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Strategic Design & Development Services | EffectiveUI - 0 views

    Nice process diagram
Maddy Wood - 0 views

  • Highest rise in marketing spend in six years
  •   The latest IPA Bellwether survey published last week shows a sharp upward revision in marketing budgets in Q2 2013. The rise is the highest in almost six years.
  • "These are very positive and welcome figures indeed. It is no surprise to see internet spend comprising the lion’s share of the increases - a trend that is only set to continue. Digital no longer represents a tick–the–box exercise for companies; it is clearly an essential revenue driver and fertiliser for the green shoots of economic recovery.”
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  • Although this is positive and welcoming news, marketers need to have a good level of digital marketing knowledge and the IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau) says that; “Even digitally adept marketers are staggered by the amount of information available to them through digital media.”
  • It’s widely accepted that there is a lack of digital understanding and in a sector that is moving so quickly it’s imperative that businesses keep up with the latest developments. Ray Clark from explains how his event plans to address the huge gap in digital knowledge; “ There is no doubt that ‘digital’ is the way forward for businesses of all sizes and there is certainly an appetite for information, ideas and advice from UK marketing professionals. The issue until now has been that existing events tend to be very technology orientated and are aimed at marketers who already have a level of expertise.”
    The latest IPA Bellwether survey published last week shows a sharp upward revision in marketing budgets in Q2 2013. The rise is the highest in almost six years. , "These are very positive and welcome figures indeed. It is no surprise to see internet spend comprising the lion's share of the increases - a trend that is only set to continue.  It's widely accepted that there is a lack of digital understanding and in a sector that is moving so quickly it's imperative that businesses keep up with the latest developments.

Conversational Leadership - 0 views

  • Conversational leadership takes root when leaders see their organiza- tions as dynamic webs of conversation and consider conversation as a core process for effecting positive systemic change. Taking a strategic approach to this core process can not only grow intellectual and social capital, but also provide a collaborative advantage in our increasingly networked world.
Maddy Wood

The Digital Evolution in B2B Marketing | Think with Google - 0 views

  • 57% - that's how far the average B2B buyer is through the purchase decision before engaging a supplier sales rep.
  • Digital Integration: You can't process your way out of a structural problem. Your silos are holding you back. Process changes won't fix it.
    57% - that's how far the average B2B buyer is through the purchase decision before engaging a supplier sales rep.
Maddy Wood

Five tips to help big companies behave like little companies | Econsultancy - 0 views

    "3. Stitch customer obsession into the fabric of the company Monitor, analyse and interpret customer sentiment during and after key customer journeys. Make this process continuous, comprehensive and visible throughout the organisation. Make customer insight the lifeblood of the business."

The Launch of Sosolimited's Typographic Web App ReConstitution 2012 | The Creators Project - 0 views

  • This works because as much as we might try to mask our inner intentions and emotions, the language centers in our brain broadcast our inner secrets in subtle ways. Like a poker player’s ‘tell,’ the character and frequency of the words we use reveal a lot about our inner psychological states. Liars tend to avoid talking about themselves in the first person. Depressed and suicidal people speak a lot more about their bodies and health than happy people. By assembling a team of the world’s fanciest psychologists, linguists, programmers, and bartenders, we have put together behavioral models that allow our system to detect lies, narcissism, depression, and senility ten times better than any jackass in a suit can on CNN.

Environmental Impacts of Mass Customization - 0 views

  • Project Brief We argue that mass customization strategies generate more sustainable products at lower cost and increased value. This claim is founded on research conducted on the product life-cycles of mass customized products vs. mass produced products. One key finding of the initial research reveals that the most significant source of potential energy savings comes from the customer experience processes – product acquisition, product use, and consumer decision-making.  This research shows that mass customization practices often out-perform mass production practices and lead to dramatic energy and material savings, which was revealed in our case study of men's dress shirts.
Antony Mayfield

Striding with ITV into the future of news | Made by Many - 0 views

  • Our product strategy for ITV News was simple, bold and probably as obvious in hindsight as any good idea should be. We set out to create a digitally native news service, something made for the web and mobile that left behind the Guttenberg-era baggage of ‘pages’, ‘articles’ and ‘editions’ that most news websites haven’t been able to shake off, as well as reworking some proto-web typologies like ‘navigation’, ‘liveblogging’ and ‘galleries’. 
  • We wanted to make a news service that answered the question: “What would news be like if we had networked digital media (and digital cameras and phones and laptops) but there had never been newspapers or broadcast TV news programmes?”.   
  • video - would be a massive culture shock. There was nervousness, especially about time and resources, offset by enthusiasm for change and a leadership determined to exploit the potential of real-time news delivered across multiple devices. We also had a strong conviction that opening up the news gathering process - rather than adding new work - would give us the content we needed for the stream. 
    I love that MxM begins with a "product strategy" for ITN, over a "digital", "social" or what not....
Maddy Wood

6 Senior-Level Steps To Digital Marketing Success - 1 views

  • Commit personally: Senior executives need to understand what they want from digital and social. Fortunately, the highest-level goals are generally quite clear. Companies have unprecedented opportunities to build steadily strengthening connections to customers, prospects, and partners. As a result, they can achieve higher margins, lower acquisition costs, and lower customer churn, thereby raising customer lifetime value. Clearly laying out these expectations is a great way to start.
  • 6 Senior-Level Steps To Digital Marketing Success
  • Understand customers.
  • ...9 more annotations...
  • Map the pieces: This is perhaps the most challenging step. The overarching goal is to create an “ecosystem,” or community, of some sort–in short, a company’s own network that includes customers, prospects, and partners. This enables increased engagement with existing members, while promoting growth by adding new members. A place to start is understanding where the company stands across three distinct digital approaches–search engine marketing based on static Web sites and perhaps email marketing systems; permission-based inbound marketing based on attracting opt-in members and then building engagement through customer relationship management systems and content nurture streams; and social marketing and social sales based on understanding and leveraging social networks. One key question to ask is, “What should be at the center?”
  • the CRM system may take the central position rather than the Web site.
  • the real benefits come from achieving local leverage by encouraging a wide range of employees and partners to develop their own social presence, as well.
  • executives need to understand and articulate how the structure reflects the approach to growing customer lifetime value.
  • Assemble the components: Once the pieces are mapped based on the shape of the customer opportunities, the next challenge is to assemble a specific set of components with an eye toward flexibility and cost effectiveness. Given the remarkably rapid rate of innovation, leaders need to avoid being locked into expensive commitments that won’t be easy to continue to change. A series of principles can really help here.
  • build, test, and monitor prototypes until they work perfectly. Investing extra time and effort at this stage can make the step of expanding the system much quicker and less expensive, as well as making broad implementation much smoother.
  • Engage the organization around content, and marshal the resources to make it successful. Once a system is developed, it has to be used to full effect to capture the available benefits. And in today’s world, that requires a large, steady stream of content. Types of content include articles, blogs, white papers, contests, games, webinars, videos, posts to discussion groups, tweets, and infographics (to name a few). Increasingly, content generation is evolving into a companywide responsibility, rather than simply a marketing responsibility. Senior executives need to embrace and then encourage this. Although this is a relatively undeveloped area, management processes that reward the generation and dissemination of great content will undoubtedly lead to great value. And social management platforms that enable rapid and easy sharing of existing content, along with monitoring for compliance purposes, are already enjoying rapid growth.
  • Constantly measure and monitor in order to learn and improve:
  • margins should improve, acquisition costs should drop, and churn rates should decline
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