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Dennis OConnor

Views: Lessons of a Summer Teaching Online - Inside Higher Ed - 0 views

  • As I faithfully attended the monthly training meetings for Just in Time Technology (ex: how to use Skype) and for Course Design (ex: what is the conversion of 14 weeks pacing into a 30 day class), it began to dawn on me that I had underestimated the time and preparation required for my online course.
  • Reducing the amount of content does not mean reducing rigor for students or work for me. Like many others who have never taught online, I had entered this experience thinking that online courses were a little bit “fluffy.” I have a newfound respect for my fellow online professors.
  • Although I am a relative novice in the teaching arena, I appreciated the chance to revive my teaching mojo. I was forced to be creative about how to present course material and ensure that my students had a solid understanding of the information. I also realized I needed to revise my opinion of online teaching and those who participate in it. I now know that online courses are not a pale and lifeless version of traditional courses or worse, a “pay for an A” scam in which everyone teaches him/herself and everyone gets a good grade. Online courses can be distinctive and worthwhile ways of teaching in their own right. Amy Overman is assistant professor of psychology at Elon University.
    Reviewed by Nancy Chapko: n her article, Lessons of a Summer Teaching Online, Dr. Amy Overman describes how she revived her "teaching mojo" as a novice online instructor. An assistant professor of psychology at Elon University in North Carolina, Dr. Overman describes her personal experience as a first-time online instructor. Written for instructors who may have doubts about online teaching and learning as she did, her account is both thoughtful and humorous. Dr. Overman describes her decision to teach an online class and her preparation for the experience. She relates her somewhat unexpected positive experience facilitating the class. She offers comparisons between her face-to-face and online teaching experiences and draws some insightful conclusions. Among them is the realization that reducing the amount of content does not reduce the rigor of the course and online classes take a lot of time, but they're worth it. Whether you're a committed veteran of online teaching, or you are at the initial stage of considering its merits, you will find Dr. Overman's article perceptive and thought-provoking. As she states, "… online courses are not a pale and lifeless version of traditional courses."

Keys for ESET, Kaspersky, Avast, Dr.Web, Avira 09.12.2015 - 0 views

    Keys for ESET, Kaspersky, Avast, Dr.Web, Avira full cover of license keys and license data for every famous internet security programs.
Anne Cole

Itna Karo Na Mujhe Pyaar - Dr. Neil's Financial crisis - 0 views

    In this episode Ragini has met a cash loan specialist from whom she has acquired the enormous measure of cash. She has guaranteed to return it back inside of an one month. After taking the money she along with Pam went straight to meet Jignesh's parents house to repay the loan amount! Will Dr. Neil come to think about it? Will Ragini come to think about Aarav's mistake? To know, keep watching full episode on
Tom Daccord

smarthistory - 0 views

    A Short History of smARThistory is a free multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement (or even substitute) for the traditional and static art history textbook. Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker began smARThistory in 2005 by creating a blog featuring free audio guides in the form of podcasts for use in The Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Tero Toivanen

Music and the Brain - 0 views

  • A little known fact about Einstein is that when he was young he did extremely poor in school. His grade school teachers told his parents to take him out of school because he was "too stupid to learn" and it would be a waste of resources for the school to invest time and energy in his education. The school suggested that his parents get Albert an easy, manual labor job as soon as they could.
  • Instead of following the school's advice, Albert's parents bought him a violin. Albert became good at the violin. Music was the key that helped Albert Einstein become one of the smartest men who has ever lived. Einstein himself says that the reason he was so smart is because he played the violin. He loved the music of Mozart and Bach the most. A friend of Einstein, G.J. Withrow, said that the way Einstein figured out his problems and equations was by improvising on the violin.
  • Another example of how rhythm orders movement is an autistic boy who could not tie his shoes. He learned how on the second try when the task of tying his shoes was put to a song. The rhythm helped organize his physical movements in time.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Classical music from the baroque period causes the heart beat and pulse rate to relax to the beat of the music. As the body becomes relaxed and alert, the mind is able to concentrate more easily. Furthermore, baroque music decreases blood pressure and enhances the ability to learn. Music affects the amplitude and frequency of brain waves, which can be measured by an electro-encephalogram. Music also affects breathing rate and electrical resistance of the skin. It has been observed to cause the pupils to dilate, increase blood pressure, and increase the heart rate.
  • Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
  • According to The Center for New Discoveries in Learning, learning potential can be increased a minimum of five times by using this 60 beats per minute music.
  • Dr. Lozanov's system involved using certain classical music pieces from the baroque period which have around a 60 beats per minute pattern. He has proven that foreign languages can be learned with 85-100% efficiency in only thirty days by using these baroque pieces. His students had a recall accuracy rate of almost 100% even after not reviewing the material for four years.
  • Group 1 was read the words with Handel's Water Music in the background. They were also asked to imagine the words. Group 2 was read the same words also with Handel's Water Music in the background. Group 2 was not asked to imagine the words. Group 3 was only read the words, was not given any background music, and was also not asked to imagine the words. The results from the first two tests showed that groups 1 and 2 had much better scores than group 3. The results from the third test, a week later, showed that group 1 performed much better than groups 2 or 3.
  • One simple way students can improve test scores is by listening to certain types of music such as Mozart's Sonata for Two Piano's in D Major before taking a test. This type of music releases neurons in the brain which help the body to relax.
  • William Balach, Kelly Bowman, and Lauri Mohler, all from Pennsylvania State University, studied the effects of music genre and tempo on memory retention. They had four groups learn vocabulary words using one of four instrumental pieces - slow classical, slow jazz, fast classical, and fast jazz.
  • Surprisingly, the results showed that changing the genre had no effect on recall but changing the tempo decreased recall.
  • One key ingredient to the order of music from the baroque and classical periods is math. This is realized by the body and the human mind performs better when listening to this ordered music.
  • George recognized that Saul overcame his problems by using special music. With this story in mind King George asked George Frederick Handel to write some special music for him that would help him in the same way that music helped Saul. Handel wrote his Water Music for this purpose.
  • Dr. Ballam goes on to say that, "The human mind shuts down after three or four repetitions of a rhythm, or a melody, or a harmonic progression."
  • Bob Larson, a Christian minister and former rock musician, remembers that in the 70's teens would bring raw eggs to a rock concert and put them on the front of the stage. The eggs would be hard boiled by the music before the end of the concert and could be eaten. Dr. Earl W. Flosdorf and Dr. Leslie A. Chambers showed that proteins in a liquid medium were coagulated when subjected to piercing high-pitched sounds
  • Rock music was played in one of the boxes while Bach's music was played in the other box. The rats could choose to switch boxes through a tunnel that connected both boxes. Almost all of the rats chose to go into the box with the Bach music even after the type of music was switched from one box to the other.
  • She found that the plants grew well for almost every type of music except rock and acid rock. Jazz, classical, and Ravi Shankar turned out to be the most helpful to the plants. However, the plants tested with the rock music withered and died. The acid rock music also had negative effects on the plant growth.
  • One cannot deny the power of music. High school students who study music have higher grade point averages that those who don't. These students also develop faster physically. Student listening skills are also improved through music education. The top three schools in America all place a great emphasis on music and the arts. Hungary, Japan, and the Netherlands, the top three academic countries in the world, all place a great emphasis on music education and participation in music. The top engineers from Silicon Valley are all musicians. Napoleon understood the enormous power of music. He summed it up by saying, "Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws" .
    Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activate the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, causes the brain to be more capable of processing information.
Glenn Hoyle

Student Engagement and Web2.0: What's the connection? - 0 views

    "What I want to demonstrate is that it works for a purpose-it engages us," said Dr. Vaughan. Using blogs, wikis, social networking systems, mash-ups and voice-over-Internet-protocol, in the class room, student engagement will be measured with a survey. The survey focuses on five points: how actively collaborative the learning is; the quality of interaction with instructors; is there a sense of challenge or rigor; is there a connection between the assigned task and a future purpose; and the larger campus environment of learning. Dr. Vaughan points to the Maclean's magazine engagement survey, which replaced their unpopular rankings of Canadian Universities, as a way of judging student learning. "What they figured out is that engagement really is the time and effort students are putting into their studies. Its got to be relevant, meaningful learning and its got to be challenging, and-this is where the Web2.0 comes in-it has to create relationships."

Neurosurgeon in Bangalore | Spine Surgeons Bangalore - 0 views

    Dr. Ganesh Veerabhadraiah has 14 years of rich experience in the field of Brain, Spine and Neuroendovascular surgeries. Dr Ganesh Veerabhadraiah is one of a limited number of Neurosurgeons around the world who have advanced training in both Microneurosurgery and Endovascular treatment of brain vascular disease processes. His providing all Neuro services at NeuroWellness Clinic Center Bangalore.
Jeff Johnson

Dr. Z CollaborativeLearningWorkshop - 0 views

    Using Emerging Technologies to Create Collaborative Learning Environments Dr. Leigh Zeitz, University of Northern Iowa (zeitz at Robin Galloway, University of Northern Iowa (galloway at Vinnie Vrotny, North Shore Country Day School (vvrotny at
Ruth Howard

Basics - In a Helpless Baby, the Roots of Our Social Glue - - 0 views

    Quote "Our capacity to cooperate in groups, to empathize with others and to wonder what others are thinking and feeling - all these traits, Dr. Hrdy argues, probably arose in response to the selective pressures of being in a cooperatively breeding social group, and the need to trust and rely on others and be deemed trustworthy and reliable in turn. Babies became adorable and keen to make connections with every passing adult gaze. Mothers became willing to play pass the baby. "Dr. Hrdy points out that mother chimpanzees and gorillas jealously hold on to their infants for the first six months or more of life.Dr. Hrdy wrote her book in part to counter what she sees as the reigning dogma among evolutionary scholars that humans evolved their extreme sociality and cooperative behavior to better compete with other humans." Very cool.
Russell D. Jones


    Classrooms barring new techs
biugra biugra

Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer' Vatandaşlar politikacıları en çok karşılıksız çek için... - 0 views

    İstanbul Üniversitesi (İÜ) Hukuk Fakültesi Dekanı Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer, vatandaşların politikacıları en çok karşılıksız çek mağduriyetleri için aradığını söyledi.
intermixed intermixed

Lunettes de soleil Ray Ban Daddy-O Si le Dr - 0 views

Une seconde à 130 km/h, c'est un peu plus de 36 mètres parcourus.»Alarme de franchissementPourtant, poursuit le médecin, la question continue d'être largement sous-estimée. «Si un chauffeur routier...

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started by intermixed intermixed on 04 Jul 14 no follow-up yet
intermixed intermixed

vetement bebe de marque burberry pas cher C'est - 0 views

Suivre le fil d'actualités en images de son collègue médecin devrait bientôt être possible. D'ici à la fin de l'année, une application de partage de photos sur le modèle d'Instagram devrait voir le...

vetement bebe burberry pas cher de marque fille

started by intermixed intermixed on 22 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Kerry Adams

Conversation with Janet on Collecting Data with Online Interviews - 0 views

    Meet Dr. @Janet Salmons, a researcher, writer and an e-learning consultant on Thursday, January 10 2013|10:00 AM (EST) at WiZiQ Conversations. She is a frequent presenter for face-to-face, online and virtual world seminars and conferences.
Martin Burrett

Doctor Who: Worlds in Time - 0 views

    An online Dr Who adventure game from the BBC. Solve the mystery to save the day.
Martin Burrett

The Naked Scientists - 0 views

    The Naked Scientists site is an amazing place for everyone who loves science. Find ideas, fascinating information, experiments and a weekly science podcast and archives going back over ten years. The Naked Scientists also have a weekly show/podcast on BBC Radio 5 live along with the wonderful Dr Karl at
Maung Nyeu

Cyberlearning Research Summit - Cyberlearning - 0 views

    The Cyberlearning Research Summit will take place in Washington DC, with speakers from industry and academia, who will share visions for the future of learning with emerging technologies. Topics include role of emerging technology in learning, individualized learning, augmented reality, and many others topics covered in T561. HGSE Faculty Dr. Todd Rose will also be a speaker.
Paul Beaufait

Making Mistakes is Important to Learning - 36 views

  • The integration of technology into the curriculum will not succeed unless teachers are allowed to make mistakes as they practice, explore, conceptualize, and collaborate with their peers and instructors.
    Dr. Nellie Deutsch (2012.08.03) argued that in order to successfully integrate technology to teachers' practices, they must endeavour "to embrace their mistakes" (Fear of Making Mistakes, ¶2), with personal as well as technological support (Technology at School, & Teachers Need Support).
Peter Horsfield

Laura Stachel - Extraordinary People Changing the Game - 0 views

    Dr. Laura Stachel is the co-founder of the non-profit WE CARE Solar. Together with her husband, Hal Aronson, they launched the organization to provide sustainable lighting system in developing countries where mortality rates due to childbirth were a lot higher. The Solar Suitcase units they have distributed to 27 countries so far have saved thousands of patients, not just mothers and their babies. The solar lighting system enables clinics without electricity to still do business in the middle of the night-an inconceivable feat years before. To read more about Laura Stachel visit
Kerry J

The neuroscience of online learning Registration, Adelaide - Eventbrite - 22 views

    Neuroscience has shown that our brains are plastic and that education, gaming and the use of technology can change our brains' connectivity, function and structure. (1, 2) But learning is more than just biology - it is affected by our learning environment and the people with whom and from whom we learn. So how do you take what neuroscience reveals about the plastic, learning brain and combine it with educational research, expertise and common sense? Klevar, in association with Flinders University, are offering you the chance to explore this with Dr Paul Howard-Jones of the University of Bristol, researcher and author of "Introducing Neuroeducational Research: Neuroscience, Education and the Brain from Contexts to Practice".
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