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Edunators - Helping Teachers Overcome Obstacles and Focus on Learning - The Importance ... - 0 views

    "If I touch a hot stove and burn my hand, I immediately learn that touching a hot stove results in a burned hand. My brain makes the connection almost simultaneously. There's little need for reflection because the "hot stove=burn" connection is one that my mind makes almost immediately. Similarly, suppose I'm driving in bad weather and going WAY TOO FAST for the conditions. If my car spins out and I find myself stuck in a ditch, I've learned a lesson about driving in bad weather. Again, the connection is almost instantaneous. Academic learning however is seldom that obvious."

The 2 Most Important Skills Every Teacher Needs - Calgary, AB, Canada, ASCD EDge Blog p... - 8 views

    "Over the past nine years I have had the pleasure of hiring (and the displeasure of firing) new hires into their teaching careers. In watching teachers come into the profession some just "have it." Some seem to be innately programmed to be teachers. For others, it is a much more difficult road to travel. Additionally, there has been much awareness brought up about "teacher burn-out" and teachers not being able to survive this profession. It has taken nine years of watching, listening, and observing to come to understand that there are two distinct differences between teachers that excel and love the profession, and those that do not excel and are prone to burn-out."

Instrumentation Training, Embedded System Training, PLC Training Kerala | Walco Solutions - 1 views

    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training
    We provide an inflammatory platform to burn and fire your knowledge in technical horizon.Our industry molding program will take you from theoretical simulation world into real life engineering designs, which will be a propellant to an engineering career. Instrumentation training Kerala, Instrumentation training, Embedded System training Kerala, Embedded training, PLC training Kerala, PLC training

Tech Talk Podcast: Tech for Fitness - - 1 views

    "Tech Talk Podcast: Burn Calories"

School Leaders: Guiding Teachers into the Digital Age | Edutopia - 1 views

    "We all know that leadership is important in education. Without strong leadership, education initiatives tend to crash and burn. Consider professional learning. Leadership is one of Learning Forward's seven Standards for Professional Learning -- evidence-based standards that outline the characteristics of professional learning that lead to effective teaching practices and improved student learning."

Edutech for Teachers » Blog Archive » The How to Find Openly Licensed Educati... - 1 views

    "So here it is: When you need the answers to life's burning questions or more along the educational lines, such as information for a presentation or report, you and your students most likely default to one of the most robust resources that currently exists: The Internet, or more specifically, Google. Because of the continuous evolution of mobile technology, it's simple to use, fast and in most cases, accurate. And here's the part where the infamous "but" word enters the equation… Yep, there's no doubt that we have a wealth resources at our fingertips; however, the real question becomes: Is snagging this stuff for our own purposes legal? What constitutes fair usage of various form of media? Open Educational Resources (OER) to the rescue. By taking a look at the infographic shown below, teachers and students can become more aware of how to locate images, documents and videos that can be edited, remixed and shared without copyright restrictions. Check. It. Out!"

Cultural & Academic Films : Free Movies : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive - 7 views

    "This library of academic and cultural films features collections from the Academic Film Archive and the Media Burn Independent Film Archive, as well as a selection of documentaries created by Dorothy Fadiman. In addition, films from the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology are presented including those by Watson Kintner who used film to document his world travels, and the popular television show from the 1950s: "What in the World?" "

Mo Physics Mo Problems: From Failure to Launch: LAUNCH Book Study Part 3 - 1 views

    "ell, I was planning on just dealing with 2 stages of the LAUNCH Cycle in this post, but I burned through the rest of the book yesterday.  The book itself is a very engaging read.  My post may reflect the nuts and bolts of the cycle, but the book is filled with practical applications and stories from the authors lives that show what the LAUNCH Cycle looks like.  That is the power of their work. It is based on experience and data. "

Why Good Professional Development Is Like Learning How To Fly | Edudemic - 2 views

    "Imagine if we taught pilots to fly without ever letting them in a cockpit. Or gave them the keys to a commercial airplane without the required hours-or years-of hands on training and practice. Sure, we'd show them plenty of PowerPoint presentations and make them sit through a few seminars on the theory and physics of flight, but then we'd slap on a graduation cap and let them take off into the big blue sky. Not only would it likely be ineffective, it would be borderline criminal. Yet when it comes to professional development for classroom teachers, that's almost exactly what we do. Most professional development opportunities for educators are still lecture style - telling, showing, and explaining how something can be done. And when the 'learning' is finished, we push teachers onto the runway with a cabin full of students and wish them luck. Predictably, many crash and burn."

Do-It-Yourself Virtual Professional Development: Taking Ownership of Your Learning | Ed... - 0 views

    "With so many great resources on the web, teachers are realizing that they can learn just as much (if not more!) from their personal learning network (PLN) as they can from traditional professional development (PD). Educators are connecting with like-minded individuals across the globe, reading about best practices and new trends in education, and sharing their experiences with friends and colleagues. Through social media, popular blogs and webinars, teachers are taking ownership of their learning and finding PD opportunities that weren't possible a decade ago. Try using these strategies to make your PLN work for you, and take control of your own professional development! "

5 Simple Ways To Add Movement In The Classroom - 3 views

    "It's that time again! We're heading back into our classrooms to start another year of learning and growth. I don't know about you, but I love the freedom that summer gives me. I know our students do too. So as we head back into schedules, and structure, here are 5 ways you can boost thinking and productivity with a little movement in your classroom. Movement allows our brains a break from the intense thinking and focus required in schools. It's a chance to reboot, and even burn off a little of that extra fidgety energy. It can be a real struggle for many students to sit and focus. Give them a chance to be successful by adding some purposeful movement to the day."

Let kids learn by hacking their toys - Quartz - 0 views

    "Children, unlike most adults, have imaginations that are unconstrained by either themselves or society. For an 8- or 10-year-old, anything and everything seems possible. Burning with curiosity about the world around them, they can transform mundane objects into toys, invent entire worlds in a heartbeat, and become lost in daydreams one minute, only to fire off a barrage of (often unanswerable) questions the next. Then, they start to grow up. Curiosity seeps away. Self-consciousness kicks in. Until, slowly, the formalized structures within education, and the expectations of society, begin to take over. It doesn't have to be that way."

My Top Tips for Teaching Teens - The BookJam - 0 views

  • 1. Teach Teens to Bounce Back
  • 2. Teach Teens to Craft a Vision
    A Must read for MiY/SY Teachers Mr. Alan's Top Tips To Teach Teens 1. Teach Teens to Bounce Back 2. Teach Teens to Craft a Vision 3. Teach Teens to Tend to Their 'Tude 4. Teach Teaching Teens to Be Tenacious 5. Teach Teens that Educations Pays 6. Teach Teens to Go Where Their Inner Fire Burns 7. Teach Teens to Take Ownership 8. Teach Teens to Seek Excellence

Changing student's attitudes towards notetaking: Notemaking: an empowering practice for... - 11 views

    This paper explores the role that notemaking strategies can play as part of an emancipatory pedagogy designed to empower students. We will argue that being taught active notemaking is fundamental in enabling students to use information with confidence and thus that notemaking allows students to gain a voice (Bowl, 2005; Burns et al., 2006) within their own education.
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