you don't already have one. The Flickr #outmywindow group is public and by submitting you agree to the group norms 2. Once you have logged into Flickr and been added to the #outmywindow group, you can start uploading your finished product! 3. Be sure to use our Twitter hashtag - #omw1415 to continue sharing your work!
Elizabeth Francois

Coaching Chronicles Video - 7 views

    Being a visual learner, this was perfect. I was imagining my year's experience as I listened to your presentation. Yep, so many of us were all locked up at the beginning of the year and have since allowed ourselves to be unlocked to what technology has to offer. I know I'm somewhat unlocked. My lock is still rusty and the inside mechanisms don't move smoothly, but then there's next year for that! Thank you.
  • ...5 more comments...
    This was a terrific video. Not only was a sense of humor used, but it was right on as far as how we felt as coaches at the beginning and how the teachers were feeling when we started. Now it truly is a collaboration process for all teachers, students, and the school as a whole. If I was not a Collaboration Coach, I would want to be one now! I am excited to be apart of this program again next year!
    Collaboration Coaching at AJHS has allowed us to better use our instructional time and resources to effectively engage and inspire students. Through training sessions and frequent interactions, we have been able to share ideas, receive encouragement, and seek guidance on lesson plans. In looking forward we anticipate creating a stronger support system, increasing student achievement and accountability, and discovering resources to better teach 21st Century skills.
    You hit a major point when you discuss the isolation that teachers feel. We used to be alone--but with coaching it brings us out of our "dungeons" and gets us together. The coaching and the technology have been the light at the end of the tunnel for so many of us! Great video! Very nicely done.
    I love the visuals! The symbolism of being isolated on an island is something we can call relate to. Your video made the collaboration process seem positive and exciting. You chose a great narrator, too!
    Love the analogy! It's great to see the different ways an "assignment" can be interpreted. Your video did a perfect job of describing how it can come together, and we can all (students and teachers) share success from collaboration. Thank you for sharing.
    Loved the video. It does a great job of showing the journey and how the excitement spreads when collaboration is involved. I'm wondering how we can "free" those still locked in the dungeon.
    Superb summary of your/our experiences for this year.

50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom | Smart Teaching - 2 views

    Just what the title says...
Gina Fraher

Wiffiti - 0 views

    Wiffiti publishes real time messages to screens in thousands of locations...You can interact with Wiffiti from your mobile phone or the web. Shared by Tammy Worcestor in her Top Twenty class at ISTE11
Tracy Watanabe

Educational Resources | Natural Heroes TV - 1 views

    @suzieboss: Looking for Earth Day ideas? Download FREE #PBL guide to Natural Heroes docu series… Videos + action plans Pls RT we have developed a 46-page classroom guide consisting of 6 projects aligned to common core to accompany these films. We also have included interactive links to additional resources and short video selections from the films to use with your students.
Tracy Watanabe

Create your own "Choose Your Own Adventure" story -- inkle » inklewriter - 2 views

    Create your own "Choose Your Own Adventure" story
Erik Nesheim

ThinkQuest Business - 2 views

    This site brings local, global, and regional business together for students to collaborate with.
    This is a good site for older kids. It could provide them with an overview of what it is they will be learning and how they can interact with the teacher and other students.

Cell Games - 1 views

    Match organelle name to the structure.
Tracy Watanabe

Socrative | Student Response System | Audience Response Systems | Clicker | Clickers | ... - 1 views

  • Engage the class using any device Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.
    If you don't have clickers, no problem, you can use this free site instead.
    I've never used this, but if any of you do, I'd love for you to comment back to share your experience. =)
    I used this last year. It also works well for a small assessment during centers or small group, then the student can move to another activity. Students like that it gives immediate feedback.
Shauna Hamman

Adobe Forms Center: Create & Share Interactive Forms - 1 views

  • This free web application lets you create pdf’s that are actually web forms that can be filled out directly on the pdf. 
Tracy Watanabe

Attracting Blog Comments | Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom - 0 views

  • Be part of the blogging community: To put it simply, you can’t expect people to comment on your blog if you don’t ever comment on theirs.
  • Finish your post with questions: Take some of the guesswork out of commenting and give readers some suggestions on what they could comment on
  • Make sure you include open-ended questions that appeal to a wide audience.
  • ...11 more annotations...
  • Don’t write all the answers: I may be a little guilty of this with this post but if you write an open-ended/incomplete post then people feel like they have something to contribute and will be more likely to comment
  • Publish in a timely manner: People won’t be very interested in commenting on an event that happened three weeks ago. We try to publish a post as soon as possible after a class event on the 2KM and 2KJ blog. Students and families are more likely to comment when their enthusiasm about an event is high
  • Reply to comments: I have said this before but I believe that it is basic blogging etiquette to reply to all/most comments. Acknowledge your readers’ comments, interact with them and they will be encouraged to comment again
  • Be original and diverse: I encourage my students to post about not only what appeals to them but what they think might appeal to their audience.
  • Educate readers on how to comment: Don’t assume that all teachers/parents/students know how to leave a comment. I provide parent handouts and a video on how to comment. You might choose to have a “how to comment” page on your class blog like I have.
  • Publicly read and praise comments: We start each school day with 20 minutes of whole-class blogging. This provides a chance for students to read out the comments they have left at home and school in the past 24 hours. We have found that there was a big increase in comments when we started doing this. Students respond well to praise and are eager to get their five minutes of fame
  • Hold a commenting event: We have held a few special class events to stir up some new enthusiasm for commenting with great success. Some of these events included the Family Blogging Afternoon and Family Blogging Month competition
  • Invite people to comment:
  • Inform people of new posts:
  • Have a pattern to publishing:
  • Remember, it takes work and ongoing effort to attract comments on your blog, however once you build up the momentum the effort decreases and the rewards increase
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