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Hendy Irawan - read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper - 0 views

    " Heard on Twitter... NateLefebvre profile NateLefebvre Pruning the follow/follower lists. I always hate removing people who don't follow back, but thanks to lists & I can still read them 30 minutes ago · reply fbraswell profile fbraswell Will Rogers regularly mentioned in All the news that fits @designerdaze 28 minutes ago · reply Unblogparjour profile Unblogparjour Un blog par jour, le Journal est sorti de presse! 27 minutes ago · reply sillysallyjt profile sillysallyjt Eddie's take :) 27 minutes ago · reply titiabruning profile titiabruning @jolandaverburg,jouw blogpost;) 22 minutes ago · reply Join the conversation Read Twitter and Facebook as a daily newspaper organizes links shared on Twitter and Facebook into an easy to read newspaper-style format. A great way to discover content that matters to you - even if you are not connected 24/7!"
Missi Baker

FeedJournal - The Newspaper You Always Wanted - 0 views

    If ya' are still hanging on to those newspapers (as I am)...

Adobe InDesign CS6 Crack & Serial Number Keygen FULL - 0 views

    Adobe InDesign CS6 Crack & Serial Number Keygen Full is the best software that is used to create Posters, Flyers, Brochures, Magazines, Newspaper and Books
John Wright

New York Times Will Go Out of "Print" Sometime in the Future - 0 views

    I guess this was inevitable, after all the newspaper industry has been called the "dead tree industry" for some time now (dead also indicating it's a dying industry). But as Ms. O'Dell says, "news as a commodity isn't going anywhere" and this only means that the NY Times is further transitioning into a tech company. Interesting times for the news industry.
Diego Morelli

Open Platform for Free Content Launched by the Guardian - 1 views

    The Guardian website launched earlier today its new online suite of services called "Open Platform", which will allow web developers to build application using content from the newspaper. The Guardian content APIs being released includes not only articles but also videos, galleries and other content..........
ashkif as

Independent - Multipurpose Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme - 0 views

    Independent is a created with more innovative, cleverly coded and feature rich Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme . It is easy to customize for all kinds of blog, news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site needs. Independent has been build with its unique power of design and elegant layouts.This theme comes with fully bootstrap supported layouts, supports videos from youtube and vimeo and features a rating system. The theme is integrated with bbpress, BuddyPress, Woocommerce. It also ...
ashkif as

Independent - Multipurpose Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme - 0 views

    Independent is a created with more innovative, cleverly coded and feature rich Blog & Magazine WordPress Theme . It is easy to customize for all kinds of blog, news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site needs. Independent has been build with its unique power of design and elegant layouts.This theme comes with fully bootstrap supported layouts, supports videos from youtube and vimeo and features a rating system. The theme is integrated with bbpress, BuddyPress, Woocommerce. It also ...
Emilie Bouvrand

Créer une couverture de journal - 0 views

yc c

myFeedz - the social newspaper - 0 views

    It keeps an eye on topics you are interested in and also suggests fresh content based on your reading habits
ignacio chehade

Collective Unconscious - 0 views

    • ignacio chehade
      Great view about Collective Unconscious in the 2.0 world
  • “Never before have we had such amazing ways of delivering information through television, books, photographs, graphics, computers, video, multimedia, and the internet. Yet so many children are bored and have become less and less motivated to learn about and understand the world around them,”
  • Jung’s collective unconscious is the dreamtime of Homo sapiens. ‘Collective Unconscious 2.0’ is the dreamtime of late-era hypercapitalism. The energies that inform Jung’s collective unconscious are for the most part biological: instinctual drives of fear, hunger and sex (along with the drive for psychic wholeness). The energies that inform the ‘Collective Unconscious 2.0’ are more abstract, related to the movement of electronic capital and the maximization of profit to shareholders.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • “These modules seek to penetrate, but in a passing way. A second of your attention is all they ask. Nothing is firing that rends or cuts. It’s a massage, really, if you just go with it. And why not? Some of the most talented people on the planet have devoted their lives to creating this psychic sauna, just for you.” Ersatz environments and colourful advertisements have been with us since the fifties, de Zengotita adds, but the multimedia blitz we experience now represents a whole new level of persuasion. “Saying that it’s just more of what we had before is like saying a hurricane is just more breeze.”
  • Today’s mass dream, split from the organic foundation of the world and cobbled together from shards of television shows, newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements, films, ad jingles, ringtones – the whole mad fantasy of what’s hip, what’s not, who’s in, who’s out and the international villain du jour – is the raw stuff of the ‘Collective Unconscious 2.0’.
  • Mainstream media culture currently has all the signs of full-blown psychosis. This is analogous to Jung’s shadow. Confronting the shadow is unpleasant on a personal level, but healing cannot be effected without being confronted with the truth – and as folk wisdom has it, the truth hurts. What is positive about this process is that we’re being forced to confront the very worst in the imaginal output of our great, untethered, free market economy.
  • We are, ultimately, the stories we tell each other of our past, present and future. We become what we seek. It’s up to us to rule the imagination or leave it in the hands of a select few to shape the future of the mass dream. As Buckminster Fuller once said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
    A Great view about "Collective Unconscious" in the new media world

It's always better online - 0 views

    There is still a major fraction of industry that refuses to accept the full efficiency and economy of the Internet. Sure, they might be using email and Google search, but that's about it. I'd like to create a list that spans various cross-sections of industries that are still missing the big picture. Feel free to chirp in with any other examples.
Graham Perrin

Technology Review: Extracting Meaning from Millions of Pages - 0 views

  • University of Washington software pulls facts from 500 million Web pages
  • analyzing basic relationships between words
  • "The significance of TextRunner is that it is scalable because it is unsupervised,"
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • June 10, 2009
  • "It can discover and learn millions of relations, not just one at a time. With TextRunner, there is no human in the loop: it just finds relations on its own."
  • enter, for example, "kills bacteria,"
  • insights that "chlorine kills bacteria" or "ultraviolet light kills bacteria" or "heat kills bacteria"
  • then visit the Web page
  • ways to preview the text
  • triples
  • prototype
  • the ability of software to achieve rudimentary understanding of text
  • unprecedented scale and scope
  • analogous to technology developed by Powerset
  • a tool that was limited
  • TextRunner technology handles
  • arbitrary text on any page, including blog posts, product catalogues, newspaper articles, and more
  • "this work reflects a growing trend toward the design of search tools that actively combine the pieces of information they find on the Web into a larger synthesis."
Pamela Gleeson

Henry Porter: Google is just an amoral menace | - 0 views

    Is Google a brat that needs to be reined in? Will the Internet ever get to the blueprint Tim Berners-Lee created?
yc c

Does the Brain Like E-Books? - Room for Debate Blog - - 3 views

  • They should be like the historical coffeehouses, taverns and pubs where one shifts flexibly between focused and collective reading — much like opening a newspaper and debating it in a more socially networked version of the current New York Times Room for Debate.
    • Bakari Chavanu
      Many websites like NewsVine seem to offer this kind of experience.
  • Still, people read more slowly on screen, by as much as 20-30 percent. Fifteen or 20 years ago, electronic reading also impaired comprehension compared to paper, but those differences have faded in recent studies.
  • Reading on screen requires slightly more effort and thus is more tiring, but the differences are small and probably matter only for difficult tasks.
  • ...18 more annotations...
  • In one study, workers switched tasks about every three minutes and took over 23 minutes on average to return to a task. Frequent task switching costs time and interferes with the concentration needed to think deeply about what you read.
  • After many years of research on how the human brain learns to read, I came to an unsettlingly simple conclusion: We humans were never born to read. We learn to do so by an extraordinarily ingenuous ability to rearrange our “original parts” — like language and vision, both of which have genetic programs that unfold in fairly orderly fashion within any nurturant environment. Reading isn’t like that.
  • And that, of course, is the problem at hand. No one really knows the ultimate effects of an immersion in a digital medium on the young developing brain. We do know a great deal, however, about the formation of what we know as the expert reading brain that most of us possess to this point in history
  • Hypertext offers loads of advantages. If while reading online you come across the name “Antaeus” and forget your Greek mythology, a hyperlink will take you directly to an online source where you are reminded that he was the Libyan giant who fought Hercules. And if you’re prone to distraction, you can follow another link to find out his lineage, and on and on. That is the duality of hyperlinks. A hyperlink brings you to information faster but is also more of a distraction.
  • floor. I once counted my books among my most prized possesions, now I wish I could somehow convert them all to digital files.
  • My book shelves are full, and books are stacked on the
  • Textbooks also require big double pages with margins for notes. Writing and reading are communication between writer and reader, the audience and genre (and thus expectations) are important, and the format and technology can be used for bad or good. One is not better than the other, they are different, and the more we know of the needs of writers and readers the better technology will become.
  • All of the commentators and responses miss a crucial question here: reading for what purpose?
  • To further complicate this, most of what I read for pleasure is about art or photography, and the kind of history that comes with cool pictures. If paper suddenly disappeared I'd be lost. Most of what I read for work has to be verified, cross referenced, fact-checked, etc. on a tight deadline. If the Internet suddenly disappeared, I'd be more than lost--I'd be paralyzed.
  • I also completely disagree that the web has killed editing. It has just changed the process to include the reader. It would be more accurate to say that it is killing the sanctity of Editors. 'Bout time, that.
  • The missing component in E-Reading seems to be the ability to critically grasp and evaluate the material. Learning is transmitted, but it is more linear than holistic. Now in my 70's, I find that reading from a monitor is a distancing experience. There is an intimacy to reading from a traditional book that is missing in the digital format.
  • Chinese reading circuits require more visual memory than alphabets.
  • I assume that technology will soon start moving in the natural direction: integrating chips into books, not vice versa.
  • important ongoing change to reading itself in today’s online environment is the cheapening of the word.
  • Hypertext offers loads of advantages.
  • When you read news, or blogs or fiction, you are reading one document in a networked maze
  • More and more, studies are showing how adept young people are at multitasking. But the extent to which they can deeply engage with the online material is a question for further research.
  • However, displays have vastly improved since then, and now with high resolution monitors reading speed is no different than reading from paper.

Session Court Jobs 2022 Pakistan apply now 2022 ap4jobs - 0 views

Session Court Jobs 2022, District and Session Courts Mardan Jobs 2022 was published on November 15, 2021 in the Daily Jang Newspaper

education web2.0 edutalk app ideas technology

started by ap4jobs on 16 Nov 21 no follow-up yet
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