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Jessica Buell

Go on a Backyard Botany Hunt | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      I have changed this to a Kindergarten activity
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: you can adapt this lesson by having ELL and special need students find the flowers and sketch them for their group, then they can assist the group in identifying the habitat and descriptions. (This will help ELL students enhance their vocabulary) Extensions: You can extend this activiy by having students create a venn diagram and identify similarities and differences. Older grades can also extend the activity by researching their plants/flowers more (locations it is found, type of flower, how effecte environment...etc) and creating a poster board that they will present in the class.
Jessica Buell

Gluep: Solid or Liquid? | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Great science actiivity for 1st grade
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: you can adapt this lesson for ELL or special needs students by introducing a liquid and a solid in a more clear from (ex: using water and ice) until the concept is understood. Then, move on using the gluep. Extensions: You could also do this experiment with 4th graders before you introduce matter to gain an understanding of the three states of matter.
Jessica Buell

How Long is Your Shadow on the Shortest Day? | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      5th Grade Avtivity (not 4th grade)
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: You can use nonstandard units of measurement first when teaching the understanding of measurement and eventually move on using a tape measure when ready. extension: to extend this experiment to advanced students ask the student to record the same information on the Vernal Equinox (3rd week in March), Summer Solstice (3rd week in June) and the Autumnal Equinox (3rd week in September).
Jessica Buell

Indicators: How do Scientists Gather Clues to Climates of the Past? | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      This would be a fun activity for 6th grade Earth Science
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: for ELL and special need students explain what the items represent by also showing them a picture of the real item when explaining the materials and what they represent. Extensions: you can extend this activity to younger grades by having kindergartners and 1st graders use cookie cutters instead of straws, they may not have the fine motor skills developed yet to use the straw.
Jessica Buell

The Tilting of the Earth and Various Climatic Seasons | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      (2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 2.2.5, 2.2.6) 2nd grade science Day to day and over the seasons, observe, measure, record and recognize patterns and ask questions about features of weather
    • Jessica Buell
      I chose this site because it had great explinations of the weather. You can create many different activities to demonste understanding of weather. One thing I would do it first teach the students the aspests of weather and the differences in lengths of daylight in difference seasons. Then , we would all together do an activity to determine the difference in Earth's titls and how it affects weather during different seasons. Extensions: you can extend this activity for younger students by creating a chart to graph the different seasons and what the weather looks like in those seasons, then you can demonstrate the earths tilt with a globe and have the students guess which season they think our state would be in depending on Earth's tilt. Adaptions: I would suggest using illustrations to explain vocabulary, they can make a vocabulary journal.
Jessica Buell

Sun's Shadows | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      2.2.7 Investigate how the sun appears to move through the sky during the day by observing and drawing the length and direction of shadows. 2nd grade Science Activity
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: you can adapt this lesson for ELL and special needs by selecting them to be the "helper" to measure the shadow or to rotate. Extensions: you can extend this activity for younger students by showing them with a globe and "sun" how the earth rotates and gather their hypothesis of what happens to the side of Earth that the sun isn't shining on.
Jessica Buell

Building Blocks: What is the Difference Between Rocks and Minerals? | - 0 views

    • Jessica Buell
      3.2.2 Observe the detailed characteristics of rocks and minerals. Identify rocks as being composed of different combinations of minerals. 3rd grade
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: You can adapt this activity by showing the students what each of the gumdoprs represents then creating a venn diagram demonstrating the sinilarities and differences of rocks and minerals for a visual aid. Extensions:
    • Jessica Buell
      It seems pretty in depth, not sure you would need to change it much for older grades, you can add additional activities for them to look deeper into the research.
Brandon Appleton

Mass & Weight Science Projects - 2 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Not much differentiation needed, possibly change what certain students have to record. Add lesson writing for some who struggle and more pictures of what they are viewing. 
    Easy project to conduct with your fifth graders that works with multiple standards. Students begin to gain knowledge of mass and weight and how gravity acts on the objects. 
Brandon Appleton

Simple Machines Science Projects - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Have students find real life machines that use this advancement to function. 
    Simple demonstration on how gears work and can create great conversation on how they work and what they have meant to society. 
Brandon Appleton

Build a Wormery - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      When having students record their observations prepare two rubrics that have different requirements for students. One that challenges students in their writing and another that challenges them to draw and write less about their observations 
    Easy experiment to do in class that requires some good record keeping and simple observation of what the worms will do. Easy pets to have in the room. 
Jessica Buell

Rock Record: What are Fossils? | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      3.2.4 Identify fossils and describe how they provide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long ago and the nature of their environment at that time. 3rd grade
    • Jessica Buell
      Extensions: Be sure to go over vocabulary and different terms involving fossils, using illustrations to show the definition as well as the words. Extensions: There are a lot of ways you can extend this activity. For Kindergarten or 1st grade you can extend this activity by creating a center of a dinosaur dig and have the students make their own fossil as well as draw a picture of the fossil they "dug up" and writing a simple sentence about what they think their fossil is.
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: You can adapt this lesson for ELL and special need students by having the students describe their fossil and you can create a timeline of the board and have the ELL and special needs students draw a picture of their fossil and place it on the timeline of when they think it lived.
Brandon Appleton

A simple balloon experiment for kindergarten students! - 2 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Not sure how to differentiate this experiment. 
    Really simple activity that is easy to do and great practice in counting and measuring as well as science. Can be a lot of great discussion about what the balloons will do. 
Jessica Buell

What Does It Matter? | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: I would make this a cooperative learning assignment putting students into goups and assigning each person a task giving ELL and special need students the task of the recorder or illustrator. Extensions: you can extend this activity to younger grades (5TH AND 4TH) by going over the different states of matter. I found a Bill Nye science video on this topic that would be good for younger students to peak interest and enhance understanding.
    Great 6th grade activity to experiment with matter
Jessica Buell

Make an Electrical Zapper | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      4th Grade Physical Science Activity. 4.1.4 Experiment with materials to identify conductors and insulators of heat and electricity. 4.1.5 Demonstrate that electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, and sound.
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: have the ELL and special need students (as well as whole class in order not to single out students) draw a demonstration of how + & - affect each other before doign the experiment in oder to enhance understanding of what the objects represent in regards to their charge. Extensions: You can extend this activity to younger get students by using balloons and rubbing them on their heads. Also, draw a demonstration showing the charges. Then, have the students determine how the positive charge of the balloon affects different items.
Brandon Appleton

How To Make Paper Airplanes | Exploratorium Magazine - 1 views

    • Brandon Appleton
      Simple activity for most, but if certain students struggle, have a couple that are pre-lined to show where students need to fold, or even pre-creased to help them complete the instructions. 
    • Brandon Appleton
      For students who struggle to follow directions have some that have dotted lines showing them where they need to fold the paper. 
    Good activity that children alway seem to enjoy.
Jessica Buell

Make a Soda Bottle Greenhouse | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Kindergarten activity for Life can also chart the growth of the plants while going over plant parts
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: be sure to go over vocabulary. Also, you can chart and draw picture step by step of how the students are to put together their "greenhouses" Extensions: You can extend this to higher grades by discussing the water cycle and demonstrating how the water cycle created moisture in the greenhouses in order to water the seeds. Also, if possible you can plan a fiend trip to a greenhouse, (a lot of times these are FREE and they will do demonstrations and age appropriate activities with the students!)
    K.3.3 Describe and compare living plants in terms of growth, parts, shape, size, color and texture. K.3.1 Observe and draw physical features of common plants and animals.
Jessica Buell

Make a Butterfly Habitat | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      A lot of ways you could adapt this for ELL learners or Special needs 1st grade
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: You can adapt this activity for ELL and special needs by doing an into to the bufferfly lifecycle, you can include books, do drawings charting the life cycle. While you are doing this you can have the students make a vocabulary journal identifying vocabulary used in the butterfly life cycle. Extensions: I think ALL grades would love this activity, you would want to add things to the activity depending on the grade level. For example, for 2nd graders you can have them journal and write stories about their butterflies, 3rd grade you can have them define different types of butterfies and then see which type they have from their habitats, 4th graders can identify different locations you may find different types of butterflies, and for kindergarten you can identify differences between butterflies and moths....etc!
    1.3.4 Describe how animals' habitats, including plants, meet their needs for food, water, shelter and an environment in which they can live. 1.3.5 Observe and describe ways in which animals and plants depend on one another for survival. 1.3.2 Observe organisms closely over a period of time in different habitats such as terrariums, aquariums, lawns and trees. Draw and write about observations. 1.4.3 Construct a simple shelter for an animal with natural and human-made materials.
Jessica Buell

Electric Science: Make a Battery! | - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Fun 4th grade activity
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: This is a great activity for ELL and special need students. Be sure to go over vocabulary and explain what electricity is and use the same terms for the experiements in order not to confuse them. Extensions: You can extend this activity to higher grades by first doing this experiment, then doing another experiment to demonstrate how batteries make electricty (by lighting a lightbulb)
    Core Standard: Provide evidence that heat and electricity are forms of energy. (4.1.1, 4.1.2) Core Standard: Design and assemble electric circuits that provide a means of transferring energy from one form or place to another. (4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.1.5)
Jessica Buell

SkyTellers - Moon Phases Activity - Phrases for Phases: A Moon Tune - 1 views

    Adaption: goes along with the "fruit for phases" adaption for ELL and special needs students. It's a song to help them learn the phases of the moon.
Jessica Buell

SkyTellers - Moon Phases Activity - Fruit for Phases - 1 views

    • Jessica Buell
      I love this activity for 5th graders. Great way to teach about the phases of the moon!
    Adaption: SEE "MOON PHASES ACTIVITY-PHRASES FOR PHASES: A MOON TUNE. Extensions: You can extend this activity for 6th grade my having them creat a model of the moon and it's phases and demonstrating their understanding through a presentations. ( I would group them and have each person write about their part of the demonstration and that it what they present) You can extend it you younger grades by having them draw the phases of the moon and with parents (as homework) go outside at night and dermine which phase the moon is in and drawing a picture of that phase on the claendar. 5.2.4 Use a calendar to record observations of the shape of the moon and the rising and setting times over the course of a month. Based on the observations, describe patterns in the moon cycle. 5.2.1 Recognize that our earth is part of the solar system in which the sun, an average star, is the central and largest body. Observe that our solar system includes the sun, moon, seven other planets and their moons, and many other smaller objects like asteroids and comets.
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