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John Evans

Instructure Launches Minecraft MOOCs for K-12 -- THE Journal - 0 views

    " "Even young kids have gotten very adept at Minecraft, so it can be quite intimidating for teachers," said Jason Schmidt, an instructional technologist for Bennington Public Schools who will teach the four-week MinecraftEdu MOOC, in a prepared statement. "If I can help get teachers over that hump, imagine how delighted students will be to have a learning environment tailored to their interests for a change." The other, Minecraft for Educators, "is a course for teachers who are wishing to gamify their learning experiences and deliver a unique pedagogy that will engage, enthuse and keep learners coming back for more," according to information released by the company. Both MOOCs are available through the Canvas Network. Minecraft for Educators will start January 26, 2015 and run through March 9. The company has also released a Minecraft app to allow students to submit assignments to the Canvas learning management system from within the game. Using the app, students can tag what they've made in the game for their teachers to visit, upload books they've written in game directly to the speed grader or use the game's circuitry tool to complete assignments that will be automatically graded. A video demonstration of the app is available at YouTube. Other MOOCs for teachers in the suite include: Digital Literacies 1; Digital Literacies 2; Five Habits of Highly Effective Teachers; Teachers without Borders: Educating Girls; and Tinker, Make and Learn. Among the other MOOC offerings in the new suite is a course designed specifically for parents, Parenting in the Digital Age, which aims to help them address issues such as cyberbullying, digital citizenship, exposure to inappropriate content, media literacy and screentime. Taught by Andrew Swickheimer, director of technology at Noblesville Schools, the self-paced course opens September 22. "Parental involvement in K-12 education has one of the biggest impacts on a child's commitment to learning," said Jared Stein, vice pres
John Evans

A List Of 75 MOOCs For Teachers & Students - 2 views

    "With the rise of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC), students from anywhere with an Internet connection, can access free courses facilitated by some of the top educators and experts in every subject area. From mathematics, to computer science, to philosophy, to business design, MOOCs give learners unprecedented access to some of the most valuable knowledge, from some of the most prestigious universities, for free. Though most of the courses do not offer actual credit towards a degree, some MOOCs are beginning to offer certificates, additional credit options, and other enhanced learning services for nominal fees. Students have also been able to submit course work done through MOOCs to their own universities and be granted credit or research units. Additionally, students may use completed courses as a way to build their qualifications by highlighting their work on resumes, cover letters, and social media."
John Evans

New MOOCs: Teaching AI in primary and secondary classrooms | CSER Digital Technologies ... - 2 views

    "Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving the next wave of technological innovation and is changing almost every industry around us. With the expansion and ubiquity of AI being a motivating factor in the decisions and need for all children to develop their understanding of Computer Science, it is logical that children also must need to develop their understanding of AI itself. We have two free teacher professional development MOOCs in AI available to suit your year level: Teaching AI in the Primary Classroom and Teaching AI in the Secondary Classroom. Our AI courses are presented in two related parts. Firstly, we provide school teachers with an overview of AI, unpacking AI and key concepts across both MOOCs. The second half of our AI MOOCs are specific to the year level you have selected (primary or secondary). In these units, we present the practical implementation of classroom activities that engage students in learning about AI, including support for teachers about the design and assessment of learning activities. You may complete one or both primary and secondary courses! From the 21st of June, our "Overview" units will be available to access, with the second half of the course being available in July. Registration is now open!"
John Evans

MOOCs Aim To Strengthen Computer Science And Physics Teaching In Middle And High School... - 0 views

    "To help fill this gap in K-12 STEM education, Harvey Mudd created its first MOOC for middle and high school teachers. Middle Years Computer Science (MyCS) walks a teacher through the lesson plans, activities and exercises of a curriculum developed to appeal to students with a broad range of interests and no prior CS experience. Schools that have been using it have found it to be easy to use, accessible and engaging for their students. Our second MOOC offering, How Stuff Moves, supports students in their first course in calculus-based physics, a fundamental building block to further physics study in college. The course provides lectures, demonstrations, problem sets, worked solutions to every practice problem and concept tests- a wealth of resources to help students master the material, whether they are considering taking a high school AP physics course or their first mechanics course in college."
John Evans

Indispensable iPad Apps for Teachers Professional Development ~ Educational Technology ... - 0 views

    "The concept of teacher professional development has radically changed due to the boom in digital technologies and social media websites. The web now is replete with a variety of professional learning networks and communities of practice on almost any topic you think of. There is also another type of portals that have seen the light recently and which offer massive courses and trainings on different subjects, these are MOOCs. MOOCs are a great way for growing professionally particularly that most of the courses they offer are free. I have already featured some interesting MOOC resources that teachers can use for the enhancement of their PD and today I want to share with you some wonderful iPad apps that will allow you to pursue your PD on the go."
John Evans

The Ultimate Guide to Online Courses | Edudemic - 0 views

    "Professional and personal development are important to many people. Professional development allows you to stay current in your field, make connections with likeminded professionals, and satisfy any continuing learning requirements your job may have. Personal development allows you to grow as a person, learn new skills, and try new things. In order to grow, professionally or personally, in the past, you had to sign up for college courses, pay a lot of money, and rush to class after work or on weekends. But that set-up as changed. Online courses, many of which are totally free, have revolutionized the way in which many people access professional and personal development. Thanks to the advent of massive open online courses (MOOCs), people can attend free courses offered by Stanford, Harvard, and MIT in the luxury of their own home, taking the courses at their own pace at a time that is convenient."
Nik Peachey

:: Pindex :: -Pinterest for education #elt #esl #edtech #elearn... - 2 views

    :: Pindex :: -Pinterest for education #elt #esl #edtech #elearn #sole #efl #mooc #curate
    :: Pindex :: -Pinterest for education #elt #esl #edtech #elearn #sole #efl #mooc #curate
John Evans

Online Course on Concussion | Faculty of Kinesiology | University of Calgary - 1 views

    "The Faculty of Kinesiology, the Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre and the Integrated Concussion Research Program at the University of Calgary now hosts a massive open online course (MOOC) on concussion. A MOOC is a free, non-credited course open to everyone. The course aims to demystify concussion, clarify the role of those involved in the prevention and management of concussion, and support participants to implement a concussion management protocol adapted to their specific sport, school or community environment. The course aims to educate health professionals, parents, coaches, teachers, school adminstrators and sport leaders. Offered in collaboration with the Université Laval, the course is available in English and French."
Phil Taylor

The MOOC - The National - CBC Player - 4 views

    CBC National video - MOOC
John Evans

7 Things You Should Know About MOOCs - Educause - 4 views

    MOOCs - Massively Open Online Course(s)
John Evans

Available MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses) | CSER Digital Technologies Education - 4 views

    "The CSER Digital Technologies MOOCs (Massively Open Online Courses) are free online courses, designed to support Australian teachers with implementing the Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies. These are free online courses that provide teachers with background knowledge about concepts and topics in the curriculum, as well as practical examples that can be tried in the classroom. We bring together existing resources, our own developed resources as well as existing teacher ideas."
Phil Taylor

A FREE MOOC: How To Teach Online | Greg Walker - 2 views

    ""How To Teach Online" is a MOOC that takes a broad view of teaching online"
Nik Peachey

Q & A with Edorble CEO Gabe Baker | - 0 views

    Q & A with Edorble CEO Gabe Baker #vr #elt #edtech #esl #k12 #3d #vle #mooc #edreform
Nik Peachey

Digital Classrooms MoveNote | - 2 views

    Digital Classrooms MoveNote #edtech #edapp #edtools #flipclass #mooc #elt #esl #k12 #ell
Nik Peachey

Nik's Learning Technology Blog: Online Teacher Development Works Best - 15 Reasons Why - 0 views

    I've started this article with quite a bold statement, but it's a conclusion that I have been coming too over the course of quite a few years now. I should really put this into context though, as most of the teacher training I do deals with pedagogical training for the use of technology and is most often delivered during intensive face to face sessions, usually with groups of teachers working in a computer lab.
    "I've started this article with quite a bold statement, but it's a conclusion that I have been coming too over the course of quite a few years now. I should really put this into context though, as most of the teacher training I do deals with pedagogical training for the use of technology and is most often delivered during intensive face to face sessions, usually with groups of teachers working in a computer lab" Online Teacher Development Works Best - 15 Reasons Why #elt #efl #esl #edtech #cpd #mooc
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