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Contents contributed and discussions participated by John Wright

John Wright

New York Times Will Go Out of "Print" Sometime in the Future - 0 views

    I guess this was inevitable, after all the newspaper industry has been called the "dead tree industry" for some time now (dead also indicating it's a dying industry). But as Ms. O'Dell says, "news as a commodity isn't going anywhere" and this only means that the NY Times is further transitioning into a tech company. Interesting times for the news industry.
John Wright

Digg: Amazon Manager Will Take the Helm, Try to Save Site From Tides of History - 0 views

    I look forward to seeing how it all plays out for Digg. I still see much potential for it. If they just change it to be like a Twitter just for links and make it easy for anyone to post to it, they could get back a lot of users. They do need to reinvent themselves and I think there hype capital from a few years back could still benefit them very much.
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