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Thao Le

Mobile Apps: Top 3 Must-Have FREE Analytics Tools - 1 views

If you're looking for a FREE mobile shopping apps' analytics tool today, look for depth of functionality in the following areas: acquisition, activation, retention, referral and revenue. Consider ...

mobile apps marketing magento website

started by Thao Le on 25 Jun 15 no follow-up yet
Dennis OConnor

The Shadow Scholar - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 19 views

  • The Shadow Scholar The man who writes your students' papers tells his story Jonathan Barkat for The Chronicle Review Enlarge Image $().ready(function() { $('#enlarge-popup').jqm({onShow:chronShow, onHide:chronHide, trigger:'', modal: 'true'}); }); Jonathan Barkat for The Chronicle Review By Ed Dante Editor's note: Ed Dante is a pseudonym for a writer who lives on the East Coast. Through a literary agent, he approached The Chronicle wanting to tell the story of how he makes a living writing papers for a custom-essay company and to describe the extent of student cheating he has observed. In the course of editing his article, The Chronicle reviewed correspondence Dante had with clients and some of the papers he had been paid to write. In the article published here, some details of the assignment he describes have been altered to protect the identity of the student.
    One tactic is to proactively teach the nuances of plagiarism in an engaging way. Here's a link to a series of games that help all students (k-12 & Higher Ed) understand the issues. While these games won't stop the kind of abuses described in the article, they will help teachers prove they have taken the necessary steps to inform and train their students about plagiarism and plagiarism detection.
Ted Curran

[Must Read!] Advice for Small Schools on the LMS Selection Process | e-Literate - 0 views

  • Migration is inevitable:
  • Migration can be an opportunity:
  • All of these systems are pretty good: It’s easy to get worried about making a “wrong” decision and picking the “inferior” product. The truth of the matter is that, given the needs of your institution (both present and foreseeable future), any of the major systems available in the US that I have some familiarity with (ANGEL, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Moodle, and Sakai) will provide you with adequate functionality.
  • ...14 more annotations...
  • Accept the possibility that you may have Stockholm Syndrome:
  • If you are an LMS support person, then it is likely that you are too close to the day-to-day operations to have good perspective on all aspects of how well your current system is meeting your school’s needs. Make sure you get input from people with a broad range of experiences, roles, and perspectives.
  • All of these systems are pretty bad:
  • all of these systems will probably fare pretty well. But part of that is because our expectations are low. The state of the art in LMS design is frankly not great.
  • Having a system with 39,000 seldom-used features that require a course to learn how to use is not as valuable to you as having a system with 39 features that most people will find useful and can figure out how to use on their own.
  • You may not be a good judge of usability:
  • a system seems easy to use once you know how to use it.
  • Your current faculty LMS heroes may be the worst judges of usability: There is nobody on your campus more likely to have Stockholm Syndrome than the faculty member who taught her first online class using your current LMS, has never used anything different, and has devoted literally hundreds of hours to optimising her course—squeezing every ounce of value out your current system by exploiting every weird little feature and even figuring out how to turn a couple of a couple of bugs to her advantage. There are ways in which her perspective will be extremely valuable to you (which I’ll get to shortly), but judging usability is not one of them.
  • Somebody who has taught using multiple LMS’s could be a good judge of usability: Faculty members who have taught using 2 or 3 (or more) LMS’s generally have some sense of what differences between platforms really matter and what differences don’t in a practical sense.
  • The quality of the support vendor is almost certainly more important than the quality of the software:
  • Don’t assume that you know what the deal is with open source:
  • Your relationship with your LMS is not that different than your relationship with GMail or Yahoo! Mail. It’s hosted on somebody else’s servers; you don’t know anything about the details of the software—the programming langauge it’s written in, how much of it is open source, what the architecture is, what hardware it runs on, etc.—and you don’t care.
  • What matters to you is that the thing that appears in your web browser works reliably and does what you need it to do. Go to the open source LMS support vendors. Tell them what your requirements and capabilities are. Either they will be able to meet your needs or they won’t. Don’t decide in advance of getting the facts.
  • Don’t worry too much about the long-term financial viability of the vendors:
Joanne Kiernan

Infosearcher - 0 views

  • variety of technical, cognitive, social and emotional skills which users need in order to function effectively in a digital environment.
  • Graphic literacy, Navigation, Context, Skepticism, Focus, Ethical Behavior
  • Graphic literacy – thinking visually
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • Graphic
  • Graphic literacy
  • Navigation – developing a sense of Internet geography
  • Context – seeing the connections
  • Focus – practicing reflection and deep thinking
  • Skepticism – learning to evaluate information
  • Ethical behavior – understanding the rules of cyberspace
    Pam Berger's blog. This entry: learning in the Web2.0 world talks about skills to teach students - graphic literacy,navigation, context, skepticism, focus and ethical behavior
    Hallo guys. I am very happy to share here. This is my site. If you would like to visit here. Go ahead. I've made ​​About a $ 58,000 from my little site. There is a forum and I was very happy to announce to you. I also provide seo service. gratis datingsite datingsites‎ gratis datingsite gratis dating
Kerry J

One-Minute SCORM Overview for Anyone - 0 views

  • The Sharable Content Object Reference Model defines a specific way of constructing Learning Management Systems and training content so that they work well with other SCORM conformant systems. 
  • Packaging content determines how a piece of content should be delivered in a physical sense.
  • every piece of information required by the LMS to import and launch content without human intervention
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Runtime communication, or data exchange, specifies how the content ”talks” to the LMS while the content is actually playing.
  • Content can be created one time and used in many different systems and situations without modification.  This plug-and-play functionality can be powerful within an organization but even more so across organizations.  Content can be sold and delivered to the user more quickly, more robustly, and at a lower price.
  • In terms of how the LMS treats it, this is the item shown separately in the table of contents and tracked separately from other items.  It can contain its own bookmark, score, and completion status.   
    A quick overview of SCORM
    Now I understand - The Sharable Content Object Reference Model defines a specific way of constructing Learning Management Systems and training content so that they work well with other SCORM conformant systems.
J Black

Zoho upgrades Web word processor with good UI (two of them!) | Webware - CNET - 0 views

  • Zoho is improving its online word processor, Writer, with a revised user interface and a few new useful features. The interface change is a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too experiment. The new "MenuTab" UI gives you drop-down choices from the top level of the menu, but you can also press on a top-level menu choice to display an icon bar with identical options. The icon bar is nothing like Micrsoft Office 2007's tab bar, which supports many more options and has more complicated different ways to use it.
  • I find Zoho Writer 2.0 to be a strong word processor that's incredibly easy to learn and use, even more so than Google Docs. The dangerous collaboration function means I can't recommend this product, yet, as a workgroup app. But I wrote this review solo in Zoho, and it didn't give me a minute of confusion or trouble.
  • Zoho Writer users Google Gears to give users offline access
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • You post directly to a few different blogging services from Zoho Writer, which is a very nice feature for bloggers.
  • Zoho is said to offer simultaneous collaborative editing, as Google Docs does, but when I tested the app I found it far too easy to over-write another user's edits. I do hope this gets fixed very soon.
    Zoho is improving its online word processor, Writer, with a revised user interface and a few new useful features. The interface change is a have-your-cake-and-eat-it-too experiment. The new "MenuTab" UI gives you drop-down choices from the top level of the menu, but you can also press on a top-level menu choice to display an icon bar with identical options. The icon bar is nothing like Micrsoft Office 2007's tab bar, which supports many more options and has more complicated different ways to use it.
Judy Robison

f(t): What Can You Do With This: Demon Mathematics - 0 views

    Using the rules of rounding to your advantage (or not)
James OReilly

Facebook Friends FriendFeed - 0 views

  • I’ve been using FriendFeed for awhile and if you subscribe to my feed you’ll see just about everything that I do online. My feed includes all the articles I bookmark with delicious. When I write a new blog post it automatically shares it on my feed. Every time I tweet on Twitter and when I update my status on Facebook, they’re included here. When I add a video to my favorites on YouTube it is shared here as well. Currently there are 58 different sites that you can link to your FriendFeed, so it’s like the one stop shopping place for everything online!
  • FriendFeed also has a search function where someone without even registering on the site, can easily search all FriendFeed updates.
  • Facebook has been in the news quite a bit this week which they started off with the announcement that they have acquired the social-identity aggregator, FriendFeed.
Fabian Aguilar

Wolfram|Alpha Blog : Step-by-Step Math - 16 views

  • en up working on a math problem because you couldn’t figure out the next step? Wolfram|Alpha can guide you step by step through the process of solving many mathematical problems, from solving a simple quadratic equation to taking the integral of a complex function.
Ruth Howard

An Idea Worth Spreading: The Future is Networks « emergent by design - 27 views

  • It’s now become so incredibly complex and enmeshed, that each of us now has access to EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANET in less than 6 steps. Even with billions of people on the planet, we can reach literally anyone in 6 steps. That means we can access anyone’s resources in 6 steps. Their skills, their knowledge, their capital, their influence. Any resource.
  • ANET in less than 6 steps. Even with billions of people on the planet, we can reach literally anyone in 6 steps. That means we can access anyone’s resources in 6 steps. Their skills, their knowledge, their capital, their influence. Any resource.
  • e’ve transitioned past the point of scarcity.
  • ...32 more annotations...
  • There is no longer such thing as scarcity.
  • There are only misallocated resources.
  • It happened right under our noses
  • strengths “come naturally.”
  • If you have any connection with your strengths
  • My strength is the ability to see patterns. It’s what enabled me to write this post. People call me “insightful.” I have the ability to see stuff that other people don’t see, even when it’s staring them right in the face. (I’ve been calling this process “metathinking,”
  • I started writing about the patterns I was seeing. Explaining trends I was seeing in simple language, distilling down big concepts into words that people could “get.
  • they’ve provided you with a free resource. They’re publicly exposing you to their network.
  • What I did was go to I looked at all the Top Lists that were interesting to me, and started following every single person who I thought I could learn from. That means I looked through their tweetstream to see if it was filled with potentially useful links to info, and I also clicked through to their personal website.
  • This takes effort and time. It’s work. And it’s unpaid. So why on Earth would you waste your time doing this? Because something interesting happens when you start sending people links to information that they can turn around and apply in the real world,
  • It builds trust. This was literally a revelation for m
  • As I started interacting more with these real life humans in an online space, I couldn’t understand why people were being so nice to me and sharing information with me and providing me with resources.
  • Do you know how this makes me feel? Empowered.
  • All of this free giving and sharing actually does something tremendously valuable. It enables us.
  • It’s networks. The answer is networks. Networks solve the problem of complexity
  • It turns out, life is EXACTLY like a game. If you can access the right resources, you can win. Now here’s the kicker. Everyone can win.
  • complex system can only function with independently acting agents who collaborate.
  • a globally cooperative society, as we’ve assumed. She showed, in practice, that this could actually work.
  • This whole online thing is essentially a simulation – it mimics the actual world
  • Turns out, we’re all actually in this together, all trying to figure out a way that we can all utilize our strengths, connect, collaborate, and survive. If helping each other and building trust is the way to make it work, let’s make it work.
  • Networks self-organize.
  • The point is that we want to build trust
  • What happens when your entire organization of people, as a unit, is a network in itself, but each person also has their personal networks of relationships to draw on, which extend beyond the organization?
  • The world will keep moving. It’s accelerating at an accelerating rate. The ONLY WAY to deal with it is not to cling to the old hierarchies and silos and pride and egos. We have to understand that we can only deal with this as a fully connected system. And the really crazy part is: we already have everything we need to make this happen. It’s already in place.
  • All that needs to change is the mindset.
  • We’ll be flexible, adaptive, and intelligent, because we’ll be able to quickly and freely allocate resources where they’re needed in order to make change.
  • If you think so too, pass it on.
  • I thought that made this an idea worth spreading.
  • It’s an option that seems not only possible, but preferable, and comes with a plan that’s implementable immediately.
  • A missing element, in my view, is a simple way for participants to tangibly contribute to the growth of the network. I would love to see a curated version of woven into blogs like EBD, where ideas for enhancing the network could be proposed. These crowdfunding/crowdsourcing elements might spark donations of funds and time to enrich the commons and help the network to grow.
  • Systems – biological, social and economic – are driven by avoiding risk and moving forward. Moving forward is life – no choice. Avoiding risk is the constraints and dangers of the environment – no choice. But life does make a choice.
  • that the transparency provided by social media, especially in its revealing the structure of networks, drives the growth of trust.
    awe and some! Complexity connectivity simplified Blogpost by Vanessa Miemis
Sheri Edwards

The Answer Sheet - Goodlad on school reform: Are we ignoring lessons of last 50 years? - 28 views

  • By John I. Goodlad
  • We need to be aware that recent decades of research on cognition reveal hardly any correlation of standardized test scores with a wide range of desired behavioral characteristics such as dependability, ability to work alone and with others, and planning, or with an array of virtues such as honesty, decency, compassion, etc. Employers dissatisfied with employees who studied mathematics and the physical sciences in first-rate universities often call for higher test scores. Is academic development the totality of the purpose of schooling?
  • The consequence, of course, was the substantial narrowing of pedagogy to simply drilling for tests. We do not need schools for this. It is training, not education, and access to it can be obtained almost anywhere at any time in this increasingly technological age. That would leave the opportunity to turn schools, whose prime function has long been child care, into centers of pedagogy with the mission of guiding what education is: the process of becoming a unique human being whose responsibility it is to make the most of oneself.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • Ralph Ty
  • what schools are for.
  • they are to provide whatever educational is not being taken care of in the rest of our society.
  • What we must do now nationwide is begin the 20-or-more-year process of creating a new tomorrow.
  • They will vary widely in their agendas of change, just as they vary in their cultural settings.
liza cainz

Dependable Online Computer Repair Support - 1 views

I found out that my ex-boyfriend already have a new girlfriend and I never expected it would hurt this much, I still love him. I was in the mood to listen to slow music but I was further disappoint...

support service Desktop computer technical services PC tech

started by liza cainz on 09 Mar 11 no follow-up yet
Roland Gesthuizen

I discovered a third use for the iPad | TechRepublic - 0 views

  • the iPad makes a terrific notebook — in the traditional sense. For me , the iPad has completely replaced the need for a pen and a pad of paper in meetings. I now take all my notes electronically with the iPad and can quickly and easily do several different things with the notes afterward
  • note taking is now one of the leading business functions of the iPad. It’s one of the reasons why the iPad has become a preferred tool for many people who spend a large chunk of their time in meetings
    "Well, in the second six months of using the iPad - leading up to the release of the iPad 2 earlier this year - I discovered a third use for the iPad. And, this one thing has unlocked a lot more value in using the iPad as a business tool."
Greg Lunsford

Analysis Questions - 0 views

  • Key Crafting Words Distinguish Identify What assumptions exist What motives exist What conclusions exist Make a distinction What is the premise What ideas apply What is the relationship between What is the main idea or theme What literary form is used Implicit in this statement is What is the function of What statement is relevant What does the author believe or assume State the point of view What inconsistencies or fallacies exist What persuasive technique has been used and so on
    Key crafting words
Denis S

New! FREE Algebra Games - 32 views

  • First Grade - Algebra - Pictorial Symbols and Patterns
  • Third Grade - Algebra - Patterns, Relationships and Functions
  • Fourth Grade - Algebra - Equations and Inequalities
mae creek

My Computer's Rescue - 1 views

I am really impressed by the rescue carried by Virus Protection Today for my virus-infected computer today. Through their virus protection services, my computer is restored to its full functionalit...

support service Desktop computer technical services PC tech

started by mae creek on 04 May 11 no follow-up yet

Jobs For Mechanical Engineers - 0 views

    Jobs For Mechanical Engineers Industries- Manufacturing / Production / Projects Job Functions- Manufacturing / Production / Maintenance / Packaging Job Location- Delhi / NCR, Gurgaon, Noida Job Eligibility- Any Graduate Vacancies

Free Survey software - 7 views

shared by anonymous on 28 Jul 15 - No Cached
    Use this survey tool to create online survey for free with smart survey creation functionality. You can use the survey software; create smart surveys that respond to user selection.
  • Tree House Jaipur - World's largest, most unique, 5 Star & Luxury Tree House Resort. Located atop "trees", the tree have several live branches running through the rooms making nature universal in the Lap of luxury. Jaipur Airport is 40 km from Tree House resort Jaipur
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