samrmodelexamples [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Elementary Example of SAMR - 0 views
LoudCloud - 0 views
[Infographic] Components of a 21st Century Classroom - 0 views
The End of Education Is the Dawn of Learning | Co.Design - 0 views
YouTube - 21CLearners MasterTeacher - 0 views
David Warlick and teachers in Qatar gather to talk about being a Master Learner and teacher in the 21st Century. More info at http://elearning.qataracade...
k12online08presenters » Dennis Richards - 0 views
Dennis is a former English teacher and administrator in urban and suburban schools for many years. Dennis has always gravitated toward K12 leadership, learning and technology topics. He has graduate degrees from Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English and Harvard University's School of Education. In addition to blogging about K12 learning, leading and web 2.0 tools/pedagogies at, he is president of the Massachusetts affiliate of ASCD, a member of the Leadership Council for ASCD; a member of the Massachusetts Working Group for Educator Quality; Co-Facilitator of the Massachusetts High School Redesign Task Force; and a member of Massachusetts STEM Summit V Planning Committee. The web 2.0 conversation is not about technology tools; it is about student learning. Dennis subscribes to the definition of Professional Learning Communities that Rick and Becky DuFour and many other leaders of education have espoused. In simple terms, * learning (for us and for students) is our purpose, * we can improve student learning if we learn together collaboratively, and * monitoring student learning is the only way to know: 1. what students are learning, 2. how we are teaching and 3. how we get better at it. A former English teacher and administrator in urban and suburban schools for many years, he has always gravitated toward K12 leadership, learning and technology topics. He has graduate degrees from Middlebury College's Bread Loaf School of English and Harvard University's School of Education. He is married with three children and four grandchildren. Among other things, he loves running, cycling, kayaking, contemporary poetry, photography and the outdoors. In the summer of 2007 his professional life changed when he attended the Building Learning Communities Conference 2007 and in three days experienced, for the first time, the power of Web 2.0 tools and their potential for transforming schools and learning. That experience
YouTube - Networked Student - 0 views
Networked Student video - 0 views
The Future of learning Institutions in a digital age - 0 views
* "We contend that the future of learning institutions demands a deep, epistemological appreciation of the profundity of what the Internet offers humanity as a model of a learning institution"...and * "participatory learning is about a process and not always a final product"...and * "We advocate institutional change because we believe our current formal educational institutions are not taking enough advantage of the modes of digital and participatory learning available to students today"...and * "Networked learning, however, goes beyond these conversational rules to include correcting others, being open to being corrected oneself, and working together to fashion workarounds when straightforward solutions to problems or learning challenges are not forthcoming"
Free webinar: Global21: Students deserve it. The world demands it. - 0 views
Dr. Steven Paine, West Virginia Superintendent of Schools, will provide an update regarding implementation of West Virginia's 21st Century Learning initiative entitled Global21. Join this webinar to learn about the transformative efforts regarding curriculum benchmarking, educator development, policy development, marketing strategies, balanced assessment strategies and other components of West Virginia's systemic education initiative.