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John Evans

One iPad is better than none | News Center | Wake Forest University - 0 views

    " research presented by Assistant Professor of Education Kristin Redington Bennett in the December/January issue of Learning & Leading With Technology, the magazine of the International Society for Technology in Education."
John Evans

Disruptions: Visually Impaired Turn to Smartphones to See Their World - - 1 views

    "Smartphones and tablets, with their flat glass touch screens and nary a texture anywhere, may not seem like the best technological innovation for people who cannot see. But advocates for the blind say the devices could be the biggest assistive aid to come along since Braille was invented in the 1820s."
John Evans

Top 10 Websites for Teaching Grammar To Your Students - EdTechReview™ (ETR) - 3 views

    "English grammar is a topic that actually frustrates a number of people. Irrespective of learning level or nationality, spelling and grammar error seems to confuse a lot of individuals. And in case anyone has a learning debility such as dyslexia, using accurate grammar looks like a terrible task. Using grammar correctly could be challenging may be not for those who are English native speaker, but surely for those who learn English from scratch. English language and its difficulties can be very much puzzling. Although, a dictionary or software can assist learners but it cannot give accurate answer. In fact, word processing programs are not very much effective in correcting grammar errors completely. Now, the question is how one can improve or nourish their English grammar skill? With the advancement in the technology, there are a number of tools that might help those struggling to improve their grammar. Web technology has actually contributed a lot in this through the ease of access. Today, you can find a number of tools, apps and websites available over the web that helps in learning and improving grammar from scratch. Here is a list of top ten websites for teaching or learning grammar lessons."
John Evans

Digital Technologies - Scope and Sequence - Victorian Curriculum - 2 views

    "The curriculum sets out what students are expected to learn and is designed as a continuum of learning. The curriculum is being presented in a scope and sequence chart to support teachers to easily see the progression and assist in planning teaching and learning programs to meet the diverse needs of students."
John Evans

Assistive Technology: iOS 6 Brings the Highlight Words feature to the iPad - 0 views

    "Apple has added a number of new Accessibility features in iOS 6 which makes the iPad even easier to use for students with reading disabilities."
John Evans

Integrating iPads Into Your classroom: For learning Support & Special Education (Worksh... - 0 views

    "For students with diverse learning needs including students with special education needs, students with learning and literacy difficulties and students for whom English is not their first language technology can play a key role in removing barriers, differentiating instruction and providing tools to accommodate their learning needs and access to the school curriculum. During this workshop we explored the range of options using an iPad to assist teachers to optimize and differentiate student learning, and to support student engagement."
John Evans

How Much Are iPads Really Helping Kids in the Classroom? | Education News - 5 views

    "The drive to increase technology use in classrooms has many asking whether the investment is more fizzle than bang, and whether it's too early to tell how wisely the money is being spent. Education author Peg Tyre has investigated the use of iPads, one of the most popular classroom additions, in TakePart. She concludes that iPads may assist in some new classroom techniques, but by themselves, they may not be better than traditional, cheaper methods."
John Evans

5 Excellent Tools to Assist Visually Impaired Students with Mobile Technology - 4 views

    "For teachers who are genuinely interested in helping their visually impaired students excel, here are some tools that you may want to consider making use of (if you aren't already doing so)."
John Evans

How to Use Text to Speech on the iPad | Jonathan Wylie: Instructional Technology Consul... - 3 views

    "The iPad is a great device for assistive technology and text to speech is one of the most often used accessibility feature by teachers in special education and general education classrooms. Many teachers are not aware that it exists, but it does, and it has evolved to become a very usable solution with lots of valuable options to customize it to meet your needs. Here's what you need to know to get started with text to speech functionality on your iPad."
John Evans

iPads in the Elementary General Music Classroom - Part 1 | MusTech.Net: A Symphony of M... - 2 views

    "During the month of June, I took a hiatus from blogging so that I could do some fun things and perform professional development. The fun things were: Watching my daughter graduate PreK. Watching her win the "Symphony" award. :) Taking both my girls to great places like the beaches and zoos.   The professional development opportunities included: Finishing my free resource iBook titled Help! I am an Elementary Music Teacher with One or more iPads! This book is the second in my Help! Series. These free resource iBooks are books for elementary music educators to use to assist them with integrating technology into their classrooms or teaching situations as well as access to numerous lesson plans. My first book was Help! I am an Elementary Music Teacher with a SMART Board! This new book compliments two courses that I am teaching in the next few weeks."
John Evans

YouTube - The Case Against Assistive Technology - 1 views

    "A look at the assumptions stopping schools from using technology."
John Evans

Whose light can you be? | Connected Principals - 1 views

    ""If you're doing all that, who's doing your job?" "People only present because they think it looks good on their resume." "She's obviously all about herself, I mean, look at what she does." IMG_5438These three statements literally were shared with me this year, along with a couple others. Some to me, some with me…all about me. It's hard to hear statements like this and NOT feel as if they are attacking you personally, even though I doubt that was the intention. (er…I hope.) Last Monday at #ISTE13 I was able to go to George Couros's sesson on "Leading Innovative Change". I'm not sure what I thought this was going to be about, but I knew I wanted to see the Couros show, :) His intent was to share how his school division created a powerful vision for innovation and share the steps to guarantee success. What I heard was a defense for all that I believe in and have tried to convey as a teacher, as a technology facilitator, and as an assistant principal. What I heard was the reason I blog, tweet, and share."
John Evans

The Edvocate's List of 68 Must-Read K-12 Teaching & Learning Blogs - The Edvocate - 3 views

    "If you're a teacher, or teaching assistant there are plenty of great blogs out there to help you with everything from coming up with teaching plans, to implementing technology in the classroom. Where to start though? The internet is crowded with blogs. We decided to go through some of them for you, so that you can find the blog(s) covering the topics you're looking for and be sure it's quality content. Generally, there are four key qualities of a good teaching & learning blog: Activity (25%). Information should be updated regularly Originality (25%). It should add value with content that's different from all the other blogs out there Helpfulness (25%). A good teaching & Learning blog should teach you a new skill, direct you to a useful resource, or at least get you to think in a new way about something Authority (25%). The author/authors have the authority and credentials to blog about the topic of teaching & learning Each category was assigned an equal weight in our evaluation. They were averaged together to determine the final score in order to come up with our list of the top 68."
John Evans

Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: Bring Your Own Device #BYOD - 5 Lessons for Success - 1 views

    "I knew it was going to be an interesting phone call (any call usually is before 8:00 in I.T.). When the teacher asked why she couldn't get to "" and her kids were arriving in 15 minutes for the first BYOD pilot class, I took my first deep breath of the morning…. The second call came about 8:25… She was still trying to get students logged into their devices… A technology specialist and a tech were trying to assist…. Some had limited connectivity to our wireless; others were trying to reach their carrier network, which didn't have a good signal in that part of the building. The app she was trying to get everyone on wasn't working and wouldn't pull up for everyone… "
John Evans

Teach 21 - 0 views

    This site was designed by teachers to assist colleagues in planning and delivering effective 21st century instruction in West Virginia Classrooms. It enables educators to quickly access 21st Century Content Standards, Learning Skills and Technology Tools for WV Schools, as well as other resources that exemplify rigorous and relevant instructional design and delivery.
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