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John Evans

10 Totally Terrific Current Events Resources | Class Tech Tips - 1 views

    "I love using current events with students as a high interest informational text.  There are tons of video and print news stories that can be accessed from terrific websites and iPad apps.  Here are a few of my favorites, add your picks in the comments section below!"
John Evans

Try Getty Images Stream to Spark Students' Interest in Current Events | iPad Apps for S... - 2 views

    "Over the years I frequently used resources like the BBC's Week In Pictures and Ten by Ten to give students visual prompts about current events. I found that the pictures often sparked more questions from students than just giving them a news article to read. The Getty Images Stream iPad app could be used for the same purpose."
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: 26 Videos About the Science of the Winter Olympics - 4 views

    "The Winter Olympics presents a great opportunity to work some science lessons into your students' interest in a current event. The National Science Foundation offers a YouTube playlist of sixteen videos on the science of Winter Olympics events. These short videos teach lessons on the physics and engineering behind the events we see on television. That playlist is embedded below."
John Evans

Newsela for Leveled Nonfiction Articles | Class Tech Tips - 0 views

    "Current events articles are a great choice for informational text.  Students can learn all about news stories and practice reading skills at the same time.  If you have a class full of students reading at different levels you'll definitely want to check out Newsela.  This fantastic site contains brand new articles everyday.  The best part is that you can change the Lexile level of each article by clicking on the one that's right for your students.  You can share the same article at a few different levels with each of your reading groups."
John Evans

Teaching Current Events in the Age of Social Media | Edutopia - 1 views

    "Four tips for including the news in your curriculum while helping students cope with the abundance of negative stories."
John Evans

Moving Beyond "Sit'n'Git" Pro-D | Canadian Education Association (CEA) - 1 views

    "I often wonder if what we see as teaching at professional learning events would be acceptable in a high school classroom. If the purpose of professional development (Pro-D) is professional learning, then what is our evidence that learning does, in fact, occur? Are we using effective teaching practices in Pro-D? Although Pro-D is evolving, the "Sit'n'Git" way of learning seems to still be alive and well in many conferences and workshops throughout Canada and the U.S. In the past five years, I cannot tell you how many times I've sat in a large conference room for a number of hours with hundreds of other dedicated educators and not been provided with the opportunity to even talk to the person beside me. People are spending hundreds and thousands of dollars to attend these events to listen to a series of lengthy lectures without the opportunity to network and wrestle with the presented ideas. I'm not opposed to a keynote address to start off the day with some inspiring, thought-provoking ideas; however, if there is no opportunity to take these ideas and move deeper, many of the thoughts that are initiated in the keynote get lost as I move on to the next session or listen to the next presenter. It's no secret that in order for deeper learning to occur, we must DO something with a new concept; we must apply new learning to take it from an idea to implementation. Our current typical model of Pro-D makes deeper learning a challenge and often only leaves participants with a few ideas that are unfortunately left on the shelf with the many glossy white binders from workshops of years past. At some point we need to stand up and say that a high volume of "Sit'n'Git" style of Pro-D is no longer acceptable and is an insult to those who have spent money, time, and effort to attend. While doing this, we also need to rethink the conference model and professional learning so that it better aligns with what we want to see in classrooms."
John Evans

Word Clouds for Predictions | Class Tech Tips - 3 views

    "I've shared some ways that word clouds can be used in the classroom, and here's another activity that works for all ages and subject areas. Find a website that you are planning on sharing with students. This could be an informational text on a science topic or simply a current events article. Copy and paste the website URL into the online tool Tagxedo. This website will create a word cloud using text from that website."
John Evans

Five Newsworthy Apps for the Connected Learner - 3 views

    "Web connected classrooms provide opportunities for students and teachers to read original material, discuss current events, and analyze multiple perspectives in search of truth. There are numerous ways in which readers can access news. Here are five free apps that can bring a steady stream of news, and information to the connected learner."
John Evans

Using Remind to Share Nonfiction Reading with Students | - 1 views

    "The simple truth is that turning students on to nonfiction reading - proving that articles from sources like Popular Science and Gizmodo and National Geographic can be JUST as amazing as The Hunger Games or The Lightning Thief or The Lunar Chronicles - is probably the MOST important contribution that I can make to the academic and intellectual growth of my students. Being exposed to high interest articles from a wide range of fields - space science, biology, chemistry, earth science - might just introduce kids to personal passions and future professions.  Seeing science in action turns what could be just another boring subject in school into an interesting career worth pursuing.  Just as importantly, exposing kids to high interest nonfiction text on a regular basis will build their comfort level with a genre that will increasingly define the reading that they do as middle schoolers, high schoolers and adults. So I'm trying something new this year:  I'm going to use Remind - a free service that allows teachers to send out text and/or email updates to parents and students - to share two or three interesting science current events every week."
John Evans

AP Archive now free and on YouTube! - @joycevalenza NeverEndingSearch - 0 views

    "This week the Associated Press, the world's largest and oldest news agency, announced that its entire Archive is viewable on YouTube, and that it will be adding new material every day.  This is an INCREDIBLE treasure for educators who teach history, culture, science, current events, global studies, media literacy-pretty much anything.  I can easily imagine students embedding this interdisciplinary fodder in their creative projects!"
John Evans

Free Technology for Teachers: CNN Student News is Back for 2015-2016 - 4 views

    "For years CNN Student News has been my go-to resource for current events lessons for middle school and high school students. This week CNN started to roll out new Student News episodes for the 2015-2016 school year. "
John Evans

The Writing Teacher - Tips, Techniques, and Advice on Teaching Writing - 0 views

    Our goal is to increase the quality of our students' writing skills by sharing knowledge among experts and practitioners. We plan to share theory, practice, and research through our articles, feedback from our readers, and a numbers of web events in the planning as we launch. We will have teachers, writing assessment experts, academics, and others write about what they've tried, what works, how to implement ideas, and current theories on the subject of writing. We also plan to include lots of ideas regarding ways to get students writing more, since that's the surest way to improve writing
John Evans

CurioCity - Welcome! - 6 views

    CurioCity is an interactive 'place' where you can explore and discover the science, engineering and technology in your life. This website features insightful articles that relate to your own interests and activities -- current events, health issues, technology, trends, fashion, celebrities, music, movies, TV, school and sports.
John Evans

History Education in a World of Information Surplus | Democratizing Knowledge - 5 views

    "I think history education needs a complete overhaul. I'll write about this in detail in a future post, but for now, how 'bout this for a grenade: all history classes should be interdisciplinary courses about current events, taught backwards"
John Evans

NPR for Audio Informational Text | Class Tech Tips - 1 views

    "There are lots of great apps for gathering information about current events and finding stories that are of high interest to your students.  NPR has an easy to navigate website and high quality iPad app that makes it easy to find articles and interviews.  In addition to accessing print content that you might find in other newspapers"
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