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Flipgrid WORLD Read Aloud: Oh, the Places You'll Go! - YouTube - 3 views

    Thought this would be a good idea to do some practiced reading

Instructional and Authentic Resources | Ohio Department of Education - 8 views

  • To truly assess proficiency, learners need opportunities to use their language in real-world situations, using authentic cultural resources (i.e., resources that are created by native speakers for native speakers).
    • barichetti
      Concise statement about "why authentic materials".
  • learners
    • barichetti
      The materials linked in the doc for German were quite good sources of cultural and news text and video.
    • akikomatk
      I found some good authentic Japanese resources! Thank you for sharing.
    Thanks for sharing this incredible resource!

Why Diigo Rocks for Educators! | TeachHUB - 7 views

  • Once the group is created, you can create student accounts. No email addresses needed. You create the username and password.
  • There are groups for all these where members can share their saves to not only their inventory but to the group as well. Diigo will email you once a week with all the new content. Pretty neat, huh? 
  • There are loads of other features as well, like highlighting on a webpage, adding sticky notes to pages, saving pages to read later without actually adding them to your collection and so much more.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • When you save to Diigo your saves go anywhere because they are saved to the cloud. Sounds mystical doesn't it?
    • mauritzenj
      I am so mad I never used this earlier! It is really fantastic.
  • One of the most powerful features is the tagging. Basically, if I save and don't tag it, I will have to remember the name of the site or something in the address
  • your saves don't travel with you from computer to computer and device to device.
  • So if students are working on a group project they can share their saves together, automatically. Or as a class, if you are working on something everyone can contribute information they find.
    • cwelton
      I love this concept--in level 3 I sometimes have the students do peer-editing of papers or projects, and I think Diigo could pair well with a pre-editing phase where they could collaborate on research as well as composition!
    • tkozhanova
      I agree. i like this idea too!
  • hen visit the Educator Area and apply for the Educator upgrade.
    I love that you can use this with students! I had no clue. Thanks for sharing.
    As I am still trying to understand the full benefits of using Diigo, I found this article of tremendous help. Thank you for sharing!
    This seems really useful. I'm excited about Diigo for my own use, hadn't thought about using it with students yet.

Guest Post: Tracking Novels Reading During FVR - Grant Boulanger - 3 views

  • I asked students if they notice any difference when they read now
    • vaguevara
      Great way to provide reflection on learning!
  • display in the room their big accomplishment.
    • vaguevara
      Love this! STEALING!!!
  • Occasionally, I ask them to write a report
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • Bryce Hedstrom
  • too share about my book.
    • vaguevara
      Love that all share...including the teacher!
  • others who have shared that this year they have read more books in Spanish than in English – Awesome!
    • vaguevara
      This would be a great way to propel differentiated progress-- I wonder how students demonstrate understanding
  • They like to be able to choose what they read.
    • vaguevara
      Choice is key
  • FVR with novels in Spanish 1
    • vaguevara
      I wonder what FVR means...
    • barichetti
      Me too! :D
  • FVR with novels in Spanish 1
    This is an annotation of a reading activity/ practice, from a guest blogger, Mónica Romero, to Grant Boulanger's Exploring the convergence of Language Acquisition and Arts. Like his CI suggestions and Freebies
    Ooh, the internet tells me it's Free Voluntary Reading. This is an interesting article. I'm not sure it would be directly applicable to any of the classes I teach right now, but it's good food for thought.

Computer Assisted Language Learning Social Networks: What Are They Talking about? - 9 views

  • Furthermore, it has been shown that students prefer to contact their peer students rather than their tutor when they are struggling with coursework, facing difficulties in assessing facilities and understanding lectures
    • smuske
      Validates the "three, then me" concept that asks students to ask three other students for help before asking the teacher. Students are perhaps more available asynchronously than the teacher as well, when students need help
    • smuske
      Validates the "three, then me" concept that asks students to ask three other students for help before asking the teacher. Students are perhaps more available asynchronously than the teacher as well, when students need help
  • Researchers also noted that people who interact more in an online course tend to achieve higher marks on exams, as opposed to lurking which is not as successful [12]
    • smuske
      want to encourage participation with some sort of graded activity
    • norikofujiokaito
      I suspect that students' achievement was assessed in online format; that is why students who interacted more could achieve higher marks.
  • Students who are required to collaboratively work online need to dedicate time to get to know each other and therefore are able to accomplish effective communication in an online environment [29]
    • smuske
      Need to persist and convince reluctant students that persisting will yield dividends. Also true of regular classroom settings.
    • smuske
      Need to persist and convince reluctant students that persisting will yield dividends. Also true of regular classroom settings.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • This outcome tells us that the students seem to be more excited, talkative and social with one another, as well as chat/contribute more at the start of the course, but their overall participation rates were on a decrease during the duration of the course.
    • smuske
      Is this a concern? Perhaps, having spent time at the beginning building trust, they are simply becoming more efficient.
    • smuske
      Or perhaps they're bored with this way of learning?
  • Furthermore, it has been shown that students prefer to contact their peer students rather than their tutor when they are struggling with coursework, facing difficulties in assessing facilities and understanding lectures
    I offer a course in my school called Computer Mediated Language Learning. But this article gives a new perspective of what computer assisted can be.
    Nice data to back up our use of all of these great online resources-- Thanks for sharing!
    Active participation in discussions is a key to success. If you use a flipped classroom, providing useful vocabulary and sentence structures they might want to use to talk about a particular topic also helps the students participate more in discussions.

Facilitating a Class Twitter Chat | Edutopia - 3 views

  • Communicate the public nature of Twitter to parents. Consider an opt-out alternative for students or parents who are uncomfortable with participating in the classroom chat.
    • cwelton
      I've also used my school's platform "discussion board" as if it were a twitter chat feed--some students got really into it, and I think I could implement some of these suggestions to make it more universally engaging
  • assist students in moving back and forth between their own words and technical or course-specific terms. And help highlight particular content with the use of sentence starters.
    • cwelton
      perhaps for a language class this would look like a vocab list, or a list of social media abbreviations that are language-specific.
  • Do you feel the chat’s objective was reached? What was the most useful part of the chat? How might we improve the chat?
    • cwelton
      i've do this, at some level, for almost every new project or activity I do in my classroom--the students feel so empowered when I ask them to share their opinions and reactions to the structures of the course.
    Thanks for sharing, Carmen-- I am also considering students who do not have Twitter, or parent concerns, and I wonder if small group work might be a solution- Using the twitter account of one student, another student or group of students help to compose responses, stay hidden from their online contributions.
  • ...2 more comments...
    Hi Veronica--you could also consider making a class handle. I did that with an Adv. class once, and simply gave all the students the info to log in. They could all post from that handle, and sign tweets with their initials.
    This is a helpful article. I like how it gives us step-by-step of how to host a twitter chat.
    Thanks for this suggestions, Carmen-- will use it!
    Especially middle/high school parents/students may feel more comfortable using a platform provided by the district. I am also planning to use the discussion board in the district's platform. I can definitely use the tips in this article.

Accelerating English and Math on the Go - Language Magazine - 3 views

  • In addition to taking classes, she supplements her education by using Learning Upgrade, a smartphone app with English and math lessons for adults.
  • Along with our face-to-face instruction and tutoring, we offer an additional resource to our adult students: educational software via mobile technology.
  • This access to educational software allows those with limited scheduled availability, or those who do not yet have an assigned tutor, to learn at their own pace and on their own time.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • In addition to taking classes, she supplements her education by using Learning Upgrade, a smartphone app with English and math lessons for adults.
  • The app’s 300 lessons are designed by educators and use songs, videos, and games to engage even the most reluctant of students. Every level provides practice problems, accompanied by immediate intervention and remediation with multimedia supports.
  • I use the app when I have a little bit of time, anywhere. Sometimes I’m in the laundry, waiting between washing and drying.”
    • akikomatk
      This is one advantage of technology: anywhere, anytime!
  • Both generations are equally willing to help one another bridge the gap, which in turn boosts the effectiveness of both approaches.
  • So far, the use of smartphones by students at Midland Need to Read has accelerated the learning process, giving students the motivation needed to improve their English language
    In my district, we are always being asked to connect our language teaching to other disciplines. Using Smartphone to do so is smart. However, not all of my students have these devices. They can definitely share a device. I like how this article is geared toward adult learners who can't or don't have time to attend physical classes. The App allows them to access this knowledge anywhere anytime. Thanks Akiko.
    I love the statement about the importance of Math Literacy--YES!!!!

Le Droit à l'Education: A Unit for Intermediate Mid/High (IB) French Students... - 2 views

  • a video from UNICEF to the class
  • The students then read an infographic
  • nother UNICEF video, for wh
  • ...20 more annotations...
  • another
  • ompleted a comprehension guide.
  • Six Thinking Hats technique
  • “Give One, Get One”
  • a letter to the benefactor of their choice in which they asked for a donation to help children in Mali go to school.
  • Highlighter
  • Highlight
  • Highlighter
  • e students took an interpretive assessment
  • iscussing a video and an infographic as a class
  • comprehension guide
  • comprehension
  • omprehension guide
  • reading one of two articles and sharing the information with a partner who had read the other article.
  • presentational writing assessments
  • n interpersonal speaking
  • Google Slides
  • discussion post on Schoology,
  • They would then have commented on each other’s posts.
    Finally a unit fro French teacher. Merci Beaucoup!
    Great activity ideas! Loved seeing the appreciative comments and shares from the French teachers in the comment loop-- Aren't we lucky to live in an age where we can share great ideas from near and far-- Encouragement for us all to add to the web of resources and share out what we are doing as well (note to self).
Marlene Johnshoy

You're Already Harnessing the Science of Learning (You Just Don't Know It) | EdSurge News - 2 views

    how to increase student learning - what research on learning tells us. Tech doesn't just increase engagement.
    Great resource for skeptical families! Will use for BTS night!!! Thanks!!!
    I didn't even know that a tool called Plickers even existed!

MovieTalk: Interpretive Listening Magic! - The Comprehensible Classroom - 5 views

  • Essentially, the teacher narrates a video that is projected for the class to see.
  • it links meaning between the language used by the teacher to the images on the screen.
  • music videos
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • they are just so dang fun and easy and I plop them into the middle of a unit for no reason at all!
  • Sometimes, I select MovieTalks because of their topic: the content relates to something that we are studying or discussing in class. Other times, I select MovieTalks because of the vocabulary: I know that I can talk about the video using the same words that I am working with in class with my students. And still other times, I select MovieTalks because
    • mauritzenj
      I think that thinking with this sort of flexibility is really important and insightful. It might not be a bad idea to have a few of these for some brain breaks when kids are tired or to think of it for different functions like content or culture.
    Your share of MovieTalk makes think of playposit tool: Play, Pause, discuss/interpret, repeat. I will definitely use to variety my practice.

FLTEACH - Foreign Language Teaching Forum - 3 views

    Links upon Links for language teachers/ learners from Foreign Language Teaching Forum by State University of New York College at Cortland
  • ...1 more comment...
    #ljarboe Wealth of information, thank you very much for sharing. I am lost, It is difficult to select, everything look very useful.
    Saving this for later too. Lots of info here- thanks for sharing. This will continue to be a great resource.
    Great catch, I am bookmarking this one and adding to my resource library. Merci beaucoup!

​​Storybird in the Foreign Language Classroom - Storybird Blog - 3 views

    Did you get to try it out at all? What do you think? I haven't seen this used in the FL setting before.
    Maybe I missed it, but did it say how much it was to print the books?
    A great way to provide students with the opportunity to be creative.

10 minus 1 awesome ways to App Smash Adobe Spark and Flipgrid - The Tech Rabbi - 1 views

    Article/ blog about App Smashing!!! aka interfacing Flipgrid with other apps
    Love this. I'm super interested in App Smashing. Thanks for sharing.
    Great share, thanks!

WhatsApp in the classroom to foster listening and speaking | TeachingEnglish | British... - 7 views

  • mobile technology can help teachers to find new ways to improve students’ language/content learning.
    • hharb01
      Ask school to supply a phone and apps installed to overcome giving your personal phone number to students.
    • norikofujiokaito
      Some of my students use LINE (similar to WhatsApp) to talk with their conversation partners in Japan to practice Japanese and learn about Japanese culture. Mobile phones play a great role in foreign language courses now.
  • WhatsApp in your classroom with the purpose of improving students’ oral skills.
    • hharb01
      Mainly for speaking and writing, can be used for both representational and interpretive modes.
  • Mobile Phone Operator they contacted offered them a cheaper phone rate than the one they had. We could say they killed two birds with one stone.
    • hharb01
      Ask Principal about the likelihood of going this route.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • allow their use with a clear pedagogical use and under the supervision of a teacher
    • hharb01
      check cell phone use policy and advocate for pedagogical use.
  • assessed
    • hharb01
      be clear with deadlines assessment what they have to do
  • describe the project
  • WhatsApp recordings of presentations should be just another tool
    • hharb01
      One app to be used and not the only one
  • engaged very easily and they enjoy listening to each other’s presentations
  • overcome their anxiety by being able to prepare an audio file on their own
  • very useful with large classrooms
  •   Assign each student a topic
  • Hand out a task to each of the students
  • Tell students the deadline
  • Share the assessment criteria
  • on-line pronouncing dictionaries
    • hharb01
      Find online dictionaries with speech tools.
  • listen to them and mark them according to the assessmen
  •  Prepare a handout for students with a list of questions
  • let them listen to all students' recordings and ask them to answer the questions in the handout
  • need of a good Internet connection
  • will help students who feel anxious in public to relax and it will also create an atmosphere of concentration which is key to effective listening
    Examples on how to use Whatsapp in the language classroom
  • ...1 more comment...
    with highlights and sticky notes
    The use of Whatsapp in the language classroom to promote conversation in the target language
    This one worked! and I can see your highlights! =)

Teaching, Tech and Twitter: Ignite a Flipgrid Fire - 1 views

  • 5. GridPals! An incredible idea from Bonnie McClelland, GridPals connects classrooms across the globe creating virtual pen pals. You can take advantage of GridPals using Flipgrid One. However, if one of the GridPals teachers has Flipgrid classroom then you can become CoPilots on the same grid giving both teachers access to the educator dashboard.
    • vaguevara
      REally want to investigate this!!!
  • The beginning of the year, at parent conferences, a send-off to the next grade are all ways to get families involved in encouraging and supporting their kids.
    • vaguevara
      I will use this as a bridge to communication about what is happening in the classroom- Have students teach introductions to their parents, and film them doing it!!!
  • ONE of the PVLEGS expectations to focus on at a time
    • vaguevara
      Yes-- try not to assess everything at once-- overwhelming for student and teacher:)
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Flipgrid film festival 
    • vaguevara
      I would like to use this for trablenguas and shorter interpersonal activities-- Great to share out with class, and also for student-parent-teacher conferences
  • Flipgrid video and a QR code link to the video is stuck on the map? Geography, history and oral reports all rolled into one.
    • vaguevara
      Love this idea, for student work during field trips
  • 7. Computer science shareout
    • vaguevara
      I will also use this idea to garner self-evaluation of discreet tasks and longer project work.
  • Claudio Zavala Jr. and Scott Titmas
  • rubric
  • The Global Read Aloud is a set 6 week period that spans from early October through mid-November and teachers all over the globe read one book and connect with other classrooms all over the world. 
    • vaguevara
      Wonder if there is a readaloud in Spanish... will investigate
  • 10 Ways to Enhance Math Lessons With Flipgrid by Sean Fahey.
    • vaguevara
      I'm sure a great deal of this is transferable to WLs.
  • background knowledge
    • vaguevara
      This could be a way to have students construct the anticipatory set!
  • 1. Virtual vocabulary word wall When working on a unit have your students record a video describing the meaning of important vocabulary words. They can hold up a card in their selfie video with the word written on it so the words are easily accessed by other students. 
    • vaguevara
      Love this! Great way to kick start the year!!!
  • The Educator's Guide to Flipgrid (2nd Edition).
    • vaguevara
      Will ad this to my list of ebooks
    Overview of Flipgrid and all the ways it can be used in the classroom for interpretive, interpersonal and presentational modes.

Template for Novice High Interpretive Listening - Maris Hawkins - 3 views

  • Also, you can discuss why certain companies make different products for different countries.  I saw one commercial for a lemonade made by 7-Up.  It is always fascinating the different flavors that each company makes worldwide.
    • afarachnps
      This seems a great means to motivate critical thinking and intercultural understanding through an interpretive task. Why are some "flavors" popular in certain regions of the Spanish-speaking world? How do they compare to the flavors popular in my community? What does this tell me about the cultural differences and similarities between the regions? Finally, using commercials as interpretive activities may provide useful starting points into further research and critical thinking-- e.g., in what other ways do stores advertise differently for the audiences we study?

Technology and the future of language teaching - Kessler - 2018 - Foreign Language Anna... - 4 views

  • This article addresses the extent to which technology‐mediated social interactions dominate our daily lives, how we can leverage those interactions to the benefit of our learners, and how we can engage them in learning experiences in ways that will encourage them to practice language extensively.
    • norikofujiokaito
      The theme of this article is same as what we have been talking in the workshop "Using the Web for Communicative Language Learning."
  • In addition to challenging existing dichotomies (face‐to‐face vs. online courses; synchronous vs. asynchronous uses), it is also important to understand the extent to which research can inform our use of technology.
    • norikofujiokaito
      It is more common that hybrid format is used in foreign language classroom now.
    This article summarizes various types of useful technological tools for foreign language teaching.
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