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John Evans

Please, No More Professional Development! - Finding Common Ground - Education Week - 4 views

    "Please, No More Professional Development! By Peter DeWitt on April 17, 2015 8:10 AM Today's guest blog is written by Kristine Fox (Ed.D), Senior Field Specialist/Research Associate at Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA). She is a former teacher and administrator who has passion for teacher learning and student voice. Kris works directly with teachers and leaders across the country to help all learners reach their fullest potential. Peter DeWitt recently outlined why "faculty meetings are a waste of time." Furthering on his idea, most professional development opportunities don't offer optimal learning experiences and the rare teacher is sitting in her classroom thinking "I can't wait until my district's next PD day." When I inform a fellow educator that I am a PD provider, I can read her thoughts - boring, painful, waste of time, useless, irrelevant - one would think my job is equal to going to the dentist (sorry to my dentist friends). According to the Quaglia Institute and Teacher Voice and Aspirations International Center's National Teacher Voice Report only 54% percent of teachers agree "Meaningful staff development exists in my school." I can't imagine any other profession being satisfied with that number when it comes to employee learning and growth. What sense does it make for the science teacher to spend a day learning about upcoming English assessments? Or, for the veteran teacher to learn for the hundredth time how to use conceptual conflict as a hook. Why does education insist everyone attend the same type of training regardless of specialization, experience, or need? As a nod to the upcoming political campaigns and the inevitable introduction of plans with lots of points, here is my 5 Point Plan for revamping professional development. 5 Point Plan Point I - Change the Term: Semantics Matter We cannot reclaim the term Professional Development for teachers. It has a long, baggage-laden history of conformity that does not
John Evans

A Model for Teacher Development: Precursors to Change | User Generated Education - 1 views

    "Too often teachers are passive recipients of professional development rather than being active agents of their own development and change. Several recent reports have indicated that teacher professional development, as it is being implemented in most schools, is ineffective and a waste of time and money. Several studies over the past few years that have found professional development to be largely ineffective or unhelpful for teachers. Only 30 percent of teachers improve substantially with the help of district-led professional development, even though districts spend an average of $18,000 on development for each teacher per year, according to a new report. Most professional development today is ineffective. It neither changes teacher practice nor improves student learning. The hard truth is that the help most schools give their teachers isn't helping all that much. When it comes to teaching, real improvement is a lot harder to achieve-and we know much less about how to make it happen-than most of us would like to admit. (New report reveals that teacher professional development is costly and ineffective)"
John Evans

NJIT Announces Online iPhone and iPad Application Development Course - 0 views

    "NJIT Continuing Professional Education announces ONLINE iPhone/iPad Software Application Development training class. NJIT is one of the first universities to offer training about iPhone and then about iPad app development. This non-credit iPhone & iPad Application Development course is open to the general public and is available 100% online. Participants in this class receive a login to the NJIT Apple Developer Program portal and receive full access to all of the NJIT Apple resources without paying the additional $99 Apple Developer Registration fee required of private developers. The Apple resources include documentation, development software and video tutorials. This portal now supports both the Mac OS X Lion and Snow Leopard Development environments."
John Evans

"Web Developer" Is A Job Title That Has Come And Gone - ReadWrite - 0 views

    "The year 1999 may have been the apex of the dot-com bubble euphoria, but it wasn't the heyday of Web developers. At least, not according to U.S. state and federal Occupational Employment Statistics, which didn't even register that "Web developer" was a real job. Since then, Web development has become so popular that it has made it into our labor statistics even as it has faded as a marketable job skill. Today, it's not enough to be a generic Web developer: the best developers have specialized."
John Evans

Disrupting Teacher Professional Development - 1 views

    "If you're a teacher, you'd probably agree with the statement that most of the professional development you have taken suffered through over your career has been less than amazing. What is a shame-actually tragic-about this is that with all the research that is available on staff development and professional development, no teacher should have to feel this way. Professional development is an essential element in helping one grow as an educator. It should be an enjoyable experience that one looks forward to with anticipation and excitement. It should be viewed as an opportunity to innovate, experiment, and improve one's practice. Professional development should be based on what we know from the robust research that is available."
John Evans

5 Strategies For Better Teacher Professional Development - 2 views

    "Just as a teacher has to create conditions that support and encourage student success, school districts have to support teachers' professional development. Today, professional development runs the gamut from one-shot workshops to more intensive job-embedded professional development, which has teachers learn in the day-to-day environment in which they work rather than getting pulled out to attend an outside training. However, the National School Boards Association's Center for Public Education report, "Teaching the Teachers," notes that most professional development today is ineffective because it neither changes teaching practices nor improves student learning."
John Evans

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | UNDP - 1 views

    "The Sustainable Development Goals, otherwise known as the Global Goals, build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), eight anti-poverty targets that the world committed to achieving by 2015. The MDGs, adopted in 2000, aimed at an array of issues that included slashing poverty, hunger, disease, gender inequality, and access to water and sanitation. Enormous progress has been made on the MDGs, showing the value of a unifying agenda underpinned by goals and targets. Despite this success, the indignity of poverty has not been ended for all. The new SDGs, and the broader sustainability agenda, go much further than the MDGs, addressing the root causes of poverty and the universal need for development that works for all people. UNDP Administrator Helen Clark noted: "This agreement marks an important milestone in putting our world on an inclusive and sustainable course. If we all work together, we have a chance of meeting citizens' aspirations for peace, prosperity, and wellbeing, and to preserve our planet." The Sustainable Development Goals will now finish the job of the MDGs, and ensure that no one is left behind."
John Evans - 0 views

    The K-12 Computer Science Framework was developed for states, districts, schools, and organizations to inform the development of standards and curriculum, build capacity for teaching computer science, and implement computer science pathways. The framework Computer science is powering approaches to many of our world's toughest challenges. The K-12 Computer Science Framework informs standards and curriculum, professional development, and the implementation of computer science pathways. 2 K-12 Computer Science Framework Executive Summary promotes a vision in which all students critically engage in computer science issues; approach problems in innovative ways; and create computational artifacts with a practical, personal, or societal intent. The development of the framework was a community effort. Twenty-seven writers and twenty-five advisors developed the framework with feedback from hundreds of reviewers including teachers, researchers, higher education faculty, industry stakeholders, and informal educators. The group of writers and advisors represents states and districts from across the nation, as well as a variety of academic perspectives and experiences working with diverse student populations.

Environmental and Water Resource Management Agency - 0 views

    ADI is instrumental in evolving and implementing water conservation and management strategies in most of the States across India. ADI is committed to evolving and strengthening issues about water resource development and management and sustainable development of the area. ADI has pioneered several major initiatives to replenish water in communities. ADI is partnering in planning, facilitating implementation, and monitoring the impact of Sustainable Water Resource Development & Management projects in Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Haryana, Punjab, and many other States. Here, Sustainable water resources development and management deal with the practices that help ascertain continued access to good quality water, without jeopardizing the future potential or availability. It entails a methodical approach to augmentation, conservation, and utilization of water resources for a particular portfolio of activities. ADI provides a holistic development framework with an integrated approach to the management of water resources.
John Evans

7 Characteristics of Great Professional Development | TeachThought Professional Develop... - 2 views

    "As the end of the school year draws to a close, administrators start pulling together their PD plans for the summer in preparation for the next year. Meanwhile, teachers sit anxiously by with the dread that can only come with the anticipation of the dreaded PD days that their contract says they must attend. It's not that teachers don't want to grow and improve their craft. They do, and they find it refreshingly professionalizing when they get to. It's just that this ain't their first rodeo. They've been made to sit through pointless professional development in the past and they lament that they're thinking "how long will this last and what will I have to turn in…and when is lunch?" as they trudge toward the library down the hallway that so obviously lacks the normal student energy they've used as fuel for the past 9 months. But it doesn't have to be like that. In fact, if we do things well, teachers are likely to come away from their professional development energized and excited."
John Evans

Tony Vincent's Learning in Hand - Blog - How to Become a Mobile App Developer... - 2 views

    "It's still no easy task to develop your own apps. Yes, some talented teachers have programmed their own. I know many adults and youth are interested in developing apps. I was pleased to see produce this infographic about how to become a mobile app developer."
John Evans

Apps for Professional Development | EdReach - 0 views

    "Over the course of the year, staff at this school will be receiving a significant amount of professional development to help them better utilize the technology that is available to them. The focus of my session was iOS Apps for professional development. I scrolled through my iPad and made a list of the Apps that I use on a regular basis to help me learn and develop as an educator. Here's what I came up with:"
John Evans

Developing Computational Thinking Skills for Children Age 4-7 - 2 views

    "Computational thinking is the set of skills you need to be able to get computers to do useful things. It includes logical thinking, planning ahead, working with data, being able to give precise instructions and make predictions. There are lots of activities that can help young children aged 4-7 to develop these skills. Computational thinking skills can be developed through coding but there are lots of other activities that help too. A lot of them are screenless which helps to develop modern skills while also developing other important skills including motor skills and communication. Some of the ideas here are classic kids games and activities that you might have tried anyway, they just happen to be great for computational thinking skills."
John Evans

Online Professional Development - 5 views

    "Ahead of the official launch of our Resource Library's Professional Development category in fall 2016, we are excited to offer a preview of three professional development modules around maker education. Each module is centered around a video and contains prompts to consider and comment on in the Professional Development section of our online Google+ community and on Twitter with #makered and @MakerEdOrg. Dive in and join the conversation!"
John Evans

Why Good Professional Development Is Like Learning How To Fly | Edudemic - 2 views

    "Imagine if we taught pilots to fly without ever letting them in a cockpit. Or gave them the keys to a commercial airplane without the required hours-or years-of hands on training and practice. Sure, we'd show them plenty of PowerPoint presentations and make them sit through a few seminars on the theory and physics of flight, but then we'd slap on a graduation cap and let them take off into the big blue sky. Not only would it likely be ineffective, it would be borderline criminal. Yet when it comes to professional development for classroom teachers, that's almost exactly what we do. Most professional development opportunities for educators are still lecture style - telling, showing, and explaining how something can be done. And when the 'learning' is finished, we push teachers onto the runway with a cabin full of students and wish them luck. Predictably, many crash and burn."
John Evans

The Ultimate Guide to Online Courses | Edudemic - 0 views

    "Professional and personal development are important to many people. Professional development allows you to stay current in your field, make connections with likeminded professionals, and satisfy any continuing learning requirements your job may have. Personal development allows you to grow as a person, learn new skills, and try new things. In order to grow, professionally or personally, in the past, you had to sign up for college courses, pay a lot of money, and rush to class after work or on weekends. But that set-up as changed. Online courses, many of which are totally free, have revolutionized the way in which many people access professional and personal development. Thanks to the advent of massive open online courses (MOOCs), people can attend free courses offered by Stanford, Harvard, and MIT in the luxury of their own home, taking the courses at their own pace at a time that is convenient."
John Evans

Professional Development Model: Documenting4Learning | Langwitches Blog - 2 views

    "Professional Development Model: Documenting4Learning March 23, 2015 - Documenting4Learning, Featured Carousel, Professional Development - no comments I just returned from a consulting/coaching visit to Mount Scopus Memorial College, a K-12 Jewish Day School, in Melbourne, Australia. It was a one day full faculty (K-6) keynote style workshop to set the tone for a four day intense follow up work with the upper primary school teachers and students. Together with Edna Sackson, the Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator of the school, we planned the overall theme, Documenting FOR Learning, of the intense week to connect with the whole school goal of using data to inform learning. "
John Evans

Qualities of Effective Educator Professional Development | User Generated Education - 0 views

    "Most administrators and teachers believe in the importance and value of professional development.  Sadly, though, too many teachers believe that those mandatory, one-size-fits-all professional development sessions offered by their schools are a waste of time and money. "
John Evans

5 Awesome TV and Movie Robots You Can Build With a Raspberry Pi - 1 views

    "With so many Raspberry Pi projects to choose from, it can be tricky to find the one you really want to build. Our advice is to find a way to marry the Pi with something you really love. One great example is TV and movie robots - iconic characters from popular sci-fi that can be rebuild at home with a Raspberry Pi built in. Once constructed, your robot might be able to utter commands when a condition is met (perhaps a sensor detects motion). Or it might move around, learning about its surroundings, or reading information to you from Wikipedia. Whatever you have in mind, it should be relatively straightforward to plan and execute. It may take some time, however. Here are five example projects that show how you can combine a Raspberry Pi 2 or later with your favorite fictional robot. 5 Things Only a Raspberry Pi 2 Can Do 5 Things Only a Raspberry Pi 2 Can Do The latest edition of the pint-sized computer is awesome. So awesome, in fact, that there's 5 things you can only do on a Raspberry Pi 2. READ MORE 1. R2-D2 We've all wanted our very own astromech droid, haven't we? Sure, no one on earth is (currently) operating a light speed drive, but Star Wars droid R2-D2 has far greater abilities than onboard spacecraft maintenance. For instance, he can hold torches, carry a tray of drinks, and launch lightsabers across pits in the desert. Okay, it's unlikely you'll manage to get your own R2-D2 robot to do that… but don't let that put you off. Check out this little guy, controlled by a Raspberry Pi. While this project was based on an existing R2-D2 toy, that shouldn't limit your ambition. You'll find plenty of R2-D2 builds on YouTube. There's a massive R2-D2 building community online. Finding one that has a drive unit should be ideal for integrating a Raspberry Pi (and perhaps an Arduino, which you can use the two together) and developing a more realistic R2-D2 experience. Arduino vs Raspberry Pi: Which Is The Mini Computer For You? Arduino vs Rasp
John Evans

Where Edtech Can Help: 10 Most Powerful Uses of Technology for Learning - InformED : - 2 views

    "Regardless of whether you think every infant needs an iPad, I think we can all agree that technology has changed education for the better. Today's learners now enjoy easier, more efficient access to information; opportunities for extended and mobile learning; the ability to give and receive immediate feedback; and greater motivation to learn and engage. We now have programs and platforms that can transform learners into globally active citizens, opening up countless avenues for communication and impact. Thousands of educational apps have been designed to enhance interest and participation. Course management systems and learning analytics have streamlined the education process and allowed for quality online delivery. But if we had to pick the top ten, most influential ways technology has transformed education, what would the list look like? The following things have been identified by educational researchers and teachers alike as the most powerful uses of technology for learning. Take a look. 1. Critical Thinking In Meaningful Learning With Technology, David H. Jonassen and his co-authors argue that students do not learn from teachers or from technologies. Rather, students learn from thinking-thinking about what they are doing or what they did, thinking about what they believe, thinking about what others have done and believe, thinking about the thinking processes they use-just thinking and reasoning. Thinking mediates learning. Learning results from thinking. So what kinds of thinking are fostered when learning with technologies? Analogical If you distill cognitive psychology into a single principle, it would be to use analogies to convey and understand new ideas. That is, understanding a new idea is best accomplished by comparing and contrasting it to an idea that is already understood. In an analogy, the properties or attributes of one idea (the analogue) are mapped or transferred to another (the source or target). Single analogies are also known as sy
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