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John Evans

10 Amazing Free Online Creativity Tools for Students - 8 views

    "It's always a treat when a student can express themselves creatively in a way they're never tried before. With a tool they may not have used before, you can add discovery learning into the mix. The online creativity tools you've got here are great little resources that will develop creativity in all sorts of ways. Using these online creativity tools, students can add artistic personal touches to their work in many ways. They can: build fonts make themselves into a robot or a Picasso painting paint graffiti (without damaging public property) draw with fire (again, without damaging public property) turn pictures into words and textures These are fun online creativity tools to explore and engage your students with. Everyone can have fun with these. They're perfect for adding creative touches to projects of all sorts."
daniel reynolds

Replacing Damaged Clutch Parts with New Parts- Step by Step Procedure - 0 views

    Inspect and Identify Damaged Clutch Parts of Your Car and Replace them with New Parts or Used Auto Parts to Boost Your Vehicle's Efficiency .
John Evans

Losing an iPad: Simple Things to Protect Identity and Theft on Your Mobile Devices | Th... - 6 views

    "Last night I had one of those incredibly horrifying moments that I hope you never experience. Just as I'm getting ready to go to bed at 11 PM in my hotel room I suddenly realize my iPad was missing. Losing an iPad is upsetting - knowing the damage someone could do if they accessed online accounts using my iPad was terrifying. Fortunately I knew I had some protection because I password protect my devices and had set up Find My iPad/Phone. Which can't be said for many of the educators I noticed using mobile devices at ISTE. But had I done enough?"
John Evans

3D Brain - A Model of the Human Brain | iPad Apps for School - 2 views

    "3D Brain is a free iPad app that features a model of the human brain. he app provides a three dimensional model of the human brain that students can rotate. To look at a specific part of the brain select it from the drop-down menu and it will be highlighted on the model for you to view. Click the "info" tab to read one page summaries about each part of the brain. On the app you can also find some case studies about disorders and brain damage."
John Evans

The danger of counterfeit iPhone/iPad USB adapters | TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - 0 views

    "Software engineer Ken Shirriff took a close look at 12 different USB power adapters and confirmed what we already suspected -- that counterfeit chargers are junk. They are poorly constructed and can cause serious damage to both your devices and yourself."
John Evans

OECD and Pisa tests are damaging education worldwide - academics | Education | The Guar... - 2 views

    "In this letter to Dr Andreas Schleicher, director of the OECD's Programme for International Student Assessment, academics from around the world express deep concern about the impact of Pisa tests and call for a halt to the next round of testing"
John Evans

Seven steps to preventing back pain in pupils - Daily Genius - 1 views

    "The new school term is well under way and the early efficiencies are slipping and bad habits are slipping in. Homework is already being completed late and stuffed into heavy schoolbags before the kids stagger off again. In my own case, I seem to spend way too much time each day trying to persuade my son to take a day's worth of kit to school, rather than a week's. The problem is that the sanctions that come with forgetting sports kit or books is worse, in a child's mind, than the possibility, long hence, of back pain. But there's things that parents and teachers could do, which help take those damaging decisions out of the childrens' hands:"
John Evans

Blogging is Alive and Well for Leaders, Learners and Lead Generators | Getting Smart - 1 views

    "In 2009 some folks said Twitter would kill blogging. Six years later, longform is flourishing. Some english teachers still worry that texting and social media damages student writing, but look at all the great new content sites full of great stories and useful information! What caused this resurgence of writing? We think it's new platforms, advocacy, content marketing, and a little edu blogging."
John Evans

Digital Age Damaging Learning | Nicholas Carr - 5 views

    "Turn off Google and you might learn something "
John Evans

edublogs: Fresh research showing the damage of filtering 'real world' technology - 0 views

  • Students in schools around the world find that their research, creativity and learning potential is seriously curbed by filtering and lack of use of their own mobile and gaming devices in schools. This comes from research spanning the Americas, brought to my attention by its author, Research Consultant Kim Farris-Berg
  • "In 2007, [filtering] was high school students’ number one obstacle to using technology at their schools (53 percent). For middle school students, two obstacles tied for the greatest barrier (39 percent each): “there are rules against using technology at school” and “teachers limit technology use”. It’s likely that when students face obstacles to using technology at school, they also face obstacles to inquiry-based learning opportunities which can include online research, visualizations, and games."
  • "Students reported that other major obstacles to using technology at school are not being able to access email accounts and slow internet access. Perhaps these are the reasons why just 34 percent of teachers communicate with students via email. Teachers are certainly online; just not with students. Ninety percent of teachers, parents, and school leaders use email to communicate with one another about school."
John Evans

In That Mass of Muscle, Kidney Can Be Weak Link for Bodybuilders - - 1 views

    "Bodybuilders See Kidney Damage With Steroids "
John Evans

Digital Citizenship Week | Common Sense Media - 2 views

    "Every day, your students are tested with each post, search, chat, text message, file download, and profile update. Do they connect with like minds or spill too much information? Do they behave creatively or borrow ideas recklessly? Do they respect relationships or inadvertently damage reputations? Join us for Digital Citizenship Week and engage students, teachers, and families in your community in thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly online. It's a great way to celebrate Connected Educator Month, so dive into the suggested activities and resources. And be sure to post what you're doing to the Connected Educator Month calendar and tag your plans as "DigitalCitizenshipWeek" to inspire others to get involved."
John Evans

How Brain Myths Could Hurt Kids - - 0 views

    "The idea that we only use 10 percent of our brains has been roundly debunked - but, according to Paul Howard-Jones, an associate professor of neuroscience and education, teachers don't necessarily know that. In an article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, he reveals the disturbing prevalence of this and other "neuromyths" in classrooms around the world, and explains why they can be so damaging"
John Evans

Do you have 'text neck'? And five ways to deal with it if you do... - Daily Genius - 1 views

    "By definition, you are reading this on an electronic device. More than likely a tablet or a phone. And if that's the case, then it's more than likely that you're hunched over a little, head forward. Did you just sit up straighter? Thought so… The noises from medical researchers are increasingly shrill on the damage done to us by technology  and the back pain it causes - slumped postures, 'text neck' caused by leaning over our devices is causing wear and tear from the extra pressure the unnatural postures put on our spines. The warnings are, more and more, that this is reaching 'epidemic' proportions, with 'significant' numbers looking like they will need corrective surgery. So are you going to give up your mobile and tablet? No, of course not, that would just be silly, wouldn't it? So instead, try some corrective actions:"
John Evans

How to Properly Clean All Your Gadgets Without Ruining Them - 8 views

    "No matter how clean a house you keep, your computers and gadgets are bound to get a little dirty here and there. Here's what you need to clean them, and how to do it without hurting them. Your gadgets aren't as resilient as they might seem, and just spraying Windex on everything and rubbing it down with a paper towel can cause all sorts of damage to a device. However, they are remarkably easy to clean as long as you do it right-and you can do most of it with just a few simple household items (or at the very least, a trip to CVS). Here's how to do it. "
John Evans

How writing really affects your brain - Daily Genius - 6 views

    "Do you love to write? Do you have any idea about how with the act of writing affects your brain? Well this visual is perfect for you then! According to this visual, you can really boost your brainpower by understanding the frontal lobe and the parietal lobe. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that is associated with speaking and writing. This area is also responsible for movement, reasoning, planning, and problem-solving. Meanwhile, the parietal lobe is also important for writing. This is the part of the brain that interprets words and language. Some medical patients with damage to this part of their brain often have trouble spelling and writing by hand."
John Evans

How One Teacher Changed for the Good of Her Students | MindShift - 1 views

    "Four years ago, I realized that I needed to take responsibility for the damage I had done to students who came into my room loving (or at least liking) school and left diminished in some ways. Those kids who loved math until my long-winded lectures about process left them confused and bitter. Those kids that loved to read until my strict book report guidelines and reading logs devoured their curiosity for great stories. I had to take responsibility for what I had done. There was no one else to blame. Just as important, I had to make sure that my future students would leave our classroom still loving school, with passionate curiosity, not afraid to try something new. How do we make children hate school so much? I now teach 5th grade, and by the time they reach me, certain subjects have already landed on their top 10 list of most dreadful things to do. Math tends to top the chart, but social studies usually is close behind, and some even hate reading (but may read many books outside of school). Most students confess a love of recess, art, music, and sometimes even science. PE is always a crowd favorite as well. But math and social studies, yikes. "
tech vedic

How to Clone a Hard Drive? - 0 views

    In case your hard drive is damaged or corrupted then it is better to have functional copy of the drive where you can store your stuff immediately. Cloning a drive is a good option for handling such situations. Have a look on this tutorial.
John Evans

How Brain Myths Could Hurt Kids - - 4 views

    "The idea that we only use 10 percent of our brains has been roundly debunked - but, according to Paul Howard-Jones, an associate professor of neuroscience and education, teachers don't necessarily know that. In an article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience, he reveals the disturbing prevalence of this and other "neuromyths" in classrooms around the world, and explains why they can be so damaging."
John Evans

An End to "21st Century" Learning Tools |  IPAD 4 SCHOOLS - 0 views

    "Digital learning tools are seen by many people as those tools that are in some way different to other learning tools and need to be treated and discussed as such. "Let's go to the digital learning zone" or "Now it's time for class to use their iPads" are common announcements in many schools. Maybe we should stop saying digital, 21st Century and modern. I wonder if this mindset might be damaging to learning."
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