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Shauna Hamman

Elementary Coaching Chronicles - 9 views

    Technology is in the forefront of everything we do as collaborators in the classroom. Teachers incorporating the use of technology while lesson planning increases engagement and rigor. Lessons are enhanced and students are focused. Many of the projects we were involved in incorporated technology and we collaborated with others at the school site and across the district. Valuable relationships were formed among the students and the teachers. Teachers not involved with the collaboration process also benefited from this through observing what was taking place in our classrooms. These teachers then requested to be involved in the program. Relationships were built, the use of technology was increased, and a 21st Century classroom was created.
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    Your video was outstanding. It was encouraging to see so many students engaged with so many different types of technology. These activities would not have been happening if it weren't for the coaching that took place to support the teachers in implementing the technology. I wonder how you feel about your accomplishments?
    It was great to watch this video and see so many different instructors using so many different types of technology, at multiple locations! Since my son is one of the people that has benefited because of the changes that have been made I want to thank you not only as a member of your community but as a parent! Thanks for doing what is best for kids!
    This is an awesome video. It does a great job of depicting how far we have come as a district in using technology to create a 21st Century learning environment. I am wondering how we can still reach the hesitant few that haven't yet embraced technology.
    Another great presentation. Wow, AJUSD really uses technology to help students learn! It was really interesting seeing the students use technology in different ways! Great day.
    I am in awe over what you have achieved with your students. It was encouraging to know that the students that are heading up to the high school will already have so many of the basic skills necessary to be ready for year thirteen. I love vimeo, too, and am going to incorporate it into my lessons next year. Thanks for sharing!
    This really does a wonderful job of showcasing how effective collaboration coaching has been for not only those coaches directly involved, but how much the students have benefited as well. Excellent job in presenting the experiences of your year.
    Those students are going to be coming up to the junior and senior high so prepared. Thank you! Knowing that they are coming up to the higher grades with the ability to work with technology and work with each other at the same time is reassuring. Excellent work, guys!
    I love how your video focuses on how becoming a 21st C classroom is a process that we (teachers & students) are somewhere along the spectrum.
Tracy Watanabe

Education Week Teacher: Redefining Instruction With Technology: Five Essential Steps - 0 views

  • First, I had to learn a hard lesson: Just bringing new technology in your classroom and working it into day-to-day routines isn’t enough. The iPads arrived two days before my students, and I quickly made plans to integrate them into our curriculum. Despite my high hopes, the next two months were less than successful. A casual observer would have witnessed a sea of students glued to glistening tablets, but the effects were superficial. The iPads were not helping my students make substantial progress toward self-efficacy, academic achievement, or social-emotional growth. Around the end of September, I took a step back—it was time to evaluate and reflect on what was happening. I asked myself: "What have we been doing so far with this technology?" Students used math apps instead of math card games. They’d made slideshow presentations for isolated units. They’d done some research on the Internet. In short, things were going ... OK. Nothing to write home about. Not what I would consider "worthy" of a $20,000 grant. Clearly it was time for a change. The problem, I began to realize, was my own understanding of how the iPads should be utilized in the classroom. I had seen them as a supplement to my pre-existing curriculum, trying to fit them into the structure of what I’d always done. This was the wrong approach: To truly change how my classroom worked, I needed a technology-based redefinition of my practice.
    Fab read. I've only highlighted a few paragraphs... then it goes into concrete ways to improve tech integration using the example of the iPad. ---- "n: Just bringing new technology in your classroom and working it into day-to-day routines isn't enough. The iPads arrived two days before my students, and I quickly made plans to integrate them into our curriculum. Despite my high hopes, the next two months were less than successful. A casual observer would have witnessed a sea of students glued to glistening tablets, but the effects were superficial. The iPads were not helping my students make substantial progress toward self-efficacy, academic achievement, or social-emotional growth. Around the end of September, I took a step back-it was time to evaluate and reflect on what was happening. I asked myself: "What have we been doing so far with this technology?" Students used math apps instead of math card games. They'd made slideshow presentations for isolated units. They'd done some research on the Internet. In short, things were going ... OK. Nothing to write home about. Not what I would consider "worthy" of a $20,000 grant. Clearly it was time for a change. The problem, I began to realize, was my own understanding of how the iPads should be utilized in the classroom. I had seen them as a supplement to my pre-existing curriculum, trying to fit them into the structure of what I'd always done. This was the wrong approach: To truly change how my classroom worked, I needed a technology-based redefinition of my practice."
    Fab read. I've only highlighted a few paragraphs... then it goes into concrete ways to improve tech integration using the example of the iPad.
Tracy Watanabe

Student Film Festival | The White House - 0 views

  • We’re looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future.
  • Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.
    The White House is looking for videos that highlight the power of technology in schools. *Submissions for the White House film festival will be accepted from November 25 through January 29, 2014. Videos must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo to be submitted. You and a parent/guardian must complete the form below and submit a link to your video.* (See site for more details). -- Note: It's a 3 minute video. Your film should address at least one of the following themes: How you currently use technology in your classroom or school. The role technology will play in education in the future. (See site for more themes)
Tracy Watanabe

9 Wrong And 8 Right Ways Students Should Use Technology | Edudemic - 0 views

    "Technology is a tool. It's not a learning outcome."
Rachel Mangum

Technology Learning Laboratory Blog - 0 views

    This is my blog where I add a new technology website every week that I have tried in my classroom.
Tracy Watanabe

Using Technology To Help Teach Poetry To Young Students - 1 views

    "Students analyze and explore poetry through a class blog and podcasting  Questions to Consider How do the "guiding reflection questions" support students' thinking? What skills are students practicing as they create their podcast? How did the class blog contribute to collaboration among students? Scroll down on this page to see the worksheet with reflective questions that they used Common Core Standards ELA.RL.6.4, ELA.RL.6.7, ELA.SL.6.5"
Sheryl Anderson

Oracle ThinkQuest - 3 views

    technology based activities, competitions, and a library of educational websites
Tracy Watanabe

Media and Technology Resources for Educators | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    "Common Sense Media provides comprehensive, free resources for schools and trustworthy information for parents to ensure kids learn how to be safe, smart, and responsible digital citizens who thrive in a world of media and technology."
Shauna Hamman

Journey North Mystery Class: How to Participate - 1 views

    Mystery Class starts January 30! This is a fun 11-week project that engages students science, technology and global collaboration.
Tracy Watanabe

wwwatanabe: Writing 2.0: Technology-Rich Approach to Common Core Writing - 2 views

    lots of examples & ideas of tech-rich writing
Shauna Hamman

Technology Integration Matrix | Arizona K12 Center - 1 views

    Video examples showing different levels of technology integration in K-12 classes. Great for use in collaboration coaching.
Tracy Watanabe

wwwatanabe: How are We Using Technology in Classrooms? - 3 views

    Focus on 21st century skills rather than knowledge
Tracy Watanabe

Using technology to transform learning | 1 to 1 Schools - 1 views

  • On Mon­day I hosted a webi­nar for the Uni­ver­sity of Kentucky’s Next Gen­er­a­tion Lead­er­ship Acad­emy.  Tracy Watan­abe led the one hour ses­sion which was titled Using Tech­nol­ogy to Trans­form Learn­ing.
    This post and webinar is about the work all of you, our amazing Collaboration Coaches, have done in this district to transform learning!
Tracy Watanabe

STEM related contests and competitions | Generation YES Blog - 1 views

  • Trash Transformation Challenge from Tech Directions
  • The deadline is January 31, 2013
  • Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Launches 2013 Program Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision, the world’s largest K-12 science and technology competition is now accepting entries for 2013. Students research scientific principles and current technologies as the basis for designing inventions that could exist in 20 years.
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  • The deadline is January 31, 2013.
  • The Extreme Redesign 3D Printing Challenge 2013 is Now Open! Calling all engineering, design, art, and architecture students and teachers across the globe: The 2013 Extreme Redesign contest is now accepting entries.
  • “Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge” Opens Call for Entries As global environmental challenges increase, the Siemens Foundation and Discovery Education are looking to our country’s future leaders for innovative solutions.
  • The deadline for all entries is March 5, 2013.
  • National MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge In the first annual MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge, students will be challenged to come up with their own games, puzzles, and riddles for the MASTERMIND BrainTwister Challenge. Children ages 7 through 12 are eligible and can enter online. Deadline December 31, 2012.
  • SpaceTech Engineering Design Challenge Challenge: Design a Thermal Control System for a space station in lunar orbit.
  • Call for Entries for 2012 Digital Media Teacher Innovator Awards PBS LearningMedia and The Henry Ford are sponsoring the third annual Teacher Innovator Awards, recognizing PreK-12 educators using media in new and unique ways to enhance students’ learning.
  • The deadline to apply for the awards is December 12, 2012.
    Great opportunities here for authentic learning...
Tracy Watanabe

4 Tools for Building Academic Vocabulary - Getting Smart by Susan Oxnevad - 2 views

  • There is a wealth of research to suggest that vocabulary knowledge is the single best predictor of student academic achievement across all curriculum areas.
  • Technology is an effective and engaging tool that can be used to improve vocabulary acquisition for all learners and engage them in the learning process.
  • Engaging students in activities to build vocabulary is all about the learning that occurs during the process of creating, not about ending up with an impressive final project.  Use student centered learning activities like these to make good use of technology as an efficient and effective tool for learning.
Jason Davis

AJHS and CCJH Coaching Chronicles - 4 views

shared by Jason Davis on 03 May 12 - No Cached
    One group's presentation describing the journey from technology supporters to teachers who use technology to improve student achievement.
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    Very clear, focused and was easy to follow. Your Screener showed a nice progression of your year. We wonder if adding different transitions would improve your slide show?
    Wow! The explanation of the process was well thought out. Great job on attribution with the pictures. We wonder if your picture for differentiation and tiering portrays the concept well because it looks more uniformed? We also wonder if using pictures of your students would make it more relevant to the teachers in the district?
  • are not a band person! Bands are totally differentiated as well as tiered. Differentiated because of the different instruments and tiered because there are parts for each instrument (1st, 2nd, 3rd clarinet, for instance).
    This was amazing, group!
    Ahhh..but the band is the perfect example of differentiation: different instruments and each group of instruments is tiered by ability (1st clarinet, 2nd clarinet and 3rd clarinet, for instance).
    Nice job Jason and team!!
Colleen Tucker

West Baton Rouge Parish Schools - 1 views

    What is a content trailer? "A picture is worth a thousand words" is an expression that has been used to express the power of images. It is no secret that the human brain thrives on images, with vision being 80% of information input to the brain.
Tracy Watanabe - 0 views

    science, technology, research, engineering, arts, and math Can search by grade level: K-5; 6-8; 9-12 Can search by topic: biomedical tributary; engineering tributary; logistics, manufacturing and construction; architecture, digital media arts and tech; 3nergy, emerging sciences and math; agriculture, plant and animal science
Tracy Watanabe

Technology and Education | Box of Tricks - 0 views

    Resources in ABC order You can always do a CTRL-F to find a keyword, and it will search the list for you...
Karen Bliss

Teach 21 - 0 views

    Instructional Materials Digital Stakeholders' Recommendations Welcome to the Teach 21 Web Site! This site was designed by teachers to assist colleagues in planning and delivering effective 21st century instruction in West Virginia Classrooms. It enables educators to quickly access 21st Century Content Standards, Learning Skills and Technology Tools for WV Schools, as well as other resources that exemplify rigorous and relevant instructional design and delivery.
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