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Tero Toivanen

ICTlogy » Cristóbal Cobo: e-competence in the European Framework: 21st centur... - 0 views

    research seminar by Cristóbal Cobo entitled e-competence in the European Framework: 21st century literacies and based in his research Strategies to promote the development of e-competences. How to reduce the gap between the e-skilled and the non e-skilled?. Internet Interdisciplinary Institute, Barcelona, Spain, April 15th, 2009.
Dimitris Tzouris

Top Ten Social Media Competencies for Teachers - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Sk... - 19 views

    10 Social Media Competencies For Educators:
Tero Toivanen

e-competencies: nuevo 'web hub' « e-rgonomic - 0 views

    Desde un dominical y veraniego Buenos Aires, hoy quisiera presentar el nuevo 'hub' web [] que preparamos para la investigación sobre e-skills en la Universidad de Oxford.

Beyond Knowing Facts, How Do We Get to a Deeper Level of Learning? - 21 views

  • The elements that make up this approach are not necessarily new — great teachers have been employing these tactics for years. But now there’s a movement to codify the different pieces that define the deeper learning approach, and to spread the knowledge from teacher to teacher, school to school in the form of a Deeper Learning MOOC (massive open online course), organized by a group of schools, non-profits, and sponsored by the Hewlett Foundation.
  • So what defines deeper learning? This group has identified six competencies: mastering content, critical thinking, effective written and oral communication, collaboration, learning how to learn, and developing academic mindsets.
  • “Before we assess, we need to know what we are assessing for,” said Marc Chun, program officer at the Hewlett Foundation. What does effective collaboration look like? What does it really look like to be a critical thinker? These skill are more oriented towards process than content, making them difficult to assess in a standardized way.
    Schwartz (2014.02.28) acknowledged that approaches fostering deeper learning are not new, and pointed out related competencies derived from a MOOC. She also highlighted challenges of assessing such competencies.
    Schwartz (2014.02.28) acknowledged that approaches fostering deeper learning are not new, and pointed out related competencies derived from a MOOC. She also highlighted challenges of assessing such competencies.
Tinhai Vong

e-competencies - 1 views

  • • Interestingly, teachers in countries like Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands etc. do not belong to the (very) intensive ICT users in class. Only around 10% or less of the teachers in these countries use computers in more than 50% of their lessons. One can only speculate about the reasons for this. It seems that in these countries the use of computers and the internet has become the norm for most of the teachers and pupils in all aspects of life and that there no longer is the need to put a special emphasis on this in the teaching processes at school. However, most European countries still seem to be in the phase of increasing the frequency and intensity of ICT usage for education in class”.
  • • “Students who use computers least frequently at home also performed below average in PISA 2003. However, students using computers most frequently at school do not in all countries perform better than others.
  • the highest performances in PISA 2003 were seen among those students with a medium level of computer use rather than among those using computers the most”. [p.52] “
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • The more clear-cut effect appears with home use: in every country, students reporting rare or no use of computers at home (on average 18% of students) score much lower than their counterparts”.
  • One of ICT’s main strengths is its capacity to support informal learning. Self-learning and informal peer-learning are by far the two most important mechanisms for obtaining skills and competences;
  • This possibility would be consistent with the observation that the amount of usage most commonly associated with the best performance is “moderate” – between once a week and once a month.
  • • “The PISA evidence confirms previous studies showing the particularly strong association of performance with home access and usage“.
  • If high amounts of computer usage at school are not associated with the better performing students, teachers may need to look more closely at the manner of this usage. Stronger supervision and structured lessons, involving the setting of concrete tasks to be achieved using computers, may improve their impact on performance”.[p.64]
  • STATEMENT TWO: Frequency of ICT use in students does not determine their academic performance.
  • STATEMENT THREE: No correlation between the level of ICT access and the percentage of the ICT use.
  • STATEMENT FOUR: The impact on education and training has not yet been as great as expected.
    Digital competences go beyond e-skills and consist of the ability to access digital media and ICT, to understand and critically evaluate different aspects of digital media and media contents and to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts. It involves the confident and critical use of ICT for employment, learning, self-development and participation in society. Digital competences are one of the eight key competences identified and defined by the EU
Tero Toivanen

e-competencies - 0 views

  • the knowledge and experience needed to perform a specific task or job
  • Skill
  • ability to apply knowledge, know-how and skills in a habitual or changing situation
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Competence
  • Transferability
  • able to use those abilities “in a new occupational or educational environment
  • Digital Literacy, defined as “the ability to use information and communication technology (ICT) proficiently”.
  • non formal learning
  • the process of assessing and recognising a wide range of knowledge, know-how, skills and competences, which people develop throughout their lives within different environments”
  • OECD “Literacy” definition: “Literacy is concerned with the capacity of students to apply knowledge and skills in key subject areas and to analyse, reason and communicate effectively as they pose, solve and interpret problems in a variety of situations”
    Key definitons (by Cedefop) The source of these definitions could be find online in this platform. "A multilingual glossary for an enlarged Europe: Terminology of vocational training policy (Cedefop, European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training)".
Tero Toivanen

e-competence in the European Framework: 21st century literacies (UOC, Seminar... - 0 views

    Cristóbal Cobo's excellent presentation about 21st century literacies, e-skills, knowledge society, ICT skills etc.
Martin Burrett

tutpup - play, compete, learn - 0 views

    Play, Compete, Learn Welcome to Tutpup, where you can compete in fun, educational games against other kids from all over the World! Read more about us.
    this is a great werbsite for elementary math and spelling help
    A great, really well designed and free maths games website which is really fun to play. My class love it. A little time is needed to setup the logins, but well worth the effort. Also has a spelling game section.
Dimitris Tzouris

How to compete with Generation Z | Penelope Trunk - 20 views

  • 1. When it comes to learning, keep your bar very high.
  • 2. Walk a narrow path so you can keep learning to jump off the path.
  • 3. Learn by way of discovering what you care about, and not the other way around.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • 4. Cater to your learning style.
  • 5. Accept that lifelong learning is a huge time investment.
  • 6. Spend as much time unlearning as you do learning.
    "The question is, how do we get this lifelong learning bug now, as adults, so we can compete with the young people when they enter the workforce."
Angela Hoistion

Competency-based bachelor's from Brandman could be glimpse of the future @insidehighered - 0 views

  • Brandman is one of four institutions to get both the U.S. Department of Education and its regional accreditor to sign off on this type of program, which is called “direct assessment.” That approach means students can work at their own pace while also receiving federal financial aid.
    "Brandman is one of four institutions to get both the U.S. Department of Education and its regional accreditor to sign off on this type of program, which is called "direct assessment." That approach means students can work at their own pace while also receiving federal financial aid."
Sally Loan

Learning in the 21st century | TODAYonline - 38 views

  • Teaching is not simply presenting ideas and insights, nor filling students’ heads with what we know or transmitting information. Learning is not just committing facts to memory but the ability to critique, synthesise, analyse, use and apply information.
  • The addition of greater interactivity is essential to make knowledge transfer in universities more meaningful in today’s world
  • . But how do we integrate the digital world’s resources into classroom-based learning?
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • A key element in any directed learning environment is the assessment of competence in that knowledge.
  • The first step — “knows” — is knowledge about a subject, such as recalling facts. The second is to “know how” to use the knowledge, such as in analysing a problem. The third step is to demonstrate proficiency in applying the knowledge — “shows how”.
  • The fourth step is to see how the knowledge is integrated into the real world.
  • The final step, “mastery”, refers to the competence of an expert who teaches the next generation.
Diane Tillman

Software Marketing Survival Guide: Tip #2 - Reaching Prospects Worldwide with Your Site - 0 views

    Your web pages are only a tiny speck in an ocean of at least 8.3 billion pages in the World Wide Web, all competing for the time and interest of about 2.3 billion Internet users across the globe. With websites at quite a premium, it's no surprise why SEO is such an important tool in getting noticed.
    Your web pages are only a tiny speck in an ocean of at least 8.3 billion pages in the World Wide Web, all competing for the time and interest of about 2.3 billion Internet users across the globe.
Julie Shy

Student 2.0 - . - 0 views

    Student 2.0 is a network for learners to connect independently with other learners and with mentors from around the world, and to have educational experiences across cultural and geographic boundaries. We encourage you to explore passionate interests, to find people to help you, and to build professional competencies--creating your own virtual "Personal Learning Network" (PLN). You must be 13 to join the Student 2.0, and both content and communications on this network must be appropriate. Please report anything inappropriate or uncomfortable, and please watch our introductory video on personal safety online. Mentors and experts are also encouraged to join and participate, but spamming or inappropriate remarks will result in immediate banning.
Martin Burrett

Spellathon - 0 views

    A superb site for a global spelling event where player can practise their spelling and compete against others from around the world.
Scott Kinkoph

A Great Rubric for Using Technology in K-8 ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning - 0 views

    "This document serves as a guide to how the basic technology unit content varies across grade levels. Units are guided by essential questions and  skills for each grade level and are categorized to show the scope of skills across the curriculum. Each unit is tied to these main competencies: Communicate, Evaluate, Collaborate, Create"
andrew jhons

Get Affordable Physics Homework Help Just at The Click of Mouse | Online Tutors Point - 0 views

    Physics Homework: Search Internet and get physics homework helpThere are many science tutoring companies that offer Physics homework to students. These companies have dedicated teachers trained in modern pedagogy to help students compete their homework.  Physics homework is not just limited to completing daily homework prescribed by classroom teachers. If students complete their daily homework…
Paige Prescott

Webmaker/WebLiteracyMap - MozillaWiki - 0 views

    "A map of the skills and competencies people need to read, write and participate effectively on the web."
Charlie Sensenbrenner

TypeRacer - 0 views

    Typing practice game. You compete against other people in an online race. Very fun and your typing speed seems to go up very quickly.
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