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John Evans

50 Popular iPad Apps For Struggling Readers & Writers - 3 views

    "Whether you're the parent of a child with a reading disability or an educator that works with learning disabled students on a daily basis, you're undoubtedly always looking for new tools to help these bright young kids meet their potential and work through their disability. While there are numerous technologies out there that can help, perhaps one of the richest is the iPad, which offers dozens of applications designed to meet the needs of learning disabled kids and beginning readers alike. Here, we highlight just a few of the amazing apps out there that can help students with a reading disability improve their skills not only in reading, writing, and spelling, but also get a boost in confidence and learn to see school as a fun, engaging activity, not a struggle."
John Evans

Top 10 Ways iPads Are Key to Teaching Kids With Learning Disabilities | Edudemic - 0 views

    "By now, saying that "the iPad is a great tool for customizing the classroom" wouldn't exactly be breaking news. But while this holds true for every student, each of whom learns in their own way, iPads are truly a lifeline for students with learning disabilities and the people who work hand-in-hand with them. For these students, iPads act as a translation, communication, and individualization tool with unrivaled effectiveness. In so doing, these devices reduce frustration, build confidence, and, well, just work in teaching students the skills they need to learn to thrive. Let's take a look at a few more ways iPads are altering the classroom landscape for students with learning disabilities."
John Evans

Excellent iPad Apps for Reading Disability - 2 views

    "Upon posting about some of the best reading apps for iPad we got an email from Onlinecolleges with a detailed list of another set of reading apps but this time for students with disabilities. This list contains 50 reading disability apps but we have handpicked only the ones we think are really important for you to know about."
John Evans

50 Popular iPad Apps For Struggling Readers & Writers | TeachThought - 6 views

    "Whether you're the parent of a child with a reading disability or an educator that works with learning disabled students on a daily basis, you're undoubtedly always looking for new tools to help these bright young kids meet their potential and work through their disability. "
John Evans

Disable Automatic iTunes Backups for iPhone, iPad, and iPod - 1 views

    iHaving a backup of your iOS device and its settings is important, so rather than completely disabling iOS backups in iTunes, you can choose to selectively disable only the automatic backup process. "
John Evans

Creating a "Least Restrictive Environment" with Mobile Devices | Edutopia - 0 views

    "The U.S. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act defines the concept of the Least Restrictive Environment as the opportunity for a student with a disability to be "provided with supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals if placed in a setting with non-disabled peers." (Daniel R.r. v. State Bd. of Educ., 874 F.2d 1036, 1050, 5th Cir.1989) This concept of providing students with "supplementary aids and services necessary to achieve educational goals" could be applied to all students. By leveraging the capabilities of mobile devices, teachers can support their students in creating a personalized learning environment with the least number of barriers. "
John Evans

A Learning Problem Is Not an Intelligence Problem | David Flink - 1 views

    "Report cards are coming home, and a good number of parents are worried that their child seems to be showing signs of a learning disability. Their concern is well founded; learning disabilities including A.D.H.D. and dyslexia affect 20% of our students and less than half get the attention they need. That is a large community, in fact, the largest minority in the country. For these kids, often the day is longer, the challenge greater, the work harder. Unless we identify and assist them, the national cost in human potential and hard dollars will be tremendous. Kids with learning disabilities drop out ten times more frequently than others in high school, and are much more likely to use drugs and get involved in our jail system. The impact when this large a social group fails is felt by all of us. A learning problem is not an intelligence problem -- these children are smart, creative, and capable. They can and do learn; however, they think differently, access and process information in an atypical way. That is where opportunity lies, and where we are falling far short."
John Evans

4 Ways iPads Are Helping People With Disabilities - 4 views

    "4 Ways iPads Are Changing the Lives of People With Disabilities"
John Evans

40 Amazing iPad Apps for the Learning Disabled | - 7 views

    "Check out this collection of iPad apps that can make a difference in the life of a learning disabled child."
John Evans

How to Recognize Signs of Potential Learning Disabilities in Preschool | Edutopia - 0 views

    "Early intervention services can make a big difference for students who are at risk for learning disabilities. What should teachers look for?"
John Evans

Coding Allows Learning Disabled Students to Shine - 1 views

    "Learning to code is become increasingly prevalent in school curriculum's. From after-school clubs to dedicated class periods, coding and computer science curriculum are popping up in schools worldwide. One place surprising place where coding is also increasingly being used is in programs for students with learning disabilities."
tech vedic

How to disable built-in spell-checker in Internet Explorer 10? - 0 views

    The release of Microsoft's latest OS Windows 8 is coming with a new version of Internet Explorer. This version is Internet Explorer 10 which also has a built-in spell checker tool. This tool automatically checks and corrects spelling and grammar in webpages. But, many users want to disable this feature permanently. Go through the Techvedic's present tutorial.
John Evans

How (and Why) to Disable Algorithmic Feeds on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook - 2 views

    "Social networks offer a stream of updates from your family and friends or people you follow. But the feed you see isn't chronological. Instead, the social networks try to figure out what you'd like to see first, and show that instead. However, algorithmic feeds mean you'll miss some updates you might want to see. Which is why you should disable algorithmic feeds and enable chronological feeds instead. In this article we show you how to do that on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. "
John Evans

Reach for the APPS Brings iPads to Children With Autism - 3 views

    " Apple has long touted its device's assistive technology as a powerful tool for the educational development of physically and mentally disabled children. The iPad's touch screen makes it easier to manipulate than more traditional educational tools. For children with autism, "the iPad is not a toy, but a tool that works best when there is a 'team effort' between parents and therapists encouraging its proper use," said Marc Reisner, co-founder of Reach for the APPs. "Our goal is to provide schools with iPads so they can reach every child on the autistic spectrum." Reach for the APPs built their site with an initial donation from Managed Digital. Now, they're seeking out donations of money and/or iPads from both individuals and corporations to propel the program forward. According to reports from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1-in-88 children have some form of autism, up 78 percent from just a decade ago. The demand for augmentative communications devices is growing. But the schools can't meet the demand, so the children are losing valuable time during critical developmental years. Lois Brady, a speech language pathologist and assistive technology specialist, said apps can help develop fine-motor skills, which will in turn make functions like writing and manipulating small objects easier for the students. "I have spent years working with the most challenging students that are considered profoundly disabled," she said. "And I have seen some small miracles when I introduce the iPad into our therapy, as the children have made huge gains in attention, focus, communication, language and literacy skills." Some experts also say that the iPad can lessen symptoms of autistic disorders, helping children deal with life's sensory overload. Brady will be contributing content to the Reach for the APPs website to inform therapists about the latest-and-greatest apps for children all over the autistim spectrum. Apps must be tailor
John Evans

Apps for Students with LD | Organization & Study - NCLD - 0 views

    "Students with learning disabilities often have trouble with study skills like getting and staying organized-a crucial executive function skill-and remembering what needs to happen and when. My daughter (who has dyslexia) and I have researched and/or tested the following apps, and she's found them especially helpful. We know that every person has slightly different needs, but it's worth taking the time to find out which apps work for your child. "
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