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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Ashley Stewart

Ashley Stewart

BrainPOP Jr. | Seasons | Lesson Ideas - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      K.2.3 "Describe in words and pictures the changes in weather from month to month and season to season."  This activity can be adjusted for ELL students by allowing them to use only pictures for recording their observations. If the students are feeling somewhat comfortable with the new language, they can be paired with English speaking students to work together to spell and sound out words for their notebooks. This activity can be modified for older age groups by having the students make predictions about what is going to happen with the weather conditions. These students can also make predictions about why they think the seasons change.
    Students can participate in this long-term activity by observing and recording the weather each week of the school term, or the school year. The students can do various activities within this long-term activity, such as measuring the amount of rain or snow, recording weather conditions, making observations in a notebook, etc. This is a great way to observe and learn the seasons!
Ashley Stewart

Keep a Candle Burning Underwater! | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      4.1.2 "Investigate the variety of ways in which heat can be generated and moved from one place to another. Explain the direction the heat moved." This activity can be used with gifted students by allowing them to observe another candle burning in a bowl with no water present. The students can then compare and contrast the differences in the candles and the way in which they burn, and make inferences about why they believe the candles are different. This activity can be used with older age groups in the same way. The older students may be able to light their own candles as they work in groups, while still monitoring their progress.
    Students watch a candle burn underwater, due to the quality of absorbing heat energy in this fun activity! Be sure to very closely supervise students.
Ashley Stewart

The Artificial Bicep - Activity - - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      5.4.1 "Investigate technologies that mimic human or animal musculoskeletal systems in order to meet a need." This activity can be adapted for ELL students by allowing those students to draw pictures of their design, rather than write a paragraph or make a chart. If the students are able, they can label the parts of their picture, using the English words they know. This activity can also be adjusted for younger grades by allowing them more than one science class time to work on the project. This may be an activity that can span a few days. The activity can then be broken down into sections. The students could use one class time to ask their questions within their group, and plan what they want their product to look like. The actual design and implementation of their product can be put into place on a separate class day.
    Student create a product for a bicep strain that provides assistance to the muscle so that it does less work to bend the arm. The students are divided into groups to created their product, using the steps of the engineering design process: ask, imagine, plan, create, improve.
Ashley Stewart

Plants and Water | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      Life Science K.3.1 "Observe and draw physical features of common plants and animals." This activity can be adjusted for gifted students by allowing them to label their picture with the appropriate words for a plant. Using words such as "roots" or "xylem" would be excellent! This activity can be used for older grades by having the students compare two different celery stalks - one with water, and one without water. The students can then make a table or chart to compare and contrast the two different celery stalks.
    Students observe a stalk of celery over one to two days. The celery is placed into water (food coloring is added to the water). The students then record their observations about the water moving up the celery stalk. This is a great way for students to understand how plants transport water from their roots to their leaves!
Ashley Stewart

MAIS K-6 Science Inquiry, Investigation, and Design Technology - All in the Balance Qui... - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      The Design Process: Identify a need or problem to be solved; brainstorm potential solutions; throughout the entire design process, document the design with drawings (including labels) in a portfolio or notebook so that the process can be replicated; select a solution to the need or problem; select the most appropriate materials to develop a solution that will meet the need; evaluate and test the design. This activity can be adapted for gifted students by allowing them to first draw a blueprint of their model. This will allow them to make predictions and hypothesis about their cube model and their tag board model. These students can then record their observations and their conclusions about their final product. This activity can also be adapted for younger grades by giving the students more materials to help them balance their models. Also, allowing the younger students to work in partners, rather than pairs, will allow them to more freely express their ideas. Working with a partner will give each student the opportunity to make sure their ideas are heard. For younger students, omitting the blueprint may also be helpful. Rather, having the students simply draw a picture of their model with labels may be more appropriate.
    Children use styrofoam cubes to design and construct an object that will balance on your finger. Also, another challenge can be given to the students after completing the first challenge. Students use tag board to design and construct a model figure that will balance on a high wire. Students should draw their own blueprint to illustrate what they did and what they discovered.
Ashley Stewart

Building the Best Bridge | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      The Design Process: Identify a need or problem to be solved; brainstorm potential solutions; document the design throughout the entire design process; select the most appropriate materials to develop a solution that will meet the need; create the solution through a prototype; test and evaluate how well the solution meets the goal; communicate how to improve the solution. This activity can be modified for gifted students by having them record their predictions, as well as measure how much weight each bridge held. The activity can be adjusted for younger grades by having them design only one bridge, rather than several. It can also be adjusted by providing specific materials for the younger students, rather than giving them a wide variety of choices for materials.
    Students use various materials to build and design the best possible bridge. The goal is to build different types of bridges using different materials and testing the strength of their bridges with various objects.
Ashley Stewart

Design and Engineering - Lab Pages - Procedure - 2 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      5.4.2 "Investigate the purpose of prototypes and models when designing a solution to a problem and how limitations in cost and design features might affect their construction." This activity can be modified for gifted students by having them make predictions or recommendations about the types of materials that could be added to the boats to improve their design and function. The activity could be modified for younger grades by having them design only two boats and decide which one is better. This would be ideal, because younger students may take more time to build and design their boats.
    Students design and build four boats from squares of aluminum foil. Each team decides which one of their four boats holds the highest number of dice. Each team should record their findings and observations, as well as ways to improve their designs.
Ashley Stewart

Hands-On Math Movie & Activity - Tip Toss - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      Nature of Science Standards: Plan and carry out investigations-often over a period of several lessons-as a class, in small groups or independently; use measurement skills and apply appropriate units when collecting data; keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps and models through oral and written reports. This activity can be adjusted for ELL students by giving them a picture chart on which to record their data. Rather than using all words on the chart, pictures of a cup, plate, cake pan, etc. can be place on the chart, and the students can fill in the results of the distance for each picture. This activity can also be used with younger age groups by having them use other objects, such as a small ping pong ball, to throw. A bigger object may be easier for younger children to throw.
    Students play a "tip toss" game, and try to determine the rule for the distance each player must stand from the tableware. To determine the distance, students will work together in groups and record their score from various distances. They will then graph or chart their data and determine the best distance to have players stand at during the game.
Ashley Stewart

Hands-On Math Movie & Activity - The Best Throw - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      Nature of Science Standard: Make predictions and formulate testable questions; plan and carry out investigations-often over a period of several lessons-as a class, in small groups or independently; perform investigations using appropriate tools and technologies that will extend the senses; use measurement skills and apply appropriate units when collecting data; test predictions with multiple trials; keep accurate records in a notebook during investigations and communicate findings to others using graphs, charts, maps and models through oral and written reports; compare the results of an investigation with the prediction. This activity can be modified for ELL students by allowing those students to be the recorder for the group. This will allow those students to participate, without having the pressure of attempting to measure and use words they may not be comfortable with yet. Allowing these students to be the recorder keeps them involved with the group, while also allowing them to practice the English words for the numbers being recorded. This activity can also be used for younger ages by shortening the activity to throwing the ball five times, rather than ten. The act of throwing the ball make take longer for these students, as well as measuring an angle.
    Students are placed in groups to answer the following question: At what angle should you throw a ball for it to travel the greatest distance? This question is answered by stretching a rubber band from the end of a ruler to a predetermined mark on the ruler. Students will launch the ball from the rubber band ten different times with a range from fifteen degrees to seventy five degrees. The students will then record each distance for each angle. 
Ashley Stewart

See the Science of Sound | - 2 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      3.1.2 "Investigate how the loudness and pitch of sound changes when the rate of vibrations changes." This activity can be used with ELL students by having them do the activity while saying a variety of words that they need to practice learning. These words could be said in Spanish and English, both. This is a great way to use this activity in a way that is meaningful for those students. This activity can also be used with older ages by having the students record their predictions about what will happen if they use a louder voice, or a deeper pitch with the sound. The students could then compare their results with other students in the class.
    Students use a bowl, plastic wrap, a rubber band, and sugar crystals to investigate sound. The plastic wrap is secured across the top of the bowl with the rubber band, and the sugar crystals are placed on top of the plastic wrap. Students get close to the bowl and say their name aloud. The sugar crystals move!
Ashley Stewart

Explore Sand Silt and Clay - National Wildlife Federation - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      1.2.1 "Observe and compare properties of sand, clay, silt and organic matter. Look for evidence of sand, clay, silt and organic matter as components of soil samples." This activity can be modified for gifted students by having them record their predictions about which particles will sink and which particles will float, rather than solely making the observations. This activity can also be modified for older grades by having them do the same thing. The older students can also be told to gather material that is sand, silt, and clay, and try to keep these in separate jars. 
    Students gather dirt samples from different outdoor areas and fill a jar with their dirt samples. The teacher will add water until the jar is two-thirds full and the students will take turns shaking their jar for two minutes. Each group will allow the contents in their jar to settle for fifteen to thirty minutes. Have the students make observations about how the dirt settled. The heaviest pieces of soil will settle first. Have the students identify the different-sized particles.
Ashley Stewart

States of Matter in a Baggie | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      2.2.1 "Observe, describe and measure ways in which the properties of a sample of water (including volume) change or stay the same as the water is heated and cooled and then transformed into different states." This activity can be modified for ELL students by having them record drawings during each observation, rather than writing the words for their observations. This would be a great activity for drawing, because each state looks so much different than the others (solid, liquid, and gas). This activity can be adjusted for older grades by having the students do the same activity with predictions at the beginning of the experiment about what they believe will happen. These students could also make other predictions about other types of matter that would react in the same way the juice ice did. For further exploration, these students could then test their hypothesis regarding other objects and their state of matter.
    Students place "juice ice" into baggies and observe the state of the ice at various points in the day. The students then compare the beginning state of the ice with the ending state of the ice. This is a great lesson on solids, liquids, and gasses!
Ashley Stewart

ZOOM . activities . sci . Counting Bugs | PBS Kids - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      1.3.1. "Classify living organisms according to variations in specific physical features (e.g., body coverings, appendages) and describe how those features may provide an advantage for survival in different environments." This activity can be modified for ELL students by having them draw pictures of the bugs they find, rather than writing words or numbers. This can also be adjusted for older groups by having them classify animals they see, which could include mammals, insects, fish, etc. They could also describe many other characteristics, such as the types of food these animals or insects eat.
    Students observe different bugs found in nature, and record their characteristics (number of legs, the presence of wings, etc.). The students can then draw their own conclusions about the types of bugs found.
Ashley Stewart

Grow a Holiday Bouquet! | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      1.3.3 "Observe and explain that plants and animals have basic needs for growth and survival: plants need to take in water and need light, and animals need to take in water and food and have a way to dispose of waste." This activity can be modified for ELL students by having them strictly draw pictures of their observations, rather than writing words to describe their observations. This can also be adjusted for older grades, by having them grow several different types of flowers, or by using different fertilizers to help the flowers grow. The students can then compare their effects of the different fertilizers on the same flowers.
    Students can grow narcissus bulbs in the classroom, or at home! The students can then make observations or draw pictures about how the flower looks each day. Draw conclusions once the flowers are fully bloomed about how they grew!
Ashley Stewart

Chart the Phases of the Moon with Marshmallows | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      2.2.9: Investigate how the shape of the moon changes from day to day in a repeating cycle that lasts about a month. This activity can be adapted for gifted students by having them identify specific words that describe the phases of the moon they're observing. For example, under "Day 1," the student could write words such as "waxing," "waning," "full moon," or "new moon." This activity could also be used for younger age groups by having the students observe the moon for one week, rather than one month.
    Have students keep track of the phases of the moon by using marshmallows glued to construction paper. The students observe the moon each night, and bite the marshmallow into a replica of what they observed.
Ashley Stewart

Play Pattern Hopscotch! | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      2.NBT.2 "Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s." This activity can be modified for gifted students by making the pattern more challenging for them. For example, instead of making the pattern of counting by 2s, the teacher could make the pattern counting by 2s, plus 1. This activity could be used for older grades by having the students come up with their own patterns.
    Students fill the empty boxes of a hopscotch game by continuing the number patterns given. The teacher can start by filling in the first four boxes, and asking the students to decide which numbers would come after the ones provided.
Ashley Stewart

Play Math Flash Bingo | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      2.OA.1 "Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing, with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem." This activity can be adjusted for ELL students by giving them manipulatives to work out their problems. It can also be adjusted for gifted students by challenging them to fill their entire BINGO card, rather than just a line of numbers. This activity can be used in older age groups by providing multiplication or division flash cards, rather than addition or subtraction flash cards.
    Students solve addition problems on flash cards and find the corresponding answer on their BINGO sheet. The first one to get a BINGO wins!
Ashley Stewart

Creating Line Symmetry | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      4.G.3 "Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry." This activity can be modified for gifted students by challenging them with more cards. Encourage them to use as many cards as they would like while participating in this activity! This activity can be used with younger ages by using objects other than cards. A big picture cut into pieces would help the students visualize symmetry, as it would be more like putting a puzzle together. The leader just gets to choose in what order the puzzle is assembled! Both players could check their work by knowing if the picture looks right.
    A pair of students work together for this symmetry activity. The students sit across from one another, with playing cards dealt for each student. A ruler or other dividing line separates one student's side from the other. One player starts as the leader, and places one of their cards down on the table. The player on the other side of the line follows the leader in an attempt to match the first player's moves perfectly on their side of the divider.
Ashley Stewart

Multiplication Math War | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      3.OA.7 "Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers." This activity can be adjusted for ELL students by allowing them more time on the timer. The extra time may allow them enough time to think through their answers without feeling rushed. This can also be used for gifted students in the opposite way. The allotted time can be shorter, which encourages them to give their answers quickly! This activity can be used with younger ages by having the students practice their math facts, rather than their multiplication facts.
    In this activity, students play a game of war using multiplication facts. Each player flips over two cards, and says the math sentence for those two cards. For example, if one student flipped over a 4 and a 5, he or she would say, "4 x 5 = 20". Using a timer, the teacher can set a designated amount of time. When the time is up, each player counts their cards. The person with the most cards wins!
Ashley Stewart

Dice Addition! | - 1 views

    • Ashley Stewart
      1.NBT.4 "Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10, using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used. Understand that in adding two-digit numbers, one adds tens and tens, ones and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose a ten." This activity can be modified for gifted students by adding the number of die used. Try using two or more die as a challenge! The final score can be adjusted as well. This may be beneficial for ELL students. Instead of using 30 as the score to try to reach, try using 20. In the same way, the final score can be raised for gifted students. This activity can be used for older ages by multiplying the numbers, rather than adding them.
    Students take turns rolling a die. Each student starts with a score of 0. After each roll of the die, the students add the number rolled to the previous number, keeping a running total. The play continues for 8 rounds. The player with the score closest to 30, without going over, wins!
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