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Social Customer Service in France [infographic] | Our Social Times - Social Media Agenc... - 0 views

    "Paris based airline Air France-KLM is setting the standard globally.  Their average first response time to customer posts on Facebook is only 24 minutes and their total response rate is as high as 92%. It's clear that social media is central to their customer service efforts."
Jason Ryan

MediaPost Publications Omnicom Launches Content Continuum To Optimize Brand Content 09/... - 0 views

    SEO professional services gradually being replaced by content professional services
Maddy Wood

13 ways for retailers to deal with the threat of showrooming | Econsultancy - 0 views

    • Maddy Wood
      Clear price consistency on & off & in other retailers (? Policy - eg with nordstrom for timberland)
  • Offer excellent customer service  As the online channel matures, and growth slows, customer service (and customer experience) will be the key differentiator. It can also trump price in some circumstances.  For some purchases, price online will be the deciding factor once customers decide to buy a certain product, but they will also appreciate great service and the personal touch. 
    • Maddy Wood
      Shopping concierge - outfits app for wardrobe planning & wishlists 
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  • Appeal to the 'want it now' mentality. Sometimes, if you want a product, you just don't want to wait, and offline retailers will always have this advantage over online rivals. Retailers can make the most of this by offering the ability to check stock in local stores. 
  • Make sure staff have the knowledge
  • Use social media If people are in your stores using their phones, why not find a way of turning this to your advantage, and getting these 'showroomers' to promote your store?  One example of this comes from TopShop. After receiving free style and make-up sessions, shoppers were invited to create a digital “Wish You Were At Topshop” postcard using the photo-sharing app, Instagram.
Antony Mayfield

Striding with ITV into the future of news | Made by Many - 0 views

  • Our product strategy for ITV News was simple, bold and probably as obvious in hindsight as any good idea should be. We set out to create a digitally native news service, something made for the web and mobile that left behind the Guttenberg-era baggage of ‘pages’, ‘articles’ and ‘editions’ that most news websites haven’t been able to shake off, as well as reworking some proto-web typologies like ‘navigation’, ‘liveblogging’ and ‘galleries’. 
  • We wanted to make a news service that answered the question: “What would news be like if we had networked digital media (and digital cameras and phones and laptops) but there had never been newspapers or broadcast TV news programmes?”.   
  • video - would be a massive culture shock. There was nervousness, especially about time and resources, offset by enthusiasm for change and a leadership determined to exploit the potential of real-time news delivered across multiple devices. We also had a strong conviction that opening up the news gathering process - rather than adding new work - would give us the content we needed for the stream. 
    I love that MxM begins with a "product strategy" for ITN, over a "digital", "social" or what not....
Maddy Wood

Can web technology help to save the high street? | Econsultancy - 0 views

  • Each player is a node in our high street, but at the moment they are operating independently, rather than as a network. They may be using a web page to hold information in an archive-like manner, but they are not responding in real-time to their consumers and other nodes.
  • To strengthen the high street, we need to increase the number of mutual connections between the nodes or network participants (retail, services, local government, job centres and all others). The more mutual connections, the more adaptive the high street network becomes in response to changes in the success of individuals shops and services.
  • Establish a ‘Digital Maturity Demographic Profile’ for each town to prepare for ‘networked high streets’ and tailor connection and communicationstrategies accordingly.
Maddy Wood

Strategic Consultancies Invade Marketing Agency Space - Forbes - 0 views

  • Strategic Consultancies Invade Marketing Agency Space
    The traditional lines of demarcation between advertising agencies, public relations firms and now strategic consultancies have been blurring for some time.  In many ways, these developments follow the ongoing transformation of the CMO role from one of the grand orchestrator of the organizations' communications efforts to a more fundamental role as a strategic driver of growth and enterprise value. Many of the traditional agency and PR services have not fully  made the adjustments necessary to play in this new strategic arena.

Strategic Design & Development Services | EffectiveUI - 0 views

    Nice process diagram
Maddy Wood

The Year Ahead For...Social media - Brand Republic News - 1 views

  • The Year Ahead For...Social media
  • Social media is antifragile. It is thriving in a world of increasing technological development, complexity and uncertainty.
  • In 2013, social media will
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  • move rapidly towards the plateau of productivity. This makes it an exciting place to invest budgets, gain traction with consumers and achieve both business and marketing objectives.
  • THE RISE OF SOCIAL BUSINESS More companies will move beyond an experimental approach to social media.
  • The challenge facing brands will be to successfully utilise the software to deliver real business benefit. In such a nascent industry, we can expect some trailblazers to drive competitive business advantage for their clients, while others will fail just as fast as they appeared. It will take canny observers to predict the winners and losers.
  • In such a nascent industry, we can expect some trailblazers to drive competitive business advantage for their clients, while others will fail just as fast as they appeared. It will take canny observers to predict the winners and losers.
  • The discussion about who "owns" social media will move to be focused on "how can we better colla-borate and become more open?". Human resources, customer service, insight and operations, as well as marketing, should all benefit.
  • The shift towards closer integration between paid, owned and earned media will accelerate in 2013. As social networks look for ways to monetise their audiences and brands search for more effective ways to engage consumers, there will be increased growth of paid-for social advertising. Facebook may see the lion’s share of advertising revenue but will need to tread a delicate balance between consumers’ and advertisers’ needs. Expect to see plenty of changes around the News Feed, ticker and notifications. Expect changes to the EdgeRank algorithm and key application programming interfaces. After all, if you are only "1 per cent done", there is plenty of change ahead.
  • With the emergence of better-tracking and more useful social CRM platforms, brands can focus on finding and engaging valuable brand advocates. Turning these "superfans" into evangelists and rewarding them will move from being ad hoc to becoming part of a structured programme. In turn, consumers will become wiser about their importance to brands and look to demand a better deal in the value exchange. Expect some high-profile fallouts.  
  • The promise of finding the needle in the haystack – the insight from the data puke – is an exciting one. The reality of looking at large volumes of social data in real time, understanding and responding to it is far more challenging. So, although 2013 won’t quite be "the year of big data", we’ll certainly see significant leaps forward.
  • Talent, expertise and creativity will be key components that will influence success.
  • the social media industry, and those brands willing to invest in it, will become stronger. Because data is accessible, points of view are shared and there is a cultural willingness to fail fast, learning from the randomness will be accelerated. In these fragile times, it’s comforting to know we may be able to rely on the antifragility of social media this year.
    In 2013, social media will go beyond the peak of inflated expectations (pre-Facebook and Groupon initial public offerings) and the trough of disillusionment (cf. Facebook at $17 a share) and move rapidly towards the plateau of productivity. This makes it an exciting place to invest budgets, gain traction with consumers and achieve both business and marketing objectives.
Jason Ryan

Experimentation Is The New Planning | Fast Company | Business + Innovation - 1 views

  • Let’s be honest: You have no idea what’s going to happen to your industry. That’s why you build your organization into an engine of possibility.
  • Management theorist Henry Mintzberg makes a distinction between deliberate and emergent strategy. Deliberate strategy relies on senior leaders to set goals and develop plans and strategies to achieve them. Emergent strategy is a strategy that emerges from all over the company, over time, as the environment changes and the organization shifts and adapts to apply its strengths to a changing reality.
  • Emergent strategy is an organic approach to growth that lets companies learn and continually develop new strategies over time based on an ongoing culture of hypothesis and experimentation.
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  • Diversity breeds creativity--ecosystems are richest where habitats and species overlap. With more connections and diversity comes more creativity: diverse communities are more interesting, more provocative, and more stimulating.
  • In 2005, Google set a formula for distributing its engineering efforts: 70-20-10. Seventy percent of Google’s resources are devoted to improving search and advertising, Google’s primary source of revenue and profits. Twenty percent is allotted as free time for people to pursue projects of their own choosing. And ten percent is invested in scaling up the most promising ideas that emerge from the 20% time, the wild cards that could develop into whole new lines of business.
  • Jack Welch, GE: “Size either liberates or paralyzes. We tried every day to remember that the benefit of size was that it allowed us to take more swings.”
  • Eric Schmidt, Google: “Our goal is to have more at-bats per unit of time and effort than anyone else in the world.”
  • Jeff Bezos, Amazon: “You need to set up and organize so that you can do as many experiments per unit of time as possible.”
  • The more things you try, the better your chances of discovering something valuable.
  • For emergent strategy to be successful, there must be enough autonomy, freedom, and slack in the system for people and resources to connect in a peer-to-peer way, like they do in Silicon Valle
  • Employees at Mailchimp, an email marketing company with about 100 employees, decide on new features and services in a similar way. If someone has an idea, they attempt to recruit another person to help them work on a prototype or to help convince others. At Mailchimp, people get excited by good ideas, and they are trusted, so they have the autonomy to follow their instincts. To be recruited, a person must consider it more interesting or useful than the things they are already working on. Like the ants, recruitment turns to escalating commitment over time as more people are recruited to the project. When enough people are recruited, a team is formed and commits to seeing the project through to completion. In this way, ideas compete for resources and the best ideas end up bearing fruit.
Antony Mayfield

Recent Blog Posts > How ideals empower brands to grow - 0 views

  • Jim refers to ideals as the 400 percent advantage. Why? Because the brands identified as The Stengel 50 by Millward Brown Optimor have outperformed the S&P 500 by a factor of four over the past decade. Representing a wide variety of product and service categories they are united by one common factor; they operate in harmony with their ideals.
  • Ideals provide the “North Star,” the compass bearing by which these companies steer through good times and bad. Particularly noticeable from the chart comparing the Stengel 50 and the S&P 500’s performance over time is the rapid recovery of the Stengel 50 from the recession in 2008. These companies are not hindered by their ideals in tough times, they are helped by them.
  • Ideals probably have their strongest influence through the people who work on a brand, but can also have a positive effect with customers and consumers, not least in how their communications are received. In Grow, Jim reports work conducted by Millward Brown’s neuroscience practice, showing that people find the Stengel 50 brands to be more empathetic, more ideals-based and more memorable in what they stand for than their competitors. The end result, people are more likely to want to share the advertising with others.
Antony Mayfield

What is the Potential Audience Size for a Hashtag Community? « OUseful.Info, ... - 0 views

  • What’s the potential audience size around a Twitter hashtag?
  • in the early days of webs stats, reported figures tended to centre around the notion of hits, the number of calls made to a server via website activity.
  • Widespread social media monitoring/tracking is largely still in the realm of “hits” measurement. Personal dashboards for services such as Twitter typically display direct measures provided by the Twitter API, or measures trivially/directly identified from Twitter API or archived data – number of followers, numbers of friends, distribution of updates over time, number of mentions, and so on.
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