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Building a Robot Magician - 0 views

    "Recently I gave a talk about the BBC micro:bit and needed to come up a good demonstration without being too technical: something that was short, memorable and showed off the full range of what it could do. Finally, I hit on the idea of a magic trick."

10 Ways to Harness the Power of the Chat Function in Middle and High School | Edutopia - 0 views

    "With the prospect of returning to face-to-face instruction or hybrid constructions, what can we learn that works in our digital spaces that can readily transfer to our in-person classrooms? How do teachers motivate students to share ideas and risk "being wrong" in the digital space or the public space of the in-person classroom? How can we catch that lightning in a bottle? Well, there is the chat function built into many of the digital tools we use. There is power in the chat that can be intentionally put to use now and in the future."

There Are 4 Modes of Thinking: Preacher, Prosecutor, Politician, and Scientist. You Sho... - 0 views

    "You wouldn't use a hammer to try to cut down a tree. Try to use an axe to drive nails and you're likely to lose a finger. Different physical jobs call for different tools. So, too, do different mental jobs.  Optimism and big-picture thinking will help you sell your business idea. Keeping your books in order requires a more detail-oriented approach. Motivating employees requires more empathy than analytical thinking.  Different modes of thinking are best suited for different situations, and according to a new interview with star Wharton professor and best-selling author Adam Grant most of us don't utilize one particularly powerful mindset nearly enough. "

15+ Websites to Teach Financial Literacy - Ask a Tech Teacher - 0 views

    "If your school doesn't teach a course about personal economics, there are many online sites that address the topic as mini-lessons. Some are narrative; others games. Here are fifteen I like. See if one suits you (check here for updates on links):"

How Do We Exit the Post-Truth Era? | The Walrus - 1 views

    "False content online has only multiplied over the years. But the fake news designation has also been used to serve all kinds of purposes-including, increasingly, to disparage real news reporters-so most experts now avoid the term. Instead, researchers usually talk about disinformation, which is purposefully false, and misinformation, which is unwittingly false (either because the publisher made a mistake or because the person sharing the content did). As false content spreads through social media networks, it can oscillate between the two, and it can manifest in various forms, including memes, tweets, or "imposter" content made to imitate real news stories. "

Moving Beyond Rote Learning in Mathematics - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    How do move from an emphasis on rote learning of procedures in mathematics towards a focus on mathematical reasoning?

Of All the Things I Miss This Year, Hugging Students is at the Top of the List - 0 views

    "Good morning! Stay six feet away. Pull up your mask. Don't forget to wear it at all times, even outdoors. Wash your hands. Go straight to your desk. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 germs. Goodbye! Wash your hands. Pull up your mask. Leave one at a time. Don't touch anything or anyone on your way out. See you tomorrow! This is pandemic education. It can feel so cold, so impersonal. The safety restrictions are necessary to keep COVID at bay, but what is this distance doing to our students? Plenty of research indicates that there are both physical and mental health benefits from hugging and other physical contact. Hugs reduce the negative effects of stress on the brain, by deactivating the part of the brain that responds to threats. They increase levels of oxytocin, the feel-good hormone, and ironically, may even boost the immune system. So this year's lack of contact could be taking a toll, especially on those students who don't receive much affection at home."

If You Care About Privacy, It's Time to Try a New Web Browser - The New York Times - 0 views

    "Most of us use web browsers out of habit. If you surf the web with Microsoft Edge, that may be because you use Windows. If you use Safari, that's probably because you are an Apple customer. If you are a Chrome user, that could be because you have a Google phone or laptop, or you downloaded the Google browser on your personal device after using it on computers at school or work. In other words, we turn to the browsers that are readily available and familiar. It's easy to fall into browser inertia because these apps are all fast, capable and serve the same purpose: visiting a website. So if the differences are minimal, why bother looking for something else? By the end of this column, I hope to persuade you to at least try something else: a new type of internet navigator called a private browser. This kind of browser, from less-known brands like DuckDuckGo and Brave, has emerged over the last three years. What stands out is that they minimize the data gathered about us by blocking the technologies used to track us."

Teaching Students How to Learn From Videos | Edutopia - 4 views

    "Instructional videos can help students learn at their own pace, but only if they know how to use them."

What Is Bloom's Revised Taxonomy? | - 2 views

    "The Definition Of Bloom's Taxonomy, I said, "In one sentence, Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that can, among countless other uses, help teachers teach and students learn." Bloom's Revised Taxonomy is simply an update to the original taxonomy that made expanded on the vision of the original while revising the language and hierarchy of the popular Cognitive Process Dimension (what are referred to as the 'levels' of Bloom's Taxonomy)."

Hate math? New psychology study explores the cognitive roots of math anxiety - 0 views

    "Math anxiety refers to intense feelings of apprehension in the face of having to solve mathematical problems and can have important consequences both academically and professionally. Indeed, many basic life skills, like setting and sticking to a budget or filing one's taxes are, for many people, an endeavor fraught with anxiety and discomfort."

Language moves for identity - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    What changes when we refer to ourselves or our students as members of the community of thinkers and learners that they are apprenticed to? What changes when we are mindful in our use of a language of identity?

Resources for School Communities in Times of Crisis - March 2021 - Google Docs - 1 views

    Anti Asian-American hate crimes, harassment, and bullying have been on the rise nationally, and as educators we have the responsibility of having to address the recent events with our students, with our colleagues, while at the same time, we may be looking for ways to process and educate ourselves. There are many organizations that have already compiled strategies, research, and personal perspectives that we hope will help you.

Your Brain on COVID-19: Here's What to Expect | IE - 1 views

    "Illness from the COVID-19 coronavirus can be deadly, but those whose symptoms persist for several months to years - called "long-haulers" - can suffer at least four lingering neurological effects, including headaches, brain fog, and the loss of sense of smell and taste, despite undergoing hospitalization for the initial contraction of the virus, according to a recent study published in the journal Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology."

Language Moves that Encourage Initiative - The Learner's Way - 1 views

    Why might it be that our students struggle with independence? Maybe it comes from the language moves we make. As with the language of thinking, being deliberate with our choices can help us to create a classroom culture where students demonstrate independence and initiative.
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