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Jessica Buell

Sugar Sugar | Dr Mike's Math Games for Kids | Free Cool Math Games! - 4 views

    • Jessica Buell
      adapt this for students with special needs by having them first do this with a real coffee cup and sugar cubes to understand the concept. Also, you can click on easier levels or harder levels depending on student need.
    • Jessica Buell
      I love this game. There is really no need to come up with new ways to extend this activity, as the students pass each level they get a little more difficult! I think kids will LOVE this activity and not even realize they are learning! This will be good for working on introducing computer skills as well. Be sure to go over how to use the mouse for younger grades and ELL and special need students.
    This game could be used for other grades as well.
Amanda McCarthy

Get Loopy! Make a 100th Day Necklace | - 3 views

    • Amanda McCarthy
      This activity can be adjusted to different number patterns. Instead of counting by 10's you could count by any number such as by 5's or 3's. For the ELLs in your classroom you could use cereals from their home countries so they would have a home connection to the classroom. You could also turn this activity into a patterning one where the students create patterns based on cereal type and/or colors.
    Students use rainbow-colored "o" cereal to create a necklace that counts by 10 to 100.
Jessica Buell

Elementary Math Games | Dr Mike's Math Games for Kids | Free Cool Math Games! - 3 views

    • Jessica Buell
      you could adapt this game by selecting easier levels for students who need differeniation, and higher levels for advanced students.
  • Grade 3
  • Sugar Sugar is a cool geometry game. Sugar pours out from a place near the top of the screen, and your goal is to make the sugar fall into the correct cups. You do this by drawing on the screen with the mouse, and watching as sprinkles of sugar trickle down the lines you draw. Challenging and fun! Good for grades 3 to 12
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  • fun! Good for grades 3 to 12
    ok I started playing the sugar sugar game and couldn't stop! This would be a GREAT center game for teaching logical thinking and geometry!
    Spell "geometry" correctly in your tag for this game so it will be easier to locate in the future. Thanks!
Susan Shonle

Natural vs. Artificial: Can You Taste the Difference? | - 2 views

    • Susan Shonle
      Extensions: Connect Science & Tech with LA. Adaptations: Gifted students can write about their conclusions about natural vs. artificial sugar.  Which tastes better, and which is better for your health?  ESL and Special Ed students can draw pictures of their conclusions to indicate the same things.
    Natural vs. Artificial: Can You Taste the Difference? You probably know that cane sugar isn't good for you in large doses, but did you know that many artificial sweeteners can't even be processed by your body?  Supplies: Real maple syrup, pancake syrup containing high fructose corn syrup, cane sugar, artificial sweetener such as Splenda or Equal, honey, honey flavoring, fresh orange juice, orange juice from concentrate, paper, and pencil. Set up the experiment by preparing small samples of each food for tasting, arranging them in sets according to type.
Susan Shonle

Introduce Angles! | - 2 views

    • Susan Shonle
      Extension: This activity connects math to art. Adaptations: The gifted students can identify and draw an array of angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, rectangles, and triangles, in an artistic design on a large sheet of paper using the proper tools.  The ELL and Special Ed students can work in pairs or small groups to measure and identify angles, lines, shapes, and write down all of the examples on paper.  
    • Susie Beesley
      You need to correlate this activity to a Common Core standard. Thoughtful ideas for adaptations!
  • To give your child further practice measuring, identifying and drawing these key terms, have her draw an array of angles, perpendicular and parallel lines, rectangles and triangles in an artistic design on a large sheet of paper using the proper tools.
Jessica Buell

Play Egg Carton Addition | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      you could do this with subtraction for advanced students or you could adapt it by giving them a sheet with problems already solved and they have to try to match their turns with all of the problems. (this would be good for memorizing)
    • Susie Beesley
      I didn't see a Common Core standard posted for this activity.
    • Jessica Buell
      You could adapt this for students wth special needs or ELL students by paiting them with at level students and giving them counters and ganizer mats to help them visualize addition.
    • Jessica Buell
      You can extend this lesson to 3rd or 4th grade by chaning the rules. FOr 3rd grade they can multiple instead of add and for 4th grade you can have them adding or subtracing fractions or decimals.
Jessica Buell

Count Down | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      You could adapt this lesson by providing base 10 pieces for students who need more visual aids, or adapt it for advanced students by having them point out even numbers or off numbers.
    • Jessica Buell
      you could extend this activity to older students by starting with a higher number. Also, you could extend this activity to younger grades by reversing it and have the students start with number 1 and add up to 100 (use a smaller number depending on level)
    You need to spell your subtraction tag correctly for this activity. Thanks!
Mary Jo Mack

A to Z Teacher Stuff :: The Great Kapok Tree - 2 views

    • Mary Jo Mack
      1.3.4 "Describe how animals' habitats, including plants, meet their needs for food, water, shelter and an environment in which they can live."
    • Mary Jo Mack
      Extension: Students can create mobiles to reveal their understanding of the rainforest ecosystem. Using coat hanger wire and string, students can construct a three-dimensional "dependence web" utilizing the animal and people-characters in The Great Kapok Tree.
Laura Riggins

Factors: A Math Card Game | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      Great way to intorduce factors
    • Jessica Buell
      you can use variation in this game by changing the multiples to an easier number or harder number depending of child's level.
    • Laura Riggins
      This would also be easy to use with a multiplication activities in the introduction to division because you can look at division from the reverse and then because students should be familiar with multiplication the basis for division will become easier to manage.
    3.OA.6 Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. For example, find 32 ÷ 8 by finding the number that makes 32 when multiplied by 8.
Krista Hirr

The Geometry of 3-D Drawing - Cathi Sanders - 2 views

    • Krista Hirr
      To connect this to social studies, have students find pictures of real world castles and report on location and history of the building to base their model off of.
    • Susie Beesley
      You could also connect this to the Sir Cumference children's book series that has a Knights of the Roundtable theme.
    Students draw a castle using 3-dimensional shapes. Option for pictures to be published on the web if sent to the address on this site.
Jean Guernsey

Lesson Plans: Clipping Coupons (Middle, Mathematics) - 2 views

    • Jean Guernsey
      I really like the real world concept with this lesson. There might be multicultural considerations (like never seeing or using a coupon), might need to expand on definitions.
  • Adaptations:
  • The lesson can be adapted for by allowing the use of calculators if the idea that the prices are added and subtracted is the only concept that is being emphasized. • Prices and discounts could be pre-determined and filled-in on worksheets.
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  • Multicultural considerations: • In some cultures it may not be acceptable for children to request items while shopping. This is an issue that must be kept in the mind of the teacher while teaching in order to detour any conversation which might offend a student who is not permitted to make requests while in the store. • Some students may come from homes where coupons have never been used. In this case it would be necessary to briefly expand upon the definition of a coupon.
Jessica Buell

Make an Electrical Zapper | - 2 views

    • Jessica Buell
      4th Grade Physical Science Activity. 4.1.4 Experiment with materials to identify conductors and insulators of heat and electricity. 4.1.5 Demonstrate that electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, and sound.
    • Jessica Buell
      Adaptions: have the ELL and special need students (as well as whole class in order not to single out students) draw a demonstration of how + & - affect each other before doign the experiment in oder to enhance understanding of what the objects represent in regards to their charge. Extensions: You can extend this activity to younger get students by using balloons and rubbing them on their heads. Also, draw a demonstration showing the charges. Then, have the students determine how the positive charge of the balloon affects different items.
Susie Beesley

Lesson Plans: "School Shape Scavenger Hunt" (Elementary, Mathematics) - 2 views

    • Jean Guernsey
      I would read a book about shapes first as part of the discussion on shapes. I like in the end when the students come back and tally their results. You could also do a bar graph with the tally marks.
    • Susie Beesley
      Scavenger hunts are usually motivating for kids.
Jean Guernsey

Lesson Plans: Lines, Rays, and Angles (Elementary, Mathematics) - 2 views

    • Jean Guernsey
      This is a great introduction to lines, rays, and angles. It incorporates literature. discussion, and hands on activities for visual learners.

ZOOM . activities . sci . Biome in a Baggie | PBS Kids - 2 views

    • Liz Dilts
      4.3.3 Design investigations to explore how organisms meet some of their needs by responding to stimuli from their environments.4.3.4 Describe a way that a given plant or animal might adapt to a change arising from a human or non-human impact on its environment. Differentiation: Have ELL students record their biome's progress and changes using a picture graph.
    In this activity, students will make a mini biome in the bottom of a one liter bottle.  Students will be able to plant a seed and give it certain nutrients to watch it grow, adapt, and change to its environment. 
    state standard: 1.3.2 Great way to keep kids interested over a long period of time. The kids are excited to see what their biome is doing/ how things are frowing. You can explain that everything the plant needs to grow is in the biome. A enrichment idea off this activity would be to try and simulate the different conditions in each biome to an enviornment that is in our world (desert vs rainforest) and see how that affects each biome.

Fractions For Kids,Fraction Games,Fraction Activities - 3 views

    CCS: 3.NF.1 Really fun and active way to make learnin fun. By allowing them to shoot paper wods into the trash can, chart the makes and misses, and then compute the data into fractions, we can get them interested and engaged in a topic that can be intimidating to some kids.
Amanda McCarthy

Shapes Activity - 3 views

    • Amanda McCarthy
      This activity can be used by younger grades by decreasing the amount of shapes used. To make the activity harder for students have them draw their own shapes using a ruler, compass, and/or protracter. Students could also find the angle measurements of the shapes. For students who need more help divide the shapes into their own categories so all the students will have to do is paste the shapes onto the page in their seperate categories. Students could also work in groups or pairs.
    The purpose of this lesson is to help students mentally organize 19 shape names. The lesson is basically a reinforcing lesson-it should not be taught until after students have had some exposure to most of the shape names mentioned in this lesson.

Play Graphing Battleship | - 2 views

    • William Templeton
      Larger coordinate planes could be used for longer games.  Make sure to have the players compare their two graphs at the end, if they are different someone made a mistake.
    An easy way to practice coordinate pairs.
    Love this because it takes a subject like graphing algebraic equations and turns it into a fun battleship game. Great for in class partner work. Suggested only for 6th grade, possibly higher level 5th grade math.
    CCS: 5.G.1 Great way to learn the x an y axis coordinate planes. Can also have them make shapes in the coordinate planes instead of straightline battleships.

Make Geometry Creatures! | - 3 views

    • Amanda McCarthy
      Even though this activity is mainly for 3rd and 4th grades it can be changed to work with every grade level K-6. For older grades you could change the activity to include a wider variety of shapes/concepts. For younger students you could use basic shapes and have them create a picture with them without writing the words. This activity could be linked to writing. Students could create a picture with their shapes and then write a story about their picture. You would be connecting langauge arts with math. For ELLs put them with a native English speaker and have the ELL make the picture but have the native English speaker write the words or story for the picture.
    Students create pictures using geometric shapes, they then will write down the shapes that they used. This puts puts math together with art.
    CCS:3.G.1 Great for learning the name of shapes. You can also incorporae following directions if you give tem steps to follow in making their creatures. You can also allow the stdents to be the leader in giving out directions to make the creatures.
Mary Jo Mack

Layering Liquids: Explore Density Science | - 2 views

    • Amanda McCarthy
      Students who are more advanced can find the density of the liquids and then explain why some liguids are "heavier" than others. This activity could also be used for higher grades that deal with finding densities of different substances. This activity can be connected to math by measuring the volumes of the liquids.
    • Susie Beesley
      It's fun to add the liquids out of order from densest to least dense and observe as they still seek their layer. I've done this with Karo syrup that I've added blue food coloring to, red water, and oil, but we add the water first, then the Karo syrup, and then the oil and the liquid seeks its layer. We extend this further by stirring the liquids too. Some of the layers separate out, but others remain mixed. It's a cool activity!
    • Mary Jo Mack
      5.1.2 "Describe the difference between weight and mass. Understand that weight is dependent on gravity and mass is the amount of matter in a given substance or material."
    • Mary Jo Mack
      Extension: After completing the experiment with oil and water, students could experiment with other liquids and make a hypothesis whether or not the density of the two liquids will be the same or different.
    In this activity students compare the mass and volume of different liguids by pouring the liquids into the same container and seeing which ones are "heavier" and "lighter."
    Density - or mass per volume - of a liquid is an important scientific concept that can be viewed with the naked eye. We see it all the time with oil and water. Oil has a different density than water so the two liquids do not mix. In this experiment your child will look at a number of liquids with different densities and compare them all to water. She'll build her science skills and learn one of the most fundamental scientific concepts she'll use for years to come.
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