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Dennis OConnor

Top Ten Web 2.0 Must-See Videos that Superintendents & Other School and District Leader... - 0 views

  • I have a presentation to do for superintendents and other school leaders. I want to show a video or two to them to educate them about web 2.0 pedagoies and to convince them to begin experiencing the world of web 2.0 themselves. So… I want to see what you think. If you can help with compiling the list, please comment below and nominate a video. Thank you.
    I have a presentation to do for superintendents and other school leaders. I want to show a video or two to them to educate them about web 2.0 pedagoies and to convince them to begin experiencing the world of web 2.0 themselves. So… I want to see what you think. If you can help with compiling the list, please comment below and nominate a video. Thank you.
Bill Graziadei, Ph.D. (aka Dr. G)

Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of Findings from the Digital Youth Project ... - 0 views

    Study suggests 'hanging out' on Facebook, MySpace, etc. not a waste for teens... New MacArthur Study: Blog Must Read for Educators
Tero Toivanen

Digital Citizenship | the human network - 0 views

  • The change is already well underway, but this change is not being led by teachers, administrators, parents or politicians. Coming from the ground up, the true agents of change are the students within the educational system.
  • While some may be content to sit on the sidelines and wait until this cultural reorganization plays itself out, as educators you have no such luxury. Everything hits you first, and with full force. You are embedded within this change, as much so as this generation of students.
  • We make much of the difference between “digital immigrants”, such as ourselves, and “digital natives”, such as these children. These kids are entirely comfortable within the digital world, having never known anything else. We casually assume that this difference is merely a quantitative facility. In fact, the difference is almost entirely qualitative. The schema upon which their world-views are based, the literal ‘rules of their world’, are completely different.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • The Earth becomes a chalkboard, a spreadsheet, a presentation medium, where the thorny problems of global civilization and its discontents can be explored out in exquisite detail. In this sense, no problem, no matter how vast, no matter how global, will be seen as being beyond the reach of these children. They’ll learn this – not because of what teacher says, or what homework assignments they complete – through interaction with the technology itself.
  • We and our technological-materialist culture have fostered an environment of such tremendous novelty and variety that we have changed the equations of childhood.
  • As it turns out (and there are numerous examples to support this) a mobile handset is probably the most important tool someone can employ to improve their economic well-being. A farmer can call ahead to markets to find out which is paying the best price for his crop; the same goes for fishermen. Tradesmen can close deals without the hassle and lost time involved in travel; craftswomen can coordinate their creative resources with a few text messages. Each of these examples can be found in any Bangladeshi city or Africa village.
  • The sharing of information is an innate human behavior: since we learned to speak we’ve been talking to each other, warning each other of dangers, informing each other of opportunities, positing possibilities, and just generally reassuring each other with the sound of our voices. We’ve now extended that four-billion-fold, so that half of humanity is directly connected, one to another.
  • Everything we do, both within and outside the classroom, must be seen through this prism of sharing. Teenagers log onto video chat services such as Skype, and do their homework together, at a distance, sharing and comparing their results. Parents offer up their kindergartener’s presentations to other parents through Twitter – and those parents respond to the offer. All of this both amplifies and undermines the classroom. The classroom has not dealt with the phenomenal transformation in the connectivity of the broader culture, and is in danger of becoming obsolesced by it.
  • We already live in a time of disconnect, where the classroom has stopped reflecting the world outside its walls. The classroom is born of an industrial mode of thinking, where hierarchy and reproducibility were the order of the day. The world outside those walls is networked and highly heterogeneous. And where the classroom touches the world outside, sparks fly; the classroom can’t handle the currents generated by the culture of connectivity and sharing. This can not go on.
  • We must accept the reality of the 21st century, that, more than anything else, this is the networked era, and that this network has gifted us with new capabilities even as it presents us with new dangers. Both gifts and dangers are issues of potency; the network has made us incredibly powerful. The network is smarter, faster and more agile than the hierarchy; when the two collide – as they’re bound to, with increasing frequency – the network always wins.
  • A text message can unleash revolution, or land a teenager in jail on charges of peddling child pornography, or spark a riot on a Sydney beach; Wikipedia can drive Britannica, a quarter millennium-old reference text out of business; a outsider candidate can get himself elected president of the United States because his team masters the logic of the network. In truth, we already live in the age of digital citizenship, but so many of us don’t know the rules, and hence, are poor citizens.
  • before a child is given a computer – either at home or in school – it must be accompanied by instruction in the power of the network. A child may have a natural facility with the network without having any sense of the power of the network as an amplifier of capability. It’s that disconnect which digital citizenship must bridge.
  • Let us instead focus on how we will use technology in fifty years’ time. We can already see the shape of the future in one outstanding example – a website known as Here, in a database of nine million reviews of one million teachers, lecturers and professors, students can learn which instructors bore, which grade easily, which excite the mind, and so forth. This simple site – which grew out of the power of sharing – has radically changed the balance of power on university campuses throughout the US and the UK.
  • Alongside the rise of, there has been an exponential increase in the amount of lecture material you can find online, whether on YouTube, or iTunes University, or any number of dedicated websites. Those lectures also have ratings, so it is already possible for a student to get to the best and most popular lectures on any subject, be it calculus or Mandarin or the medieval history of Europe.
  • As the university dissolves in the universal solvent of the network, the capacity to use the network for education increases geometrically; education will be available everywhere the network reaches. It already reaches half of humanity; in a few years it will cover three-quarters of the population of the planet. Certainly by 2060 network access will be thought of as a human right, much like food and clean water.
  • Educators will continue to collaborate, but without much of the physical infrastructure we currently associate with educational institutions. Classrooms will self-organize and disperse organically, driven by need, proximity, or interest, and the best instructors will find themselves constantly in demand. Life-long learning will no longer be a catch-phrase, but a reality for the billions of individuals all focusing on improving their effectiveness within an ever-more-competitive global market for talent.
    Mark Pesce: Digital Citizenship and the future of Education.
J Black

shortsighted.pdf (application/pdf Object) - 0 views

    To future generations, Americans' current educational myopia is likely to appear, at best, a negligent failure to anticipate and meet the needs of the nation and its citizens. And for the sake of those future generations, the short-sighted practices and parochial policies that have delayed significant improve-ment in the nation's educational advancement must change. To provide students with a world-class education, the United States, beginning with strong leadership from the U.S. Department of Education (ED), must adopt a more global outlook. The tools and opportunities already exist; indeed, the United States has even subsidized their creation. Now the nation needs to participate in, learn from, and act on the results of internationally benchmarked assessments.
Kathleen N

Writing Tool Belt 2.0 | David S. Bill IV - 0 views

    writing to participate\n\nWriting has never been more important but we must recognize this cultural shift. Educators must develop a new tool belt that supports the interaction and connectivity that our students now thrive upon. Our students text, comment, and tweet. Our job is to use the tools that they are familiar with to create an environment that develops the literacy skills Yancy mentions while building upon our students' communal interactions via social media.
Steve Ransom

Google Docs - Viewer - 0 views

    Nice for embedding pdf or PPT files on your webpage, or providing a link to the file that can be viewed right in the browser. However, the document must be uploaded somewhere online first - must have a URL to access it.
Professional Learning Board

What School Administrators Absolutely Must Know - 43 views

    As a school administrator, mentor teacher, school board member or educational leader you are responsible for providing a safe and secure environment within which students and faculty will work. In the past this has involved building details in the physical world; the brick and mortar. In schools today this now includes the online world. You must have, at least, a basic level of understanding in the areas of
Tony Searl

Technologically Externalized Knowledge and Learning « Connectivism - 15 views

    Reformers have largely worked within, rather than on, the system of education. Working within the system has resulted in status-quo preservation, even when reformists felt they were being radical. Illich failed to account for how educational institutions are integrated into society. Freire spoke with a humanity and hope that was largely overlooked by a comfortable developed world incapable of seeing the structure and impact of its system. To create and nurture change, a message must not only be true for an era, but it must also resonate with the needs, passions, interests, realities, and hopes of the audience to whom the message is directed.
Nigel Coutts

Confronting the fear and challenge of a new curriculum - The Learner's Way - 6 views

    Our learners will never now a world where Digital Technologies are not the norm. Using solutions developed within this space and with this mindset is already their normal. Unless they are to be slaves to this technology we must also empower them to be creators of digital solutions. To do this we must begin with recognising the challenges that a curriculum built around mastery of Digital Technologies brings to our teachers and seek to understand the supports they require.

BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change | Assignment - Assignment Help by World... - 0 views

    You must read the student assessment instructions prior to completing all assessment tasks. After you have completed all the tasks, you must declare that the completed assessment tasks are authentic and completed by yourself by checking each point in the table below. You will also be required make an electronic declaration of authenticity prior to submitting your completed assessment tasks. STUDENT DECLARATION Core units HLTAHW061 Engage in community health research HLTAHW066 Manage the delivery of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander HLTAHW067 Manage health education and promotion HLTAHW068 Develop work plans HLTAHW069 Develop health care policy HLTAHW070 Manage human resources HLTINF004 Manage the prevention and control of infection HLTWHS004 Manage workplace health and safety BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement Elective units CHCADV005 Provide systems advocacy services CHCCDE007 Develop and provide community projects CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people CHCEDU002 Plan health promotion and community intervention CHCEDU008 Share health information CHCMGT007 Work effectively with the Board of an organisation CHCPRP003 Reflect on and improve own professional practice HLTAHW025 Provide information and strategies in health care HLTAHW032 Supervise individual workers HLTAHW033 Maintain community health profile HLTAHW034 Provide healthy lifestyle programs and advice HLTAHW043 Facilitate access to tertiary health services HLTAHW050 Develop a healing framework for social and emotional wellbeing work HLTAHW051 Respond to loss, grief and trauma HLTAHW061 Engage in community health research HLTAHW062 Supervise health care team HLTAHW063 Implement office systems HLTAHW064 Manage budgets HLTAHW072 Provide guidance in social and emotional wellbeing HLTAHW073 Practice social and emotional wellbeing in a clinical setting HLTAHW0

Essay Test Series for UPSC | Elite IAS Academy - 0 views

    An essay is an essential element of the UPSC exams. The essay test series for UPSC is all about practicing. Elite IAS Academy test series is one of the best test series for UPSC available in the market. Everyone must practice writing essays. Just maintain an exercise book and always write various essays. You must not care for the language and keep on writing essays.
Hare Marke

Remove Google Bad Reviews - - 0 views

    Remove Google Bad Reviews Introduction As a small business owner, you probably want to make sure everyone is happy with your business. But what if someone posts a negative review on Google? Do you have any control over whether or not it stays up? And even if you could remove a bad review from Google, how would that be possible? If a customer post a negative comment about one of your products or services on Google, then how do you respond? Is there anything that can be done about this problem? In this article we'll discuss everything about deleting bad reviews from google play store and other platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Yelp! How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review o
  • ...1 more comment...
    How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review on Google is permanent. It's not like when you leave a review for someone else and it disappears after three days. Once you submit a complaint, there's no way to Remove it or change the rating for good. If your review happens to be about an accident or injury caused by another person (and not yourself), then you may be able to get Google to remove that portion of your original post from its database after some time has passed-but only if they verify that what happened was actually an accident or injury and not just something silly like "I spilled my drink." Remove Google Bad Reviews Google Bad Reviews If someone writes fake
    How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review on Google is permanent. It's not like when you leave a review for someone else and it disappears after three days. Once you submit a complaint, there's no way to Remove it or change the rating for good. If your review happens to be about an accident or injury caused by another person (and not yourself), then you may be able to get Google to remove that portion of your original post from its database after some time has passed-but only if they verify that what happened was actually an accident or injury and not just something silly like "I spilled my drink." Remove Google Bad Reviews Google Bad Reviews If someone writes fake
    Remove Google Bad Reviews Introduction As a small business owner, you probably want to make sure everyone is happy with your business. But what if someone posts a negative review on Google? Do you have any control over whether or not it stays up? And even if you could remove a bad review from Google, how would that be possible? If a customer post a negative comment about one of your products or services on Google, then how do you respond? Is there anything that can be done about this problem? In this article we'll discuss everything about deleting bad reviews from google play store and other platforms like Facebook, Yelp and Yelp! How do you respond to a negative comment? When you receive a negative comment, it's easy to get defensive and react with a harsh reply. But this only makes the issue worse. Instead of responding with a stern "no," try responding with something positive: "Thanks for your feedback! I'll take it under consideration." Or: "Thanks for your feedback-I'm happy to discuss if there's anything else I can do." You might even try an apology: "I'm sorry that this didn't turn out as we'd hoped." Remove Google Bad Reviews These responses are much more likely to create goodwill than being sarcastic or dismissive (which won't win any friends). How do you Remove a bad review on Google? You can't Remove a bad review on Google. You can remove a bad review from Google with three different methods: Contacting the reviewer, who may be willing to remove the review if you ask them politely enough (this is not recommended). Contacting Google directly and asking them to take down your listing (this is also not recommended). Contacting the site owner, who may be willing to remove your listing if they want it gone but aren't able to do so directly through their own system (you could also try contacting them via Twitter or Facebook). Remove Google Bad Reviews How long does it take for a bad review to go away? A bad review o
Hare Marke

Buy Zillow Reviews - 100% Non-Drop,Safe, Permanent, Cheap ... - 0 views

    zillow home buying review Zillow is a website that allows you to search for homes for sale. It also has an API that you can use to integrate the site into your own applications or websites. Zillow's reviews are unbiased, legitimate, and not biased toward any particular type of buyer or seller. Zillow provides detailed information about each property on their site, including photos and videos from real estate agents who have inspected them in person (if available). They also provide information about schools and parks nearby as well as crime rates near where each house may be located so users can make informed decisions about whether or not they would like to move into this neighborhood before looking further into buying a house from somewhere else entirely." Buy Zillow Reviews Buying from zillow reviews Buying Zillow reviews is a great way to get information about a property, but it also has its downsides. There are many different ways that you can buy Zillow reviews, and some of them may not be best for your situation. Buy Zillow Reviews The first thing you should do when buying from zillow reviews is figure out what kind of situation it will be best suited for. If buying from zillow reviews will help you make an informed decision about buying the house in question, then go ahead and use this method! But if there's no reason why anyone would want their purchase history exposed online (such as if they were trying to keep their past relationships private), then there isn't much point in using this method either-after all: no one wants their past relationships made public just yet anyway right? Buy Zillow Reviews If this sounds like something that could work well for both parties involved then try contacting someone with experience selling houses across multiple markets at once: real estate agents tend have more knowledge than most homeowners themselves so they must know what works better than any other person on earth does during negotiations with potenti
  • ...1 more comment...
    zillow home buying review Zillow is a website that allows you to search for homes for sale. It also has an API that you can use to integrate the site into your own applications or websites. Zillow's reviews are unbiased, legitimate, and not biased toward any particular type of buyer or seller. Zillow provides detailed information about each property on their site, including photos and videos from real estate agents who have inspected them in person (if available). They also provide information about schools and parks nearby as well as crime rates near where each house may be located so users can make informed decisions about whether or not they would like to move into this neighborhood before looking further into buying a house from somewhere else entirely." Buy Zillow Reviews Buying from zillow reviews Buying Zillow reviews is a great way to get information about a property, but it also has its downsides. There are many different ways that you can buy Zillow reviews, and some of them may not be best for your situation. Buy Zillow Reviews The first thing you should do when buying from zillow reviews is figure out what kind of situation it will be best suited for. If buying from zillow reviews will help you make an informed decision about buying the house in question, then go ahead and use this method! But if there's no reason why anyone would want their purchase history exposed online (such as if they were trying to keep their past relationships private), then there isn't much point in using this method either-after all: no one wants their past relationships made public just yet anyway right? Buy Zillow Reviews If this sounds like something that could work well for both parties involved then try contacting someone with experience selling houses across multiple markets at once: real estate agents tend have more knowledge than most homeowners themselves so they must know what works better than any other person on earth does during negotiations with potenti
    Why You Should Buy Zillow Reviews? Zillow reviews are a great way to find out what other people think about a property. They can help you find a home that is right for you and your budget, as well as give you some insight into the neighborhood and surrounding area. Importance of Zillow Reviews Zillow reviews are a great way to find out whether or not a home is a good investment. Zillow reviews can help you decide if the home is right for your family, and it also gives you an idea of what kind of neighborhood it's in. If there are any problems with the house, such as mild or structural damage, these things may be noted by someone else who has lived there before. This information will help you make an educated decision about whether or not this particular property might be worth buying for yourself! In addition to learning about potential problems with homes listed on Zillow, users can also use reviews written by actual buyers who have bought homes at various locations throughout America (and even abroad). These real-world experiences provide valuable insight into what makes certain neighbourhoods attractive while others aren't so great-so even those interested in finding their dream house should take advantage! Buy Zillow Reviews zillow buy my house reviews Buy Zillow Reviews Zillow Reviews Zillow Buy My House Reviews Zillow is a great place to start when you're looking for a home inspector. The site offers listings from homeowners, as well as agents who can help you with your buying or selling needs. You can also find property maintenance tips and guides, which include handy tips about things like how to get rid of pests in your yard and how much energy efficient appliances are worth. The fact that Zillow has such a large database means that there will be plenty of information on what's out there-and more importantly: where it's located! zillow home buying review Zillow is a website that allows you to search for homes for sale. It also has an API th
    Buy Zillow Reviews Introduction When you're buying a home, it's important to get as much information as possible. If you don't know anything about the listing or seller, it can be very difficult to make an informed decision on whether or not that property is right for you. What is Zillow? Zillow is a real estate website that helps you find homes for sale, rent and other housing related information. It's one of the most popular resources for finding information on homes in America, with over 12 million unique visitors per month. Buy Zillow Reviews Zillow was founded in 2005 by Rich Barton and Lloyd Rink in Seattle, Washington. The company has since expanded to include offices across the country including California (San Francisco), New York City (New York City) and Chicago Illinois as well as London England! Why You Should Buy Zillow Reviews? Zillow reviews are a great way to find out what other people think about a property. They can help you find a home that is right for you and your budget, as well as give you some insight into the neighborhood and surrounding area. Importance of Zillow Reviews Zillow reviews are a great way to find out whether or not a home is a good investment. Zillow reviews can help you decide if the home is right for your family, and it also gives you an idea of what kind of neighborhood it's in. If there are any problems with the house, such as mild or structural damage, these things may be noted by someone else who has lived there before. This information will help you make an educated decision about whether or not this particular property might be worth buying for yourself! In addition to learning about potential problems with homes listed on Zillow, users can also use reviews written by actual buyers who have bought homes at various locations throughout America (and even abroad). These real-world experiences provide valuable insight into what makes certain neighbourhoods attractive while others aren't so great-so even tho
Hare Marke

Buy Facebook Followers - 100% Active and Real - 0 views

    Why Would You Want to Invest in Facebook Followers? Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking platforms. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it makes sense that companies want a piece of the action. Having a sizable following is one of the finest methods to make your company stand out on Facebook. When potential clients discover that you have a large following, it increases the credibility and reliability of your company. It demonstrates that you have a loyal following of clients that are interested in your brand. Buy Facebook Followers There are a number of reasons why you should invest in Facebook followers: 1) Increase your perceived credibility and dependability 2) Expand the audience for your postings; 3) Discover more about your intended audience. 4) Generate leads and increase sales 5) Make improvements to your social media marketing plan Purchasing Facebook fans can assist you in achieving your company's goals and objectives. You can increase your credibility, reach more people, and produce leads and sales if you have a sizable following. How to Get Facebook Followers Organically? You may increase your Facebook following naturally in a few different methods. Posting engaging and intriguing information is the most efficient. They are more likely to follow you if you frequently publish stuff that your Facebook friends appreciate and share. Participating in Facebook groups is another approach to naturally increase followers. Buy Facebook Followers An active group member is more likely to be followed by other group members. Create a Facebook page for your company or personal brand to attract more followers. If your webpage is updated regularly, Buy Facebook FollowersIs it secure to purchase Facebook fans? Facebook is one of the most widely used social media sites, with more than 2 billion active users each month, as we are all aware. As a result, it is not surprise that many companies wish to use this chance to reach a wider audi
    Buy Facebook Followers Introduction Buying Facebook followers is a terrific strategy to expand your social media profile if you're trying to do so. You'll gain more followers as well as more likes. Win-win situation. Is it safe and legal to purchase the Facebook Followers service? You effectively pay someone to create a false profile and follow your page when you purchase Facebook followers. This procedure is not advised for several reasons.. The first reason is that it's against Facebook's terms of service. Second, you'll be squandering your money because Facebook frequently rapidly deletes these phony profiles. And finally, if people find out you've bought followers, they can have less faith in your company because it seems like you're inflating your numbers unnaturally. Hence, even if you might be tempted to purchase followers in an effort to increase the popularity of your page, we don't advise it. Better, more efficient methods exist for increasing your Facebook following. Why Would You Want to Invest in Facebook Followers? Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking platforms. With over 2 billion monthly active users, it makes sense that companies want a piece of the action. Having a sizable following is one of the finest methods to make your company stand out on Facebook. When potential clients discover that you have a large following, it increases the credibility and reliability of your company. It demonstrates that you have a loyal following of clients that are interested in your brand. Buy Facebook Followers There are a number of reasons why you should invest in Facebook followers: 1) Increase your perceived credibility and dependability 2) Expand the audience for your postings; 3) Discover more about your intended audience. 4) Generate leads and increase sales 5) Make improvements to your social media marketing plan Purchasing Facebook fans can assist you in achieving your company's goals and objectives. You can in

Buy Etsy Accounts - 100% Verified ,Real Account - 0 views

    Why You Should Buy Etsy Accounts ? Online stores can sell handmade, antique, and one-of-a-kind things on Etsy. It is a well-liked platform for artisans, crafters, and creators of one-of-a-kind gifts. Having an Etsy account might help you market and sell your goods. Here are various justifications for purchasing Etsy accounts: Buy Etsy Accounts You receive a free Etsy account when you launch an Etsy shop. This is a fantastic approach to begin advertising and selling your goods on Etsy. You can set up your shop, list your products, and start taking orders using your free Etsy account. How does Etsy Accounts work? The e-commerce site Etsy specializes in distinctive factory-made products as well as handcrafted or vintage goods and supplies. You may manage your shop and transactions on the Etsy website using an Etsy account. You may build up your shop, post things for sale, and handle orders using your account. Through your account, you can also communicate with Etsy's administrators and purchasers. Buy Etsy Accounts You must provide your email address and generate a password when creating an Etsy account. The username you select will serve as your online persona on Etsy. Your username, which will be used to generate your Etsy store website, can be your real name, a nickname, or the name of your company. For instance, if "knitwit" is your username and Your store's URL would be if you decide to start a store called "The Knitting Witch." Buy Etsy Accounts What are the benefits of using Etsy Accounts? Many people are looking for strategies to maximize their Etsy accounts because the marketplace has grown to be one of the most well-liked locations to buy and sell handmade and antique goods. The following three advantages of having an Etsy account: With an Etsy account, you can control your store from a single spot. You can manage all of your Etsy shops from your Etsy account if you now operate several or if you intend to do
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Etsy Accounts Introduction Online stores can sell handmade, antique, and one-of-a-kind things on Etsy. It is a well-liked platform for artisans, crafters, and creators of one-of-a-kind gifts. Having an Etsy account might help you market and sell your goods. Why You Should Buy Etsy Accounts ? Online stores can sell handmade, antique, and one-of-a-kind things on Etsy. It is a well-liked platform for artisans, crafters, and creators of one-of-a-kind gifts. Having an Etsy account might help you market and sell your goods. Here are various justifications for purchasing Etsy accounts: Buy Etsy Accounts You receive a free Etsy account when you launch an Etsy shop. This is a fantastic approach to begin advertising and selling your goods on Etsy. You can set up your shop, list your products, and start taking orders using your free Etsy account. How does Etsy Accounts work? The e-commerce site Etsy specializes in distinctive factory-made products as well as handcrafted or vintage goods and supplies. You may manage your shop and transactions on the Etsy website using an Etsy account. You may build up your shop, post things for sale, and handle orders using your account. Through your account, you can also communicate with Etsy's administrators and purchasers. Buy Etsy Accounts You must provide your email address and generate a password when creating an Etsy account. The username you select will serve as your online persona on Etsy. Your username, which will be used to generate your Etsy store website, can be your real name, a nickname, or the name of your company. For instance, if "knitwit" is your username and Your store's URL would be if you decide to start a store called "The Knitting Witch." Buy Etsy Accounts What are the benefits of using Etsy Accounts? Many people are looking for strategies to maximize their Etsy accounts because the marketplace has grown to be one of the most well-liked locations to buy and sell han
Dennis OConnor

The Fischbowl: Is It Okay To Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher? - 1 views

  • Here is my list:1. All educators must achieve a basic level of technological capability.2. People who do not meet the criterion of #1 should be embarrassed, not proud, to say so in public.3. We should finally drop the myth of digital natives and digital immigrants. Back in July 2006 I said in my blog, in the context of issuing guidance to parents about e-safety:"I'm sorry, but I don't go for all this digital natives and immigrants stuff when it comes to this: I don't know anything about the internal combustion engine, but I know it's pretty dangerous to wander about on the road, so I've learnt to handle myself safely when I need to get from one side of the road to the other."
  • 4. Headteachers and Principals who have staff who are technologically-illiterate should be held to account.5. School inspectors who are technologically illiterate should be encouraged to find alternative employment.6. Schools, Universities and Teacher training courses who turn out students who are technologically illiterate should have their right to a licence and/or funding questioned.7. We should stop being so nice. After all, we've got our qualifications and jobs, and we don't have the moral right to sit placidly on the sidelines whilst some educators are potentially jeopardising the chances of our youngsters.
  • If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write. Extreme? Maybe. Your thoughts?
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  • Keep in mind that was written after a particularly frustrating day. I’ve gone back and forth on this issue myself. At times completely agreeing with Terry (and myself above), and at other times stepping back and saying that there’s so much on teacher’s plates that it’s unrealistic to expect them to take this on as quickly as I’d like them to. But then I think of our students, and the fact that they don't much care how much is on our plates. As I've said before, this is the only four years these students will have at our high school - they can't wait for us to figure it out.
  • In order to teach it, we have to do it. How can we teach this to kids, how can we model it, if we aren’t literate ourselves? You need to experience this, you need to explore right along with your students. You need to experience the tools they’ll be using in the 21st century, developing your own networks in parallel with your students. You need to demonstrate continual learning, lifelong learning – for your students, or you will continue to teach your students how to be successful in an age that no longer exists
  • If a teacher today is not technologically literate - and is unwilling to make the effort to learn more - it's equivalent to a teacher 30 years ago who didn't know how to read and write.
    I read this post several years ago and it got my blood moving. The author, Karl Fisch lays it on the line. This post was voted the most influential ed-blog post of 2007. It's 2009 already and still a very relevant piece of work. A must read! (Let me add, that if you're reading this bookmark... you're at the front of the line and obviously working to understand and live in the 21st Century!)
Ruth Howard

What is the (Next) Message?: No Educator Left Behind - 0 views

    Quotes from Mark Federman "Educators and policy makers seem to be tremendously ambivalent and confused by what is going on." "The UCaPP generation who "say everything" through diverse social media, from weblogs to Facebook, are not indulging in narcissistic wastes of time, or publicity-seeking through the realization of Andy Warhol's iconic fifteen minutes of fame. They are instead rehearsing a fundamental existential imperative, answering the timeless question, "who am I?" with a through-the-break-boundary Cartesian redux: "I blog, tweet, and post, therefore I am." That sounds very very true to me. Said with such respect, thank you that you said it Mark Federman, it is essential youth overthrow the last generation's paradigms, I understand that the content/context is pretty phenomenal tho- these learners have done all of this despite education! My hat's off! quote Mark Federman "the reframing of identity as being collaboratively constructed suggests that the foundation of our contemporary education system must similarly be reframed."
    But in the UCaPP world, the reframing of identity as being collaboratively constructed suggests that the foundation of our contemporary education system must similarly be reframed. In my view, this means replacing the 3 Rs of the modern education system with the 4 Cs of an education system that is consistent with living on this side of the break boundary. Those 4 Cs are Connection, Context, Complexity, and Connotation.

21st Century Pedagogy | 21st Century Connections - 0 views

  • The sum of the students learning will be greater than the individual aspects taught in isolation.
  • Students should be involved in all aspects of the assessment process.
  • Linked to assessment  is the importance of timely, appropriate, detailed and specific feedback. Feedback as a learning tool, is second only to the teaching of thinking skills [Michael Pohl]. As 21st Century teachers, we must provide and facilitate safe and appropriate feedback, developing an environment where students can safely and supportively be provided with and provide feedback. Students are often full of insight and may have as valid a perspective as we teachers do.
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  • ?    The use of technology = technological fluency, ?    Collecting, processing, manipulating and validating information = information fluency,?    using, selecting, viewing and manipulating media = media fluency,
  • Students must be key participants in the assessment process, intimate in it from  start to finish, from establishing purpose and criteria, to assessing and moderating. Educators must establish a safe environment for students to collaborate in but also to discuss, reflect and provide and receive feedback in.
    In 1997, I said that "The Web is not the future, but a dynamic part of today."; the same still holds for Web 2.0 and beyond. It's an evolution (webolution - ) not a revolution. It's time to STOP strategic planning and START strategic TEACHING.
    21C teaching
Maggie Verster

Thoughts on Setting up a Student Created Wiki - 22 views

  • hat is, as we already know, the technology itself does not develop the skill, nor is it the teacher; the technology is only a tool, and teachers must remain committed to the collaborative process if students are to fully engage and develop the skills necessary to work collaboratively with their peers
    T This really brought it home: "as we already know, the technology itself does not develop the skill, nor is it the teacher; the technology is only a tool, and teachers must remain committed to the collaborative process if students are to fully engage and develop the skills necessary to work collaboratively with their peers"
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